Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 7 Unexpected Visitors

Busy time always passes quickly. Ever since he got the super soldier potion, Eric has been staying in his secret laboratory. When he came out again, it was already December 25th.

Christmas is here, and the streets are full of Christmas trees and Santa Claus decorations. Everyone’s face is beaming with joy. Children are wearing Santa hats and running around happily. The festive scene is very similar to the New Year for flower growers.

Magneto does not have the custom of celebrating Christmas, and Eric also does not inherit this tradition. He just stayed in the laboratory for too long and came out for some air.

The transformation of Hanyu Bed has finally been completed. It uses a magnetic field to generate specific electromagnetic pulses to stimulate the brain nerves, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and other tissues to produce or inhibit specific hormones, thereby controlling people's emotions. This is a very practical little skill. When he was in the Emperor Thanos universe, he once used this skill to interfere with Tony Stark's brain nerves and make him instantly comatose.

The Howards also survived, but instead of irradiating them with life rays, Eric put them into a simplified version of the regeneration cradle, which was the "coffin", which gave them the feeling of being buried together...

The regeneration cradle guaranteed their basic survival, but without sufficient energy supply, their cell transformation could only proceed at a snail's pace. This was done deliberately by Eric so that he could more carefully observe the effects of the medicine and collect data.

The disappearance of the Howards caused quite a stir. Major media outlets rushed to report on it. Tony Stark offered a reward worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The Pentagon even directly sent troops to conduct a search. Unfortunately, in the end, apart from the crashed car, there was nothing. None were found.

The only camera that could capture what happened was destroyed by Eric long before the incident.

After carefully thinking about his layout, Eric breathed a long sigh of relief and found that nothing was missing. He planned to rest for two days to adjust his mental state before injecting the medicine.

In order to welcome his upcoming new life, Eric happily bought a bottle of red wine and prepared to drink meat. Magneto was very self-disciplined about his diet. In his later years, he almost didn't drink. When Eric took control of his body, he was busy planning his escape and had no free time to enjoy it. He hadn't smelled alcohol in decades. Tasty.

"Want to buy me a drink? Mr. Magneto?" A voice suddenly sounded behind him. Eric's hair suddenly stood on his head, his powers surged, the magnetic field protection was instantly activated, and he controlled metal within a hundred meters, ready to launch an attack at any time.

"You are a little nervous. Relax, Mr. Magneto. If you don't want to drink, we can also have a cup of tea." The voice rang again, and Eric felt his eyes blur. He had left the noisy New York neighborhood and came to a room. In the quaint study room, the red wine in my hand turned into a cup of tea, exuding the fragrance of tea.

At this time, he calmed down and carefully looked at the person next to him. With her yellow monk's robe and shiny bald head, Eric recognized her with just one glance.

"It turns out to be Master Ancient One." Knowing who it was, Eric breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his journey across the universe could not be hidden from Ancient One, who was monitoring the dimensional demon. Ancient One would look for him sooner or later. Now that he had found him, he was relieved. Take a breath. He took a sip of tea. It was very fragrant and refreshing. "The tea is good."

"Of course, this is the tea tree cultivated by Kama Taj himself. If you like, I can give you some." Gu Yi sat cross-legged opposite Eric, holding a cup of tea in his hand.

"That's great!" Eric smiled and drank all the tea in the cup, but the tea in the cup slowly filled up again.

"This is not how you drink tea. You have to savor it carefully and feel the life of tea, the joy of germination, the passion of blooming, the bitterness of picking, the refinement of tea making, and the perfection of brewing."

When Eric heard the words, he took another sip, savored it carefully between his lips and teeth, swallowed it slowly, opened his mouth and inhaled, and the fragrance suddenly made his mind clear.

Ancient One nodded approvingly, "It seems that Mr. Magneto also knows tea ceremony."

"Dear Master Supreme, did you capture me because you wanted to treat me to tea?" Eric shook his head, put down the tea cup, and looked directly at Gu Yi, "Also, I am not Magneto, I am Charles Lanshe. Viscount Er.”

Gu Yi was silent for a moment, then waved his hand and turned into an illusion.

"Three months ago, our universe was penetrated by a powerful energy. I began to think that another dimensional demon was causing destruction, but I didn't expect that someone broke through the barrier between two parallel universes."

Eric stared closely at the illusion in front of him and saw two hazy light groups as big as balloons floating in the air without affecting each other. Suddenly, a thin line connected the two light groups.

Gu Yi waved his hand again, and the illusion suddenly enlarged. The originally thin thread turned into a vortex as thick as an arm. Two light groups were connected to each end of the vortex, and colorful energy flowed inside the vortex.

"The connection between two universes is equivalent to puncturing two balloons at the same time and sticking them together. There is more than a 90% chance that both universes will explode. Viscount Lansher, I admire your courage very much!"

Eric suddenly looked at the illusion in front of him and felt scared. How could he have known this at that time? He only wanted to escape, and he was not in the mood to care about the major events of the universe. Besides, he didn't have such a high vision...

"It didn't explode..." Eric muttered softly.

"Of course it won't explode. A higher-level being has stepped in to help you fill this hole." Gu Yi controlled the illusion to turn half a circle. From this angle, you can see that the channel between the two universes suddenly deformed and disconnected, and then the energy returned to their respective universes, and the holes in the two universes were also repaired, as if nothing had happened.

Eric frowned, staring at the illusion without blinking, "Can I watch it again?"

Gu Yi didn't say anything, and replayed the illusion just now. This time, he also very considerately adjusted the color of the light ball to make the channel more conspicuous. It seemed that there was an invisible giant hand on the channel, which tore the bond between the two universes, and then slapped one side and simply slapped two holes.

"Sure enough, my feeling at that time was not wrong..." Eric muttered to himself. When he was crossing the universe channel, he vaguely felt that someone was watching him. Of course, this was not because of how strong his feeling was, but because the powerful being allowed Eric to know His existence.

There are many beings in the Marvel Universe who can do this, but it seems that only one has a reason to take action. "Why did that one take action?"

"We cannot guess what he is thinking." Ancient One waved his hand to put away the illusion. "At first, I thought he sent you here because he needed you to do something, so he did not go to you directly, but after observing you for these days, I think you seem to be just a casual move by him."

"Idle chess? Haha, how can I be qualified to be his chess piece." Eric smiled bitterly.

"Don't belittle yourself. Not many people in the entire multiverse know of his existence. Just based on this, you are already ahead of most people."

Eric was silent. Who is this big guy who helped him clean up his ass? The Living Tribunal! The manager of the Marvel Universe, except for OAA, is his biggest.

"Can you tell me about that universe? What happened there? Even through the Trinity Vishanti, I can't contact the Supreme Sorcerer there. There is a powerful force blocking it." When it comes to the top boss, Ancient One is unwilling to talk more and changed the subject.

"You can contact the Supreme Sorcerer of other universes!" Eric's face changed in shock. He knew that Ancient One was very strong, but he didn't expect that Ancient One could be so outrageous! That is a parallel universe. Communicating across parallel universes is something that can only be done by a multiverse-level existence!

Could it be that Ancient One has reached the multiverse level?

Signed immediately, continue to collect, recommend, and comment...

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