Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 661 A piece of little finger (finale)

The multiverse, once a splendid sea of ​​universes, is now desolate and silent. The single universes that were once as vast as stars are now gone.

The figure of death slowly emerged, looking at the empty sea of ​​universes sadly, she pursed her lips, tapped her fingers, and drew a star for the empty universe.

She watched the star continue to expand, and finally turned into a single universe, smiled, turned and left.

On Earth, humans still live an ordinary, busy life, not realizing that they are the only seedling left in the multiverse.

Some special people also noticed something was wrong, such as Doctor Strange, who was disconnected from the Internet.

Not only could the Supreme Masters of other universes not be contacted, but even the Trinity Vishandi gave him a feeling of difficulty, as if the source of white magic would die at any time.

This scared him, and he hurriedly convened the Illuminati to discuss solutions.

However, things were not satisfactory.

Thor and Captain America had just been "buried", and Iron Man had obviously not recovered from his grief and guilt. Aquaman and Black Bolt were completely clueless when it came to the multiverse, and could not help at all.

Mr. Fantastic Reed was willing to help, but he was a big shot in the technology field, and he was not familiar with magic! Now he listened to Doctor Strange blah blah blah, and he had to spend a long time to understand the magic terms alone. In order to verify the other party's various speculations, the only way he could think of was to build a shuttle and go to other parallel universes.

If it was in the past, he would be happy to help, but now, he hesitated, "Sorry, Doctor, Susan had a test yesterday, she was pregnant, I..."

There was no need to say anything more, Doctor Strange smiled bitterly and shook his head, indicating that he didn't need to say anything more, and then turned his eyes to the last member, Professor X.

Professor X was very abnormal today. He didn't say a word in the meeting for so long, and he was silent like a fool, which was very uncomfortable.

"Professor?" Doctor Strange called carefully.

Professor X raised his head slowly, his deep eyes full of worry, "You are right, something has happened in the multiverse. Jean just contacted me, she has lost contact with Phoenix."

"Is Phoenix dead?" Everyone was panicked.

"No." Professor X shook his head, "Jean told me that she could sense that Phoenix was still alive, but had gone to a very far place. It seemed that He had an important mission and had to go far away."

"What happened? How about we ask the Observer?" Doctor Strange was anxious, casting a spell while speaking, and drawing circles in the air with the mysterious ring on his finger.

Nothing happened.

Everyone: "..."

Doctor Strange:? ? !

"Damn, I can't feel Vishanti! The power of magic is disappearing!" Doctor Strange panicked.

"It seems we need to find someone to ask." Professor X frowned deeply, and the power of the mind gushed out.

"Who to find? The Observer? I'll go prepare the spaceship." Reed stood up. At this point, let alone his wife being pregnant, he had to go even if she was about to give birth!

"No, no, I think it's better for us to ask the person directly." Professor X's frown gradually relaxed, "Go to New York, Psylocke is back!"


"What? Eric died in the battle??!"

The news brought back by Psylocke almost made Skye faint. She managed not to fall down, and teleported Emma and Nina, who were also heartbroken, back home, and continued to ask for details with rapid breathing.

Beyond the invasion of the gods, the gods fought, Thor and Captain America were resurrected, the multiverse fell, Eric died in the battle, Phoenix led the enemy to exile in the void...

Psylocke left early and didn't know what happened later. She only saw Eric sacrifice himself to close the portal, so the news she brought back also stopped.

But even so, everyone was still dizzy with a lot of information.

Multiverse! Just gone! Their universe has become the only one! Not to mention Skye, even the always calm boiled egg was shocked.

Skye doesn't care about the multiverse, she only cares about whether Eric is dead or alive.

Seeing that Lu Dan and Professor X were still asking questions to Psylocke, Skye took action directly, and a shock wave shook everyone away, pulled Psylocke up and teleported away, leaving everyone looking at each other in bewilderment.

After repeated confirmation, Skye finally believed that his father was really dead. He was heartbroken and cried like a tearful person in Psylocke's arms.

But no matter how sad he was, he still had to live. After simply sorting out his mood, Skye returned Psylocke.

After Psylocke's message, several powerful bosses on Earth learned the exact news of the destruction of the multiverse. They chose to block the news without any prior agreement, and only released a few "insignificant" news such as Eric's death in battle.

After Captain America and Thor, the Earth has lost another patron saint.

Like Thor, Eric's "body is gone", and Skye can only choose a few of Eric's clothes and commonly used items as representatives to build a cenotaph for the funeral.

A few days later, Eric's funeral was officially held. Almost all the superheroes came. They wore black suits and looked solemn and dignified, bidding farewell to the guardian of the earth.

Iron Man Tony, Aquaman Namor, Electro Ivan, and Hulk Bruce, four superheroes who had a good personal relationship with Eric, carried the coffin into the church. It was obviously not very heavy, but the four people carrying the coffin felt like they were carrying the sky on their shoulders.

After the priest prayed, Skye endured her grief and went on stage to deliver a speech.

"Eric, a warrior, a hero, and a scientist."

"Over the years, he has withstood countless crises for the earth."

"Kree, Thanos, Skrulls, Annihilation Zerg..."

"Our universe is in danger and the Earth is very fragile."

"Earth is lucky because it has Eric."

"He brings safety, new life, hope to the earth..."

