Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 121: Eye of the Warlock

"Yes, I can fly, this TM is just amazing!" Li Mofu said excitedly to Sol in the air.

After countless failures to characterize the magic circle on the vine, it proved to be impossible at all, because whenever the vine stretches and stretches and twists, the magic circle also changes, and the energy path becomes a joke.

In the end, Li Mo drew his head, and portrayed the magic array on the trunk of the blood-sucking vine in his body.

But in the end he only portrayed the flying traction and enhanced destruction. Because the thunderbolt was running, his hair turned upside down, and his sour feeling made him unbearable.

Now he only needs to inject the latitude energy extracted from the roots into the circle to fly and increase the attack power of the vine.

It is worth mentioning that his use of latitude energy is extremely rough. The energy of each dimension has different attributes, the country of fire is hot, the space of West Thorne is dark, and another weird ...

He just used a brain injection method, but fortunately, the vampire did not make a difference.

There is nothing he can do about this situation, and he hopes to get a solution when he goes to Karma Taj in the future.

"Okay, congratulations. But can you come down first, I'll find you something." Sol shrugged, and he was gradually getting used to the weirdness of this guy.

"Ok, wait for me, I'm not too skilled." Li Mo promised, and then fell crookedly, suddenly accelerated sharply, and fell through the roof.

"Hahaha ..." Sol laughed unkindly. "You need more practice."

"Of course I do." Li Mo came out rubbing his shoulders, "What are you doing to me?"

"I decided to shake Jane Foster." Saul's face collapsed suddenly, and an ugly smile came out. "Let's drink and celebrate."

Li Mo rolled his eyes.

Obviously you feel that you have been dumped, and you want to borrow alcohol to sorrow?

"Let's go, what's the matter?" Li Mo took the sip from Sol's hand and asked.

"We met before the war in New York, and we stayed a few days after the war before coming back. But for some reason, it was awkward to get along, far from the original good. After some small quarrels happened, I returned directly ... Sol smiled awkwardly. "I thought it was just a moment of unhappiness, but she seemed to decide to end the relationship."

"It's normal, man." Li Mo pouted his lips.

"Why? I do it to her." Saul frowned and took a sip of wine.

"Please, you are a god! It is no longer the guy who had no power at the beginning." Li Mo shrugged. "You have a long life. Two years is very short for you. But for her, just It means a lot of good youth has passed. She needs to get married, have children ... "

"But I can give her all these!" Sol said firmly.

"When you go back to war and find that she has gray hair, can you accept it? Even if you can bear it, she won't let it happen."

Li Mo looked up at the distance, and suddenly remembered the past life, murmured, "There is a woman who is the cruelest, and would rather suffer as well, and you should firmly imprint the best appearance in your mind, let you remember for a lifetime Live her. "

Then neither of them spoke, but just kept drinking.

When the two jars were almost finished drinking, Sol suddenly patted his head, "Yes, there is another important thing to look for you."

"What's the matter?" Li Mo was still absent-minded.

"About the Scepter of the Mind ..."

"That's my booty!" Li Mo suddenly sobered.

"I know, I didn't plan to ask you for it." Sol shrugged. "It's my father who wants to talk to you."


Golden Palace

Courage Hall

Li Mo held the scepter of his heart to reveal the innocuous smile of his beast, and said carefully: "Dear King Odin, what do you tell me?"

Odin looked at him blankly, "You can't hold the Scepter of Mind."

"Father, he is my friend, we can't ..." Sol was anxious.

"Stupid!" Odin slammed the floor with Gangenir in his hands, and the whole hall of courage roared. "You don't even know the danger of this thing!"

"Well ... are you talking about the soul gem in it?" Li Mo raised her hand carefully, "I will protect it."

"Soul gem, what's that?" Sol asked, curious, he hadn't infiltrated the fountain of prophecy, and didn't know the thing.

Odin gave Li Mo a glance, then waved the guard to step down, and the courage hall suddenly became very empty.

He slowly got up from the throne, and walked down the steps while facing Saul, "At the beginning of the universe, there are six kinds of strange substances. After the big bang, they condensed into blocks to form six Infinite gems. They have immense power, and each one has the ability to destroy the sky and the earth. When they are together, they can threaten the entire universe. "

"Gemstones can be used, but 'they' forbid several gemstones to be used together. As far as I know, there is one of Kama Taj and one of the cubes of the universe you bring back, if you add this one, it will Causes evil peeping. "

Saul frowned. "Father, you are in Asgard, and no one dares to **** it. And who do you mean by" they "?"

"You don't need to know that the universe is far more complicated than you think. Asgard can only keep one." Odin shook his head, then looked at Li Mo. "If you insist on keeping, I have to keep You are expelled from the Nine Realms. "

Seeing Li Mo's expression of reluctance, Odin's eyes flashed a glance again, "If you surrender the Scepter of Soul and give me a promise, I will allow you to choose one in the library of Edinburgh make up."

"Really?" Li Mo's mood instantly improved.

To be honest, although the scepter of the soul is very powerful, he always feels a bit jerk. If energy is not absorbed, a person's head after control can return to normal. Might as well change for a more practical one.

"What do you need me to do?" Li Mo asked carefully.

"Someday in the future, when Asgard encounters a devastating crisis, you need to fully protect it here," Odin said word by word.

"This is not a problem at all!" Li Mo patted his chest. "I have made this a home long ago, and I will definitely contribute."

At the same time, he also relaxed, wasn't it the Dark Elf, with Odin and Saul, and he could help.

