Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 40 Virtualization!

As Lord said, the ending had been decided minutes earlier.

"I understand......"

The pictures of the previous fight suddenly flashed back in my mind, and a moment later, Sishorn's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment:

"It turns out that it is no wonder that you used the crazy attack regardless of consumption, and the performance of deliberately showing weakness at the last moment, these are all to let me relax my vigilance, and then step into this place?"

Sishorn completely understood!

All the foreshadowing before is for this final blow!

But to answer him, only Lord's indifferent eyes and a fluttering sentence:

"One knife - cremation!"


boom! ! !

The terrifying flames that were compressed to the extreme erupted in an instant, forming a huge blade-shaped flame with a diameter of almost several kilometers.

The terrifying high temperature evaporated the air within a kilometer into mist while breathing, causing the temperature to suddenly increase several degrees!


The air is like a thick stream of water, oscillating with ripples and ripples, and then it is compressed to the extreme and then bursts suddenly!

A shock wave visible to the naked eye, accompanied by a deafening sound, like a thunderbolt, spread out completely and reverberated throughout the sky!

If ordinary people were a little closer, I am afraid that the eardrum, blood vessels and heart would all be shaken by this earth-shattering roar.

bang bang bang ......

The streets several kilometers away, the trees and glass on both sides, were all shattered by the impact of this air wave!

this day.

The people of New York City are destined to unforgettable, that huge blazing blade, like a small nuclear bomb-like storm, almost affected most of Manhattan!

"my Lord......"

Countless people were stunned to see this scene: "Is there a nuclear war in New York?"

In fact.

Not only the citizens were shocked, but the Braised Eggs who observed this scene in S.H.I.E.L.D. were about to stare out.

It's over...

Such a big phenomenon cannot be concealed at all, it will not only cause panic among the people, but he will also be held accountable by those idiots later!

more importantly......

Within the important scope of S.H.I.E.L.D., the emergence of such a huge hidden threat is a very serious breach of responsibility!

Come to think of it, those politicians should be sleepless tonight.


One-knife cremation'!

As expected of the advanced forbidden technique of No. 96, its power did not disappoint Lord, and even far exceeded expectations!

The activation conditions for this move were originally extremely harsh. The precondition for using it was a charred body, and at the cost of giving up an arm, a huge blade-shaped flame was released.

But with the system in hand, Lord does not need a scorched body, nor does he need to give up an arm, he can directly activate it, ranking No.

With his current level and Reiatsu, it is impossible to use high-level breaking.

Thanks to the last lottery draw, I happened to draw No. 96 Breaking the Road and One-knife Cremation.

Although it is a one-time consumable, it can be regarded as the most powerful hole card he has so far!

According to the description of the system.

The power of a one-time 'one-knife cremation' is equivalent to the one-knife cremation power used by the commander-in-chief, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who sacrificed his arm!

If it wasn't for Sishorn being too powerful and disrupting his original plan, he wouldn't even plan to use this trick!

Fortunately, the results are gratifying.

One-knife cremation is worthy of high-level breaking, and its power cannot even stop Sithone's black magic!

The billowing smoke and air waves gradually dissipated.

The scorched ground exudes traces of scorching heat, and the remaining one is several kilometers in diameter.

A bottomless giant ravine!

"I won!"

Lord sighed, and the nerves that had been tense were finally relaxed.

From the design of Sithone step by step, and then to the last moment of approaching the limit, this long-buried hole card is revealed.

Although the process is not beautiful, and even a bit embarrassing, but fortunately the result is gratifying.

But this battle also made Lord fully realize his so-called power, how vulnerable he is in front of these big guys!

And this made Lord's desire to become stronger even more urgent!

"I'm...still too weak."

Lorde clenched the Zanpakutō tightly, and there was a deep desire in his eyes.

The future Marvel universe will only be more dangerous than today, and the road he has to go and the enemies he has to face will only be more terrifying than Sithone!

Become stronger! Become stronger! Become stronger!

Only when you are strong enough, you don't need to worry about these things!


Taking a deep breath, Lord threw these distracting thoughts out of his mind and turned to look at Sithone's projection.

Sishorn's projection suffered a complete cremation damage at close range, and the projection became fragmented and almost dissipated.

"Human, what's your name?"

Sishorn, who was on the verge of dissipating, regained his calmness and asked lightly.

"Yugren Husward."

Lorde said without blushing, his heart was not beating, and he didn't even blink his eyelids when he lied.

It's impossible to report his real name anyway. Who knows if this guy will use some black magic to curse him after he goes back.

To deal with a black magic boss like Sishorn, you must be careful and careful, so as not to turn around and be killed by others and have nowhere to reason.

"Hasward...I remember you."

Sishorn was half-smiling, and he didn't know whether he saw through him lying, or said with ulterior motives: "I hope you can become a little stronger when we meet again next time, otherwise I will feel very boring."

"Ha ha......"

Lord responded with a sneer, "No, we'd better never meet."


Best to never see you again!

He knew with his toes that he must have been held revenge by Sishorn, and it was still the one engraved on the small book!

After tens of thousands of years of planning, they finally got through the passage of the earth, and the real body can come in the last step.

As a result, it was interrupted by a human who appeared out of nowhere, and the bamboo basket was empty. It would be hell if you weren't angry!

As long as we can meet again, Sishorn can let him have a good life?

"Is it Husward?"

Sishorn, who was about to dissipate, suddenly showed a weird smile, "As the first human to defeat me, I plan to give you a 'gift', I hope you can like it."


Lorde's face changed instantly, and he ran into the distance without saying a word!

slip away...

What an international joke!

Sabotaging Sithone's plan, the other party is not only not angry, but also kindly gives him a gift?

Speaking of ghosts, it's probably true that I can't wait to kill him!


Sishorn's mouth grinned to the bottom of his ear, and his eyes flashed with a strange light, "Where else do you think you can go?"

Although his projection is about to dissipate, there is still a little dark energy left. Isn't it easy to catch up with Lord, who has exhausted his spiritual power?

next moment!

The figure of Sishorn, who was about to disappear, suddenly turned into a black light, and passed through hundreds of meters of space in an instant!

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Sishorn rushed up with a grin on his face, so scared that Lord's face turned pale, this scene was like a moron and Brokeback Mountain.

"Accept my gift!"

Sishorn caught up with Lord in an instant.

Then, in the latter's terrified eyes, Sishorn's arm pierced his chest fiercely, and merged the last remaining dark energy in the projection into Lord's body.

"what is this?"

A distorted pain flashed across Lord's face, and a powerful negative emotion appeared out of thin air in his mind, which was crazily eroding his sanity!

At the last moment before disappearing, Sishorn's voice echoed in Lord's mind: "Hasward, as the price of expelling me, fall into the dark abyss!"




The heart was beating violently, and the blue veins on Lorde's face burst out like snakes, which looked terrifying!

This is a gift from the god of the underworld, Sishorn, which condenses the most evil negative emotions and the purest dark energy in the world. No one can resist!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa-"

Lorde screamed in pain, and his spiritual power exploded uncontrollably.

A white bone mask suddenly appeared at some point, covering half of his face.

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