Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 362 Time and Space Backtracking

"I'll be back!"

Lorde only had time to leave this sentence, and then he was swallowed by the Void Rift!

The banishment magic cast by Randkiel was originally a punishment used by heaven to punish sinners. Once the condemned were banished, they would be lost forever in the boundless turbulence of the void.

The Enochian language has powerful rule power and is the remaining power of God, so even the time gem cannot reverse this result!

The only thing she could do was to put Weishandi's blessing magic on Lord before he was exiled, in order to bring him good luck.

Randkiel is also very sensible. After casting the light of exile, he immediately left the latitude of the earth, and did not give Gu Yiqiu a chance to settle accounts.

"Bless yourself."

So Gu Yi shook his head helplessly and sighed: "I hope you can come back safely, there's only so much I can help you."

She has done everything she can, and the rest can only depend on Lord's luck!

"This space... is frozen?"

Gu Yi put his hands behind his back, his eyes slowly swept around, looking at the devastated city, he suddenly murmured: "A kind of power similar to mirror space, but not exactly."

As the Supreme Mage, she saw the mystery of this space at a glance.

Although the actual utility is not as good as the mirror space, to a great extent, it prevents those innocent lives from being involved in this destructive battle. The disadvantage is that the building cannot be protected.

"Forget it, it's coming anyway."

Gu Yi shook his head helplessly. Since she has seen it, she can't leave it alone: ​​"Just help you and clean up this mess."

Unlocking the space freeze directly will definitely not work.

After all, the entire city has been destroyed. If it is seen by ordinary people, it may cause a huge panic. This is not in line with the style of Kama Taj's escapism, so I can only think of ways to repair the destroyed city.

Originally, this was supposed to be Lord's work.

However, this lord, I don't know where he was exiled by Randkiel, so this arduous task can be handed over to her to complete!

Fortunately, with the Eye of Agamotto, this work is still very easy for Gu Yi to do.

"In the name of Agamamoto, restore!"

Gu Yi's hands were intertwined and superimposed on her chest, and the hanging eyeball-shaped ornaments slowly floated, emitting a soft green light, and the magic power was condensed into the dial engraved needles, which appeared on her wrist.

da da da ……

With the rotation of the wrist, the green engraved needle is moved and moved on the circular dial, and the surrounding scenery changes in an instant!

The power of time shrouded the city.

Between moments.

It's like pressing the backward button, the broken earth is gradually closing, the collapsed high-rise buildings are gradually recovering, and everything is going backwards. The devastated and ruined city has returned to the point in time before it was destroyed.

After Gu Yi confirmed that it was correct, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Invisible ripples rippling,

Restore the frozen space.

Then Gu waved his sleeves, summoned the orange circular portal, and disappeared instantly.

After a while.

Tony woke up faintly from the hotel bed and found Happy and Louis beside him, looking at him nervously.

"Tony, are you alright?" Happy asked worriedly: "We just got to your room and found you passed out on the ground. What happened?"

"I...don't know...I can't remember exactly."

Tony felt that his brain was blank, as if he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember what it was, as if a large piece of memory was missing out of thin air!

at the same time.

Several agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. found Steve, who was also unconscious in the room, and asked him nervously about his condition after waking him up.

Steve's eyes were sluggish, and he was stunned for a few seconds, then muttered: "I... can't remember clearly."

After going back in time, everything will go back to the original original state!

Which naturally includes... the only two people who have witnessed that war!




in the space rift.

There is a dark and deep void all around, as if in the mouth of the abyss giant beast that devoured people, the sometimes looming traces of broken space exudes a heart-pounding fluctuation!

"Is this... space turbulence?"

Lorde frowned slightly, and immediately discovered that the shattered spaces that looked like cracks were actually entrances to unknown areas.

If you accidentally touch it, you will be sucked to somewhere in the next second, perhaps the earth, or an area millions of light-years away from the earth.

In fact, banishing magic and teleporting magic are very similar in essence.

The only difference is that the main purpose of exile magic is to 'expel' and does not protect the teleporter, so it is up to you to live or die!'s all up to God!

In this crisis-ridden area, Lorde was extremely vigilant and did not dare to relax at all. With the help of the foothold formed by the spiritual child, he was dodging and moving in the turbulent space, carefully avoiding those fragments. Space!

After approaching the Heavenly Father level, even in an extreme environment such as a vacuum, Lord does not need to breathe air through his mouth and nose, but only needs to use the spirit to maintain his vital signs.

In this turbulent void, there is no shortage of spiritual sons. Through the special ability of the Quincy Master, he can stay here for a long time!

Although he won't suffocate to death, Ke Lord is still facing a big problem, that is, there is no direction in the turbulent void.

forward, infinity;

backward, infinity;

to the left, infinity;

to the right, infinity;

up, infinity;

Down, infinity!

There are only dense, mirror-shattered turbulent spaces that lead to one unknown area after another, as if telling Lord, choose an 'exit' for yourself!

It is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack to choose a relatively correct passage in a huge fissure that seems like an astronomical number and cannot be estimated at all!

And most importantly...

In these countless space fissures, not every end has an exit, most of them are dead ends, just like the Jutu in the broken world, no one knows where they will be thrown!

How to do?

Lord looked at the boundless fissure, and his mood was a little heavy for a while. He tried to summon the piercing gate here, but unfortunately he did not respond at all. It is estimated that the piercing gate is isolated here.

As for that dog system, let alone count on it to help.

Not interfering with any choice of the host, even a fatal crisis, is the only commendable aspect of this dog system.

"Oh~ I have no choice."

After a long silence, Lorde sighed faintly, leaving him the only choice, it seems that he has to try his luck!


This time, the bet was replaced by his life!


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