Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 76 Seven Deadly Sins!

"Are you crazy?"

Constantine's first reaction was that Lord was joking with him!

Where is hell?

It is the place where all things end, the place where only God rejects!

Do good, go to heaven.

The evildoer, go to hell.

This is the rule made by "God", and no angels and demons can go against his will!

Any soul who has fallen into hell cannot be saved in any form.

Even the archangel 'Gabriel' cannot save a lost and fallen soul from hell!

"I'm not crazy."

The smile on Lord's face did not diminish, and he said, "You send me to hell, and then I bring Angela back, how do you feel about this?"

...I don't think so.

The corners of Constantine's mouth twitched, but he finally swallowed the sentence for fear of being beaten.

"What do you want to do? Don't say it's for Angela, there's no need to tell me if you lie to a child." Constantine stared straight at Lord, and then asked in a deep voice.

"I just want to go to hell, that's all." The corners of Lord's lips rose slightly, and he said with a calm smile.

Anyway, whether Constan agrees or not, his trip to hell is decided. If it's a big deal, he will convince people with reason, right?

He insisted on going to hell, not just because of curiosity, but planned to expand his business to see if he could artificially create a 'virtual circle'!

But before he can expand his business scope, he still needs to know the hell for himself!

After all, this is the Marvel Universe. If you act rashly without investigating it first, who knows who will provoke you?

As the saying goes: Know yourself and the enemy, and win a hundred battles!

Speaking of the person who knows hell best, I am afraid that apart from the fire skeleton, there is only this 'hell detective' in front of him!

"Since you insist on going, I won't stop you."

When Constantine saw that Lord insisted on going, he no longer stopped him, but lit a cigarette, took a breath in his mouth, and then slowly exhaled a white smoke, saying: "But at least, let me know your name?"

"Lord Carr."

"Um...I remember your name."

Constantine took a breath, and then said with a serious face: "I will send you to hell, but I want to tell you a few things in advance, I hope you can remember."

"Please speak." Lord made a gesture of invitation. He really didn't know very much about the hell after Marvel and the DC universe were mixed. It happened that Constantine was here to add relevant knowledge for him!

Constantine raised a finger and said, "First, the hell you know is not actually a complete dimension."

"What do you mean? Hell is not a complete dimension?" Lord frowned slightly, not quite understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Constantine's eyes flickered, he smiled meaningfully, and said: "In the past, hell was a complete and independent dimension. But now... but for some unknown reason it shattered into countless [small] Hell], ruled by the hell monarch who symbolizes the seven deadly sins, and individual demon kings!"

Lorde narrowed his eyes and asked, "Which hell monarchs are they?"

"Sin of Pride: Lucifer Morningstar!"

"Sin of Jealousy: Leviathan!"

"Sin of Rage: Samael!"

"Sin of Laziness: Belfinger!"

"Sin of Greed: Mammon!"

"Sin of Gluttony: Beelzebub!"

"Sin of Lust: Asmond!"

Constantine read the words one by one, and then added: "In addition to the hell monarch who symbolizes the seven deadly sins, there are also demons born in the native hell. They also have the power of a demon king and can compete with the seven monarchs!"

"Among them, Mephisto, the devil of hell,

It is a powerful demon born in hell itself. It is said that he is in charge of and controls the souls who have fallen into hell. He is the demon with the power closest to Lucifer among all demon kings, and has the potential to become 'Satan'. "

"Wait... Doesn't the Bible say that the fallen angel Lucifer is Satan?" Lord asked slightly surprised.

"...Who told you?" Constantine was extremely speechless: "Which Bible says that Lucifer is Satan?"

"Uh...Isn't it?" Lorde was a little embarrassed. In fact, he was not very familiar with this Western set. Regarding the origin of Satan and Lucifer, it only stemmed from the inherent image in the past.

"...Of course not!" Constantine said speechlessly: "Satan is closer to a title than to a specific existence. Whoever is the most powerful in hell can call himself It's [Satan]."

Then Constantine went on to talk about hell.

In the beginning, [Hell] and [Heaven] were separate and complete dimensional spaces!

But for some unknown reason, the complete [Hell] suddenly shattered and turned into the current incomplete dimensional space composed of countless small fragments.

And these spaces are called [Little Hells]!

At present, all demons come from the small hells, and the reason why the demons and monarchs who rule these fragment dimensions are fighting each other is to seize the authority of other small hells!

Why do these hell monarchs and demons want to seize each other's authority?

In this regard, Lord has a little guess of his own.

Perhaps, it is the monarchs and demons of hell who want to obtain the full power of the [Hell] dimension!

Since [Heaven] gave birth to a 'God'!

Then, as the [Hell] of the same level, why hasn't a character similar to "God" been born so far?

The fundamental reason is that the real [Hell] has been broken!

Those little hells that remain today, the authority contained in them is too weak to support the birth of an existence on the same level as 'God'!

Come to think of it now...

Lucifer Morningstar led half of the angels into hell, the deep meaning of which is only terrifying to think about!

Is that "God" really omniscient and omnipotent?

I'm afraid... not necessarily!

Moreover, the 'hell' has not been unified yet, and the authority is scattered in the hands of more than a dozen monarchs, and there is no reason why 'God' is interfering with it!

Of course, the above is just based on unfounded speculation, and Lord is not clear about the specific situation now, because he has not seen the 'God' yet.

"Sure enough..."

There was a smile on the corner of Lord's mouth, and his expectations for hell increased a lot.

It seems that this trip, he really did not come in vain, and obtained a lot of information about hell from Constantine's mouth.

But these are hearsay after all, to really understand the situation, he must go to hell in person!

"Since it's decided, then it's not too late for us, let's act quickly, otherwise Angela's soul will be hard to find." Constantine is a person who does what he wants to do, and immediately arranged the preparations before 'traveling' .

Given that Lorde himself has quite powerful spiritual power, Constantine did not choose to use the previous method. Mainly because he felt that he couldn't hold Lord, and there was a great possibility that he would be killed.

"Put your feet in there."

Constantine brought a basin of water over and placed it at Lord's feet. Before he could ask, he explained: "Going to hell requires a medium, and water is a universal medium. You can understand it as a 'ticket'!"

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