Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 96 The greatness of mankind lies in courage!

Church Hospital.

A thick and dark cloud layer suddenly gathered above the hospital, undulating and surging like the tides of sea water, and gradually formed a huge vortex, like the entrance to the abyss!

The violent spiritual pressure boiled and exploded, and lightning flashed in the clouds. With the sound of thunder resounding through the sky, the terrifying low pressure rubbed against the air, creating a huge storm that connected the heavens and the earth!

Lord stood with his sword in hand, his silver hair was flying, and his eyes flashed a touch of ice blue.

Feeling the pressure of this sudden surge, Gabriel's pale golden eyes froze, and six holy wings of light appeared behind him, and the divine power burned like a raging flame!

The ice-blue frost dragon and the six-winged holy seraph, the two just clashed in momentum, and they created an unprecedented astonishing vision, which made Constantine, who was watching the battle, stunned.

Thanks to Gabriel's protection, this hospital was not destroyed by the Reiatsu storm.

But this is only temporary!

Gabriel is very clear that once the two really fight, the energy that will burst out will only become more terrifying. If she can't hold it back for a while, it may even destroy the hospital!

"Let's change the battlefield, it's not suitable for us here."

Gabriel's eyes swept across Lord, and then his bare toes tapped the ground, and the six wings of light behind him vibrated slightly, and the surrounding space suddenly cracked inch by inch, setting off a monstrous wind and waves swept in!


I saw Gabriel's figure turned into a streamer, and jumped directly into the air hundreds of meters.

The six light wings slowly unfolded, Gabriel's golden eyes closed slightly, and he looked down at Lorde condescendingly, the meaning of which is self-evident.

If you want to fight, don't destroy the hospital.

Before Mamen really came to the world, this hospital must not be destroyed, otherwise, if the shielding magic circle is lost, the Supreme Mage will immediately detect their conspiracy!

With the Eye of Agamotto and the Three Great Temples, there are not many things on earth that can hide that bald head, especially at this critical moment, she doesn't want to let the plan change again.

Lorde sighed slightly in his heart. He knew that destroying the hospital was also a way, but unfortunately he had already tried it when he fought the deformed baby demon before.

After this hospital received the divine blessing imposed by Gabriel, the structural part of the main building was far more rigid than imagined.

But if the main structure of the hospital is not destroyed, the shielding effect of the magic circle will not disappear.

It has to be said that Gabriel counted almost everything into account, and did not give them any opportunities at all.

Lord took a deep breath, then turned around and glanced at Constantine meaningfully: "Remember the question you asked me before we set off?"


Constantine's eyes moved slightly and said, "What's wrong with the fairy tale about the hero and the dragon?"

Lord said: "The brave may not be able to defeat the dragon, but the dragon can definitely defeat the dragon."

"What are you trying to say?" Constantine didn't dare to look Lorde's eyes directly, his low and hoarse voice became a little trembling, because he knew the meaning of the other party's words, but he just didn't want to face it!

"I just want to ask you, what is it that you have been pursuing?"

Lorde chuckled lightly, the sword in his hand slid across the ground, and walked towards Gabriel in the sky step by step, while a warm voice echoed in the room: "Don't forget...Constantine, the reason why humans are Greatness lies in their courage in the face of danger and fear."


Constantine's pupils trembled slightly, his breathing suddenly became rapid,

His heart seemed to be touched in some way, and the reason why he had been immersed in the past all along may be the lack of the courage to face fear and danger!


The ice dragon behind Lord waved its wings, and the whole person rushed hundreds of meters into the air.

"You finally came."

Gabriel's face showed a trace of impatience, and one hand suddenly clenched in the void.


A dazzling divine brilliance suddenly bloomed in the night sky, as dazzling as a rising sun, the turbulent divine power even made the void tremble, and a violent hurricane roared and wreaked havoc!

"Welcome to the judgment of God!"

Gabriel snorted coldly, continuously condensing and compressing the vast and dazzling pure white sun, and finally turned it into a pure white great sword!

On the surface of the pure white great sword, Lord saw a ray of burning pale golden flames, and felt the terrifying energy fluctuations from it.

Presumably that ray of pale golden flames is the divine authority given to Gabriel by God to destroy the power of all evil in the world!

"It's not easy...Gabriel!"

There was a dignified look in Lord's eyes. Even though he used the spiritual pressure booster, he could still clearly feel that his soul was trembling!

It's not about being afraid...

It is the fear of death that is imprinted in the deepest, most primitive, and strongest part of human genes.

You must not relax for a second, you must be vigilant at all times, otherwise Gabriel will cut off his head in just a split second!

"Die, human."

The six light wings behind Gabriel vibrated slightly, and the surrounding void suddenly shattered like a mirror, and the figure disappeared in place!

next second!

The figure of Gabriel appeared in front of him, the pale golden pupils did not contain any human feelings, only indifference and coldness, holding high the pure white sword that symbolized holiness and judgment and fell!

So fast!

Lorde was shocked, he just barely captured the speed of Gabriel, holding the ice wheel pill from bottom to top, and collided with the pure white sword diagonally!


The moment the swords collided, there was a deafening sound of metal clashing, and countless sparks sputtered.

The wind pressure visible to the naked eye is like a sharp blade, spreading out around the two people, instantly cutting and splitting the nearby clouds!

"So heavy, so heavy!"

With just one contact, Gabriel's enormous power almost made Lord unable to hold the knife, and the tiger's mouth even burst out several bloody mouths.

"Actually took a sword?"

Gabriel suppressed Lord with a sword in one hand, and his face changed slightly, as if he was surprised that Lord could take the sword.

"Ice Dragon - Spinning Tail!"

Lord let out a low roar, the blade swiped across the pure white sword, and when he turned around, he mobilized the surrounding water vapor, instantly condensing into an ice dragon, and biting towards Gabriel!

"This is... the power to control ice?"

Seeing the giant ice dragon rushing towards him, Gabriel suddenly showed a mocking smile: "Don't you know that the authority in charge of the four archangels is [Water]?"

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