Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 87 Your father was captured by a monster (please collect and recommend)

"At this time, should a villain come out to help me adapt to my new abilities?"

Eric lazily lay on the sofa, his eyes slightly closed, his fingers not wanting to move at all. A can of Coke floated in front of him, pouring a sip into his mouth from time to time.

After absorbing enough space energy from the space gem, Eric finally got what he wanted and initially controlled gravity, or space power.

Now, his control ability is no longer limited to metal and magnetic materials, but has been extended to a wider level.

Any heavy material will generate gravity, and as long as there is gravity, he can control it.

From this theoretical point of view, he can already control any material!

Of course, this control is still very elementary. After all, he has just gained the ability to control gravity not long ago. Compared with the magnetic field ability, the ability to control gravity is just a little brother.

He still needs more time to comprehend and study.

The improvement of control is not the thing that makes him happiest. This growth of ability is completely within his expectations. What makes him happiest is that he finally figured out some of the origins of gravity, or the power of space.

Gravity is a special force generated by space when the gravity of an object acts on space. In essence, it is the power of space.

The special energy of the gravity gun is the trigger, the space energy of the space gem is the cornerstone, and with the magnetic field ability as a catalyst, the power of space was developed unexpectedly by Eric.

After mastering the power of space, Eric has mastered some special skills that people dream of.

For example, space teleportation. No longer relying on the space gem, the energy of the self generates a gravitational field, acts on the space, and then uses the magnetic field ability to forcibly penetrate, open a narrow gap, and a space channel is formed.

This space channel is extremely unstable. After Eric tried hundreds of times, he gradually mastered the trick.

He first experimented with some common daily necessities, such as wine bottles, cola, lighters, and then pots and pans...

After destroying the entire kitchen and confirming the safety of the teleportation, he began to destroy various small animals, from spiders and mice at the beginning, to cats and dogs later, until he jumped in himself.

The experience of teleportation was extremely bad, just like locking him in a drum washing machine and then tying the washing machine to a magnetic levitation roller coaster and running it around.

After the first time, he would never want to teleport again...

Space teleportation needs to be improved.

But he has fully developed another skill, that is the pocket dimension.

Based on the space energy of the space gem, using gravity to expand and magnetism to solidify, a small pocket dimension with a radius of more than ten square meters was created.

This is a space that belongs to him alone. The whole space is filled with his information and imprints. There is no magnetic field and gravitational fluctuations that belong to him. It is difficult for others to open it.

Of course, it is just difficult. There are too many super-sized beings in the Marvel Universe, and space power is the standard of the big guys. It is possible that some big guys will break it open for fun when they have nothing to do.

There is air in the pocket dimension, but it lacks many factors necessary for survival, so it cannot store living things for a long time, but it is not a big problem if the time is short.

Another thing is time. The flow rate of time in the pocket dimension is exactly the same as that in the outside world, and there will be no phenomenon of time standing still in the space ring. Eric's current strength is not enough to touch the field of time.

After gaining new abilities, Eric must experiment with them. There is nothing to try about gravity control, which is similar to magnetic field control. He is most interested in space teleportation and pocket dimensions.

For the first stop of teleportation, Eric chose Wakanda, which is the place where he has exposed his strength the most and the place where he feels most at ease.

The mysterious and unknown Wakanda is now similar to his back garden.

The space portal was opened in the palace of Wakanda. When Eric stumbled out of the space portal, T'Chaka had already put on the black panther suit and took a defensive posture. Behind him were the bald palace guards. They stared with their eyes wide open, and all the javelins in their hands were aimed at the space portal, ready to attack at any time.

"Ugh!" The special teleportation experience, even with Eric's strong physique, he couldn't resist it. As soon as he climbed out, he vomited the overnight meal on the newly laid floor of Wakanda.

When T'Chaka saw that it was him who crawled out, he leaped to his side, not caring about the filthy vomit, picked him up and ran, ran behind the palace guards, handed him to a few bald guards, and returned to the space gate again, ready for battle.

But after waiting for a long time, no enemy came out, and T'Chaka in the Black Panther armor was sweating nervously.

In his mind, Eric must have encountered a powerful enemy, and was defeated by the enemy, and was thrown over by the enemy's portal. Didn't you see that he crawled out? He must have been seriously injured! He also vomited all over the floor. Well, it was probably in his stomach.

He saw Eric's strength with his own eyes. Can he beat an enemy that even Eric couldn't deal with?

Ni Jadaka looks more like a prince than my son. Will my son lose the throne in the future? Should I write a will first? Hide it behind the upright and bright plaque? Oh, Wakanda doesn't have that plaque. Is it too late to become a vibranium now?

Do you want to have a full meal as the last meal? I heard that there is a custom in the East that one must eat a full meal as the last meal so as not to starve to death.

My daughter is only two years old. Now it seems that she will definitely be a beauty in the future. I don’t know which stinky boy will marry her. Should I leave some tricks for her?

T’Chaka turned into an imaginary king. He squatted in front of the portal. His legs were numb from squatting, but no one came out. Until the portal became smaller and smaller and disappeared, he was still a little bit unbelievable. Why didn’t the enemy come? Was he scared by himself?

Behind them, Eric finally recovered. He looked at his actions speechlessly and quietly closed the portal.

After dismissing his left and right, Eric explained his new ability to T’Chaka, which made T’Chaka jealous. How great would it be if he had this ability? Put your own vibranium meteorite in the pocket dimension, and you are afraid that someone will steal it?

His idea is also Eric’s idea. He is Magneto. As long as there is metal, there will be no shortage of weapons. However, ordinary metal is still a little inferior, and vibranium is more durable.

It used to be inconvenient to carry. Now there is a pocket dimension, can you not save some?

Is this a big deal? With a wave of his hand, the palace guards directly transported a truck of refined vibranium. They had witnessed Eric turning into a god to save Wakanda. Seeing him, they were like the white snake seeing Xu Xian, and they wanted to be with him. Why would they care about vibranium?

Eric put the vibranium into his pocket dimension in a cold sweat under the eager eyes of the bald female guards. He said hello and opened the portal again to escape.

After that, he tried dozens of times until he was exhausted.

"According to the routine, every time the protagonist upgrades, shouldn't a villain jump out for the protagonist to take down? Why didn't he do it this time?"

Just as Eric was wondering, the phone suddenly rang. As soon as he picked it up, an urgent roar came from the other side, "Eric, your father was captured by a monster!"

Yes, I updated again. Uh, well, this is today's. There is still one chapter left. I am coding...

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