Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 122: Space intercept

The entrance to the Rainbow Bridge can be said to be the best point to watch the scenery. Standing here, you can look out.

But Li Mo didn't have any feeling of watching.

"Damn, how do these hyenas know that I'm in Midgart ?!"

Li Mo has a big head. He knew he would be in trouble since he knew he had become a wanted criminal and was rewarded with such a high bonus.

Some weird guys in the universe and black technology weapons beyond imagination are still a headache.

However, they all decided to hide on the earth for a low-key period. Why did they come to the door?

"Although it is a bit remote, the coordinates of Midgart are not difficult to hear in the universe." Heimdall smiled slightly. "5 million stars, I didn't expect you to be quite valuable. This price is enough to make many rewards. The Golden Hunter is crazy. "

"Well, the trouble is always here." Li Mo shrugged helplessly. "How many people do they have?"

"There were three people, three spaceships, a small team of a dozen people, and lone men. They have arrived near Jupiter." Heimdal said, looking at the space in front of him.

"Just a little bit of people?" Lee Mo eased suddenly. "Really a guy who wants money and lives."

"The problem is that this is only the first group of people." Heimdal shook his head. "You know, there will be a steady stream of bounty hunters coming later, which is really upsetting."

"It is indeed a disgusting thing." Li Mo scratched his head. "Do you have any way?"

"Either you ask Sandal to withdraw your reward, or you have a reputation that makes those guys dare not come to your trouble," Heimdal replied.

"That's it ... Alright, I understand, thank you for your suggestions." Li Mo nodded, his face suddenly realized.

"Wait a minute, what advice did I give you?" Heimdall was a little hesitant. "What do you want?"

"Kill them all," Li Mo said with a shrug. "Let the later know I'm not a mess."

"The question is," Heimdall asked. "They're all dead. How can anyone know you're not good?"

"Well ... so let go of it?" Li Mo scratched his head. "Damn, there will always be a way, teleport me back to Midgart first."



New York, Manhattan, Stark Building.

Following Tony Stark's choice to open all basic data on space travel to all humankind, this place has become almost a mecca for academic research on earth, aerospace, and aviation, with tens of thousands of experts and academic leaders from all over the world.

For these researchers, the US government's eyes are drooling, but due to the pressure from all countries in the world, it can only choose to wait and see and do detailed security work.

Even the Avengers moved out of here because of the danger of work, and put the new base in an abandoned factory in the suburbs. Of course, Tony paid for a careful renovation.

At this point, it was dark. However, a large conference room on the 15th floor of the building was still full of people.

Tony and Bruce Banner are introducing the latest research progress, and these two technical madmen have not unexpectedly become good friends.

"We found that the amount of distortion can be adjusted by the energy field before and after the curvature engine." Tony introduced a three-dimensional imaging of a curvature engine with his hand.

"And by adjusting the coils and plasma in the engine compartment, you can control the frequency of the curvature field." Bruce Banner said next.

"And if we want to achieve it, we will face the following problems ... Um ... I'm sorry, I have some urgency. Let's continue with Dr. Banner's introduction." Tony nodded towards the audience and quickly turned to the lounge of the conference room. .

"Wow, see who this is, the guy who left without a word." Tony saw Li Mo and raised an eyebrow.

"Tony, we're in trouble." Li Mo said, spreading his hands.

Tony froze immediately, and twitched his lips. "To be honest, I'm a little scared to hear you say this. Let me make it clear first. How much trouble?"

"Don't worry, a little trouble." Li Mo said with a smile: "Our worth has increased, and this is the thing ..."

"What are you talking about?" Tony straightened his eyes. "I, Tony Stark, the greatest scientist on earth today, is actually a star wanted? Or when we are about to enter the space age!"

"!" Tony was agitated, "Don't you say there was no problem at all?"

"Relax, don't be seductive." Li Mo shrugged. "You're Tony Stark!"

"Then what do you say now?" Tony took a deep breath and asked calmly.

"Rest assured, leave this thing alone, I will fix it." Li Mo said easily: "I just remind you by the way."

"No, I don't worry at all, you guys will definitely be bad!" Tony shook his head. "I'll go with you."

Just then, there was a loud noise, the room shook, and the glass shattered.

Li Mo quickly raised his shield and looked around. "Has it already been called? It shouldn't be so fast."

"No, it's the conference room next to it!" Tony shook his head with a heavy face, and immediately took off his suit.

He wore a bright wristband on each of his wrists, and behind the white shirt was a red module about a centimeter thick.

With both hands extended, he quickly poured a large number of armor components from the wristbands and modules, and put on a brand-new steel suit in four or five seconds. And the surface of the suit flashed an energy shield.

"Wow, the new equipment is good." Li Mo sighed.

"People need to know how to keep making progress!" Tony sneered at Li Mo, "Don't talk nonsense, let's go."

"Um ... OK." Li Mo shrugged, floated slowly, and quickly flew out of the lounge.

Tony: "..."

The two came to the conference room, where there was a mess, the dust had not yet fallen, and a large pit under the stands leading downstairs was surrounded by fragments of tables and chairs, some still slowly burning. There were broken limbs and wounded wounded wounds everywhere.

"It was a terrorist attack!" Tony's voice was full of anger. "These are pure scholars, why?"

"There's never been anything simple." Li Mo shook his head, and the misfortune in front of him made his mood a little bad.

"That's bad!" Tony suddenly thought of something, and looked at the stage in panic. "Bruce, you have to calm down!"

On the podium, Bruce Banner, gray-faced, knelt on their backs with their backs trembling, muscles on their backs and arms have begun to swell, and their skin color has continued to turn green

"Yes, Bruce, don't let the big guys come out, it's messy here!" Li Mo also quickly advised.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Bruce Banner soon turned into a complete body, and her huge wild body twisted back, "Hulk, you have to smash!"

