Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 72 Eric, I want you to pay with your life!

"If you want to get the soul gem, you have to pay a huge price!"

“We all think we’re ready at first, but we’re all wrong!”

Red Skull chattered along the way, as if he was explaining to Eric and others, or whispering to himself to complete a certain task.

Eric followed him calmly, paying no attention to what he said, but Carol was curious, "What's the price?"

"That's the price!" Red Skull pointed at the cliff a few steps away in front of them.

Carol couldn't help but walked forward and looked down, only to see a circular pattern below, "That's it?"

"That's it!" Eric also stepped forward, "The soul gem needs to be sacrificed."

"What sacrifice?"

"Sacrifice souls, one soul for another!" Eric glanced sideways at Red Skull and stole his line.

"You know?" Red Skull looked at him in surprise.

"Of course I know!"

Carol turned to look at Yong Rogg, who was still unconscious, and raised his eyebrows, "Eric, you want to sacrifice him?"

"Of course, what do you think?" Eric looked at her with a smile, waiting for her decision.

Carol hesitated for a few seconds and then asked: "With this gem taken away, will this planet be suitable for the Skrulls to survive?"

"That's right!"

"Come on then!" Carol stepped forward and picked up Yon Rogg, and when he reached the edge of the cliff, he was about to throw him down.

"This won't work!" Red Skull looked at this child's play sacrifice and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to stop her, "The soul gem needs to be sacrificed to the soul of the person you love!"

"This is her true love!" Eric suppressed a smile and pointed at Yong Rogg.

Red Skull looked at Carol, then at Yon Rogg, and shook his head, "It's useless to lie to me. I'm just a guide. The real measure of the sacrifice is the soul gem."

"Then you can cheat the soul gem." Eric shrugged and said it very easily.

Not only was Red Skull shocked, but Carol was also shocked. How could a stone be deceived? How to cheat? Say a cross talk to Shitou? Or perform a skit?

"Carol, I need your cooperation." Eric stood behind Carol and placed his hands on her temples.

"How to cooperate?" Carol suddenly became serious, her aura was rising steadily, and she was ready to explode at any time.

Eric couldn't help but roll his eyes and patted her head, "Relax and dissipate the energy. I'm not asking you to fight."

Carol was stunned for a moment, and with some embarrassment she dissipated the energy she had just gathered, "What should we do?"

"Try to love Yon Rogg."

"Ah?" Carol was dumbfounded. How could she love this?

"What?" The Red Skull on the side was even more dumbfounded, almost popping his eyes out.

Eric patted her again, "Concentrate, let your mind go, recall the good times you had together, and tell yourself over and over again in your mind that you love him."

"It's impossible for you to succeed like this!" Red Skull shook his head and stepped aside to continue watching the two people's performance. He had been staying in this ghost place for decades and hadn't seen anyone for decades. Finally, two people came this time. Regardless, Whatever they do, he finds it interesting.

Eric ignored him and pressed his palms against Carol's head. "The human brain is composed of the cerebral cortex and the limbic system. The cerebral cortex is responsible for many advanced functions of the human body, including language, thinking, planning, execution, and cognition. etc., is called the ‘rational brain’.”

"The limbic system includes numerous structures in the cerebral cortex and subcortical areas, including the hippocampus, amygdala, cingulate gyrus, hypothalamus and other areas. Because it governs emotions, motivation, memory and other functions, it is also called the 'emotional brain' ”

Eric explained while slowly releasing electromagnetic pulses, "What I want to do now is to stimulate your 'emotional brain' and let them produce more hormones, so that you can have richer emotions. Uh, don't resist. , this little energy won’t hurt you at all.”

After listening to Eric's explanation, Carol took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, closed her eyes and let herself go, trying to recall Yon Rogg's kindness to her, his meticulous care in life, and his detailed and patient care on the training ground. Teaching, gentle words of enlightenment after nightmares...

She chanted silently in her heart over and over again, "I love Yong Rogg, I love Yong Rogg, I love Yong Rogg..."

Seeing that she had entered the state, Eric nodded secretly, mobilizing his mental power and magnetic field at the same time to observe her subtle changes.

Through self-hypnosis over and over again, coupled with Eric's use of electromagnetic pulse stimulation from time to time, Carol's mouth gradually showed a sweet smile.

"That's it now!" Eric immediately increased the output of his powers, and strange electromagnetic pulses bombarded Carol's hypothalamus and other locations from afar, causing her brain to secrete more hormones and produce more Emotions.

Carol's expression slowly became as pure as spring breeze, and a bright smile appeared on her face, as if a girl in love had received an engagement ring from her boyfriend.

"There is such an operation?!" Red Skull looked dumbfounded on the sidelines. He considered himself a very evil person. When he led Hydra, he often manipulated the lives of others. This was the first time he could manipulate people's emotions. See you soon, see you soon, see you soon!

"Let go!" When the time came, Eric shouted in Carol's ear. Carol subconsciously let go, and Yon Rogg suddenly fell down.

"It's done!" Eric silently praised himself in his heart, and his hands slightly left Carol's head.

Carol slightly opened her eyes, and looked around like a young girl.

However, when she lowered her head slightly, Carol saw her "beloved" Yong Logue falling, and her eyes were immediately bloodshot, "No! Logue!"

With a roar, Carol directly turned on the explosive mode, rushed down the cliff like lightning, and the huge energy impact knocked the Red Skull far away, and Eric was also knocked back a few steps.

"Oh, it seems a little too much?" Eric was embarrassed, watching Carol "jump off the cliff to save her husband", and almost covered his face.

Carol's speed was a step slower after all. As soon as her hand touched the corner of Yong Logue's clothes, he fell heavily to the ground, and he died without a groan. Blue blood flowed out, dyeing the ground blue.

Carol knelt beside him, gently stroking his cheek, and a few tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. She wiped a streak of blood from Yong Rogge and gently tapped it on her forehead, "Rogge, don't worry, your blood is still flowing in my body!"

After that, she burst into a brighter light, soared into the sky, hovered near the cliff, and looked directly at Eric, "Eric! I want you to pay with your life!"

I received a notice today that I will be on a business trip at the end of the month...

Hurry up and see if I can write a few chapters to save...

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