Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Extra: No more regrets (new book released, titled

SHIELD, a level 10 isolation chamber, claims to be able to completely isolate the people trapped inside from the universe, and no ability can be used.

Director Skye looked solemnly, looking at the object in his hand, hesitating, hesitating again, taking a deep breath, his eyes became firm, as if he had made some important decision, gritted his teeth and pressed it on the table.


"Gang!" A white and tender little chubby hand reached out, grabbed it, and skillfully stretched out his hand and swiped it, and four Dongfengs were swiped to the corner of the table.

"Hehe." The owner of the little hand stepped on the chair, half of her body leaning on the table, her young face full of pride, she tiptoed and stretched out her lotus-like fat little arm, picked up a card from the long dragon in front of Skye, and laughed, "Dear sister, it seems that I will win again!"

As expected, she picked up a card and showed it directly in front of her without even looking at it, West Wind.


Touch it again, South Wind.


Touch it again, North Wind.


A set of actions, as if rehearsed countless times, flowing like water, without even a glance!

Looking at the chubby hand reaching out to her again, Skye looked desperate.

How many times? How many times? Can I still play well? ? ! She just played one card!!

Sure enough, she touched it again, blank.

"Self-draw, big four, 88 points, hehe, sister, you lose again!" The chubby hand stood on the chair with her hands on her waist and laughed. Her height of less than one meter made her actions look both funny and cute.

Skye angrily smashed the table, smashing all the mahjong tiles into powder, "Nina, I swear, this is the last time! I will never play with you again!"

"Woof woof!" Beside Skye, a white puppy was choked by the mahjong powder and burst into tears. He covered his mouth and nose with one paw and telepathically transmitted, "Miss Skye, if I remember correctly, you have said this six times."

"Shut up, Cosmo!" Skye glared at the puppy fiercely.

"Obviously, my sister, no matter how many times you try, you can't beat Nina!" On the other side of Skye, the little loli Ganata said calmly.

"I am groot." The little tree man next to Ganata raised his hand and agreed with a silly face.

Little Nina watched her sister suffer a setback and laughed all the time.

She is the product of the interference of the God of Stories, Death and other top gods. She is the darling of the universe. She has gathered thousands of luck in her mother's womb. Later, her father made her one of the managers of the universe. After she was born, everything she wanted came true.

It is common to pick up tens of millions when walking the dog, it is common to dig out vibranium veins when building sand castles, and it is natural to have infinite gems fall from the sky when visiting the park...

What? Why did such an unscientific thing happen?

Because that is Nina! The daughter of the universe.

Playing mahjong? Haha! Children's stuff! I am no longer a one-year-old child!

I am already two years old!

Nina sneered in her heart. If it weren't for sister Skye's forced prohibition of her from being the banker, she would have won every time!

Since Nina was born, the national quintessence of mahjong was officially brought into the Lansheer family by Emma. At the beginning, it was Emma, ​​the little white dog Cosmo, and Ganata was missing one. The five cuckoo sisters took turns to play, and Skye occasionally played two rounds after work.

Later, the five sisters got tired of playing, but Skye became addicted to it. Every day, she dragged two people and a dog to play the Great Wall. When Nina turned two, the little guy finally took control of his body and joined in with great interest.

Then something went wrong.

Nina was so lucky! She was the banker every time, and she won every time. Who could stand this? Emma was the first to lose, and the others gave up on rescuing her. Only Skye didn't give up. With the help of SHIELD, he desperately upgraded the isolation cabin in an attempt to isolate his sister's good luck...

The effect, tut tut.

"Okay, stop it." A tall figure suddenly appeared behind Nina, picked up the little guy and put him on his shoulder, "Honey, let's go to a meeting."

"Okay, Dad." Nina skillfully grabbed his ears to keep his balance.

Skye looked at him resentfully and waved her hand, "Go, go, Eric, take her away! I don't want to see him now!"

Eric laughed dumbly, stepped forward to touch his eldest daughter's hair, and disappeared, leaving only Nina's arrogant voice echoing, "Sister, remember to pay back the money! It's still the same account!"

"Bang!" Skye fell weakly on the mahjong table.


In the lobby bar, the layout of the store has been slightly changed. The two square tables in the middle have been replaced with a slightly larger round table, but the chairs are still the same.

Eric pulled open a chair, took his daughter off his shoulders, put her on the chair, waved his hand again, raised the chair so that his daughter didn't have to stick her head out, and then sat aside and looked at the other people.

"Little guy, we meet again." Death seemed to like Nina very much. He pulled her little hand and kneaded it constantly. She couldn't let go of her chubby little arms.

"Hello, Aunt Death." Nina smiled sweetly, causing Death to love overflowing.

"You're late." The God of Stories had a blank expression, as if Eric owed him hundreds of millions.

Franklin and Molecule Man looked at each other, shrugged and continued to taste wine.

Eric didn't care at all, knocked on the table, "What's the matter this time? More people?"

This was the second meeting of the Multi-Parliament.

At the first meeting, everyone unanimously expressed their opinions and pulled the God of Stories in.

Why pull him? Because the founders of the parliament were so unreliable...

Death has the strongest strength, but he is lazy all day long and doesn't care about anything. When the mood comes, he will find a soul to do something.

Franklin's mind is filled with crazy scientific experiments, and he doesn't know what to do in the cosmic sea all day long.

Eric was busy resurrecting him at the beginning. When the resurrection was completed, his daughter was already over one year old. He was filled with guilt and only wanted to spend time with his daughter. Multiverse? Go play!

Molecule Man was in a similar situation to him. He dragged nearly a hundred Ivory Kings into the multiverse, but he was forced to a dead end as soon as he entered. In the end, he only managed to drag five or six weaklings. I just finished reading the article and came back from resurrection recently. Are you in charge? Oops, I just came back to life and I’m still alive! Let’s raise it for hundreds of millions of years first!