"Let's play!" Li Mo held out his hand, and the vine suddenly reached out from the void beside Hu Ke, curling up the big guy and disappeared.

"Where did you get him?" Tony glared.

"2,000 meters above the Hudson River." Li Mo looked out the window. "Probably."

"Okay, I'll take care of it." Tony covered his head with a headache, "Jarvis, hurry up and contact the paramedics."

"You must not be able to leave these things." Li Mo shook his head. "I'll deal with those bounty hunters."

"Okay, whatever you want." Tony has ignored these concerns and quickly rescued the wounded under the guidance of Jarvis.

Li Mo sighed, turned and flew out of the window, and then flew higher and higher.

Amir had hovered McQueen over the Stark Building.

After entering the spacecraft, Li Mo quickly reached the captain's seat, "Emile, let's go."

"Aren't you going to pick up Scolch?" Emile asked.

"It's too late." Li Mo shook his head.

McQueen made a U-turn and quickly flew towards the sky before disappearing over New York.

McQueen quickly flew out of the atmosphere, and the blue earth next to it could only see a vast range of clouds, yellow land and blue ocean.

"Start quantum radar detection!" Li Mo ordered immediately.

"Radar detection revealed that three target spacecraft were found. The most recent one has reached the moon." Emile Meeting reported. "Look at the shape of the spacecraft, it looks like a predator spacecraft."

"Just those junk stuff?" Li Mo snorted. "Let's rush straight up!"

A quick acceleration of McQueen stopped the spacecraft near orbit in recent months.

The dilapidated, steampunk-style spacecraft quickly locked the McQueen, but instead of firing directly, it sent a call request.

After the connection, a three-dimensional image of a fat man with a full face appeared on the cockpit of the McQueen. "I am a dachshund growing hab, who are you?"

Li Mo took a cigarette and rolled his face. "Did you not come to me, who do you say I am?"

"Damn, open fire! It's a deceiver!" Habu shouted.

Dozens of turrets on that spacecraft fired at the same time, and thick green ion shells shot at McQueen.

"What the nickname is this?" Li Mo's face was upset, "Raise the space shield, let's go!"

McQueen cleverly avoided the artillery in the void, and occasionally was shot without wearing a space shield at all.

The people on the other side of the spaceship suddenly panicked, they simply did not expect such a small spaceship to have such a strong shield.

To their surprise, however, Li Mo's spacecraft did not fire.

What does this guy want to do? Doubts surfaced on everyone's face.

Soon they knew that after the opponent's spacecraft was approaching, a huge tentacle suddenly appeared in the void and suddenly their main gun was shot down.

"He's going to capture our ship!" The first officer on the ship, a lizard man, suddenly exclaimed.

"This guy is a Void Demon!" Captain Habu suddenly grabbed the mate's collar and shouted in despair: "Don't you say he's just a good-minded guy? Look at what's outside!"

"It's written like this in intelligence." The chief officer said fluently.

"I'm smart, I've been pitted by you as a fool!" Habu threw the first officer to the ground fiercely, and then shouted, "Fast enter the escape cabin!"


Li Mo proudly said, "I still want to come and grab me for money. I'm worried that I don't want to ship the goods. Now, I can deliver to Wakanda. McQueen, quickly invade their ship's brain."

At this moment, an oval-shaped escape capsule was suddenly ejected from the opponent's spacecraft, and rushed towards the earth quickly under the strong power of the escape capsule ejection port.

Li Mo was about to turn around to intercept, and McQueen's voice suddenly sounded: "The other party initiated the self-exposure procedure."

"Leave them alone, speed up the invasion!" Li Mo exclaimed.

"Invalid, the other party activated manual mechanical mode," McQueen replied.

Li Mo: "How long is it from the explosion?"

McQueen: "Ten ..."

Li Mo: "Ten minutes?"

McQueen: "Nine, Eight,"

Li Mo: "You TM have also learned badly. Strengthen the shield and mark me the position of the curvature engine!"

While McQueen superimposed a layer of shield, the part of the spacecraft engine was marked with red light on the screen.

Li Mo stretched out his right hand and summoned a thick basin, ten-meter-long tentacles and basketball-sized eyes from the void on the side of the opposing ship.

With the infusion of latitudinal energy, the big eyeballs suddenly emit a milky light, and at the same time, the thick red rays of the adult wrist are emitted from the pupil.

The ray quickly circled along the position of the engine, and then Li Mo stunned with tentacles ...


The opponent's spacecraft exploded violently. As soon as a fireball and Blu-ray swelled a ball, it stopped burning because of lack of oxygen, but the spacecraft had already exploded and shattered. Countless fragments crackled on McQueen's energy shield ~ ~ just one second before the explosion, the other's curvature engine had been smashed into McQueen's abdominal compartment by Li Mo.

"McQueen, look at it."

"The engine is complete and ready to use."

"Yes!" Li Mo shook his fist.

"That ... boss, those guys have run to earth." Emile said, raising his hand.

"I let them die. Zhenjin is more important than them." Li Mo said with a smile.

At this moment, McQueen's voice suddenly sounded: "Alarm, two more ships enter the detection range."

"Everyone pay attention!" Li Mo shouted, "This time, we must cooperate well. The complete spaceship is more valuable!"

Soon, the two ships came into sight.

A ship with a silver streamlined appearance flies ahead. And the other one looked rather ordinary.

However, just as Li Mo drove McQueen to rush up, the main gun of the spacecraft behind opened suddenly, and a strong orange laser hit the front of the silver spacecraft's engine.

The tail of the silver spacecraft exploded violently, and the spacecraft was quickly broken into two pieces, and a silver light shot at the earth suddenly.

"What the **** is it?" Li Mo grimace.

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