Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 472 seizes unlimited gems (seeking subscriptions!)

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Parallel Mount World --------

West Lisi wants to go, decided to be directly guarded in this parallel universe, waiting for the development of the plot, and slowly strike it again.

When this is a good thing, Sile lurked in the black shadow kingdom, watching his life in parallel world.

Time flies, and the young people who have been in the eye have grown up, and they also steal chickens in Tony and Tielong fight, and get the reactor of Tie Wang's chest.

Successfully activated the spell system, and the road was opened first, and it was first experienced from Peter's reward, and then Professor Connors.

Although this is awakened in the black shadow kingdom, but I can't find the existence of Sile.

Because Sile's magic is more powerful, don't say that it is a destiny, even if the Black Shadow Corps did not feel Sile.

Under the testimony of Sile, the big black is born, but Sile knows that they are not big black in their own world.

Then, Professor Connors was inhaled in the body of the ninja, and the Sile was hesitated, and Professor Connation was rescued.

This makes the outside of the outside, I think that the bottle of Ninja accidentally diges Coriz, I have to say a blurred nintee, I didn't put it in my heart.

Then, the Green Magic Osn appeared, and the two brothers of Parker uniform, and finally Tony also rushed to the scene, and when Osbin was about to die.

Three changes, the future Peter has appeared here, saved Osburn at the last minute, but did not stay in this time and space.

"Osburn was saved?" For this, Alice is also uncommon.

Then, when the world's Peter passes the time and space, will it save Osben?

In addition to this, all everything is in order to work,

When arrived in New York Wars, Westlai was intervened!

New York Wars ------

All the Avengers were assembled together and defeated the conspiracy of Rocky, and closed the earth and sprungly.

Everyone decided to take a good restaurant in the conventional restaurant, and the rest is given to the goddun bureau to clean up.

When all this is done, Sile also saw the future Avengers, they secretly got the gem, then sent it back in the next second.

it's time!

Sile came out from the black shadow kingdom, and the whole body attached to the dark clothes, covering his face is strict, and he also used the stealth of the snake.


The people of the nine snake have taken the soul and the cosmic Rubik's Cube. When I am preparing to take the elevator, Sile is now in the current.

"Sorry, where are you?" The people of the nine snake have doubted to Sile, how this black guy has never seen.

Sile did not pay attention to the nine-headed people, but reached out and pressed the elevator. The elevator door was closed.

The people of the nine snake seem to have a good predict, and the unity handle is placed in the waist, ready to take out the weapon.

Just at the moment of the whole staff, Sile suddenly leaned in the ear of the nine snake people: "Long live the nine head ~"

After saying that Brigacy exposed his faint smile.

This shocked all the nine-head snake people present, and did not expect this guy to be a companion.


The elevator door was opened, and the two suitcases walked out of the elevator, leaving only the nine snake people who face each other.

Organizers people don't say, they have never responded.

Siles who got two infinite gems opened the delivery door to the moon.

Original Sile is intended to be blended directly in the Earth, but I am afraid that I have been to be found, so I have to come to the moon.

Have a spell and dog spell, Ali is completely exposed in the universe, accepting the irradiation of ultraviolet rays, and he does not need to breathe.

"Unlimited gem ... I am still too embarrassing in the universe, I know that I just get my hand first."

Xilai squatted the soul gem of the soul, crushed the casing of the universe, revealing the space inside.

The glittering infinite gem floating in the eyes of Sile, and the power is fans and very fatal.

"Very powerful power, I need it."

Siles have started printing, and endless magic rolling from his body, as if there is anything terrible.

The black magic package wrapped two unlimited gems, Siles gradually dressed, be awkward!

With a glass of crisp, the infinite gem is broken!

At the same time, the power contained in the infinite gem suddenly broke out, it was rushing toward the universe, but was caught by a ruthless big hand.

"I am not letting you run."

Xilai smiled slightly, and the big hand formed by the mental force tightly grabbed the energy of the two waves.

After seeing the energy body that arrested the infinite gemstone, the tiger's incense in the escaper was rapidly running.

"Become a part of my body!"

The voice of Sile is like a hog clock above nine days, and the two energy sources hit a sharp turn to Sile.

The emerging energy of the original gem is also in order to find the container carrier, and now I will see Silal is willing to be their container, and they are of course not happy.

As a result, when I entered the body, I was preparing to split this robust body, the figure of the tiger's talents was launched in the chest of the Westley.

The violent infinite gem is like a kitten like a kitten, quietly flowing in the body of Sile, providing him with a constant power.

"Good power!"

Xilai Xindi, the power of infinite gems is powerful than the primary spell.

And the ability of infinite gems seems to be endless, it is not finished.

The moon is located in the moon station, and a light beam of nine days is shot, and the surrounding solar system is aggregated, and even the entire Galaxy.

Countless scientific and technological civilizations can capture, a powerful energy out of the moon.

"What is this?" The tyrants in the universe prefers that things are not bad.

I lost my heart's gaze, just like the soul gem was isolated, or it was eaten.

If you are eaten, then your plan is absolutely bubble.

However, the tyrants did not dare to go now, and the Supreme Master there is still alive. If he is invasive, it will be a fight with ancient.

I thought about it, I had to wait for it, but the things on the earth can't touch it, and things outside the earth must be carried out in advance.

So, the tyrant drive made the fleet towards Sandar Star.

on the earth

Government organizations around the world have observed energy outbreaks from moon, but they can't figure out how this energy is formed.

Just when the world is moving, Sile returns to the earth, and the ancient came to find him.

It's just that ancient One is not to stop Sile, but tell Sile to let Straise blocked Domarn, come back to time.

For this, Silai has agreed that he heard that Sile agreed with his own suggestion, and the ancient is finally relieved.

Soon, Silai waited for time to do itself, and now he needs to wait for the story of Raythe, he must get a realistic gem.

Because of the disappearance of infinite gems, it caused it to clean up and down, and Sol, Sol, had to go back to Astgard with Rocky.

Back to Sol on Asa was reserved by O'Din, and Solo can't go to the earth before the strength is not strong.

This allows you to find a simple Sore very painful, many times, I want to pull out Asaard, making Odin have to go to the battlefield.

The time is slow ~

Siles came to the place where the same metals came to the place where the Emperor of Thae was, just touched the Etai particles of Sile, and he couldn't wait to drill into the body of the Westley.

Compared to other unlimited gems, the Ethernet particles need a qualified container.

Etiens into the esopause of the escort is thinking that it is a good fortune here, but he did not expect to see the huge Taiji map, and the soul gem, space gemstone.

"It's powerful."

Xilai squatted her hand, and sent a crisp between the collision between the bones, then flying over the universe.

Now Sile can't stay in the earth, he must find strength gems and soul gems.

However, the soul gem condition is a bit harsh, and you must sacrifice a person who is a pro.

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