There is also Nina, um, a little baby of one or two years old...

The multiverse is full of waste, but none of the big bosses is reliable. How can this be possible? Together, everyone pulled the God of Story in and gave him all the big and small jobs.

The God of Stories was originally unwilling to take over. He just wanted to live a peaceful life with Frigga. But everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the universe. The kind-hearted God Queen Frigga couldn't see all sentient beings suffering so much, so she tried to persuade Tiantian, but he had no choice but to take over this mess. Tiantianhu's face made everyone unhappy.

The God of Stories looked around and looked at the few shopkeepers who were handing over their hands. He snorted in disgust, "As of yesterday, the recovery rate of the multiverse has officially reached one thousandth. At this rate, it will take us at least two thousand years to repair the entire multiverse. ! Everyone, we are too slow!"

He wants to attract a young man!

This thought flashed through Molecule Man, Eric and Franklin's minds at the same time, and they collectively shrank their necks.

Seeing them like this, the Storyteller was so angry that he started to scream, with veins popping out on his forehead, "Damn it, can't you guys help me?"

"Isn't there Merlin and the others?" Franklin whispered.

The God of Stories stared at him fiercely, "Except for you, everyone in the multiverse who is still alive has work to do!"

Franklin smiled brightly and dared not say anything.

Molecule Man coughed dryly and glanced at the God of Story carefully, "Well, how about we line up the Thanos Legion?"

The God of Stories was expressionless, "Beyond God's Realm is trying to open other channels, trying to alleviate the threat posed by Eric to them by attacking the multiverse. At least a million Ivory Kings will sneak over every day, and the Thanos Army cannot move. ”

Molecule Man was instantly defeated.

Everyone's eyes gradually moved to Death, who raised his head blankly, "Ah? What's the matter?"


It's okay, you are busy...

Three are unreliable, and none of them can be counted on! The God of Stories muttered to himself and turned his attention to Eric.

Eric's hair suddenly stood up, "Ahem, um, um, I still need to control the Star Eater Bee..."

Control is nothing, they are just a group of parasites that keep eating and living, so why do they need to be controlled? He just doesn't want to repair the multiverse, what a tiring job that would be!

"Uncle Loki, repair the multiverse? Is it like building a sandcastle? I'll go for it!" Nina said with gleaming eyes and raised her hands.

The God of Story looked at the little Douding who couldn't see more than one meter, and sat down weakly, waving his hand, "Sit down!"

Nina was disappointed and pouted secretly angry.

"Haha." Fulcrum came over with a glass of juice, placed it in front of Nina, and gently rubbed her little head, "Repairing the multiverse is a delicate job. You can't rush this. Just take your time. With Eric The Ivory King can't get through due to the containment. The Thanos Army is strong enough to guard the line of defense and will not let any of the Ivory Kings go. We have plenty of time, so just wait patiently."

"Changes will happen later!" The God of Story's eyes were sharp and his face was solemn. "Beyond the Divine Realm is, after all, as huge a thing as the multiverse. If the time drags on for too long, I'm afraid something will happen!"

Fulcrum nodded clearly, "That's right, Eric, how long will it take to completely engulf the Beyond God Realm?"

how long? Eric smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I don't know, maybe 100 million years! The Transcendent God Realm suppressed me too much. Although the Star Eater Bee swallowed the origin of the Transcendent, it can also be resurrected infinitely in the Transcendent God Realm, but it swallows the copy. It’s still very difficult, and until now I haven’t even conquered a place the size of a planet.”

"It will get better in the future. The most important thing for you now is to establish a firm foothold and establish your own territory." Fulcrum patted his shoulder and encouraged him.

Eric frowned, "It's difficult! Every time I occupy a corner of the Beyond God Realm, the will of the universe will come and send dozens of ivory kings to fight to destroy them. I can only change the resurrection location of the Star Eater Bee to shift the battlefield. Want to It’s so hard to stand firm! If only someone could help me.”

"Help you?" Death suddenly remembered something, covered his mouth and exclaimed, "Oh, I just remembered that there is someone who can help you."

"Who?" Everyone's eyes gathered at the same time.

Death covered his face shyly, "Oh, people will be embarrassed if you look at them like this."

Eric sat down holding his heart and said feebly: "Sister, tell me quickly, stop being a monster!"

Death rolled her eyes at him charmingly, "She is a friend of yours. Very early on, I used the power of death and the power of transcendence to reincarnate her into the realm of transcendence. She can be regarded as one of my undercover agents."

"Is there such a thing?" The God of Stories was shocked, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Death smiled shyly, "I forgot..."

"Puff!" The God of Stories almost spurted blood, his face was hideous, "Don't stop me! I'm going to kill her!"

Eric hurriedly stopped the God of Stories and continued to ask: "My friend? Who is it?"

Death looked at the God of Stories carefully, and jumped to Eric's side as if he was avoiding a lunatic, and tapped Eric's forehead with his index finger, "In order to be able to lurk smoothly, I found a soul that is particularly good at confusing others. Follow this guide and you will find her."

Particularly good at confusing others!

Eric was struck by lightning, and a blue-skinned girl involuntarily appeared in his mind, muttering with lifeless eyes: "Raven..."

La la la, the new book has been published, the title of the book is "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me", a food article in the skin of the prehistoric world. Do you want to know whether ginseng fruit is better as candied fruit or pickled vegetables? Do you want to know whether Kunpeng is better roasted or stewed? Do you want to know how to make raw dragon slices, tea phoenix eggs, and braised Pleiades star officials? Everything is in "There is always a Taoist who wants to join me"!

Send it to the Q group again, 952354783

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