Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 107: King of Fighting

Chin Prison Unit 3

A bald-headed prisoner with a fleshy face rolled the quilt into a personal shape, lying on it constantly shaking his buttocks, a look of intoxication, and moaning loudly in his mouth.

There was a circle of fierce bald prisoners beside him, and he kept laughing at him loudly. His expression was slightly in place, and he immediately went up for a punch and kick.

This guy is a new rapist. When he came, he met Li Mo and his life was not as good as life.

Suddenly someone in the crowd called out, and the bald prisoners gave way respectfully.

Li Mo came over lazily, beside him was Tony Stark, who was squinting to watch the guard, while Scolci followed him with a shirtless look.

Yes, in just two days, Li Mo became the boss of a gang. The nickname was "Smile with a smile", which is a fierce beast of Sandar Star, fierce and cunning.

Tony also won the awe of the prisoners for destroying an eight-man starship and holding a nuclear bomber fleet, known as "Crazy Tony".

To ask the prisoners how to know, of course, Li Mo preached it. Life in the prison was boring, and bragging became the only pastime.

Li Mo's hairline is back, but it's all fluffy, so he just shaved his head.

Tony had just recovered and had only a little hair root.

Scorch was the bald.

So Li Mo simply let all his 100-plus **** shave their heads, known as "Cosmic Bald Party."

Most of his men are predators, plus some star mercenaries who run singles.

In addition, there are two forces, one of which is all homosexuals holding a group for warmth, Li Mo called them a "gangster". On the other side were all perverted murderers, organ collectors and the like, which Li Mo called "brain gangs."

The three parties did not interfere with each other, and occasionally a little friction also quickly subsided under the strength of Li Mo, so No. 3 prison house ushered in a short period of peace.

Li Mo asked his men to stay outside the door, and the three began to discuss in secret in the cell.

Tony took out a piece of paper with various symbols and said, "According to the intelligence collected over the past two days, the situation is not very good. This prison is an independent space city, and after hundreds of years of operation, it has filled the large Part of the loophole. Guards rarely contact the prisoners and control the prison by hovering robots. "

"Michael, what do you think we should do?" Li Mo asked.

"Asshole, don't change my name for me." Tony shook his head. "I have an idea, but I'm not very satisfied. If the hostage is taken, it's not clear what they will do. And we have to rush to the hangar to **** a starship, There will be countless accidents in between, and they will be pursued by the Star Fleet. "

"If my abilities are OK, it's impossible to easily occupy here. But now, we need outside help." Li Mo nodded and said.

"Little raccoon? Are you sure he will risk us?" Tony asked.

"I think the guy will never let me down. This is a cruel guy. I only worry about it a little." Li Mo shrugged. "Will this guy create more trouble for us."

"such as?"

"Blasted the entire prison ..."

"! Are you kidding me?"


"I'm going to blow a big hole in the prison!" The rocket raccoon said, holding the assembled Soverin battery bomb.

After that, he looked reluctantly at the Lovis black hole bomb which was desperately taken away by Emile.

"You must be crazy, is this a good way you say?" Kola screamed.

"Troublesome woman, what do you know, the best plan is the most direct plan." Rocket Raccoon said disdainfully.

"What if they also killed them?"

"Absolutely not. You will know it later, Li Mo, you don't know how much he can do." Rocket Raccoon said with a shrug.

"Mother Groot!" The tree-man raised his hands and roared.

"Haha, I know you agree with me." The Rocket Raccoon slaps Groot's leg with a smile.

"Why can you understand him?" Cora asked curiously.

"When you and this guy are in the same cell for 18 months, you can understand him." Rocket Raccoon shrugged.

"Then what shall we do next, go directly to the prison?" Cora asked.

"No, no, no, that's stupid. You have to tell them to be prepared, and cooperate inside and out." The Rocket Raccoon pouted.

"But we can't get in there."

"So." The Rocket Raccoon smiled strangely. "I need a messenger."


After two days,

A suspended robotic guard escorted a prisoner to Li Mo, who was sitting in the middle of a group of men chatting.

"Hey, smile at Mordor. This new prisoner asked to be assigned to cell number 3. He said you would take care of him and give me 5,000 stars." A voice came from the horn of the floating robot.

"Ha ha, of course there is no problem, this is my previous man, I will transfer the money to you." Li Morisso transferred the money to the prison guard who operated the robot before coming to the electronic bank of the prison.

Chin prison guards have deliberately set up an electronic bank in order to embezzle the money of prisoners, where you can buy snacks, tobacco, alcohol and even drugs, order holographic entertainment equipment, and perform a series of transfers.

Of course, it's expensive.

To ask why Li Mo had more money, his bald party was not founded in vain. Within a few days, 30,000 stars have been earned.

Immediately after the guarding robot left, Li Mo gave Tony a wink. The two took the prisoner to a cell, and Scolchi was outside.

"Rocket news is coming in." Li Mo said with a look of joy.

"Just arrange someone to send a message. Is he crazy, afraid to leak the news?" Tony frowned.

"Relax, it's safe," Li Mo said.

Tony asked for a while, and it turned out that the prisoner didn't know anything, and was only told that Li Mo would find asylum when he came in.

"How do you know there will be information?" Tony asked curiously.

"Clear hint." Li Mo looked at the prisoner's prosthetic leg strangely.

Later, they found a sheet of paper folded several times through the gap inside the prisoner's artificial leg. After spreading out, it was densely filled with numbers, symbols, and a sketch of the prison.

