Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 97 Man and God!

"Stupid humans..."

There was a hint of irony in Gabriel's eyes, and he raised his palm to the front, and said in a commanding tone: "I order in the name of Gabriel - stop!"


The Frost Dragon, which swept across with the frigid wind, stood still in front of Gabriel.

This scene is like a train moving at full speed, suddenly affected by some mysterious force, and the stop button is pressed in an instant, which completely violates the kinetic energy theorem!

This is reasonable.

After all, even if Newton's coffin board was blown away, it is estimated that he would not dare to control God's head.

"Interesting little guy..."

Gabriel pursed his lips and smiled, with a strong sense of sarcasm, and said: "It seems that we have a very poor affinity. Your power is completely under my control. How are you going to win me next?"


Lord's mouth twitched, the ghost knows that the four archangels even have attributes!

According to the "Book of Revelation", Gabriel is known as the left of the throne of God. He is the seraph and the wise angel in charge of heaven. horn.

In addition, in mysticism and astrology, the constellation guarded by Gabriel is located in Fomalhaut, and was given the authority of [water] by God, while Michael, who is also a seraph, was given the authority of [Water]. The authority of 【Fire】.

It's not that the affinity is good or bad, it's simply the worst card drawn!

The ability of the ice wheel pill is to create ice by controlling the water molecules in the atmosphere, but Gabriel's power is "water"!

To a certain extent, Gabriel's power of God is superior to Hirinwan!


Gabriel said lightly, her voice was not loud, but it was accompanied by some kind of strong will.

A simple word came out of her mouth, and the whole world seemed to be shaking and humming, as if it was responding to Gabriel's will!


The dragon that was originally condensed by ice crystals, its internal elemental structure was instantly reversed into water, and under the blessing of Gabriel's will, a huge wave was set off in an instant, roaring like a sea bursting its embankment, towards the sea. Lord's direction swept away!

Instant step!

Lorde immediately pulled back and retreated, while Bing Lun Wan slashed through the void.

The water molecules in the atmosphere were quickly evacuated, creating a huge wall of ice to fend off the waves and buy him time to retreat.

The ice wall formed by the condensation of ice crystals was vulnerable in front of the huge wave, and was easily washed away, and then rushed towards Lorde with unabated momentum!


Huge water waves tens of meters high rose high, as if the water of rivers and lakes was poured down, and over hundreds of meters above the sky, it was overwhelming!

Huge water waves surrounded him on all sides, surging and splashing, and the surrounding void was distorted under this pressure!

Since there is no going back, there is no need to go back!

" are so arrogant!"

Lorde forcibly stopped his retreating figure, and then held Bing Lun Wan in both hands, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and said coldly: "Since yours can disintegrate my ice, then the other way around... .My ice can freeze your water too!"

Restraint is relative!

Water and ice are both elements, just two different states!

Since Gabriel can make an order to restore the ice crystal dragon to water, then he can also turn these flowing waters into ice again!

"Hinrenmaru...but the strongest Zanpakutō of the ice and snow type!"

Lorde whispered, and then the whole body was boiled with spiritual pressure, and the rolling wind burst and whistled out of thin air!


I saw the ice wings vibrate,

Lord's whole person turned into a streamer, and he rushed to the huge wave dozens of meters high with his knife!

"Dragon Rack!!!"

With the frigid wind and extremely cold freezing air, Lord turned the whole person into a huge ice crystal dragon and rushed straight into the mighty waves!

"court death......"

Gabriel looked down at this scene condescendingly, and a slight irony appeared in his pale golden eyes, "A mere human being, in a delusional attempt to freeze the water waves I made?"


I saw the monstrous waves dozens of meters high, under the surging extreme cold spiritual pressure, the blink of an eye was frozen, and it turned into a huge ice crystal cross, which was displayed in the sky!

One second he was saying it was impossible, and the next second he was slapped in the face, Gabriel couldn't help feeling a little hot.

The ice crystal cross shatters!

Lord slowly walked out of the broken ice crystals and said indifferently: "Gabriel, it seems that your power is not very useful, at least not as you said, you can restrain my power."

"Sin of blasphemy, damn you!"

Gabriel became angry with anger, and the fierce light flashed in his eyes!

She wants this man to understand how big the gap is between humans and gods!

Sen Han's chilling aura almost filled the entire space!

The void is distorted to a degree that is visible to the naked eye, and the heavy depression that penetrates into the bone marrow makes Lord feel very uncomfortable.

Some wild words made Gabriel completely angry. She didn't want to dawdle with this humble human being any longer. She wanted to defeat this arrogant human being as quickly as possible!


Above the sky, a rolling storm roared, and thunderous sounds resounded!

"Let you witness it with your own eyes, the power of judgment bestowed upon me by the Father!"

Gabriel was surrounded by holy radiance, six wings of light suddenly fluttered, and the whole person turned into a dazzling meteor, swooping from the sky!

Almost in an instant, Gabriel rushed in front of Lord, raised the pure white sword in his hand, and slashed across the void with a sharp beam!

This sword contains the power of divine judgment!

Time and space seem to be frozen at this moment, and everything between heaven and earth is affected by this force, thus falling into slowness and freezing.


Lorde's pupils shrank suddenly, accompanied by a palpitation that swept his whole body, intuition told him that he would die if he was hit by this sword!

Under the threat of death, Lord had to burst out all the spiritual pressure to resist this strange slow force, and at the same time forcibly set up the ice wheel pill to meet the sword!

when! ! !

The pure white sword collided with the ice blade, sputtering bright and blue sparks dancing!

The shock wave visible to the naked eye erupted from a high altitude, swept across with lightning speed, smashing the thick clouds within a kilometer, rolling up layers of stormy waves, and making a deafening roar in mid-air as if it were real!

"Yes, I actually blocked this sword, I want to praise you, human."

Gabriel's eyes closed slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "But the next attack, are you going to use that hand to block?"

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