Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 74: Magneto's unique explosive species

The Soul Gem is affecting Carol, which is inseparable from Carol's superpowers.

The Soul Gem has been hidden on Vormir for many years, causing a drastic impact on the entire planet. Not only the earth and soil, but even the air is filled with the strange energy emitted by the Soul Gem.

One of Carol's abilities is energy absorption, which will make her involuntarily absorb and transform all the energy she touches, naturally giving the Soul Gem an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Coupled with her fragile mind, it is too easy to influence her!

"Soul Gem, it's a bit troublesome!" Eric looked at Carol who was confronting him, and his mouth was a little bitter. This was an unexpected situation he did not expect. "Now the only way is to wake her up!"

Okay, since you are controlled, then I will wake you up!

Eric made a prompt decision and quickly descended to the ground, knelt on one knee, and pressed his hands on the ground.

The powerful magnetic field ability spread, not only across the mountains and plains, but also deep underground, penetrating the crust and mantle...

Soon, Eric's ability was connected to the geomagnetic field of Vormir.

Carol saw Eric's action, and turned into a meteor again, punching him.

Eric raised his head, sneered, and closed his eyes.

Carol was getting closer and closer to Eric, and the indestructible iron fist was about to hit him. Suddenly, a huge fist came from the side and knocked Carol hundreds of meters away.

Carol hovered in the air and tilted his head to look at the giant fist. It actually stretched out from the mountain next to him!

The huge fist, made of rocks and soil, opened its palm and slapped the ground after it hit Carol. The rock arm was propped up, just like a person trying to stand up, supporting it with force.

Then, a "person" really stood up! A huge figure separated from the mountain peak. It was like a mountain giant from ancient times. It was covered with rocks and mud. It was more than a thousand meters tall, and the diameter of a fist was more than a hundred meters!

The rumbling sound resounded throughout the Vormir Star. One after another, mountain giants stood up from the peaks or plains, surrounding Carol in the air.

In front of them, Carol was like a fly, as if she could be slapped to death at will.

Eric opened his eyes and looked at the surrounded Carol. A smile appeared on his face, then he closed his eyes again and sat cross-legged.

Carol looked around without any fear. Influenced by the soul gem, there was only destruction in her heart! These mountain giants are indeed very big, but can they be bigger than the Kree warships? It's just a matter of one punch!

This is indeed the case. When Carol took the mountain giant as her target and punched it, the mountain giant who looked very tough was actually hit in the head by a punch and fell to the ground, turning into a pile of rubble.

Then, the second one, and the third one.

The mountain giants were knocked down one after another, but they did not fight back. They waved their huge fists, always coming from unexpected directions, forcing her to stop attacking and respond.

At the same time, far outside the battle circle, on a low mountain, boulders were broken, the ground was torn, and countless metal particles were gathered together, constantly piled up and lengthened, forming a giant cannon barrel with a diameter of tens of meters and a length of hundreds of meters.

The cannon barrel quickly took shape, the base automatically corrected, and aimed at Carol. In the cannon barrel, the metal particles quickly condensed to form a cannonball with a diameter of tens of meters, and under the action of the magnetic field, it was fired with a bang!

This was the first time Eric tried such a huge electromagnetic cannon. The cannonball with a diameter of tens of meters was accelerated to more than Mach 10 by the magnetic field, making a huge roar, piercing through the bodies of several mountain giants in succession, and hitting Carol hard.

This is really a cannon hitting a mosquito! Carol was not hurt, but was pushed hundreds of kilometers away by the huge cannonball.

When she smashed the shell with one punch and returned to the battlefield again, the mountain giant that she had just crushed to pieces actually stood up again.

Being affected by the soul gem does not mean that Carol is completely controlled. She still maintains a high degree of autonomy. This time, she did not go against those stupid big guys again, but took advantage of her speed and moved lightly between the mountain giants. Soon she came to the huge electromagnetic cannon and smashed it with one punch!

Then, she pushed her speed to the extreme again, turned into a red light, and kept flying in the air, avoiding the attack of the mountain giant, and quickly looking for Eric's position. She knew very well that it was Eric who was manipulating everything. As long as Eric was defeated, everything would be over.

Eric did not hide deliberately, but was blocked by the rubble left by the battle. He still closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, his forehead was full of sweat, his neck veins were throbbing, his teeth were bitten and clattered, and his expression looked very ferocious.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and howled, and the whole Vormir star seemed to shake.

With the mountain giant delaying time, he finally completed the explosion that belonged to Magneto!

Carol immediately found his position, sneered at the corner of her mouth, and swooped down.

Eric also noticed Carol, chuckled, and slowly rose into the air. The strange thing was that with just a few very slight movements, the ground shook as if there was an earthquake.

Facing Carol who was whistling, Eric slowly raised his fist, gently extended it like Tai Chi, and collided with Carol.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, as if a nuclear bomb exploded, a huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and the shock wave spread for thousands of miles. Wherever it passed, everything was destroyed. The mountain giants were almost crushed in the blink of an eye.

"The magnetic field energy of a planet, this is not something you can contend with now!" Eric stood at the center of the explosion, calmly watching Carol being blown away, and his figure flashed, and he appeared behind Carol, and punched again!

"Boom!" With another loud bang, Carol was directly hit deep into the ground. Eric didn't let her go, swooped down, plunged into the ground, and collided with Carol, dispersing the red light she had just condensed again, and she fell into a coma completely.

With Eric's last punch, the mountains and rivers on Vormir collapsed, tsunamis erupted, volcanoes erupted, and even continental plates began to shift! If it happened on a planet with life, it would definitely be a huge disaster!

Eric grabbed Carol, returned to the ground, and gave her another electromagnetic pulse. He dispersed his strength, looked around, and shook his head.

"Borrowing the earth's magnetism is indeed very strong, but the damage to the planet is too great! If I continue, I'm afraid that the magnetic poles of Vormir will be reversed! This trick must not be used on Earth!"

Carol fell into a deep coma, and a trace of yellow light began to emanate from her body, slowly condensing in front of her, and finally turned into a gem.

Soul Gem!

No, my speed is too slow, I have to quickly save the manuscript...

One more chapter, I won't sleep if I don't write another chapter!

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