Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 106: Chin prison


Li Mo cursed.

"What should we do?" Tony's face was a little ugly. "We've been outside for too long and can't be trapped here. There is still a lot of things on the planet, and Pepper ..."

"Don't say it, I know." Li Mo frowned and said fiercely, "Skolkie, come on! Hijack a hostage!"

"Okay!" Scolchi responded immediately after replying, and said with a distressed look: "boss, that's a starship. My body can't carry it at all, and I will be killed!"

"Thank you for your brave Alaska people." Li Mo looked scornful.

"I'm not a fool," Scolchi muttered. "Why don't you come?"

"Yes, aren't you great?" Tony said anxiously, "Come on!"

"I'm afraid of death," Li Mo said as a matter of course. "My ability hasn't recovered."

"What should we do?" Tony was angry and waved his finger-type small laser transmitter. "He can't do it, you can't do it, can you rely on me? I don't even have armor, only this **** biubiubiu!"

As Tony's words fell, three lasers fired from his fingertips, hitting the base of a floating street light.

Then, in the eyes of the three men with aggressive faces.

The tall street lights squeaked down and hit the top of a fast-moving floating car. The car was knocked up and hit an eight-horse starship hovering in the low sky nearby. .

The driver, who put his hand on the firing button, was slammed, and a gigantic laser beam hit another occult starship.

The end of the hit starship swayed into the ground with smoke and smoke.

"This time ... wow ..." All three were dumbfounded.

Instantly, several traction beams hit them, and the three floated slowly.

"The hairless one, put down your weapon immediately!" A starship pilot said through an external horn.

Tony quickly threw away the biubiubiu on his fingers and looked at Li Mo with an ugly look. "You bastard, I've been miserable by you."

Li Mo twitched at the corner of his mouth and looked at Roman Day, who was walking over, with a surprised expression: "Dye, man, are you? I drank too much last night, and I said why I won't see you when I wake up ..."

A group of soldiers from the Rising Star Corps slammed up, and threw the three to the ground.

Li Mo: "You bastards, don't press your head!"

Tony: "I need a lawyer!"

Scholchi: "You're wrong, I'm not with them!"


Rising Star Headquarters

trial room

Scorch stood in a silver room and said fiercely, facing a glass wall, "I know you're right across. Do you like to see people this way?"

He broke the jar, tore off his shirt, and vigorously muscled his muscles to do bodybuilding. "Look at this strong muscle, would you like to take a picture?"

Outside the glass wall, data such as his body structure, pedigree and genes are constantly displayed ...

Roman Day said blankly, "This guy is called Scholch, an Asgard deported. He is extremely strong and has a strong tendency to violence."

Then Tony was shoved in. He tucked his collar and said solemnly, "I need a lawyer, I need a ... **** ... lawyer!"

"Tony Stark, Earthling, terrible desperate, he killed us a starship with only a small laser." Roman Dayton said, "The news from the predator, This guy held a nuclear bomb and destroyed a Zetaru fleet. "


The room was filled with incredible breathing sounds.

"Finally this guy!" Roman Day said, looking at Li Mo who came in last, and said with a bad expression: "The mastermind of this gang, Li Mo, Earthling, nicknamed Pharaoh, was extremely strong, insidious and cunning, and charged : Fraud robbery and destruction of public property. "

Danarian Sar on the side frowned and said, "Now is the critical moment, and this dangerous group cannot be allowed to disrupt Sandal's peace and put them all in Chin prison!"


There is an "asteroid belt" in the outermost part of the star system where Sandal is located. This asteroid belt is composed of numerous large and small stones.

Chin Prison is located right here.

As an interstellar prison for heavy prisoners, Chin Space City has been specially designed and guarded very tightly. Together with the natural barrier of the asteroid belt, it has become Sandal's premier prison.

A small spacecraft containing 50 prisoners is slowly approaching Chin Prison.

Tony sat in a chair with a grimace. "Why are we becoming prisoners?"

Li Mo said fiercely: "This is a pure retaliation, but they dare to call themselves peace-loving races."

"That prison, should it be ... stricter management?" Tony frowned.

"Hahaha ..." the head of a lizard with a sharp mouth next to it suddenly laughed. "This is the most ridiculous thought I have ever heard."

"Oh, buddy introduce me." Li Mo said curiously.

"That place is the most chaotic prison. It's full of the cruelest perverts. Murder and **** are as common as eating and drinking. The only thing you can do is to protect your butt. Hahaha ..." The lizard head prisoner smiled wildly With.

"Don't the prison guards care?" Tony said incredulously.

"Those guys are not like the members of the Legion of Stars. Corruption is a convention. It is their interest to practice prisoners. They will also applaud when they kill people." Lizard said with amusement on his head. The best toy for felons, especially you! "

He looked at Tony. "A hairless and beautiful guy like you can cause a sensation. Man, your chrysanthemums will bloom, haha ​​..."


Li Mo stunned him with a hammer.

"Don't listen to this **** talking nonsense, Scolchi and I will protect you." Li Mo said comfortingly to Tony.

Then his eyes were a little weird, "I just realized that you are indeed much younger and handsomer after you shave ..."

"To shut up!"


The spaceship carrying the prisoner slowly entered the Chin prison with a blue tail flame. After passing round iron gates, Li Mo and them were assigned to the third district.

After a simple and ruthless physical examination, the crowds were stripped again, and before they protested, a red column of disinfection water rushed towards them.

