Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 41 Supreme Mage!

blah blah...

Orange-yellow magical energy jumped in midair, outlining a circular portal out of thin air.

A bald woman in a yellow robe slowly walked out from the orange space door.

She is the supreme mage who has guarded the earth for thousands of years - the ancient one!

"Strange..." Gu Yi's brows narrowed slightly, and he asked in confusion, "Why, Sishorn's breath disappeared?"

As early as when Sishorn came to Earth, he deliberately blocked the energy fluctuations of black magic, and temporarily blinded Gu Yi's time gem, lest she prevent all this from happening in advance by observing the past and future timelines.

However, it was originally a perfect plan, but it was unexpectedly broken by Lord.

The huge destructive power of one-knife cremation, at the moment of destroying the summoning magic circle, can no longer hide Gu Yi.

Before Gu Yi could think about what was going on, he was interrupted by a sudden roar.

"Hoo ho ho--"

The beast-like roar resounded throughout the sky!

"That's... a human?"

Gu Yixun looked at the reputation, but then his expression was slightly stunned, because it was a strange creature she had never seen before.

I saw Lorde...

No, now he can no longer be called Lorde!

The bone mask covered his face, and the two scarlet spots in the dark eye sockets suddenly opened, the terrifying Reiatsu rubbed violently like a blade, and the rising heat wave made his figure look a little illusory and fuzzy.

"This ominous feeling..."

Gu Yi looked at the semi-voided Lord, with a dignified look in his eyes.

In her thousands of years, she has fought against countless magical creatures, but she has never seen such a strange creature!

A series of negative emotions such as brutality, destruction, killing, tyranny, etc., as if the monster in front of him was only born for destruction!


An earth-shattering roar spread out with the rolling air waves!

In the scarlet furious beast pupils, a monstrous murderous aura erupted, and the semi-voided Lord stepped on abruptly. The ground could not bear the violent impact, and the layers collapsed and broke in an instant, and a huge deep pit collapsed!


The half-void Lord disappeared instantly, and the next second, the whole person appeared in front of Gu Yi, and the Zanpakutō slashed out with great force!

"In the name of Weishandi - the red ring of Raggador!"

Almost at the same time, a red circle appeared in Gu Yi's hands, constructing a shield made of magic.

The basic move that all mages of Kama Taj can use. It belongs to a spell with a very low lower limit and a very high upper limit. It is used in the hands of different people and has different effects. In the hands of the ancient one, the defense is naturally far superior to other mages. !


The collision between the blade and the magic shield caused the energy to annihilate each other in an instant, as if several missiles exploded in the sky, setting off a storm visible to the naked eye, sweeping the dark clouds into the air.

After the billowing smoke dissipated, Gu Yi was unscathed, only the yellow robe was stained with dust.


The half-void Lord let out a low roar, and the pitch-black phantom suddenly condensed at his fingertips, and the target covered the Supreme Mage and the city behind him!


Gu Yi's face finally changed slightly, "Is this... Sithawn's dark energy?"


A pitch-black flash of light ripped apart the sky, and the terrifying destructive power penetrated through the layers of space, swaying tidal-like ripples, like a Mars hitting the earth!

"Mirror Dimension!"

Gu Yi whispered softly, and clapped his hands together and patted lightly.

hum! hum! hum!

I saw the space in all directions, with layers of ripples suddenly rippling,

The scenery in front of you keeps flipping and expanding, like a kaleidoscope, showing a magnificent scene after multiple mirrors are folded!

Mirror Space!

A space spell that can only be used by high mages in the Kama Taj.

The caster and the enemy can be pulled into the mirror space together, and all the damage caused by the two sides will not involve the real space outside.

This is done for two purposes.

One is to protect the mystery of the mage from the attention of ordinary people and the secular public.

The second is to protect the real world from magical creatures.

"In the name of Emperor Weishan - the shield of Seraphim!"

Gu Yi opened his hands, and the orange-yellow magic sparks danced, automatically arranged and combined based on the pentagram, and quickly outlined a complex magic pattern!

The Shield of Seraphim is an all-round defense high-level spell. Only Doctor Strange used it once in the movie, and once blocked the impact of a spaceship for everyone, which shows how powerful its defense is.

However, compared with the ancient one who has been in office for a thousand years, Doctor Strange, who has succeeded the Supreme Mage soon, is more than a street behind in terms of magic, experience and ability.


The black phantom collided with the golden shield!

Boom! ! !

The virtual flash exploded in the sky, and the black light instantly blazed!

For a time, the black light covered everything, and the whole world was rendered black.

Violent fluctuations in the space oscillated, as if a huge stone was thrown into the calm lake, and the ripples swayed in circles, spreading over the entire Manhattan in the blink of an eye.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye rose and overlapped one after another like a tidal wave, and finally turned into a meteorite that destroyed the sky and smashed the ground violently!

Fortunately, this is the mirror dimension space.

If this trick is to explode outside, I am afraid that half of Manhattan will be destroyed!


After the raging energy storm slowly dissipated, the figures of the two warring parties appeared.

On one side is the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, with a calm expression and no sense of urgency, as if he didn't care about the enemy in front of him at all.

On the other side, is Lord, who is already semi-void. The spiritual pressure around his body is like burning smoke, rising slowly, and white bone armor begins to appear on his body, and starts to move towards another unpredictable monster. direction forward!

"Let me see, what exactly are you?"

Gu Yi said lightly, his hands joined together like a lotus flower, and a metal ornament in the shape of an eyeball hung on his chest slowly floating.

That eyeball-shaped metal ornament is exactly what the Supreme Mage guards - the Eye of Agamotto!

"In the name of Agamamoto - back in time!"

One after another, green rings engraved with complicated runes wrapped around Gu Yi's two wrists, and the magical energy gathered on his chest formed a pattern like an 'eye'!

this moment!

Everything in the world has no secrets in her eyes, whether it is the past, the present, or even the future, you can spy on it!

But after a while...

Gu Yi's expression was stunned, the calm heart seemed to be broken by a stone, and ripples appeared, "This is impossible... The time gem can't 'see' it. past?"

The Eye of Agamotto has failed!

Among the hundreds of past timelines she observed, none of the timelines had this weird monster in it!

As never existed!

Only things that do not exist cannot be observed by time!

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