Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 6 Village Chief Colson's Novice Guidance Quest!

Big Void - Killian!

A high-level phantom that needs to swallow hundreds of its kind before it can be born.

In addition to its huge size and the powerful Reiatsu equivalent to a high-ranking officer in the Shinigami, you can also use a special technique - phantom flash!

This is a ray-like flash that highly concentrates Reiatsu, and its explosive power is enough to wipe down a street in an instant, comparable to a cruise-type Tomahawk missile!

Generally speaking.

If you want to deal with Kili'an-level Daxu, at least one of the 13th Division's front-ranking officers must be dispatched!

But this Kilian is different.

In order to ensure the success of the first appearance, Lorde deliberately limited the strength of this big virtual in the process of fusion!

In other words, the strength of this big virtual is not even as good as some lower-level virtuals, it is just a shell with its own appearance.


Although it has been restricted, it is a high-level Kirian after all, and it is almost impossible to defeat it with the current humans alone!

First appearance only.

Kiliana's powerful spiritual pressure, as well as the terrifying sense of oppression, hit like a landslide and tsunami, setting off a rolling air wave!

The concrete floor of the asphalt road seemed to be lifted into pieces by invisible big hands, and then torn apart by the bursting wind in mid-air, turning into a sky full of gravel and blasting out!

bang bang bang ......

The tall buildings on both sides of the street, the glass was shattered, the telephone poles and high-voltage wires on the roadside were cut off by Reiatsu in an instant, and they danced in the air like poisonous snakes!

Even the experienced old agent Coulson, when faced with this invisible unknown existence, still inevitably felt fear and fear in his heart, and even had a hint of retreat!

"This is... False?!"

Coulson's hair stood on end, feeling that every nerve in his cerebral cortex was screaming hysterically at him!

Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye, the fear originating from the depths of the soul, as well as the cry of cells and nerves, all tell Coulson... the horror of that monster!

Jack screamed in horror and tried to escape like crazy, but was grabbed by Coulson and pressed firmly on the co-pilot!

"Don't move!"

Coulson held Jack with one hand and started the car with the other, shouting, "I can't see it, you can be my eyes and tell me where it is!"

The more dangerous it is, the calmer Coulson's brain is!

Jack can't die!

The only person he can 'see' see is the key to solving this incident, so there must be no accident!

"Sit down!"

Coulson roared, and then slammed on the accelerator!


The black Audi let out a roar, the four wheels violently rubbed the ground, and the whole car suddenly turned around and rushed out!

"Fake squid~"

The huge reaction force made Jack hit the windshield at once, and his nose was almost flattened!

"Is it still there?"

Colson shouted.


Jack looked back and shouted in horror, "It's... it's on top of our heads!"


Before Coulson could react, he felt the world spinning in the next second, and the whole car was overturned by a huge force!


The black Audi made a few laps in the air!

"Hurry up and jump-"

Coulson roared, and he didn't care about Jack's life or death. Before the vehicle landed, he forcibly kicked the car door and jumped out.


As soon as the vehicle landed, it was flattened by an invisible big foot, and the entire vehicle body was twisted and deformed, as thin as a piece of paper!


Coulson took a deep breath as he watched,

I thought in my heart that it was very dangerous. If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid it would have turned into a lump of meat now!

But next second.

When he saw the blood dripping from the car, Coulson, who had escaped from the dead, instantly froze the happy expression on his face.

Jack... dead? !

But think about it carefully, in the situation just now, even a well-trained agent like him escaped by a close call, not to mention Jack is just an ordinary person!

"It's over..."

Coulson was suddenly cold and his face turned blue.

Without Jack's help, he is now a blind man, let alone completing the task, even living seems to be a luxury!


There was a violent vibration on the ground, and two huge footprints on the concrete road were less than ten meters away from Coulson!

"It's here!"

Coulson bit the tip of his tongue, forced himself to wake up, took out his pistol and aimed it in the direction of the footprints, and fired several shots in a row!

bang bang bang bang bang bang ......

It wasn't until one clip was finished that Coulson gasped and stared straight ahead.

"Dead... dead?"

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, Coulson felt a little relieved. When he was about to put away his pistol and check it out, he suddenly felt his body tighten!

next second!

Five transparent fingerprints appeared on Coulson's body, as if there was an invisible palm that held him in the palm of his hand!

creak creak ~

A terrifying huge force suddenly came from all directions, constantly squeezing towards the center, causing Coulson's bones and muscles to make a penetrating cracking sound!


The bones and muscles of the whole body are being squeezed, causing Coulson's face to be extremely distorted, and he couldn't help crying in pain!


Daxu Jilian let out a scream, and under the white long-nosed mask, the eyes full of tyranny flashed red!

"Ah ah ah..."

Coulson screamed in pain, blood oozing from all over his body, looking like he was bleeding from the seven orifices.

Coulson, who was in extreme pain, was confused, but his eyes seemed to light up, and he saw a very huge, hazy and illusory outline!

"This...this is...virtual?"

Coulson immediately realized that this hazy and illusory huge silhouette was probably what Jack called "void"!

Above the sky, Lorde, who was watching all this silently, had a smile in his eyes: "I didn't expect that Coulson could actually see Da Xu, which saved me a lot of effort."

After all, this big play was specially performed by him for S.H.I.E.L.D.

The value of Jack's use is only to relay all this to S.H.I.E.L.D. Although it is not bad, it is still not as good as Coulson.

"Come on..."

Lorde didn't intend to stop it, because it was not yet time: "It's not enough... just seeing a silhouette, it's not enough for me."

what he wants...

It is to make Coulson fully awaken, and he can clearly see with the naked eye, the existence of Daxu Kirian, and him appearing as a god of death!

Of course, before that, Lord would not let Coulson die, after all, he was the only 'spectator'!

After all...

Lord believes that such a wonderful play, but there is no audience, is a bit too lonely!

Besides, as the village chief of the novice village everyone ridiculed, shouldn't Coulson take on the task of guiding the novice?


Lord forgot.

Maybe this novice induction task is a little too difficult for Coulson, but it's challenging, isn't it?

Come on, Colson!

I believe you can!

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