After putting on their yellow prison clothes, they were taken to an aisle and lined up in two lines.

A gentle, obscured middle-aged man brought several prison guards in front of them.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Jon, and I am the head of cell 3." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "I am a very kind person. First of all, if anyone thinks he is innocent, he can Come forward and you can reappeal because this is your last chance. "

The prisoners didn't speak, and Tony hesitated as soon as he wanted to raise his hand.

At this moment, a prisoner next to him suddenly raised his hand, "I'm really innocent."

"Good, you can go." Jon said with a smile.

"Really?" The prisoner's face was pleasantly surprised, he just said tentatively, but did not expect this to happen.

Then he had just taken two steps, two prison guards rushed up and kept greeting him with high-voltage electric sticks.

"Haha, am I kidding, am I surprised?" Jon shrugged.

Then his face darkened: "What do you guys think of this place? I can tell you very plainly that the environment here is extremely bad, the food is as bad as shit, and your safety is not guaranteed. . "

"If you want to complain, please write down the note in detail, carefully fold it, open your **** hard, and tuck it into your chrysanthemum!

If you have any doubts about how I administer the prison, please be sure to write a note to me, but remember to write "chrysanthemum" in the column of the reply address so that my assistant can help you open your **** Tuck into your chrysanthemum! "

Then he walked away, and the prisoners looked a little bit bad.

"This **** Nazi!" Tony said gritted teeth.

"It's okay, we can adapt to it." Li Mo also became serious.

Subsequently, Li Mo and they were all pushed into cell 3 after allocating a blanket.

This cell is a round well structure. Surrounded by layers of cells, prisoners can move in and out freely.

In the middle is a surveillance tower. Several prison guards are chatting inside, and countless attacking drones are flying around.

The cell was so noisy, the prisoners gathered in groups to yell, laugh and scold, all kinds of weird races. Several prisoners in the center of the venue were beating him hard. Blood had flowed across the ground, but the guards didn't care.

The arrival of Li Mo's group of people caught the attention of the prisoners.

"New arrival!"

"Look at their stupidity, hahaha ..."

"Someone bet they can live a week?"

The vicious laughter kept coming from all around, and then accompanied by a loud whistle, trash such as paper cups and small jars smashed over like raindrops.

"Fk!" Li Mo hurriedly avoided them.

A group of prisoners gathered around, staring fiercely at them, threatening and cursing.

A bare-footed man with a height of 2 meters and 5 feet was covered with chest hair, and a fat green-skin prisoner walked over with heavy steps.

Prisoners along the way gave way.

He came to Tony, staring at Tony stubbornly, his saliva flowing down, "You are so cute, my name is Grunt, can I pursue you?"

After speaking, he also took out a flower folded with waste paper.

Tony's face was as ugly as eating a poop. Li Mo smiled and went up to punch the guy two meters.

Then he looked at the people around him fiercely, "You **** have given me up, or I'll kill you now!"

Two prisoners secretly took out a dagger made of scrap iron behind Li Mo, and Skorch saw stepping forward and kicking two people.

Seeing them not easy to mess with, the prisoners immediately gave way to them and turned around other newcomers.

Li Mo whispered to Tony as he walked, "You have to be tough in this kind of place, and let them know that you are not easy to mess with, so there will be less trouble."

Tony nodded solemnly. When he passed the green fat man who fell to the ground, he rushed forward and kicked him fiercely.

In the painful moan of the fat man, Tony said fiercely: "Are you okay? Bitch!"

Li Mo, they walked away in a big wave, and they were curious to find that there were still women in the prison?

Although they look fierce and have messy hair, they are women after all!

"This TM is a mixed prison?" Li Mo's face was incredible.

The Lizardmen, who had just laughed at them, followed with a charming smile on their faces. "This place was originally separated by men and women, but the guards have gradually become what they are now."

"Aren't they afraid of being raped?" Li Mo asked with eyes widened.

"They're not scared at all." The lizard smiled wryly. "They like others."

"It's a **** of a place!" Li Mo shook his head and looked at the lizard man next to him. "What the **** are you doing with us?"

"My name is Buck, and I'm back here for the third time. I'm willing to be your pony and provide all the information, as long as you can give me proper protection." The lizard man begged.

Li Mo looked at him for a while, "Okay, but remember not to play tricks with me."

"Good boss, thank you!" Buck, the Lizardman, bowed cheerfully.

After passing through the prison-filled rooms along the way ~ ~ Li Mo asked with a frown: "Where do we live?"

"All the rooms here are robbed. The incompetent guys all sleep in the corridor." The Lizardman Buck replied.

"This way?" Li Mo said, touching his chin. "Then I have to find a better one."

After passing through the cells, Li Mo finally saw a nice place, not only relatively clean, but also with thick hatches.

Li Mo gave Scolchi a look next to him, and the two rushed in at the same time, beating a group of prisoners sleeping on the ground.

"All stand for me at the door, holding my head for a standing jump." After Li Mo took the prisoners out, he closed the door and said to Tony seriously: "We must find a way to get out of here."

"What shall we do?" Tony asked.

Li Mo looked at the chaotic scene outside the window, frowning and said, "First inquire about the various materials of the prison in detail. I believe they will have loopholes ..."


On the other side, McQueen is hovering in a silent universe.

"What, they were held in a heavy prison?" Kola looked anxiously. "We must find a way to save them."

"Rest assured, I've run out twice from that place." The rocket raccoon's face didn't matter. "I've thought of a good idea ..."

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