Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 77 Coming to Hell!

A basin of water, a black cat.

There is no need to go into details about the role of water, it has been introduced before.

Focus on this black cat!

This black cat appeared in "Hell Detective", Keanu Reeves's version of Constantine, once carried this black cat into hell, and then found Isabella who committed suicide.

Because this cat was raised by Isabella before her death, it has a special connection with Angela. It can help Lord find the missing Angela's soul in hell!

Without the guidance of the black cat, if Lord wants to find a person's soul in the boundless hell, it is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack, which is almost impossible to find.

"Ready? Lord."

Constantine took a deep breath, and then said: "First of all, as I said, soak your feet in the water basin, hold this black cat, and look directly into its eyes.

Then, try to empty your mind without any distractions, and imagine yourself in a dark, empty space. "

"Empty your brain and imagine nothingness? It doesn't sound difficult." Lord thought for a while and didn't think it was too difficult.

"It's not as simple as you think, because the structure of the human brain is very complex. The more you want to avoid something, the more the brain will remind you repeatedly."

Constantine pursed his lips, as if you don't brag that everyone is still good friends, and said, "When I tried it for the first time, it took me four or five hours to let my brain empty. "

The condition of 'emptying the brain' seems simple, but it is actually very difficult to achieve!

Unless someone has received professional training, it is actually very difficult for ordinary people to empty their minds and clear those miscellaneous thoughts in a short period of time!

But in fact, the state Konstantin said is very similar to the state of "Dao Zen" when the Shinigami talks to Zanpakutō on weekdays. Both of them need to clear their own distracting thoughts, and their brains are in an ethereal and flawless state.

Lord smiled without saying a word, then patted Yinmeng's head and instructed: "Yinmeng, go to the side and wait for a while, brother."

"Hmm~ Okay, brother."

Yinmeng nodded obediently, then walked to the side and waited quietly.

"This little girl... is she wary of me?" Constantine frowned slightly. He noticed that Yinmeng was standing right behind him, and the distance was no more than two meters.

Two meters is a very dangerous distance!

If the opponent launches an attack within this distance, it will be difficult for him to react!

Yin dreamed that Constantine was looking at her, her eyes were bent into a crescent moon, and two shallow dimples appeared on her face, and she said cutely: "Uncle, it's better not to think about it~ Otherwise, Yinmeng will guarantee that you will die. very ugly!"

It's not that Yinmeng is lying, but that she has sufficient self-confidence.

Don't look at the fact that Yinmeng is only in charge of selling cute things and occasionally researching some things, but don't forget her true identity, but she is a god of death!

If you change the time and place, and there are no restrictions, it is almost impossible for Yinmeng to defeat Constantine;

But now that Constantine is close at hand, and no means are arranged, Yinmeng has enough confidence that he can kill Constantine in an instant!

"...No no no, you misunderstood me."

Constantine's eyes twitched, and he waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that he had absolutely no ill will towards Lord.

Although Yinmeng's performance has been normal so far, his instinct for life has told him that it is best not to provoke this terrible loli who looks cute but is actually black, otherwise I am afraid she will really die!

Lord saw all of this in his eyes, but he didn't say anything to stop it, because it was his idea to let Yinmeng monitor Constantine.

As the saying goes: Beware of others!

Especially for Constantine, a hero known for his tricks,

It's even more impossible to take him lightly, so Lord must make arrangements in advance to prevent himself from being tricked by Constantine.

How shrewd Constantine was, he could see through their minds at a glance.


Don't look at Lord and Yinmeng guarding him, why isn't he guarding Lord and Yinmeng?

Everyone is well aware of this, but they just don't want to pierce this membrane.

"When you're ready, let's start." Constantine urged: "If we delay for a minute, Angela's danger in hell will increase a little bit."

Lord, in accordance with Constantine's instructions, first soaked his feet in the water basin, then picked up the black cat and looked directly into its eyes.

Get rid of all distractions, imagine nothingness and darkness, and immerse your mind in it, so that your soul is in a state of 'nothingness'.

Not long after... he entered the state.

"Have you entered the state so soon?" Constantine raised his brows and was a little surprised. He thought it would take a long time, but he didn't expect it to be successful in one go!

Constantine walked up to Lord and took a deep breath, "I'm about to start, don't disturb me during the ceremony, otherwise I won't be responsible for any accidents."

"Do not worry."

Yinmeng's eyes were slightly cold, and with a temperament that did not match her age, she said, "With me here, no one can disturb you."

"That's good, I hope it's what you said."

Constantine shrugged, then cut his right thumb, wiped a drop of blood between Lord's eyebrows, and recited a Latin incantation.

Lord, who was in an ethereal state, could clearly perceive the blood dripping from the center of Constantine's eyebrows while he was chanting the incantation, establishing some kind of inexplicable and inexplicable dimension with another distant and unfamiliar dimension. Special Contact!

Immediately after...

Lord felt that his soul was pulled out of his body by a certain force, and then along Constantine's blood 'fuze', it turned into a streamer and ran to that distant and unfamiliar dimension!



The eternal twilight hue and the smell of decay and decay fill every corner of the whole world.

"Sure enough, he became a god of death."

Lorde found himself wearing a specially customized death tyrant outfit with a short knife around his waist.


A cat meow suddenly sounded, and Lord looked down and saw that the black cat was lovingly rubbing his head against his trouser legs.

Lord squatted down, reached out and stroked the black cat, and then said, "Good ~ take me to Angela, understand?"


This black cat is very smart, as if he really understood what he said, he licked Lord's palm lightly, and then ran out in one direction!

After running out for a distance, seeing that Lord did not follow, the black cat turned to look at him, and there was a very human color in the two golden pupils.


The corners of Lord's eyes twitched slightly, thinking that this cat should not be the night of Sifengyuan, right?

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