Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 8 The weight of 21 grams

"Magic is a very miraculous power. Through the trinity of Weishan Emperor, the supreme mages of the multiverse can exchange their cultivation experiences with each other so that the inheritance of magic can continue."

Ancient Yi waved his hand and drew a circle in the air. Mysterious golden magic runes automatically filled the circle, and then turned into rays of light, spreading around. The rays of light were long or short. As long as it stopped, a little one would be born there. aperture. The small aperture then extends new light again, connecting the surrounding small apertures.

Soon, a giant golden net was woven in the sky.

Eric understood. The large aperture was Emperor Weishan. He was like a relay station. Through his power, the supreme mages of the multiverse could connect their thoughts to form a large network for communication.

"That universe is about to be destroyed..." Returning the favor, since Gu Yi shared her secret without reservation, there was no need for Eric to hide anything anymore and tell Gu Yi everything he knew.

"Thanos, is he that strong?" Gu Yi frowned, a little unbelievable. In this universe, Thanos did not dare to come to the earth because of her and Odin's existence. If he really wanted to take action, she could Beat Thanos to death. After all, Thanos is just a thick-skinned warrior.

"Death." Eric whispered a word, and Gu Yi's face suddenly froze. She hurriedly cast a spell, wrapping the two of them in layers of mirrors, and opened the Eye of Agamotto. The power of time flowed, and Eric was like a movie As if playing it backwards, I took back the word.

"Don't say that name, he can sense it." Ancient Yi interrupted Eric who spoke again. Eric felt confused, and it took him a long time to react, and exclaimed: "You used the time stone to reflux me? "

"It just eliminates a name that shouldn't be shouted out." Gu Yi took out a fan from nowhere and shook it gently. "He is the source, creator and controller of the soul of the entire universe, and represents the end of all life in the universe. Even the end of the entire universe. Don’t shout out His name easily, especially when it comes to the demise of a single universe.”

"This word is mentioned countless times every day. How can He tell which one is calling Him?"

"He naturally knows what is in his heart." Gu Yi closed his fan and did not intend to delve into this issue further. "Since it was Him who took action, then something must have happened in that universe and He needs to bring an end to it."

Gu Yi thought for a moment, then suddenly gave Eric a strange look and said, "Then, why were you able to escape?"

"Ah? I..." Eric was thinking so hard that he didn't know how to answer. Should he tell her that he was a time traveler? Having been Magneto for decades, even he himself has almost forgotten this identity.

"Okay, let's not raise this issue for now. Let's talk about what you want to do when you come to this universe?"

"Of course I want to live." Eric blurted out without thinking.

"Oh? Is that all?" Gu Yi stared at Eric, his deep eyes seemed to be falling day and night, and the stars were disillusioned.

"Of course, if possible, I hope to become a little stronger." Eric shrugged, looking indifferent.

"Become a little stronger?" Gu Yi's expression became a little weird, "Even at the expense of two universes?"

"Don't accuse me wrongly, that's not my intention!" Eric waved his hands and shouted.

"What about Mr. and Mrs. Stark? If you want, you can wake them up at any time, why do you do this?" Ancient One took a step forward, with only one step left between them.

"Well, they are old and seriously injured. They can't bear the exposure to too many gamma rays. I do it for their own good. This is science. Even if you tell me, you don't understand!" Eric said very much. He spoke harshly, but his evasive eyes told Gu Yi that he had a guilty conscience.

Gu Yi stared at Eric for a long time, staring at him until his hair went crazy, and then said: "Eric, the meaning of life is not to achieve oneself."

"Oh? What is that? Protecting the earth? Or protecting the universe? I'm not that great!" Gu Yi's words cheered up Eric. This tone suggested that a fight might start at any time. Although he knew he was outmatched, he She was still ready for battle, and at worst, she could smash her New York temple!

Gu Yi suddenly laughed. She shook her head slowly and said, "Eric, you haven't seen your soul clearly yet. In my eyes, it is so bright and radiant."

"Soul?" Eric pouted, "I weigh 140 pounds, and 21 grams won't play a decisive role."

"Do you want to see those 21 grams?" Gu Yi asked with a half-smile.

"Of course not..." Eric refused hastily, but before he could finish speaking, Gu Yi suddenly hit him in the chest with a palm.

Eric immediately fell backward, and several phantoms appeared behind him. The first one was the old Magneto, his current appearance; the second one was the young Magneto, which is Magneto when he reverses the future. ; The third one is another old Magneto. His appearance is similar to the first one, but he is a little more vicious.

But the last one has an Asian face.

Seeing this face, Gu Yi was first shocked, puzzled, thinking, and then suddenly enlightened. Then he clicked a finger on his head with a smile on his face, and a little magical light was like a morning star in the dark night, illuminating this soul, " It turns out you don’t only have 21 grams!”

Eric's soul was knocked out of the body by Gu Yi. In his eyes, the whole world turned into slow motion. In front of him, there were several familiar and unfamiliar translucent figures.

It was amazing. There was no mirror in front of him, but he could see what he looked like now.

"Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?" Eric looked around blankly, and in front of him were fragments of Magneto's memories.

** Concentration camp, Sebastian Shaw's laboratory, Xavier School for Geniuses, the Summit of Nations, the Golden Gate Bridge... Magneto's magnificent memories of two lives unfolded in front of Eric.

"When the air is still and night falls, you only need to answer one question: Who are you on?"

"This revolution should end! Anyone who opposes me will be trampled under my feet! Even if God is angry, he can't stop me!"


"I, I am Eric... Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants..." A large number of memories and thoughts mixed together, impacting Eric's soul, his eyes gradually blurred, and his anger surged. Magneto's memory once gradually prevailed, but in that vast amount of memory, there were also some strange memories, which made him hesitate.

At this time, a bright star suddenly rose in the sea of ​​memory, illuminating his soul. Magneto's memory became faint, and those few and strange memories became clear.

"Son, these are dumplings your mother made for you. They are your favorite carrot and pork stuffing. Eat more!"

"You rascal! You are already in your thirties, but you only know how to stay at home and read novels and comics! You don't even think about finding a girlfriend! When I was thirty years old, you were in elementary school!"

"Son, go to work and work hard. You are smart. You always miss me and your father. We are still young and in good health!"


Two lines of tears flowed from Eric's eyes, and he didn't even notice that his soul returned to his body. Those long-lost memories have been sealed in the deepest part of his brain. It's not that he can't remember them, but that he dares not think about them. He has no strength and no qualifications to think about them...

Ancient One watched quietly until Eric regained his composure, then she spoke; "Who are you?"

Eric got up from the ground and looked at Ancient One calmly: "I am Eric Lansheer, I am Magneto!"

Ancient One's face froze instantly, and the fan in her hand creaked as she grabbed it.

Eric suddenly grinned and laughed: "Sister, don't be so serious, I'm timid, don't scare me!"

"Sister?" Ancient One looked at him strangely, and an unknown magic rune lit up in his hand. After a long while, he breathed a sigh of relief, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Thank you, Supreme Sorcerer!"

The meaning of life is not to achieve self-realization!

Ancient One is my favorite Marvel character, especially this sentence!

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