Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 660 is to repair the multiverse and wait for his triumphant return!

After simple treatment, Captain America and Thor were saved, but they were still in a coma. The only remaining soul of the Ancient One and the half-body of Adam Court were placed aside, waiting for recovery. Merlin recovered the fastest, and sat aside to rest with the help of Psylocke and Brian.

In the battle just now, five of the six war fortresses were destroyed, and the British Captain Corps hiding inside to provide energy for the fortresses was annihilated. Psylocke and Brian were lucky, both in the last remaining fortress, and luckily survived.

The destruction of the multiverse is imminent, and the old wizard is also heartbroken, but he still remains calm. His extraordinary wisdom makes him understand that this is the last chance of the multiverse.

"What should we do next?" Eric has calmed down and stared at the portal with red eyes.

Most of the Ivory Kings have entered the multiverse, but there are still ten Ivory Kings guarding the portal, guarding against Eric and others while ensuring that the portal will not close suddenly.

"The door needs to be closed!" The God of Stories had a cold face, and he took out a golden scroll with his palm, "Kill them!"

Eric stepped forward and stopped him, "Let me do it, we need to leave some fighting force."

The God of Stories remained silent. He understood what Eric meant. What if there were still troops that had not been sent out beyond the divine realm? Looking at the few remaining soldiers on his side, he silently took a step back.

Eric laughed arrogantly and controlled the six clones to rush up.

These six clones were all ivory kings that he had devoured. At this moment, he restored them to their former appearance, not for anything else, but to disgust those ivory kings.

The ivory kings guarding the gate felt a strong malice and roared ferociously. They left four to continue guarding the gate and sent six ivory kings, six against six, wanting to have a fair duel.

Eric was in no mood at the moment. He controlled the six clones to gather together, randomly selected an unlucky guy, and the six of them attacked together, only attacking but not defending, and fighting to kill him even if they were torn to pieces.

The Ivory Kings understood his intention instantly. The besieged Ivory King retreated decisively, and the other five stood in front of him.

Eric continued to control the six clones to attack. After a few rounds, he suddenly controlled five clones to retreat. The last body instantly turned into a ribbon and wrapped around the five Ivory Kings.


Self-destruction, Eric can do it too!

One clone's self-destruction cannot directly kill the five Ivory Kings, but injuries are inevitable.

While the five Ivory Kings were still not aware of the situation, Eric sent out two more clones to surround the five people and self-destruct!

Five Ivory Kings, their souls returned to the God's Domain.

The remaining Ivory King changed color, and retreated directly without thinking, retreating to the vicinity of the portal.

Eric controlled the remaining three clones, surrounded the portal, and grinned, "Three for five, it's really worth it!"

The Ivory Kings were livid and attacked together.

Eric, however, ignored everything and rushed straight to the portal. Despite being seriously injured, he knocked the five Ivory Kings into the multiverse.

"Hahaha! Come on! Don't you want to go in? I'll take you in! Hahaha!" Eric spit out blood and laughed wildly.

"Boom!" The three clones exploded at the same time, directly blowing the unprotected portal into pieces. The remaining five Ivory Kings, dead or alive, fell into the multiverse.

Psylocke looked at the gradually calming void from a distance and muttered to herself, "Boss, just died like this?"

"The multiverse is gone, what difference does it make whether you live or die?" Merlin asked bitterly.

Psylocke was desperate, "Did we lose like this?"

"No! We won!" The God of Stories took a step forward, opened his arms, and was in high spirits, "Come on! The last madness!"

With his actions, the entire cosmic battlefield began to tremble violently, and a loud cry filled everyone's ears.

"Clang!" The cry was sonorous and loud, like the sound of metal and stone, and like a sharp blade being unsheathed, not a sound that a living creature could make.

Neither Psylocke nor Brian had heard such a sound, but the old wizard Merlin knew it. His eyes lit up and he shouted: "Phoenix!"

Yes, it was a phoenix!

I saw a giant bird with brilliant flames all over its body, smashing the cosmic barrier and flying into the battlefield.

It was so flamboyant and beautiful that the entire void lost its color.

"Clang!" The phoenix made another high-pitched cry, spread its wings and flew high, turning gracefully in the air, and aimed its beak at the void and chiseled it hard.

