Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 9 The Return of the King

"Who says Magneto must be a villain? I want to be a hero!"

Eric hummed a country tune and returned to the laboratory in a happy mood.

In the New York Temple, he reviewed his life's memories with the help of Ancient One, but he couldn't explain that his mind and nature were similar.

Before he traveled through time, he was just an ordinary person in his thirties. Compared with Magneto's magnificent memories of two lives, he was completely insignificant.

Even though he later swallowed Magneto's soul, Magneto's memory, personality, worldview, values, etc., everything affected him, making him involuntarily think and do things according to Magneto's way.

But now, his true nature has finally taken full control of this body, and he is no longer a puppet living in Magneto's memory.

As for his identity as a time traveler, Gu Yi can naturally tell it, but she can't tell it, and neither can Eric. This is an agreed upon bottom line.

The Life Tribunal saved his life. Perhaps the Life Tribunal just wanted to make up for the trauma of the two universes and prevent the universe under his rule from exploding. Saving him was just a matter of saving the two universes. But that doesn't change the fact that he was saved by Him.

For an outsider, the head of the family allowed him to enter his own backyard and even saved his life. What does this mean? It means that this external source is useful to the general manager. People who know this matter can calmly pretend that nothing happened and just do whatever they need to do.

If you spread it everywhere, you would be slapping the chief manager in the face, right?

Therefore, the two of them had a tacit understanding and kept this secret in their hearts.

In the laboratory, Eric happily moved the Howards to the cold jade bed. Now that he has recovered his true feelings, his conscience will hurt if he continues to abuse the old couple like this.

The equipment had been fully debugged a few days ago and was just waiting to be finally started. Eric stood in front of the cold jade bed, staring at the computer screen. With a flick of his finger, the switches were turned on in sequence. A large amount of electrical energy was converted into gamma rays, which were then filtered by the cold jade bed and transformed into life rays that promoted the evolution of the two. .

Strong white light shines through the face window and illuminates the entire laboratory.

The two unconscious people inside suddenly showed expressions of pain and screamed unconsciously.

At first, Eric thought this was a normal phenomenon. After all, Captain America had also experienced this. But as time went by, Eric felt more and more wrong.

Through the supernatural power, Eric clearly felt that the two people's physiques had not been enhanced at all, but had suffered a lot of damage. He hurriedly turned off the gamma rays and moved the two of them to a simple regeneration cradle.

The old couple had changed beyond recognition. There were a lot of burn marks all over their bodies, and their hair was completely burned to ashes. What was even worse was that the internal organs inside the body had been exposed to strong radiation and had a lot of lesions. They looked like late-stage cancer. almost.

Fortunately, both of them were injected with half a tube of medicine, and with the help of the regenerative cradle, their injuries were slowly improving.

"Their bodies are resisting life rays! Why? Why is this happening?" Eric frowned, scanning their bodies up and down, turning over and over to check the data he collected.

After studying for a long time, he finally came to a conclusion that left him speechless.

There is no problem with the Howards, there is no problem with the medicine, and there is no problem with his cold jade bed. All the problems lie in time!

Yes, time. After Captain America injected the medicine, he was immediately irradiated with life rays. When the cells in the body need energy the most, they naturally accept all the external energy and convert it into energy that is beneficial to the body. with matter.

As for the Howards, due to Eric's selfishness, they did not irradiate them in time, and the cells in their bodies were always in a low-energy state. As time went by, the cells gradually got used to it and solidified this state. Now when irradiated with rays, the cells in the body will naturally regard the rays as invaders, resist desperately, and fight to the end...

In the final analysis, it was Eric who was responsible.

"Well, you can't blame me. It's Magneto. Yes, it's all Magneto's fault..." Eric muttered in embarrassment and covered the simple regeneration cradle with a piece of black cloth. He wanted to be blind. No worries, but this scene looks like they are going to be buried for two people...

"Okay, at best, I won't blackmail Tony Stark anymore. I'll cross his name off the ledger later." He still remembered the account for that tube of potion! I don’t even think about who took the potion from!

The plan to restore the Howards failed, but the large amount of data compiled allowed Eric to make some fine-tuning of his equipment again. After making sure that nothing went wrong, he slowly lay down in the cold jade bed.

The hatch closed, and Eric let out a long sigh of relief. He glanced at the two tubes of medicine inserted outside the cabin, looked firmly in his eyes, and activated the device with his superpower.

pain! It hurts so much! He had never felt such pain! Every cell in his body was absorbing energy, expanding and evolving, and every cell was sending him a tearing pain.

Eric is not Captain America, a guy with a will comparable to vibranium. He already felt that he couldn't bear it the tenth second after the device was turned on. You know, the energy output at this time is only 10%.

Eric gritted his teeth and sent a small electromagnetic pulse to his central nervous system, trying to turn off the pain nerves, but the nerve cells were also evolving and the energy they absorbed was not much less than that of muscle cells. The electromagnetic pulse was thrown over, but it had no effect at all. He even felt the ridicule from the nerve cells...

"There is no other way, I can only resist! I don't believe it. Why can Steve bear it, but I can't? Energy output is 20%!"

"It hurts! It hurts me to death! Stop it! Stop it!" Eric yelled hysterically, but it was impossible to stop. Just a few minutes ago, in order not to follow Howard's footsteps, he personally cancelled the ray stop function. There are only two ways to stop the device, either succeed or die. Men should be cruel to themselves.

After yelling for a few minutes, Eric got used to it a little. He knew that this was his only chance. He gritted his teeth and increased the energy output to 50%.

"Ah!" Eric's face was distorted, his hands were clenched into fists, his nails had already pierced his palms, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.

"No! I want to hold on! Turn it to maximum power!" Eric yelled wildly, and his superpowers gushed out, pushing the pull rod that controls the energy output directly to the top. He even pushed too hard, and the pull rod was torn off by the powerful superpowers, twisted, and smashed into the opposite wall.

The strong white light flooded the cold jade bed and illuminated the entire laboratory. Eric roared wildly in the white light, and his supernatural power rioted uncontrollably. A large number of instruments in the laboratory flew up, tore, and twisted, and sparks appeared on all the equipment.

"Boom!" Finally, a device exploded because it could not withstand the strong electromagnetic field. Then there was a chain reaction. Instruments and equipment exploded one after another, and flames shot up into the sky.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the cold jade bed burst open, followed by an extremely strong electromagnetic pulse. This electromagnetic pulse, with the laboratory as the center, swept across New York and then radiated to the whole United States. Along the way, countless electronic equipment failed and was scrapped.

This electromagnetic pulse, like a thunder, announced to the world the return of the king!

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