Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 114: An extraordinary day

The dawn of the morning dispelled the fog of the port, the Big Apple City was awakened, and people started another ordinary day.

The streets are still full of traffic, congested traffic, irritable drips, crowds walking quickly on both sides of the street ...

This is eight months after the Battle of New York.

Although severely damaged neighborhoods and high-rises during the battle with the Zitaris have been refurbished under the efforts of the Stark Group's damage control company.

Although people are still in this city, they have been working and living as busy as in the past decades.

But the world has finally changed. The battle in New York has changed people's understanding of the world around them and the universe, and has shaken people's thinking about the stability and order of life.

People no longer believe they are in a safe world, and their psychology becomes incredibly fragile or strong.

People are no longer surprised by the superheroes and criminals that pop up on the street. For New Yorkers, this is just one of the necessary risks of living in this city, and it is no different than a car accident.

Aliens and superheroes have become one of the stalks of their daily jokes.

The media's evaluation of superheroes has been mixed. Several gossip talk shows about superheroes and aliens have become popular.

Hollywood's latest blockbusters are almost all about war with aliens. The old-fashioned brain aliens, the old-fashioned hero stories, but people eat this.

Nine in the morning.

The Clarion Daily is busy, and boss J. Jonah James smokes a cigar and pats the table: "We need more breaking news! The hotspot of the New York War is outdated and people are no longer rare. Look Our headline yesterday: Psychology of Americans after the New York War. Have you got water in your head? "

Katherine, a farm girl in Texas, has become an official reporter from an internship assistant, and a plaid T-shirt denim has been replaced by a tight-fitting women's suit.

She stood behind the crowd, with a smile on her mouth, but repeatedly scolded her boss more than ten times. This mean old man took the family out for a trip during the New York War, and fortunately escaped, still riding on top of them as a blessing.

Why is he so lucky?

While a bunch of reporters were discussing whether to go to the night to sneak shots of Nocturne, the LCD TV hanging on the wall suddenly fell into a snowflake, and then a familiar face appeared.

Their newspaper has been in a lawsuit with this person for half a year, and boss James and this person's scolding column have swept the whole of New York.

Tentacle Li Mo?

Didn't he enter the space gate with Iron Man?

Is it?

Everyone was excited, and the boss James patted the table with a shiny face. "Give me away! Kevin, turn the volume to the maximum, you fool."

There was an inexplicable excitement in his heart. To be honest, he was lost for a while after learning that Li Mo entered the space-time door with no news.

Seeing this guy now, he suddenly found the passion of fighting again.

On the TV, the background is a rather technologic, large silver-white cockpit.

Li Mo sat in the middle of the driver's seat, smoking a cigarette, "Tony, do you say that this thing you transformed can cut off the TV signal in North America?"

The screen shook a few times, adjusted the position with both hands, and then Iron Man Tony Stark walked into the TV screen from the side. "Of course, and the live broadcast has started."

"Shit! Why didn't you say that this didn't destroy my image?" Li Mo quickly extinguished the smoke and put his feet in slippers off the chair.

"What other image do you have at all?" Tony Stark, with his moustache shaved and without a moustache, shrugged. "Who's coming first, or would you say it first?"

"OK." Li Mo on the television corrected his collar, and his expression became serious. "As you can see, we're back, are you pleasantly surprised? What's the matter, let's start with the New York War ... "

"That's all right, do you think this is a talk show?" Tony Stark squeezed Li Mo aside and said to the screen: "Yes, we're back, Pepper, I I want to die for you! "

"Seriously!" Li Mo coughed aside.

"Um ... okay." Tony poked his lips and then became serious. "We are back from outer space. The reason for this is because I decided not to hide the truth about the world from the people. I brought you from Information about the universe. Also, we are now staying in extraterrestrial space on the tentacle man Li Mo ’s spacecraft, and then we will fly to New York and let us know in advance, hoping that people will not panic. "

"After seeing my spaceship, don't be afraid," Li Mo said later. "It's just a normal docking of the spacecraft, just like you go home to park, but I don't have a proper parking space."

"OK, let's stop here." Tony smiled. "I'm home ..."

"Forget to say that we are not possessed by any evil aliens." Li Mo interjected suddenly.

"Shut up!" Tony covered his eyes helplessly.

Then the TV picture disappeared.

Clarion Daily boss James immediately stood up: "All of them are dispatched to me, and I must get first-hand news!"

Meanwhile, New Yorkers watching TV looked at each other.

And the blood of the World Security Council chiefs and the director of the Federal Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Rose at the same time, "What do these two **** want?"

SHIELD, Maria Hill's eyes widened incredibly, and Nick Fury shook his head helplessly.

Stark Building, Pepper Pepper smiled and shed tears.

The law firm of Nelson Murdoch, the little Lucas who helped here, jumped up in excitement.

There was a smile on the corner of Daredevil Matt, "Welcome home, **** ..."


New York City seemed to stop breathing.

People in the building came to the window one by one, the cars on the street stopped, many drivers stepped out of the car and looked at the sky, the police did not stop because they were looking up at the sky.

After about two minutes,

A more than 150-meter-long blue beetle-shaped spacecraft crossed the sky and landed over New York.

People held their breaths and watched it quietly. Some survivors who had seen the McQueen during the New York War whistled excitedly.