A big hole was chiseled out in the void, and it carefully put its head into it, holding something in its mouth and tearing it out with effort.

The God of Stories flew over with everyone, just in time to see the phoenix pulling out a huge pink crystal from the void.

M Crystal!

The God of Stories floated down, tapped his fingers lightly, and started a program in the crystal, and countless pictures suddenly appeared on the surface of the crystal.

In these pictures, there are mortals living and working in peace and contentment, superheroes being chivalrous and brave, villains committing crimes, and super criminals committing heinous crimes.

However, more pictures are indeed bloody and violent.

Dozens of ivory kings slaughtered countless lives unilaterally. No matter old or young, good or evil, as long as they were alive, they fell under their butcher knives.

They were unscrupulous, laughing wildly, and enjoying the pleasure of killing.

"Can you see the inside of the multiverse from here?" Psylocke covered her mouth and cried.

"No, this is the multiverse!" The God of Stories shook his head expressionlessly, closed the screen, and started another program. A thin layer of crystals quickly covered the M crystal, covering all the fluctuations of the M crystal.

"Once, this crystal blocked the most vicious robbers for the multiverse, leaving the last batch of seeds for the multiverse, and it was the most solid wall of the multiverse." The God of Stories gently raised the M crystal and put it into the mouth of the Phoenix, "Now, the most solid wall has become the most stable cage. It will take these brutal robbers and exile them forever until the news of victory comes!"

The Phoenix listened to his instructions quietly, picked up the M crystal, broke through the void and flew away.

The entire multiverse is completely gone.

The sky has changed.

"Boom!" A huge space vortex opened above the battlefield, and mysterious breaths rushed down from it.

Beyond the power of God! There are still enemies? Psylocke and Brian changed color together.

"It's not an enemy, it's the will of the universe beyond the realm of God." The God of Stories stared at the vortex and smiled with relief, "Do you know why the realm beyond God must attack us?"

Psylocke and Brian were going crazy. It was obvious that the vortex was not easy to deal with. He actually had the mind to popularize science here?

Merlin was much calmer. The multiverse was gone. Could it be worse? He asked curiously: "What is the reason? I asked you a long time ago, but you never told me."

"The will of the multiverse came together to give birth to our Supreme." The God of Stories' tone was indescribably relaxed, "The realm beyond God also has a similar cosmic will, and it also wants to become the Supreme!"

"What about now? What is it going to do?" Merlin continued to be a curious baby.

The God of Stories sneered, "The will of the universe cannot act directly. It can only invade through the hands of the creatures it nurtures and get what it wants."

"Now, more than a hundred Ivory Kings are trapped in the multiverse. It can't sense its own soldiers, so it's anxious! It's recalling the Ivory Kings!"

Merlin realized and laughed, "So that's it, you've been waiting for this! Haha! So cool! So cool!"

Psylocke and Brian don't have the heart to listen to this now. They feel like they are facing a prehistoric beast. The violent and ferocious breath makes them breathless.

The God of Stories discovered their abnormality, waved his hand and threw out a page of a book, rolled up Psylocke Brian, Adam Court, the remnant soul of the Ancient One, Captain America and Thor, and broke through the air.

"Send them to the Mother of Creation for shelter first. They can't resist the pressure of the universe beyond the divine domain."

Merlin nodded slightly, but his eyes never shifted, looking straight at the vortex, "Why don't you let it out?"

The God of Stories smiled indifferently, raised his hand, and a colorful glittering ball appeared in his hand. He tapped the ball lightly, releasing some of the breath inside, and then threw the ball into the air.


A golden thunder came across the boundary and hit the colorful ball, which immediately released twenty-six powerful breaths.

Merlin's face turned pale because of these breaths. It was the breath of the Ivory King.

Twenty-six Ivory Kings, and they only have these few remnants left on their side. Can they do it?

Merlin took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

A magnificent will poked its head out of the vortex, sweeping over Merlin and the God of Stories with strong hostility.

Both knew that it was just a form and could not be directly used. They stared at the vortex coldly without changing their faces.

Seeing that he failed to scare the other party, the magnificent will returned in disappointment, covering the twenty-six ivory kings, as if communicating, and as if identifying.

The twenty-six ivory kings quietly hovered in the void, allowing the universe will to sweep over them. After a moment, they flew up one by one and entered the vortex without even looking at the God of Stories and others.

