Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 471 The winning and negative is already determined (seeking subscriptions!)

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Ancient now is full of curiosity to Sile, is this guy is another disciple of the world?

"Magic? This magic is the world you give it to me, and it is very easy to use." Siles smiled.

When the ancient came, he shaken his head. At this time, Silai can't help but show off himself.

But then why do you give yourself a magic? Mingming Siles themselves have been strong enough.

From the perspective of Journey to Sile, there is an invincible body, the immortal soul, super incomparable mind, and the pair of eyes that will launch laser current.

Don't say that Sile is also hidden, with these few, it is enough to let Silaments dominate the party.

"Do you still have to continue?" Xilai twisted his neck, he was very excited.

After the twelve causations, they didn't have a good time.

"Of course!" The ancients will not retreat, the voice is just fell, and the mirror space that is still stable has flipped.

Siles will not sit in this time, he simply emerges in half of the air, not affected by the gravity.

"Next, it is true, the ancient mage." The breath on the body gradually skyrocket, and the mirror space was shaken.

"Your power is from another dimension." The ancient times understands the source of strength of Sile, which is not the power of their universe.

Even if Westlai is from another world, this is not the power of the world.

"Pick up!" Sile's eyes exude red light, it looks like a demon of the same day, and the scorpion is tightly staring at the ancient one.

When the ancient times, I feel that the stress of the mountains, the smile of long hanging in the mouth has already disappeared, and it is serious and serious.


At this moment, the whole world has trembled, and the mirror space originally fell, suddenly raised countless mountain pressure to ancient one.

Ancient is not dare, she decided to mobilize the strength of the dark dimension, and the powerful force is full of time in her body.

A turbulent fluctuation is spread around, and countless mountains are fluctuated.

"It is a bit mean." Xilai smiled, just just the power of the waveang and the strength.

However, since it has been serious, then I have to go all out.

"Wave Gang! Diki!" The thumbs of Xilai played a sound referred to, and then the two huge things appeared between the mountains.

"Hey!" A green skin, the full body full of yellow rocks appeared in front of the ancient body, and her body has a hundred meters high.

This is not the final form of the wave, just give her to eat, she can even grow to the place of the food as food.

"Devil!" Ancient did not expect that the demon of the demon was summoned, and immediately took the port to the shoulders of the wave, then the very fast figure was on the wave.

Wavegang saw this little ants actually dared to provoke themselves, and immediately angry, and the bump rock on his body was tall again, as if necessary to crush the ancients.

The ancient face is not afraid to show magic, and a magic cover appears on her, resisting the rocks coming.

Not only that, in the ancient body, a magical array opened, followed by ejection of the laser, crushed all the rocks in front of her.

"The knot is you!" Ancient one right hand, a transparent mirror fritted mirror thiment of the color rays appeared in her hand, she wants to directly understand the wavegang.


Suddenly changed! The land is drilled out from the rock, and a pair of curved horn hits in ancient protective cover.


The protective cover was broken, and the ancient is also flying on a rock, and the dust is thrown.

"Call ~" The ancient squid gattered, at this moment she only feels very painful, after all, her body is not as hard as those metamorphosis.

"Do you still have to continue? Ancient Master." Silal is sitting on the floating stone.

"These power is indeed very powerful, but it is still a bit!" The ancient eyes slowly closed, and the yellow magic robe on his body broke out the lighting.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The five stones like the wave of the wave drilled out from the mountains, and the appearance was similar to the ancient times, it seems to be graphically engaged in her look.

With the ancient eyes, the eyes of the giant statue are also blocked, and the yellow gods are released.

The ancient ancient times, the movements of the giant statue are like ancient times.

Xilai saw this understanding this magic, but he didn't stop, he wanted to see the defense of the wave and the land.

The ancient floats have gradually floated, and the two devils below the eyes explored their palms.

Bang! Bang!

The statues surrounded by the wave extended the palm of the palm, as in myth, the gods, cover the sky!

"Hey!" The land is not afraid of the ancients, and then jumped toward the ancients in the sky, and also grabbed a boulder.

As a result, the land is not close to the ancient times, and a magical rope from the sky is trapped, and Sile is looking back, it is an ancient part.

"Hey!" The wave was crushed by the five statues, and finally only turned into a magic back to the side of the way, and the land is also the same.

Banglong ~

The mountains who lost the wave of the wave were collapsed, and it was turned into a piece of rock and smashed in Kamartai Ji. Fortunately, this is just a mirror space, otherwise the masters will be trouble.

"Call ~ Oh ~" Ancient a bit tired is on one of the floppones, looking at the relaxed man in front of him.

Siles stretched the stretch: "Is it enough? There are six people like this!"

"Six?" The ancient one did not think that the guy of Silament is so fierce, even if she took the strength of the dark dimension, she is a bit exhausted, and Silai is like a business.

"It's coming!" Sile did not plan to summon the devil. After all, the summoned the devil had a shortcomings, that is, the magic of the devil will also disappear.

However, as long as you recall the demon, you can re-owl.

There is no gorgeous movement of Sile, just just raised his fist to the ancient flight.

Although ancient one is a bit of a bit, she still will work tightly, and the thick prototype magic shield is in front of her.

"You can't even the fists who have a decline, let alone me!" Siles are confident, the power of the cursing is once, and there is a bull in his arm.


The ancient magic shield was split, and the fist parked on her eyelashes. The fierce friction also burned some eyelashes.

"You lose." Xilai recovered his fist, he didn't intend to kill ancient one, to resist the dark dimension, it depends on them.

"You are very strong." Ancient one did not encounter, but he was very happy to accept this, how much people were all, how could not lose.


The whole world turned again, they returned to the real world, and the tea on the tea table was still white.

"Reassure, I will not interfere with your business." Sile took the tea and then entered the black shadow kingdom.

The ancient feelings should not be able to sigh the breath after Sile, and there will be some unexpected changes.

However, it is no longer in that, I will give it to the headache of Strangi.

Black Shadow Kingdom ----------

Sile calls out the black shadow of the inside and found that every world has its own black shadow.

He also thought that even if it went to the universe, he can summon the small black, but it can't.

"Now, according to timeline plots ..." Xilai touched the Bansie, he wanted to see unlimited gem!

Original grunge world --------

"Ah!" Dr. Hauck just wear a nano-glove, the power from infinite gemstone was in him, almost let his body can't bear it.

Everyone's heart pulled up at this moment, all of them were closely looking at Dr. Haoke, and the victory was here.

Dr. Hoak was a hurry, slowly raised his right hand, and thought about the dead companion, come back!


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