McQueen hovered in the limelight on the top floor of the Stark Building.

Some bold media had long been driving helicopters to shoot live in the not-so-distant air, but were soon expelled by a dozen military helicopters that followed.

Pepper Pepper and Tony's bodyguard Happi have stood on the prominent top of the Stark Building, with War Machine Rod and several Air Force generals aside.

McQueen's hatch suddenly opened, and Tony came out first, striding to Pepper Pepper, stroking his mouth but not knowing what to say.

Pepper Pepper fluttered into his arms, tearing at Tony's chest in tears.

"I'm injured." Tony scared Little Pepper with a word, and then a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth. "I lie to you, I'm fine."

After that, he hugged Pepper, an angry and struggling pepper, tightly and said softly, "I'm back, dear, I'm back safely ..."

Li Mo then came out and said loudly, "Pepper, I brought you back Tony safely."

Pepper Pepper pushed Tony away and said thankfully, "Thank you, Lee."

Li Mo shrugged, "You're welcome with me, yes, help arrange a few rooms, but my crew and I ran more than half of the Milky Way and need a good rest."

Then, in the eyes of others' astonishment, Scolci stepped out one by one. They looked at Emile and Cora nervously.

Rod swallowed, and stuttered, "Chu ... Chubaka ... 3PO?"

Li Mo ignored them and saw a few US generals, twitched his mouth, and said loudly, "McQuan, stop here. If there is something wrong with you who wants to approach you, just kill him!"

"Yes, Captain Li Mo." McQueen replied, and several laser modules immediately aimed at the surrounding US helicopters.

In the embarrassing eyes of several US military generals, Li Mo and several crew members strode into the Stark Building.

Tony shrugged. "Trust me, you better not think about it, that guy can do it."


While Li Mo was resting, the outside world was boiling.

All the news media are broadcasting the spaceship over the Stark Building, even though the thing is motionless.

Some specially invited experts constantly analyzed the performance of the McQueen from various aspects on television. Although everyone knew they were talking nonsense, they still listened with interest.

CBS News took the pictures of Emil and Kola with good luck, and immediately caused the wild howls of Star Wars fans.

Without knowing anything, Emil and Kola appeared countless fan groups.

The U.S. military still acted, the two helicopters approached McQueen carefully, and then they were fired by two lasers.

Pepper Pepper immediately held a press conference. "That is Li Mo's private property, which is in a state of self-defense. All losses and consequences will be borne by himself."

The media immediately launched a questionnaire survey on this matter. 50% of them believed that private property should not be violated, 30% thought they should cooperate with the government, and 20% thought they should be handed over to the government.

Because it was difficult to understand the specific combat effectiveness of the McQueen, the US military suspended its operations under the orders of its superiors.

Pepper Pepper brings Lucas Jr. and Barrett to the Stark Building.

Members of the Avengers, who performed their missions everywhere, also rushed over.

Hydra and some ulterior motives have focused their attention on the Stark Building and sent their own intelligence personnel.

An hour later, Nick Fury led George to the Stark Building, and in the hallway met Rose, who was a silver-haired silverbeard with a serious face.

"Nick Fury, you are no longer able to intervene in the matter here, what are you doing here?" Rose said blankly.

"Just come and see your friends." Nick Fury flashed an inexplicable light. "Your Federal Disaster Relief Agency should stop operating within six months after the disaster. Why don't you report to Congress? What do you want?"

"It's not about you," Ross said grimly. "I used to think I was a sword, and you were a shield to protect the security of the United States, but you let me down."

"But your sword is unqualified and very dangerous." Nick Fury said indifferently.

Ross snorted and took a few strides into Li Mo's room without speaking, and he wanted to let this guy know what the ultimate violent organ that crushed everything.

Pushing away Hapi, who stood up, Ross stood aside, and one of his men knocked at the door.

Cora opened the door with messy hair wrapped in sheets.

Looking at Cora, who was full of gold and a devil's **** figure, everyone choked for a moment, swallowing and wondering what to say.

Rose frowned. "Let Li Mo come out."

Cora snorted. "Who are you? We're sleeping. What's the matter later?"

Ross said coldly, "I'm Rose, director of the Federal Disaster Relief Administration of the United States of America. You need to be accountable for your destruction of the US aircraft."

Cora immediately raised her head proudly. "I am Cora, the special envoy of Soverin Star, and Li Mo is our most important collaborator. Do you decide to start the interstellar war?"

Director Ross was stunned enough and said toughly, "We on earth are not afraid of war."

Cora snorted, "Are you declaring war on Earth?"

Rose stopped talking.

"He can't represent the earth. UU reads" Nick Fury suddenly walked up. "When Li Mo wakes up, please tell him that some old friends are waiting for him."

Cora nodded, ignored them, and closed the door anxiously.

Then came the moan of the woman ...

Ross and Nick Fury looked at each other.

At the same time, Pepper walked out of the Stark Building and said to the crowded reporters outside the door, "Tony Stark and Li Mo will hold a press conference one day later, and everyone will answer their doubts."

At one time, almost all news media around the world were sending people to Stark Building.

What do they want to do?

This is the doubt of many people.

This is an extraordinary day, and the fate of many people will change from then on.

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