Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 362 Believe in Miracles

New York, Queens.

A huge air carrier is like a meteorite, dragging a long trail of flames across the sky.

The shape of the entire battleship was already damaged, and with the huge impact of the fall, fragments were continuously peeled off and fell down, like small meteor showers, violently hitting every corner of the streets and urban areas.

At this moment, fear and despair are intertwined, screaming and roaring in unison.

With the impact and explosion of the debris meteor, a shadow of death that seemed to be substantial, shrouded everyone's heads.

"Help me... who will help me!"

"My leg is broken, please, please help me!"

"Where is our army? Where is our government?"

"Run, run!"

Faced with an unprecedented disaster, the crowd fell into panic for a while.

Everyone is trying to escape from this area. No matter men, women, young or old, strong or weak, they are crowded on the streets. There are also vehicles such as cars, which instantly block the roads that should be clear, and everyone is cursing loudly.

Although some police officers are maintaining order, unfortunately no one listens to them.

order? free? equality? respect?

Those lofty theories promoted by the United States have turned into a big joke at this moment.

Selfishness has become the only choice under disaster!


A seven or eight-year-old little girl with a pair of ponytails pulled at the corner of her mother's clothes and asked, "Will Uncle Iron Man come to save us?"

When the mother heard this, there was a trace of sadness and despair in her eyes. She squatted down and hugged her daughter tightly, stroking the child's long golden hair. She couldn't bear to fight the child's childhood fantasy, so she could only comfort: "It will be... Someone will come to our rescue...Iron Man will come."

"Don't fucking fart!"

A middle-aged man next to him frantically smashed the surrounding things, with blue veins on his neck, blushing and roaring: "No one will come to save us at all, what a shit Iron Man, he is a damn vampire,

War mad, murderer, maybe this air carrier is the ghost he made! "

"Yes, yes!" Another person completely gave up hope, vented all his anger on the so-called Iron Man, and shouted loudly: "If it weren't for Tony Stark's energy industry, how could we Possibly unemployed, it's all his fault!"

"Fake Iron Man! Fake America! Fake Superhero!!!"

The people who fell into madness pushed all the guilt and fault to the most jealous people on weekdays.

"No, you are wrong!"

The little girl's delicate voice suddenly overwhelmed everyone.

The mother panicked to stop her daughter, but the little girl bravely looked at these people. Those pure and clear blue eyes were like a garden of eternal tranquility, making the crowd in rage and madness involuntarily quiet down. .

"Heroes, they will definitely come!"

Although the little girl's voice was not loud, it echoed in the hearts of everyone like Huang Zhong Dalu: "Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, they will definitely come, and they will definitely save us!"


The child's clear eyes made the middle-aged man's anger subside. He retreated and slumped to the ground, his eyes blankly saying: "No one will come to save us unless...a miracle happens."

"Slow...slow down..."

An old man tremblingly pointed to the sky and shouted, "Look, that thing has slowed down!"

The man raised his head in astonishment, his eyes widened immediately. really happened!

The falling air carrier was wrapped in flames and stopped less than 100 meters from the ground.

The four turbine engines made a deafening roar, and the steel fan blades were spinning wildly at a speed that the naked eye couldn't catch, setting off a rolling gust of wind whistling and gathering. The downtrend is down!

There are miracles in the world...truly!

As long as you persist until the last moment, God's favor will come.

"We... are alive!"

"Great, we're still alive!"

"Thank God, thank Jesus!"

The crowd erupted into loud cheers, celebrating their narrow escape.




"Are we... still alive?"

When Fury woke up with adrenaline injection, he couldn't believe it.

The air carrier did not fall, there was no disaster in New York, and they were all still alive, and most importantly, the air carrier that had been destroyed was completely new at this moment, as if it had just left the factory. It is simply a miracle within a miracle!

"Di Di Di... The power has been restarted successfully!"

"Port turbo engine output...100%!"

"Starboard turbo engine output...100%!"

"The gravity instrument is restored, and the anti-gravity system is in operation!"

"The circuit detection is completed, and the power output supply is normal!"

"Gyro calibration completed, re-confirm the direction!"

The sound of the system kept ringing.

The lights on the console light up one by one, indicating that all systems are working properly.

When Peter rushed back to the No. 2 engine room, he was instantly shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the blazing flames, Tony Stark held the hammer and kept smashing.

The clothes have long been burned by the flames, and the exposed skin is as black as coke, covered with staggered cracks, and it is still flowing, exuding an amazing amount of heat, scorching the nearby air. twist up.

The terrifying heat melted the steel into molten iron, completely putting an end to Peter's desire to come forward and help.

"Stark... sir?"

Peter swallowed his dry saliva, deeply shocked.

Tony tried his best to open his eyes, and when he saw it was Peter, he pulled up a forced smile: ", hehe...the spaceship...should be fine.. ....Bar?"

"Could it be that......"

Looking at the man who looked like coke in front of him, Peter suddenly understood everything.

It was this man who seemed to be unruly on weekdays, had a flamboyant personality, and even had all kinds of quirks and eccentricities, who saved the helicarrier from falling and saved millions of people from disaster.

Although Peter did not know, how Tony repaired the mothership.

But from the scarred body, you can vaguely guess what kind of suffering he has endured!

An indescribable shock hit the heart. Peter's eyes were flushed, and his trembling lips were wriggling, and he said, "The spaceship is fine, it has stopped, and everyone is saved, Mr. Stark."

"That's good......"

The last trace of obsession in Tony's heart dissipated, and the whole person collapsed like pushing a golden mountain down a jade pillar.




"It seems... your fireworks are misfired."

The woman in the white military uniform watching all this, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Fireworks...not misfire, destined to bloom!"

Facing the sarcastic words from the woman, the old Loki looked extremely gloomy and said, "It's only a temporary escape. Since they still want to struggle, I don't mind giving them another despair!"

"I'm afraid, you have no chance."

Accompanied by an indifferent voice, Lord suddenly appeared in front of them, and his eyes were filled with cold killing intent: "Setting off fireworks on my house, you are very courageous, Loki!"

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