After Tony looked at it carefully, he pouted, "Well, let you guess again, this terrible little raccoon is really going to bomb the prison."

Tony looked at Li Mo with a look of excitement. Tony also said, "You are too happy. This guy didn't know our exact location, so he chose to explode too far away from us, and it was very troublesome."

Li Mo took the drawing seriously and studied it for a long time, "I don't understand what it is."

"Look, this is a simplified diagram of the prison." Tony explained with a helpless expression in detail. "All the cells are located at the very center of this space city. The power of the blast is not easy to estimate. It is useless if the power is small. The sealed doors of the Space City sections will be urgently closed. If the power is high, the entire Space City will be destroyed and we will be dead. So the little raccoon chose here. "

"What's there?" Li Mo frowned.

"A small spacecraft flight path connected to the hangar," Tony said.

"Isn't that asking us to break into the hangar? If we can get in, we won't have left early. What's the use of this plan," Li Mo said.

"Of course the little raccoon isn't that stupid," Tony continued. "The prison guard ’s training ground has a ventilation duct, and there is a weak point at the wrong point with the flight path. As long as a simple small directional blast, we can enter the flight path. After the raccoon blew up the entrance, the rushing air would eject us into space, and McQueen pulled us in again. "

"But how do we get into that **** training ground, we can't even go out here!" Li Mo scratched his head.

"Not only that," Tony said with a frown. "Prison guard training grounds, where are most of the armed guards gathered. And we have other problems. After the flight channel is bombed, it will be in a vacuum immediately. We will be in The oxygen in the lungs loses consciousness within 14 seconds of entering the brain, the body's water begins to boil, and considering that the temperature can quickly reach below 200 degrees below zero, our death time may be even shorter! "

"It doesn't matter, my body has been strengthened to the extreme, and it can tolerate most of the cosmic environment, and the oxygen in my lungs is enough for me to survive for two hours ..." Li Mo looked puzzled.

"Then me, do you **** want to run alone." Tony was angry.

"Of course not." Li Mo scratched his head awkwardly. "I understand. There are two problems now. The first is to enter the prison guard training ground and the second is to get a space suit."

"Yes, but we're stuck here now, don't say it, not even the guard's face." Tony frowned.

"When will the Rockets set the time?"

"This time in a week."

"!" Li Mo suddenly felt a bit big.

Just as he was worried, there was a sudden noise outside.

Li Mo looked up, and it turned out that two prisoners had fought. The fists flew to the flesh, blood dripped, and a crowd of inmates beside them shouted in excitement and whistled.

Li Mo looked for a moment, and suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth. "Tony, do you know what makes people lose their mind?"

"Drugs, rights, or money?" Tony said.

"No, there's gambling!" Li Mo laughed, and then went out with a big grin.

"You two bastards, stop me!" Li Mo walked over and kicked the two of them, shouting loudly, "Did you forget the rules I set?"

"Respectful smile, I respect you, but this **** has insulted my race, he must learn a lesson!" Said a prisoner with horns on his head angrily.

"I will use your fist to make you feel respect," said another prisoner with a stout arm, laughing.

"Both of you shut up!" Li Mo snapped, and then pretended to say: "I respect your choices, but everything must be in order. You can come to one-to-one after 10 minutes, but not Do you agree with any weapon? "

The two prisoners glanced at each other and nodded fiercely.

"Very good!" Li Mo smiled with satisfaction, then jumped to the table all of a sudden, and looked around and said loudly: "Are you guys **** have been boring for too long, now come to an interesting, want to bet Are these two guys the winner? "

The prisoners immediately boiled, rushing up and blushing with a thick neck.

"I bet on the long-horned guy with 10 stars to win!"

"I beat 20 big bets!"

"I press 15 ..."

Members of the Bald Party came forward to help maintain order, record orders and constantly adjust the odds.

Ten minutes later, the one-on-one between the two prisoners began. Because of the thrill of gambling, it attracted almost all prisoners in cell 3.

A large group of people were crowded around the fighting ground, and the surrounding corridor was full of people.

Loud noises, screams, and cheers kept ringing.

"kill him!"

"Kick his crotch!"

"If you **** won't win, I will patronize you tonight!"


The lively scene even attracted the prison guards ~ ~ to gather in front of the monitor and watch the lively.

In a frenetic atmosphere, the one-on-one soon ended. The guy with long horns pierced the neck of his big arm with his horns and raised his fists in cheers and scolds.

The atmosphere gradually cooled down, the winners were excited, and the losers were downcast. The bookmaker Li Mo made a lot of money.

"Are you **** not very satisfied?" Li Mo jumped on the table and shouted, "It doesn't matter, our show will not end! Now you can sign up at any time if you want to play, and the winner will get a generous reward . Rest assured, Scolchi and I will not participate. Do you want to know who is the strongest in cell 3 except me? "

"Think!" The prisoners roared blushing and thick.

"Do you want to win money?" Li Mo continued to stir the atmosphere.

"Think!" More and more people came over.

"Very good!" Li Mo nodded with satisfaction, and then exclaimed, "I announced that the No. 3 Supervision Fighting King Contest officially started!"


The prisoners, already boring and mad, were cheering wildly.

Li Mo squinted and looked at the busy prison guard who was lying on the glass of the control tower. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he turned and said, "Dear guards, do you want to make a bet?"

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