Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 113: Tony

"Your brain circuit can be really off-putting sometimes." Tony shook his head helplessly.

"I'm scared, Li, I feel scared!"

Although Tony tried to speak in a calm tone, Li Mo heard a tremor in his voice.

"Captain, do you want to draw you back now?" Emile asked suddenly in the speaker.

"Let's stay a little longer, and you can detect what oil and water can be found nearby." After Li Mo ordered, McQueen quickly flew into the distance.

"Tony, we're going home. Although annihilation is terrible, but ... at least I won't be in trouble now." Li Mo scratched his head and didn't know what to say.

"Tentacles, what kind of person am I in your eyes?" Tony asked, looking ahead.

"Big inventor, playboy, poison tongue expert, arrogant ..."

"That was before!"

"The man who did the cover girl all year round in Playboy Magazine?"

"Actually for a month ... Shut up! Can you be serious?"

"Well, Tony, I know what you want to say." Li Mo shook his head. "There will always be all sorts of things happening in this world, just be ashamed."

"I can't do it," Tony shook his head, murmured with a bit of memory. "After escaping from Afghanistan, the psychologist diagnosed me with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I didn't think so and taunted him a little. A handful, but then I also found myself abnormal. "

"I have to use alcohol all night to fall asleep, and I feel safe wearing a steel armor. On the surface, I'm always horrified, but I've always been afraid. After becoming an Iron Man, my fear has deepened, and I am more afraid of myself than death. I ca n’t protect what I want to protect. And that fear erupted completely during the battle in New York. The steel armor I've always been proud of didn't help me take control. ”

"Do you know how desperate I was when I rushed towards the Zitaris with the nuclear bomb?" Tony could not help but clenched his fists.

"Okay, Tony, everything is over." Li Mo's expression also became serious, comforting, "You don't have to take everything up. After returning to the earth, we will play crazy for a few days, no big deal."

"I used to think that way too, but I found that I couldn't do it at all." Tony's face showed a painful expression. "After this universe trip, I learned more knowledge and felt more fear. . "

He pointed to the ruins of the city in front. "To be honest, this terrible sight in front of me makes me feel deeper fear. No matter how powerful civilization, in the deep universe, it will be as indifferent as a small spark. Off. "

"Human civilization is too fragile compared to other alien civilizations."

"How do we go in the future?"

"How to deal with a bigger crisis?"

"How do we protect ourselves?"

"The more I know, the more scared I am!"

Looking at the painful Tony in front of him, Li Mo shook his head helplessly: "I used to admire your super high IQ and knowledge, but now it's nothing. I don't know if this knowledge is a blessing from God or a curse."

Subsequently, neither of them spoke, and looked silently at the ruins before and after the end.

A thunderstorm in the distant clouds suddenly awakened the two. Tony slowly stood up and looked around, his expression gradually becoming firm. "Tentacles, there is something you need to cooperate with."

"Say, what do I need?" Li Mo answered.

"I know that you originally planned to sneak back to Earth quietly, but I hope we can appear bright and honest, and it is best to let everyone in the world know that we are back from the universe." Tony said seriously.

"Why? You know the virtues of those government agencies ..." Li Mo asked in confusion.

"I know, so I'm sorry. If something goes wrong, I will face you together." Tony said seriously, "If we go back silently, many things will be continued by the government and SHIELD and other organizations hide."

"Before, my thoughts were the same as that of SHIELD. It was to conceal everything from the people to protect them and make them live happily and ignorantly. But I think some things need to change. Fear comes from the unknown. Humans need to open their eyes. Rediscover the universe. "

"We are not a powerful higher civilization. We are a disadvantaged group in the universe. Did you know that the Zetas were not the first. In the 1990s, we had already suffered an invasion. Fortunately, it appeared at that time. A powerful hero. "

"I used to be arrogant and thought that I could handle everything, but the sight in front of me reminded me. Superheroes are not omnipotent. Only by uniting the wisdom of all humanity can we survive and thrive in this universe."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I'm over 40, and my body function will gradually degenerate. My movements will be slow and my mind will gradually become inflexible. I hope to spread some knowledge slowly. I believe that when I am old On that day, there will be more young people than me standing up to guard our planet! "

In the ruins of Titan's doomsday, Tony Stark's voice was extremely firm, and Li Mo seemed to have re-acquainted with this proud and charming guy, so that the vision in front of him was still clearly printed in his mind many years later.

