The Cosmic Cube, the Space Stone, as one of the Infinity Stones, contains powerful space power. If used properly, the Space Stone can theoretically teleport the user to any place. It is actually inferior to the Hydra extracting energy from it.

Many people have used the Space Stone, such as Loki, Thanos, and Red Skull Schmidt.

During World War II, Captain America destroyed a large number of Hydra bases, and finally fought with Red Skull on the plane. Red Skull was defeated and picked up the Cosmic Cube with his bare hands and was teleported to an unknown place.

Captain America did not know that Red Skull was teleported away. He saw Red Skull disappear with his own eyes and thought he had died, but in fact he did not, but was teleported to a distant planet, Vormir.

This is also Eric's destination, the "future home" he prepared for the Skrulls.

Eric slowly attached his powerful mental power to the Cosmic Cube through the magnetic field, and carefully identified the subtle traces on it.

That is the mark left by the previous users of the Cosmic Cube, an indelible mark.

After carefully understanding the difference, Eric found the one with the shortest time among countless marks.

Injecting energy into the coordinates corresponding to this mark, a blue cloud appeared out of thin air in front of Eric, rolling and tumbling.

Everyone else took a step back cautiously, and Carol took a step forward to block everyone.

Eric waved his hand to indicate that there was no danger, and then slowly walked into the cloud.

This is a strange and weird planet. It is obviously very suitable for survival, but it is deserted and there is no sign of life.

The sky seems to be always covered by dark clouds, and the light of the stars makes the dark clouds flash in different colors.

The broken eaves and broken walls can be seen everywhere on the ground, all of which indicate that some kind of civilization once existed on this planet.

On the distant mountain, there stands a strange building, like two pillars piercing the sky.

"Yes, this is it!" Eric did not move forward, but took a step back, returned to the cloud, and returned to Earth again.

Everyone looked at him nervously. They all guessed that Eric was going to find a new home for the Skrulls.

But this method was too incredible!

The energy core that was still in the orange cat's stomach a second ago was played with in Eric's hands. It not only released blue clouds, but also made the distance between the two planets become one step away.

"How is it?" Carol asked anxiously.

"Come with me!" Eric waved his hand gently, summoned the unconscious Yong Logue, and returned to Vormir again, and Carol followed closely.


"Is this what you call suitable for survival?" Carol looked at the scene around her, and her face became darker and darker.

Let's not talk about the ecological environment. She just came here and noticed that there was a special energy here. This energy was everywhere, not only the earth, buildings, but also the air.

Carol was extremely sensitive to energy. This energy made her feel very uncomfortable. It was cold, desolate, ominous, evil, full of the breath of death, without a trace of positive emotions.

It was strange that she felt emotions in energy for the first time.

"Don't worry, these are minor problems." Eric slowly floated up and flew towards the distant mountain with Yong Logue. "This place is so special because there is a treasure hidden here. As long as this treasure is taken away, the environment will naturally recover slowly."

"Treasure? What treasure?" Carol flew up with Eric. Hearing his words, she couldn't help but look around with dazzling eyes.

"Hehe, don't look, you can't see it, it's a gem!" Eric chuckled and looked at Carol with a playful look, "Tell me the truth, do you have a little admiration for Yong Logue?"

Carol's breathing stagnated, and her eyes couldn't help but glance at the unconscious Yong Logue, and the bits and pieces of the two people together flashed in her mind.

Carol lived in Kerry for six years. In those six years, the two trained and fought together. Yong Logue gave her enough care and warmth during the most helpless time when she just lost her memory. Regardless of the purpose, Yong Logue cares about Carol very much, not only in training and fighting, but also in life.

After six years of living together, it would be a lie to say that there is no emotion between them! If there is no emotion, how could she go to Yong Logue to fight and vent every time she has a nightmare?

Eric saw Carol's expression and knew the answer. He chuckled and increased his speed.

"Wait!" Carol hurriedly caught up with him and flew backwards face to face with him, "What do you want to do? Do you want to pick me up? Let me tell you, the moment I recovered my memory and knew that Yong Logue was lying to me, I had decided that I would never fall in love with any man in this life!"

After that, Carol turned around and accelerated, leaving Eric with a chic back.

Eric stared at her flying away in astonishment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Is this why you became the cheerleader?"


The two quickly flew to the top of the mountain, and from a distance, they saw a figure floating in the air with legs crossed, his torn black robe fluttering without wind, and he looked as pretentious as he could be...

Seeing the two people falling, the figure slowly took off his hood, revealing a red skull face.

"Red Skull!" Eric put his hands behind his back and called out his name calmly.

"Welcome, you are..." A yellow light flashed in the Red Skull's eyes. He was halfway through his words when he suddenly stopped in shock. He opened his mouth several times but couldn't say anything. Finally, the light faded and the Red Skull fell to the ground in embarrassment, pointing at Eric and trembling.

"You, who are you? Why can't I see your origins!"

"Oh? You can see other people's origins?" Carol walked forward in surprise, staring at the skull face and thinking for a moment, and finally realized, "You are the Red Skull of Hydra! The one killed by Captain America! I have seen your wax figure in the Captain America Memorial."

Hearing Captain America's name, the Red Skull looked at Carol deeply and didn't respond, "I am cursed to know everyone who comes here, such as you, Carol Danvers, born in Massachusetts, with two brothers, Stephen, Joseph Jr..."

"So, you can't see my origins?" Eric showed an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth, "Maybe your master doesn't want you to see it!"

The Red Skull's pretense was interrupted, and he wisely shut his mouth, without any expression for Eric's sarcasm.

Seeing him like this, Eric shook his head, "It seems that the Red Skull who fought Captain America that year is dead."

"Haha, waiting here for decades, any emotions will be erased by time!" The Red Skull spread his hands, his tone as calm as ever.

"But hatred won't!" Eric suddenly stepped forward, stood in front of the Red Skull, and stared at his deep eye sockets, "Even if only the soul is left, you are still full of hatred, aren't you?"

"Hatred is the source of my survival!"

Eric snorted coldly, walked around him and went to the top of the mountain, "Take me to get the gem!"

Dear friends, if there are any mistakes in the book, please point them out, I will definitely correct them, thank you!

Well, the writer's assistant still can't reply, and I have to go to the Qidian app to get one chapter at a time (mainly because I'm lazy)...

So I won't reply to you for the time being. I have consulted Qidian, but there is no reply yet. It is estimated that it will be after Monday.

Finally, I still ask for collection and recommendation. Thank you everyone...

Uh, I type very slowly (= ̄ω ̄=), please bear with me...

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