Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 73 The culprit: Soul Gem!

"Carol, wake up, it's just some emotional hormones, it will decompose in ten minutes!" Eric patted his forehead and persuaded weakly.

Carol didn't listen to him now, pointed his fists at Eric and fired directly.

"You will not live if you do evil, the ancients are not deceiving me!" Eric smiled bitterly and blocked the energy cannon with a magnetic shield.

Carol saw that the attack did not work, and rushed towards Eric in a flash.

Eric hid aside like lightning, rolled his eyes and watched Carol rushing away, "You can smash the Kree warship with one punch, only a fool would compete with you in strength!"

Carol's ability comes from the explosion of Law Will's light speed engine. The huge energy was absorbed by her, giving her superpowers such as energy absorption, energy control, super physique, flight, etc. Her ability is as strong as that of the big super in DC next door.

However, her weakness is also obvious, that is her mind. Suffering from amnesia, brainwashing, and betrayal in succession, her mind is extremely fragile and can be easily disturbed or controlled.

This is one of the reasons why Eric chose her. If someone as determined as Captain America were to come, even if he was exhausted to death, it might not have any effect.

Judging from the situation just now, choosing her is indeed the wisest choice. The effect is very good, but it is a bit too good and it is a mess...

"The frequency is 10 GHz, and the lethal strength of the electromagnetic pulse skill is, well, this is for ordinary people. Just now, when I hypnotized Carol, it has already exceeded this limit. Therefore, if you want her to recover, you must have a stronger electromagnetic pulse. Let's increase it tenfold first."

A white light was born in Eric's palm, spinning and tumbling. The light became brighter and brighter, as if a bright star was held in his palm. Eric's whole body was bathed in thunder and lightning, and his eyes were full of white light.

Carol stopped in the distance, turned around, tilted her head and stared at Eric, clenched her fists again, and the red light on her body became brighter.

Seeing her stop, Eric pointed his finger, and the white light in his hand turned into a lightning bolt, hitting Carol's forehead, and instantly submerged her entire head in the white light.

That was a super strong electromagnetic pulse compressed by him, essentially an electromagnetic wave, with a speed equivalent to the speed of light. Carol had just seen Eric's action and was hit.

"Success?" Eric mobilized all his senses and carefully observed Carol's state.

Carol's head was submerged in white light, and the red light emanating from her body was like resisting an invader. The white light was as strong as a general expanding the territory, and the red light was as long as a rock-solid Great Wall. The two confronted each other, and for a while they were evenly matched.

Unfortunately, after just a few seconds, the red light saw that the opponent was so difficult, and immediately changed its strategy, no longer struggling to resist, but let go of defense, allowing the white light to invade Carol's head.

The white light covering Carol's head was absorbed into Carol's body at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then nothing happened...

"Energy absorption... my brain!" Eric slapped his forehead heavily, his face full of regret. Using energy to attack Carol was like throwing meat buns at a dog!

In Carol's eyes, white and red light flashed alternately, the white light became less and less, and the red light on Carol's body became higher and higher.

Eric finally got serious. It seemed that he had to use some hardcore attacks! He opened his hands and raised them slightly, and countless metal particles were immediately separated from the soil, condensed into egg-sized metal balls in the air, and rotated in front of Eric.

Eric stretched out a hand and aimed at Carol. His eyes were fixed, and the flying metal balls in the air suddenly stopped, and one by one they shot towards Carol along his arm.

Electromagnetic gun! And it was an endless supply of electromagnetic guns! Metal particles were constantly extracted from the ground, condensed into metal balls in the air, and quickly fired by Eric.

Eric believed that even the Kree warships could not withstand such a hard-core attack for a few minutes. But such a hard-core attack was not possible against Carol!

As soon as the first metal ball arrived, Carol swung her fist and smashed the metal ball into powder. Then, she turned into a meteor, kept swinging her fist, and rushed towards a series of electromagnetic cannons.

A lightning-like punch collided with the electromagnetic cannons that continued like flowing water in the air. Huge energy exploded one after another, and shock waves came one after another. The metal ball was just broken by Carol, and then it immediately experienced the baptism of energy, and most of it was instantly vaporized!

This won’t work! Eric immediately stopped the attack, and his hands drew a circle. The metal particles immediately merged into his magnetic shield, making his shield stronger. Then, Eric slowly raised his right fist, and a silver light spread out from his fist, covering his entire fist. That was vibranium!

The powerful punch was approaching quickly. Eric's magnetic shield only made her pause for a moment, consuming a little energy, and then was shattered!

A cold light flashed in Eric's eyes, lightning flashed on his arms, and lightning like a star lit up on his fist, and he hit Carol fiercely.

The two fists collided, and a visible shock wave instantly erupted, carrying huge energy, cutting the nearby mountain in half!

The shock wave cut off the mountain and destroyed countless broken eaves and broken walls, but it still disappeared, stretching for hundreds of kilometers.

At the center of the explosion, Eric and Carol stood opposite each other. Carol was not affected at all, and the red light on her body remained. Eric was not so good. He rubbed his right shoulder with his left hand, and his face was slightly pale. If you look closely, you will find that his right hand was slightly trembling.

"As expected of Captain Marvel, he is so powerful even though he is just an ordinary explosive. I wonder how strong he will be after he gets the binary star state!"

Eric's face was solemn, not only because of the pressure Carol brought him, but also because he found a very unusual phenomenon.

It stands to reason that people's violent emotional fluctuations will not last too long. A few minutes to more than ten minutes will reach the limit. After that, the brain will respond to stress, stop the production of hormones, and even actively decompose these hormones.

Carol became emotionally agitated, and the culprit was Eric's electromagnetic pulse stimulation. However, Eric had stopped the stimulation long ago. It stands to reason that Carol's brain should have stopped producing hormones long ago. Why is she getting more and more angry like now?

"Maybe, it's not just because of me!" Eric's eyes flashed with a few cold rays, and he couldn't help looking down. There, Yong Logue's body was lying quietly, miraculously not affected by the fight between the two, but that's all.

"The sacrifice has been completed, but the Soul Gem has not come out. Sure enough, the Soul Gem has its own consciousness, and it is affecting Carol!"

Do you think I will stop updating today? Impossible! Hahaha...

Okay, it's really too late today, I'm very sorry...

I got off work at around 8 o'clock today and went home. I turned on my phone and saw that it was Sunday. I worked overtime for another week...

Hey, for my poor points, don't mind my slow typing, okay?

Finally, as usual, please collect and recommend...

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