Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 60 News about that person

"T'Chaka, kill him! He almost drowned Wakanda!" When enemies meet, their eyes are red with envy. Seeing Namor tied up in the air and roaring non-stop, the queen picked up the dagger directly, ready to give him a chill at any time, her heart soaring...

Unfortunately, at the critical moment, her man was not strong enough.

"Amanda, put down your weapons, forget it." T'Chaka's tone was filled with unspeakable fatigue.

"T'Chaka! He is the enemy of Wakanda!" The queen looked incredulous.

"I've made a mistake once, don't make it a second time." T'Chaka gently held the queen's hand and took the dagger from her hand.

"Eric, are we still friends?" T'Chaka looked at Eric, who was like an outsider, hesitantly.

Eric said helplessly: "T'Chaka, I said, I will always be a friend of Wakanda!"

"Thank you!" T'Chaka crossed his arms and performed a Wakanda etiquette to Eric, "Then, I'll leave Namor's affairs to you. Wakanda cannot be in opposition to Atlantis!"



Namor's affairs are actually easy to solve. Although he has a bad temper and a lot of bad habits, he is essentially a good person.

The reason why he became so violent and bloodthirsty is entirely because Hydra has been conducting various experiments on him for a year, and the large amount of drugs and toxins left in his body made him unconscious.

When Eric and T'Chaka broke into the underground base, Hydra was even more cruel and injected half a year's dose of drugs into Namor's body at one time, which made him crazy and did the thing of flooding Wakanda.

Wakanda's medical technology is enough to remove these toxins, and coupled with Eric's electromagnetic pulse stimulation, Namor soon woke up.

Namor was still frightened by the fact that he almost massacred Wakanda, but he was not the first to apologize because of his bad temper. Instead, he forcefully questioned T'Chaka why he wanted to kill him as soon as they met.

T'Chaka had given up the idea of ​​killing him, but he was the monarch of a country after all, and he was on someone else's territory. He still had to maintain the dignity and face of the monarch. Being questioned like this, T'Chaka could no longer hold back his anger. He didn't even bother to put on his Black Panther uniform, and went straight up to fight.

Namor knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't dare to use his water control ability again. He fought with T'Chaka with pure physical strength.

These two people, one is an Atlantean hybrid who can withstand the pressure of the deep sea, and the other has heart-shaped grass to strengthen his physical fitness. The fight is really exciting.

The two fought back and forth, punching each other, neither of them gave in, neither of them gave in, their equally strong bodies erupted into a fierce collision, the onlookers around were excited...

Wakanda does not have the custom of group fights, they have always emphasized one-on-one duels. At this time, King T'Chaka's behavior is very consistent with their tradition, so no one will go up to help. The queen, the prince, the palace guards, and Eric, a group of people played the role of qualified spectators, waving flags and shouting from time to time, cheering, and making the fighting parties add strength.

The ending was soon revealed. T'Chaka had the advantage in this game. Everyone was cheering for him, and he was in high spirits and won a small victory. Namor was not so good. Not only did he fight away from home, but he also offended everyone before the war. He had done his best by not making trouble.

"Okay, both of you, calm down. If you have anything to say, sit down and have a cup of tea, and let's talk slowly!" Eric acted as a peacemaker after the incident and pulled the two apart with a smile.

The two of them also gave face, took advantage of the situation, dispersed, stared at each other and panted.

"I was wrong in this matter, I'm sorry!" T'Chaka apologized to Namor dryly.

"It was my fault to flood Wakanda, I apologize!" Namor had no expression.

Eric slapped his forehead, is there anyone who apologizes like this? Are you sure you don't want to fight again?

"Okay, T'Chaka was wrong, but Namor flooded Wakanda and caused huge losses to Wakanda, which was also wrong. Fortunately, no one was killed this time. This matter ends here. How about you shake hands and make peace?"

T'Chaka and Namor still stared at each other, and no one was willing to take a step forward. Eric had to pull one of them with one hand and put their hands together. In fact, both of them wanted to make peace, but they were both concerned about face issues and were embarrassed to lick their faces. Now with Eric's help, they shook hands half-heartedly.

Eric saw all this and found it a little funny. These two people who were so stubborn that they suffered in life!

The next thing was much simpler. They ate and drank, and after a few cups of cat urine, the two who had originally regarded each other as enemies soon became close and intimate...

"Namor, why did Hydra want to capture you?" During the meal, Eric asked a question that made people around him prick up their ears.

When talking about Hydra, Namor's face was full of anger, "How should I know? I just came back from a trip to the Arctic that day. I stayed in the sea for too long and wanted to go ashore to get some fresh air. But as soon as I came up, these bastards came. It was nothing, just tens of thousands of people, and I killed them in minutes!"

The two or three hundred people mentioned by Hawkeye directly multiplied a hundred times to tens of thousands when it came to Namor. They were so stubborn...

"But later, those guys made a very strange weapon. I was knocked away before I even saw the attack. My ears were buzzing, my bones were numb, I couldn't muster up the energy, and I felt nauseous and dizzy, and then I was captured." When Namor said this, his face was full of palpitations. In short, he wanted to express that it was not that he was not strong enough, but that the enemy's weapons were too advanced.

"Sonic weapons?" T'Chaka muttered in confusion. Eric shrank his neck and quickly diverted his attention: "Namor, what did Hydra do in the underground base?"

"They injected me with various drugs every day and drew my blood. Listening to their chat, it seemed that they wanted me to destroy the ground somewhere and grab a piece of meteorite. It was a mess. I couldn't remember it later."

Namor's words made T'Chaka clench his fists tightly and pound! Hydra just wants to grab its own vibranium! Or prepare to grab the whole piece, pack it up and take it away, and don't plan to leave any residue for Wakanda!

Hydra, conscience is broken!

T'Chaka was thinking about how to deal with Hydra in his heart, and Eric was also thinking about Alexander's purpose. This guy probably wanted to come to Wakanda to get vibranium, but didn't want to attack Wakanda directly, so he captured Namor, wanting to be a mantis catching a cicada while the oriole was behind.

"Oh, by the way, a year ago, I was traveling in the Arctic and found something interesting." Namor took a sip of wine and suddenly remembered something.

Eric and T'Chaka both looked at him, waiting for the next part.

"I found an ice-covered plane in the Arctic. There was a frozen person on it, and there was a shield next to him. It was amazing that he was frozen in the ice, but he was still alive!"

Well, the new recommendation is under the two-dimensional pagination, strongly recommended...

I don't know if it's good or not

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