The God of Stories watched this scene nervously, with cold sweat on his palms. He knew very well that one of the twenty-six ivory kings was Eric pretending to be, but he couldn't tell which one it was.

Finally, when there were only three ivory kings left, the universe will paused a little.

It seemed to sense something wrong with that ivory king, but it didn't know what was wrong. It alerted him to stop, repeatedly scanned, checked, and identified.

After a long time, the universe will seemed to think that there was nothing wrong with this ivory king, and ordered him to return, focusing on the remaining two ivory kings.

The Ivory King stepped into the vortex step by step. At the last moment before stepping in, he looked back at the God of Stories with a strange smile on his face.

"It's done!" The God of Stories shouted excitedly, but attracted the attention of the will of the universe. It came back to its senses in an instant and wanted to close the vortex and expel the Ivory King.

But it was too late. The Ivory King's hands were stuck on the edge of the vortex, and his body changed and changed back to Eric's appearance.

The will of the universe was furious, and the huge pressure pressed on Eric like a landslide and tsunami. The entire transcendental realm was boiling, and the transcendental power gushed out like a wave, trying to rush Eric out.

Eric had no time to care about anything else. He withstood the pressure of the will of the universe and the rush of the transcendental power and opened his soul.

The golden scroll appeared out of thin air, releasing the other half of Eric's soul, and merged with the half of the soul of the Ivory King in the original state.

Instantly, 120,000 soul fragments bloomed behind Eric, and the heart of the universe turned into a blue light, escorting 120,000 soul fragments and connecting every rule of the multiverse.

Although the multiverse has been destroyed, the rules still exist!

On Eric's chest, a flash of white light suddenly appeared, and the soul of the transcendent returned to the divine realm, but it was still connected to Eric's soul.

Eric's body was quickly wiped out, leaving only his soul and origin.

The will of the universe beyond the divine realm rose up in resistance and wanted to cut off his soul, but the 120,000 rules imposed on his soul were as tough as steel wire, and it could not be cut!

Eric turned into a bridge, forcibly connecting the transcendent divine realm and the multiverse together, and every cornerstone of this bridge is a rule of the multiverse!

These rules are the foundation of the multiverse, the rules and regulations personally formulated by the Supreme High, and the extension of the Supreme High. Compared with the will of the universe beyond the divine realm, there is a hierarchical suppression.

Even the Ivory King could break a few single rules, but the 120,000 rules gathered together to directly build the foundation of the multiverse, just like forcibly pulling the will of the Supreme High over, completely crushing the will of the universe beyond the God Realm!

Eric is like a root stretched out by the Supreme High, firmly rooted in the Beyond God Realm. With the level suppression, the Supreme High, or the multiverse, will continuously draw power, rules, origin and everything from the Beyond God Realm!

"Hahaha! No regrets! The Beyond God Realm is finished!" The God of Stories' long hair fluttered, and he set up a golden book to completely seal the remaining two Ivory Kings.

"That's right! Eric! He is the nail we nailed in the Beyond God Realm, a nail that can't be pulled out!" Merlin was also excited, his beard and hair flying.

"No! Not just a nail, but a virus!" The God of Stories sneered, "Eric is a virus we implanted in the Transcendent Divine Realm. Don't you think it's too slow to just rely on the universe to actively absorb it? Eric will also eat away at the Transcendent Divine Realm bit by bit until the entire Transcendent Divine Realm becomes him. He will replace the cosmic will of the Transcendent Divine Realm, and he will be the Transcendent Divine Realm itself!"

As if to confirm his prophecy, a large number of light spots suddenly flew over Eric's soul. They were so small that they were invisible, but as vast as the sea of ​​stars. Each one was blue and white, with both the blessing of the multiverse rules and the origin of the Transcendent Divine Realm surrounding it.

"Haha, this idea is great!" Merlin's eyes lit up, pointing at the vast light and asked loudly: "What is it called?"

"That's Eric's greatest invention, the Star Eater Bee!"

"Star Eater Bee, perfect!" Merlin praised, "Then what? What do we need to do?"

"Wait." The God of Stories looked dim, firm and expectant, "Let's go, we'll rebuild the multiverse. Next, it's Eric's war alone. What we have to do is to repair the multiverse and wait for him to return triumphantly!"

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