"Remember your promise!" Odin said, looking into his eyes.

Li Mo nodded and handed the scepter to Odin.

Odin frowned immediately after taking it. "Someone has moved hands and feet on the scepter, which can not only locate but also slowly affect the user's mind."

"! I said how it feels wrong." Li Mo cursed, fortunately at the same time. It must have been done by the tyrant, and these gangsters didn't have a good thing.

Odin wiped his hand on the scepter, and the scepter and the blue orb inlaid on it shattered into countless pieces, and a yellow gem slowly floated out, emitting a radiant light.

Li Mo looked at the gemstone that changed its color and light, and couldn't help wondering that he could not absorb the energy of the gemstone because of the outer protective layer.

Thinking of this, Li Mo said cheekily, "Dear King Odin, could you study the gems of my soul and return them to you right away."

Odin froze, looked at Li Mo with a sneer, and looked at the aggression of Sol, and sighed, and then waved his hand, and the soul gem slowly floated to Li Mo's eyes.

Li Mo grabbed it with his tentacles and shook his head after a sudden suck. It could absorb some energy, but it would soon dissipate. It was not useful for Vampire Vine.

"His Majesty Odin, why can I absorb the energy of the cube of the universe, but helpless to the gems of the soul?" Li Mo couldn't help asking his doubts.

Odin put the soul gems into a golden box and said to Li Mo: "These gems can be regarded as a strange product of the cosmic rules. If you do not rely on foreign objects, you can only use them under the rules."

After speaking, he picked up the box holding the gemstone and whispered a few words to his mouth, then raised Gungnier and waved forward.

A light flashing like the Rainbow Bridge flashed, and the box in his hand disappeared instantly.

"Father, where did you send the gem?" Sol asked.

"There is someone who has the strength to keep it." Odin waved his hand, "Don't ask more, take him to the treasure house."

Sol nodded and turned to the side porch of the Courage Hall. Li Mo rubbed his hands and followed closely.

After a lot of guards, after not knowing how many meters forward, the two came to the Odin treasure house.

It is a treasure trove, maybe it is not that big, there are a few items on the bright corridors.

"Open your eyes, my friend, your luck is here. These are all powerful treasures. My Thor's Hammer was stored here before." Saul said with a smile.

"Introduce me." Li Mo swallowed.

Sol nodded and explained in turn.

"The ball of agora can detect dangers and magical threats from other universes."

"When I hear the name, it's not my thing." Li Mo shook his head.

"Eternal fire, the artifact of the kingdom of fire."

"Well ... tentative, look at the next one." Li Mo scratched his head.

"Icy Treasure Chest, Frost Giant's artifact, its energy can freeze the entire Nine Realms."

"I shouldn't need this thing." Li Mo shook his head.

"You are familiar with this. The cosmic cube, of course, cannot be given to you. The stone monument next to him is called the life monument, which contains the mystery of life evolution. It is said that it can allow users to evolve into the highest life form.

Li Mo couldn't wait to touch it after listening, but nothing happened.

"Well ... this, I tried it many times as a kid, it's just an imitation." Sol shook his head.

Li Momeng turned his head, "Do you have a lot of fakes in it?"

"Um ... this ..." Sol was a little awkward. "Guess?"

Li Mo rolled his eyes and suddenly felt a loss. Without looking at the infinite gloves on the side, he pointed to a treasure with large eyes at the far end and asked, "Is this also a fake?"

"Haha, this I know is not a fake. It is our booty against foreign enemies. It's called Warlock's Eye." Saul quickly said.

"What's the effect?" Li Mo asked curiously.

"Magic stuff, I don't know." Sol shook his head.

Li Mo got interested, and stepped forward to observe carefully.

This is the size of a washbasin, with some abstract eye-like treasures. The eye sockets are made of unknown brass-colored metal, and the eyeballs are shiny balls.

Li Mo curiously touched his hands, did not feel any abnormality, and then stretched out his tentacles and sucked.


He was dumbfounded, and wanted to see if there was energy, but at the same time he plucked out his eyes and was swallowed up by the tentacles and digested and absorbed.

"! There is no choice here." Li Mo was helpless.

Sol shook his head with a smile and took Li Mo out of the treasure house.

The big eyes were digested by the vine, but it was a bit slow, and Li Mo didn't care about it anymore.

For the next few days, Li Mo stayed at home and practiced flying. After countless falls, he finally stabilized.

It was a new feeling, a freedom from gravity. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com Li Mo was addicted for a moment, so the people of Asgard could see a guy flying around in the sky every day.

Unconsciously, the vines had absorbed the big eyeballs, and a slit had cracked in the trunk of the blood-sucking vine, and one eye kept watching.

Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief, how he felt even more evil.

After the injection of energy, Li Mo was surprised.

The room showed what happened a year ago: Cora pointed a gun at Scolci, then touched the table with his head ...

This thing can actually see what happened in the past!

Li Mo suddenly increased his interest, and after several experiments, he discovered three effects of this eyeball.

The first is to trace back what happened in the past, the second is to detect the flow of energy, and the third is to summon the eyeballs, and the energy beam can be emitted from the pupil after extracting dimensional energy.

As for whether there is any other role, it remains to be developed. For now, Li Mo is very satisfied and has very useful skills.

A few days later, Heimdall suddenly sent him to Rainbow Bridge.

"Some trouble you may need to go back to deal with it." Heimdall's golden eyes looked at the opposite universe stars, "I saw a few gangs of bounty hunters running to Midgart."

"They are going to arrest you."

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