"But to me, he was just a father."

"When I was most helpless, he gave me what I needed most, love, affection, family..."

"He is always so strong and is used to carrying everything on his shoulders and not letting us get hurt at all."

"He's a great guy, a good guy."

Skye was very emotionally unstable and spoke intermittently. The breath of sadness flowed out from between the lines, infecting everyone. Tears blurred her eyes. The speech she had prepared in advance became a complete waste. She could only learn from the chaotic memory. , pieced together a few incomplete words, and barely completed the speech.

The superheroes looked at Skye quietly, recalling the days of fighting with Eric, and couldn't help but feel sad. Emma came on stage and hugged Skye, calming her down so that the ceremony could continue.

Burial, laying flowers, burying, erecting monuments...

A generation of heroes has come to an end.

Half a year later, at SHIELD's Trident Headquarters, Skye was sitting in the director's office, typing on the computer with one hand and holding a smaller baby in the other.

The little baby neither cried nor fussed, looking at the computer screen curiously, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Sister, sister..." The little baby suddenly frowned, looked at Skye with some embarrassment, and at the same time called Skye telepathically.

Skye immediately stopped what she was doing and straightened the baby, "Dear Nina, what's wrong?"

"Um..." Little Nina was extremely confused and hesitantly conveyed her telepathy, "Well, um, I need a new diaper..."

"Pfft! Hee hee." Skye covered her mouth and chuckled, but it annoyed little Nina.

"Sister! Don't laugh! Ah! God! When will this kind of day end? Why can't I control my body?" Little Nina went crazy.

Skye smiled and caressed her sister's cheek. The baby's tender skin made her linger over it. "Okay, okay, you are only two months old and your body has not yet developed well. Even if you are a god, you are still a god baby!" The power is too strong for the body to bear, so it refuses your control. It will be better when you grow up and be able to control your own power skillfully. "

"Hate, hate!" Little Nina turned her head away angrily, which was one of the few actions she could do.

Skye looked at her sister's cute appearance, overflowing with love, and pressed her lips hard on her little face.

"Director!" Hill suddenly opened the door and came in. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was speechless. "My Lord Director, can you not take care of your children while you are at work?"

Skye smiled brightly, "Oh, just this once, just pretend you didn't see it, okay?"

Hill was expressionless, "You said that last time, the last time before that, and the last time before that, and countless times before."

"Ah? So many times? I managed to steal her... ahem, carry her out with great difficulty."

Hilton immediately raised his forehead, okay, the child was still stolen!

"Ahem! What's the matter?" Realizing that he had made a mistake, Skye quickly became serious and changed the subject.

Hill also knew that he couldn't do anything to her, so he sighed helplessly and sent her a message with the tablet in his hand.

"You once issued a surveillance order. The subject of surveillance was Robert Reynolds. The surveillance level was the highest."

"What happened to him?" Upon hearing the news, Skye suddenly became energetic.

Eric once gave her two surveillance tasks. One was to monitor a technology company called AIM. There was a group of evil new technologies in that company that were studying a cube. Eric later took away the cube, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Relying on the evidence in hand, AIM was completely sealed, and the surveillance mission ended.

And the other surveillance mission is him, Robert Reynolds.

This guy is a drug addict who spends his time idle and sneaking around. Skye is really not worthy of his surveillance value, but after all, this is the task left by Eric, and she has always treated this as the highest level surveillance task.

Regardless of whether there is any gain or not, just treat it as a thought.

Thinking of this, Skye couldn't help but think of Eric, and sighed quietly.

"Half an hour ago, Robert Reynolds sneaked into a research institution in search of laundry. Not wanting to get addicted to drugs, he casually picked up a bottle of potion and drank it."

"Then what? Dead or mutated?" Skye opened the video sent by Hill and asked curiously.

"No." Hill quickly replied, "Because it is the highest level surveillance mission, our agents have always turned on the energy detector. We detected that after he drank the potion, his body seemed to be connected to an incredible place."

Looking at the surveillance video and data on the computer, Skye frowned and said in disbelief: "How is it possible? Such a high energy level?"

"That's right!" Hill nodded, "That place contains at least the energy of a million stars!"

"Where is Robert Reynolds? Did he absorb this energy?" Skye took a breath of cold air. If Robert Reynolds really controlled such a powerful force, then the earth would give birth to an extremely powerful hero, or a criminal.

Hill's expression suddenly became a little strange, "No, he only went in for a second and was kicked out..."

"Kicked, kicked out?" Skye widened his eyes, "What happened?"

"We interrogated Robert Reynolds. He said that after he entered that space, he saw a ball of light. The ball of light asked him about the recent situation on Earth. When he talked about Eric's death in the war and the whole country mourning, the ball of light suddenly became irritable and kicked him out in a rage, saying things like "he is still alive" and "unfilial daughter"... "

Somehow, Skye clenched his fists, breathing rapidly, staring at Hill without blinking, "Did he see clearly what kicked him?"

"No." Hill shook his head, but pointed to the computer, "But our agents took some photos, it seems to be a little finger that kicked him."

"Little finger!"


Skye kicked the desk away, holding Nina in one hand and grabbing Hill's collar with the other hand, and ran out, "Quick, take me to see him!"

(The whole book is finished)

More than 60,000 words, the end...

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