Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 7 Gorgeous debut, behead Daxu!


Coulson groaned weakly, his bones were almost broken, and he let out a hysterical whimper under the squeeze.

Invisible enemies, enormous size, and terrifying power... all challenged the agent's nerves.

An unprecedented despair gradually spread from the bottom of Coulson's heart!

No matter what kind of desperate situation he faced in the past, Coulson would always find a way to survive in the desperate situation, but now he is desperate, and he can't see where the life is at all!

"Am I... dying?"

Coulson's eye sockets were congested due to squeezing, and his consciousness became blurred, as if he was only one step away from death!

But even in this case, Coulson's 'sight' became clearer and clearer!

From the beginning, only a vague outline can be seen, and now in the dying state, it can be seen quite completely, this huge phantom!

"It's ridiculous..."

Coulson's heart was bitter: "Is it because I'm dying, so I can see it?"

Under the clown-like long-nosed mask, there is a bloodthirsty and tyrannical appearance. As Jack said, it is a rather terrifying and terrifying monster!

"Goodbye... Director..."

Coulson, who was dying of consciousness, vaguely saw a black shadow galloping in the distance!

"Broken Dao No. 4: Bai Lei!"


A fiery white light beam pierced through the night like thunder, and penetrated Daxu's wrist in one fell swoop with incomparably fierce momentum!


Killian let go of Coulson in pain, and let out a sharp howl!

Coulson, who was falling rapidly from midair, was suddenly caught by the black figure, and then the two slowly fell to the ground.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Coulson, who finally escaped from death, gasped heavily, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at the mysterious man who saved him.

Short silver hair, blue pupils, black long-sleeved kimono, loose black trousers, and a rib-style short knife hanging around his waist, just like the Grim Reaper in Jack's description!

"Dead... Death?"

Coulson was shocked: "You... are you a god of death?"


Lorde frowned frivolously and pretended to question: "You... actually know the existence of the god of death?"

He really is a god of death!

Hearing Lorde's confession, Coulson was shocked again and hurriedly said, "I knew it from Jack, the black man you saved that day. We have been looking for you!"

"Find me?"

Lord continued to act: "You should be human, what do you want me to do with a god of death?"

Coulson coughed a few mouthfuls of blood, and then said weakly: "We have a lot of things to ask you, such as Void and Death, how long have you been around, etc..."


A loud roar interrupted the two of them.

There was a hint of apology on Lord's face, and he turned around and said, "Sorry, this is not the time to talk about this. Let me kill this big virtual first."

"Da Xu?"

Coulson was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at the huge monster, thinking that this is indeed a 'big' virtual!


The moment Da Xu saw Lorde, as if he saw the enemy, he burst out with crazy bloodthirsty killing intent!

Hundreds of the same clan it devoured, and in the countless fragments of unjust souls, there is still a deep resentment towards this man!

It's him!

It was this man who imprisoned them, who were still human, in a deep underground cave, forcing their souls to mutate, and finally degenerates from rectification to emptiness!

"Kill...kill you!"

Da Xu said with difficulty,

Crazy rushed to Lorde!


Lorde raised his eyelids slightly and said with a chuckle: "I didn't expect that Da Xu still has residual memories. It seems that the depravity is not complete enough."

"Kill you!"


Da Xu raised a large, slender, pale hand, and five sharp fingernails suddenly slashed, causing ripples in the air!

"Be careful - get out of the way!"

Coulson's heart tightened, seeing Lord still staying in place, he was so frightened that he loudly reminded him to escape.

"do not mind."

Lord's expression was still calm, and under Coulson's frightened eyes, he slowly raised his right hand, "It's just this level...not enough for me to move."

"The Sixty-One Six-Stand Light Prison of the Dao!"

At the moment when the sound fell, six flake-like rays of light appeared impressively, and flew out like a six-pointed star, fixing Daxu in place!

And this scene made Coulson's eyes widen, his chin almost hit the ground, and he was shocked: "What is this? Magic? Witchcraft? Or qigong?"


Lord put his hand down and explained: "This is a ghost, a high-level spell that only some gods of death can use."

Coulson was stunned: "Ghost way? Advanced spells?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa-"

Daxu was bound by the six sticks of light. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't move. He could only roar incompetently, and the scarlet light in his eyes became stronger and stronger!


Da Xu opened his mouth under the mask, and dazzling red rays of light gathered in front of his mouth, accompanied by heart-pounding energy fluctuations!


When Coulson saw this familiar scene, his heart twitched with fright: "Isn't this an energy weapon?!"

"Virtual flash?"

Seeing the red light that was gathering, Lorde was a little surprised: "Have you even learned this trick?"

This is a move that only orthodox Daxu can use. I didn't expect this low-level fusion monster to learn it!

"But that's fine." Lord sneered and said, "Just right, let's try the moisture!"

"The King's Lander!"

"The mask of flesh and blood, the things that are in the name of human beings!"

"Truth and temperance, do not know the wall of sinful dreams, only stand on it!"

"The Thirty-Three of the Broken Dao: Blue Fire Pendant!"


Completely chanted, spiritual power rushed out from the palm of the hand, and a azure blue dragon rushed out with a roar!

The two completed the charging at the same time, and the crimson phantom flashes collided with the azure blue broken road, and a deafening roar erupted!


The street collapsed and shattered in an instant, the gust of wind that was visible to the naked eye was raging and howling, and huge stones and building fragments were thrown high into the air!

Is this... the battle between Reaper and Hollow?

Coulson looked at the ruins in front of him, as if he had been bombed by cruise missiles, and his heart was filled with solemnity.

"As expected of a virtual flash."

In the smoke and dust, Lord stepped on the void, his figure was a little embarrassed, and his face showed a touch of helplessness: "If you want to use the ghost road of No. 30 or more to defeat the virtual flash head-on, it is still impossible."

But this is to be expected.

After all, it is only a sixth-level spiritual pressure, which is equivalent to the last seat. After becoming a captain, even relying on the escaped spiritual pressure is enough to shock such a big void!


Da Xu roared, the torrent of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye was boiling, and the surrounding space was shaken, and the six sticks were all bound by the light prison!


Lord's eyes drooped: "The movement just now was big enough, your mission has been completed, and now you can die in peace."

The rib on the waist was short of the short sword, and the silver blade reflected a cold gleam in the moonlight.

"Shoot him, magic gun!"

A silver light flashed suddenly, and with the sharp blade, after slicing through the sky at several times the speed of sound, Da Xu's roar stopped abruptly.


Lodner's knife returned to its sheath.

A huge head broke and fell heavily on the ground!

Great Void Kirian - Die!

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