Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 70 Are you interested in traveling to outer space?

"This prodigal woman!"

Eric cursed bitterly, his face almost touching the glass of the battleship.

Watching Carol crash three battleships in succession, he felt his heart bleeding...

Eric didn't care about the wealth on Earth. If he wanted, he could dig out all the gold on Earth, but now it was different. That was a Kree battleship! When he came in, he carefully tore open a two-meter-wide passage, and chose a location for a long time, and found a place with less destructive power. This prodigal woman, she crashed three ships in one breath...

Unfortunately, the scolding was in vain. Carol had just exploded. At this time, no one could stop her. He couldn't just go out and fight with her for a few broken ships.

"Just a few broken ships, yes, broken ships, well, I still have one left." Eric covered his chest and comforted himself silently, but he caught a glimpse of the figure with a streak of red light coming towards him...


"Eric?" Carol also saw him, and her figure stopped suddenly in front of the battleship window, tilted her head to look at Ronan who was hanging in the air, and did not destroy the battleship again. She turned her head to look around, found the hole in the belly of the battleship, and flew in from there.

"Carol! My battleship!" As soon as they met, Eric roared at Carol angrily.

Carol lifted the explosive state, and said in a daze, "What do you mean your warship?"

Eric stretched out his finger tremblingly, pointed at the three warships outside that were already wreckage, and then pointed at his heart, his voice became more and more choked, "Mine, mine..."

Carol rolled his eyes, looking defeated by him, "Eric, that's the Kree warship! They are going to bomb the earth!"

"I have controlled it! Their missiles can't be launched!"

"Control? How do you control it?" Carol obviously didn't believe his nonsense.

"How to control it? Just like that!" Eric suddenly stretched out his hand to the window, and Carol clearly felt the warship under his feet shook, and then began to turn direction with Eric's hand.

When Eric moved his hand to the left, the warship flew away; when he moved his hand to the right, the warship flew to the right; when he pushed his hand forward, the warship flew forward.

"Is this your ability? Control matter?" Carol remembered that when he was on Earth, he also controlled the Skrull pretending to be Maria.

"It's not matter, it's magnetic field! I can do the glowing look you just had!" As he spoke, the magnetic field around Eric was raging, and tiny electric sparks appeared out of thin air, connecting together to form arcs, which then merged to form thick lightning.

Lightning surrounded Eric, ionizing the air around him, and gathering a large amount of plasma emitting blue light on him.

From a distance, Eric's head was raging with lightning, and mist was flowing under his feet, just like a thunder god walking out of a myth.

Although Carol was amazed at Eric's ability, she felt helpless about his slightly childish behavior. She shook her head and turned to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?" Seeing that she was about to leave, Eric hurriedly stopped her.

"Go back to the lab, Fury and the others..." Carol thought Nick Fury was doomed, and her expression was a little gloomy.

"I rescued them, they should have arrived on Earth by now."

"Then let's go back to Earth, there's a score to settle!" Carol immediately perked up when she heard that Nick Fury and the others were fine.

"Oh, you're looking for Yon-Rogg? I captured him, and he's unconscious in my backyard."

Carol: "..."

Brother, you've done all my work, what do you want me to do?

Eric looked innocent, "Where else?"

"Go back to Earth..."

"Then let's go, but let's make it clear first, this battleship is my trophy! And Law Will's laboratory, it also belongs to me!"

Eric's greed made Carol frown, "Eric, I'm sorry, I've decided to take the Skrulls to find a new home, I need Law Will's spaceship."

"I said it at the beginning, one planet for one spaceship! This is a losing deal! If you miss this opportunity, you won't be able to get it again!" Eric frowned frivolously, stretched out a finger and shook it back and forth.

"A planet? Do you really own a planet?" Carol's eyes widened. No matter how she looked at Eric, he didn't look like a rich man who owned a private planet.

"It's not that I own it, but I just happen to know the location of an ownerless planet. Do you want to exchange it?"

"Ownerless planet?" Carol frowned and thought for a moment, "I have to see the planet first, and I need the consent of the Skrulls."

"Then what are you dawdling about, go back to Earth!" After saying that, Eric was about to fly out of the crack. Just after flying a few meters, he suddenly turned back and operated on the battleship console, and the battleship turned on the stealth mode.

"You also understand Kree?"

Eric smiled meaningfully, "We are old rivals!"


Back to Earth, the two quickly found Nick Fury and his group at Maria's house.

"Hey, buddy, what's wrong with your eyes?" Eric saw the scratches on Nick Fury's eyes and asked knowingly.

"It's a small matter, it will be healed in a few days." Nick Fury waved his hand, indicating that as a battle-hardened agent, this injury is nothing.

Eric shook his head and said nothing. Being infected by the bacteria from the Devourer, even Wakanda's medical technology might not be able to cure it. This might be fate, and the boiled egg was destined to be a one-eyed boiled egg.

"Where's the energy core?"

"In the stomach of the Devourer." Nick Fury is a typical person who forgets the pain after the wound heals. The Devourer just scratched his eyes, but he was not angry at all. When he saw the passing orange cat, he picked it up and rubbed it on his face affectionately.

"Uh, it was eaten by it?" Eric was stunned. What should he do? He was in a hurry to use it!

"If you need it urgently, maybe you can consider inducing vomiting. It's on TV." Talos, who was watching TV with his children on the sofa, gave Eric a suggestion.

Eric's eyes lit up, but Nick Fury was anxious. He took a step back with the orange cat in his arms, like a cat slave protecting his master.

But the cat master didn't appreciate it. He struggled in Nick Fury's hands, jumped to the ground, and walked straight towards Eric.

Eric looked at it vigilantly, always on guard against it extending a bunch of tentacles from its mouth.

The Devourer squatted in front of Eric, tilted his head and looked at him, then his throat surged and spit out a blue cube.

Cosmic Cube! Space Gem!

Eric didn't care about the dirt, he grabbed it, shook off the slime on it, and put it in front of his eyes to look carefully.

Carol and Maria, who were chatting not far away, were also attracted by the blue light of the Cosmic Cube and wanted to see what Eric was going to do.

Eric stared at the Cosmic Cube for a long time, then closed his eyes again, his supernatural powers flickered, changed hundreds of times, and then he opened his eyes and looked around with a smile, "Everyone, are you interested in visiting an alien planet?"

It's over, I seem to have been blocked by the Writer's Assistant...

I can't reply to comments and this chapter directly in the Writer's Assistant, what's the situation? They said I said too much in this chapter...

Hey, please collect and recommend again...

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