"Wow." Li Mo swallowed. "It really makes me feel uncomfortable to talk like this seriously, otherwise you sign me first!"

"Can you be serious?" Tony was helpless, was this guy sent to punish him?

"Okay." Li Mo looked serious, "Tony, what kind of person do you think I am?"

"Like pretending to be a ghost, cheeky, vulgar, sloppy ..."

"That was before!"

"Done 3PO, no, did Oscar's man?"

"Shit! Can you speak well?"

"Okay, tentacles." Tony smiled. "Whatever you are, I only know that you are my friend. A friend who is willing to cross half of the galaxy to rescue my friend is enough."

"Ok, you're smart. I don't really think cold about your great men, but I'll definitely support you as a friend." Li Mo shrugged.

"I do have a lot of shortcomings, and I don't like to get into trouble, but if I think I'm afraid of something, I'm wrong."

"Even if you let it go, those people and organizations who peeped at me wanted to come and I'll let them know."

"I'm a cosmic!"


McQueen broke through Titan's atmosphere and quickly sailed towards the earth.

Li Mo sat in the captain's seat, waving his scepter of psychic power, and said to Cora, "Relax, I have mastered how to use this thing, and how many of them will become our own."

Just a moment ago, Kola's Quantum Sky News received another urgency letter from Soverin. The people who came to review her had already started on the road, asked her to find a place to meet, and scared Kola.

Li Mo had a plan for this, and said to Cora, "Tell them, wait for us in Asgard, with the space gem, the Rainbow Bridge must have been repaired by now. Based on my relationship with Sol , Go back and forth in minutes. "

Tony looked at the scepter of the heart in Li Mo's hand, and frowned. "As you said, there should be a jewel in the heart. You and I described so many dangers, but you are sure you can keep them safe Is it? Isn't Exterminator collecting it? "

"I know." Li Mo looked at the Scepter of Soul reluctantly. "But nothing unusual has been found so far, and this thing is really easy to use. It is needed to deal with the Soverin people. Rest assured, if any What's wrong, I will immediately take it to Kama Taj as a worship service to Master Gu Yi. "

"Just know what you have in mind." Tony shrugged.

Yes, the scepter of the mind has long been in Li Mo's hand. With his character, how can he let things go easily. As for whether Ultron and Vision will appear, who cares about him ...

Soon, the water-blue earth appeared to everyone, like a beautiful blue gemstone hanging in the sky. The sun is on her oblique side. Because there is no obstruction from the atmosphere, the sun's light does not spread from the middle and around like it looks on earth, but concentrates into a dazzling white bright spot.

"Captain Li Mo, the planetary sounder has detected a city on the back of the moon that is isolated by an energy shield." McQueen's voice suddenly sounded.

"I know that the alien city Atlan, Asgard has records about them. There is no need to disturb them." Li Mo shrugged.

"Of course." Tony agreed. "Come on when they are willing to contact us."

McQueen was not invisible this time, and appeared in extraterrestrial space. Soon they were spotted by several space observation stations.

After the war in New York, governments like bow-struck birds quickly raised their vigilance, quickly deployed their troops, and began collecting information.

The International Space Station just passed under McQueen, and the astronauts were furiously shooting at McQueen for a while, and then transmitted the picture information back to Earth.

At this time just eight months after the end of the New York War, McQueen's powerful combat capabilities remained in the secret files of various intelligence agencies.

Aegis Chief Nick Fury also got the news the first time. Although SHIELD is currently in a state of constant dismemberment, he still has his own source.

Soon, he was notified to begin inquiries from the World Security Council.

"Is this the spaceship?" A member of the board asked ~ ~ Nick Fury smiled after seeing it for a while, "If this is not a standard spaceship, yes, this is the tentacle Xia Li Mo's spaceship. "

"So what is your risk assessment for it?" Another board member asked.

"Dangerous? Its defense and attack are extremely powerful. From the performance of the battle in New York, the armed forces on the earth have no threat to it at all. However, it is not dangerous because it is the superhero Li Mo's spaceship. "Nick Fury replied.

"No, we mean ..." Another board member was interrupted by Nick Fury as soon as he was about to speak.

"I know what you mean, but the only thing I care about is that our hero is home." Nick Fury said blankly.

"Also, friendship reminds you a little." Nick Fury had a strange smile on his face.

"Don't mess with Li Mo!"

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