Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 86 The Secret of Gravity and the Cosmic Cube

As soon as he finished complaining, Eric felt something was wrong. Gravity was inside his body, and he was rampaging like a giant snake, expanding its territory.

It did not attack Eric's body, but was like a domineering general, forcibly driving away the magnetic field power in his body. Compared with the magnetic field power, it was as weak as a child, but it was still extremely overbearing. When it met him, it turned out that Forcing the magnetic field power to retreat steadily.

Perhaps it was the sudden blow that blinded the magnetic field power. For a moment, the power did not respond. It was not until a few seconds later that the magnetic field power began to counterattack violently, forcing Gravity to retreat steadily. In just one breath, it was destroyed. Forced back to the fingertips.

Eric sighed helplessly, trying hard to suppress the superpower, and even actively controlled the superpower to make way for Gravity and help it integrate into his body.

After many efforts, Gravityium finally occupied a place in Eric's body and settled in one of his arms. Above it, there was a powerful magnetic field called the Tiger-Dragon Plate, blocking its way forward. No matter how Eric adjusted it, it had no effect at all.

Eric smiled bitterly. There was still too little gravity, and it seemed to be naturally hostile to magnetism, making him, the master, unable to do anything.

"However, this is a good start after all!" Eric raised his arm and carefully understood the mystery.

On his arms, a ray of silver-gray light flashed from time to time, like glowing worms running through his arms.

Eric closed his eyes and carefully realized the gravitational field around him.

very clearly! In the past, sensing the gravitational field through a magnetic field was like a last resort. I could vaguely see glimmers of light, but I couldn't see it clearly.

But what was different now was that the gravitational field seemed to have stripped away all the hidden things, and he stood naked in front of him, with endless secrets open to him.

"It's a pity that there is too little gravity. If there is more, maybe I can control gravity directly. I don't need to waste time to understand. With just a little more, I can unify gravity and electromagnetism. Then I will understand the strong and the weak and realize the great unification. By then, I will be able to at least reach the quasi-Heavenly Father level! It is enough to challenge Thanos without any artifact!

"Among the locations for future analysis, the largest part of the gravity force is underground in Washington. Maybe I should dig out what's here and then dig out other places."

The silver-gray light on Eric's arm became brighter and brighter, and his eyes became more and more crazy. Without using electromagnetic force, his body floated strangely, and more and more crazy thoughts appeared in his mind.

"No! This is wrong!" Eric woke up suddenly, arcs of electricity burst out on his head, and the magnetic field energy was released wildly, creating bright lightning bolts all around.

Lightning struck his head from time to time, without causing any damage to him, but making his mind clearer.

Eric looked at his arm in horror, or at the gravity in his arm.

This thing is so weird!

It seems to have its own thoughts, influencing the host from time to time, trying to make the host dig out the remaining gravity on the earth.

No wonder King Wanli went crazy in the end and actually shattered the earth! Eric secretly warned himself that he must not fuse any more gravity.

Through a brief contact, Eric noticed the state of gravity, which is an unknown substance filled with a strange energy. It is this strange energy that affects or controls gravity and gravity. An unknown substance, but in an auxiliary position.

"Strange, this feeling has been felt there before!" The more he realized it, the more Eric felt like he had seen that kind of energy before.

Past experiences flashed through one by one, and the energies he had seen were investigated one by one. In the end, Eric locked in the result, "Cosmic Rubik's Cube! Yes, that's right, this kind of energy is also found in the Universe Rubik's Cube! No, it's not a Rubik's Cube, maybe it should be It’s a space gem!”

"Gravity, gravity, space... gravitational waves!" Eric's eyes became brighter. "Yes, according to the theory of relativity, gravity is a special force generated by space when the gravity of an object acts on space. Gravitational waves are It’s the ripples of this force that spreads, just like electromagnetic waves.”

"That's right! Gravity is essentially a force of space. Dimensions limit the viewing angle. If you look at it from a four-dimensional space, space is like a piece of paper. If you put a small ball on the paper, the paper will naturally be dented by the small ball. If you put a small ball next to it, it will roll down the depression. This is gravity! "

With thunder and lightning hitting his head, Eric felt that his thinking was extremely clear. Gravity is really just an introduction, but it is an extremely important introduction. Through this introduction, coupled with so many years of understanding of electromagnetic force, the mystery of gravity can be solved Like an onion, Eric peeled it off layer by layer.

"No, my foundation is a bit weak, I need a little external force!" With a wave of his hand, the steel floor of the basement suddenly became like a pool of water, and a cube with flashing blue light was dragged up.

The Cosmic Cube, which has been hidden in the several-meter-thick metal floor of the basement since Eric obtained it, has finally been revealed.

"The Rubik's Cube is a shell wrapped around the space gem. Why are there two different energies?" After mastering a hint of the mystery of gravity, looking at the Universe Rubik's Cube again, we can finally get a glimpse of its secrets.

"Perhaps, the shell is like a conversion device, a filter, converting pure space energy into lower-level energy. It is also because of this downgrade transformation that Dr. Zola, Howard Stark, Anton... Vanke and other ordinary people can study it!”

"I don't need this downgraded energy. I need the most primitive space energy. How about crushing it?"

After a moment of hesitation, Eric gave up this plan. It was very simple to crush the cosmic cube. With his current ability, he could break it with an electromagnetic cannon, but it would be a waste.

The downgraded space energy converted by the cosmic cube can provide a lot of materials and help for current scientific research. The energy weapons of Hydra, the Ark reactor, and the new elements envisioned by Howard, etc., all come from downgraded space energy. The energy is downgraded, and the threshold for research is also lowered. If the space energy is studied directly, I am afraid that these achievements may not be born.

Since there is no plan to destroy it, then another way must be found.

The space gem is wrapped in a shell, but it does not affect the user's use, which means that the shell cannot prevent all the space energy from dissipating. Eric activated the cosmic cube again, carefully felt the difference, and tried several times, and finally let him find the trick.

The electromagnetic field and the gravitational field are superimposed to form a vortex-like force field, which passes through the cosmic cube and absorbs the purest space energy on the space gem.

I will update yesterday's second chapter tonight. I will write it now. I am going to work now. Happy weekend to all my friends...T﹏T

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