Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 124: Desperate virus (1)

As soon as Ned finished speaking, the fat body rushed out at an unprecedented speed.

The Terminator is here. This is the devastating crisis of the earth. He will run to tell the Avengers, Li Mo, the man in black, NASA ...

As a fantasy junior high school technical mansion, he always believed in many things.

But he ran hard for a long time, but found that he was still in place, and floated gently under a light beam.

"What the **** are you doing ?!" Ned sobbed, lowering his head, "I'm just a cute kid ..."

"Who ... are you?" The naked man finally had time to say the full words, "and ... who am I?"


The fat man Ned stopped performing, scratching his head in confusion, did he travel through time and space confused?

He asked tentatively: "Do you really remember nothing?"

"The center of the system ... the memory storage is damaged ..." the naked man asked, confused, "What am I doing here?"

"How do I know?" Ned shook his head with a bitter smile, "Will you be sent to protect me from the future?"

Who knew that his voice had just fallen, the naked man in front of his eyes flashed red, and said in a mechanical tone: "Task storage: protect the creatures in front of him.

Ned opened his mouth in surprise. "Really fake, are you kidding me?"

The naked man said with a serious face: "This is the only readable task at the moment."

Ned swallowed. "I'm still a little unbelievable. Show me a Winnie the Pooh dance."

The naked man looked expressionless and did not speak, but the red light in his eyes flashed.

"Uh ... I'm kidding." A cold sweat dripped from Ned's forehead. "I just want to see your weapon."

The naked man nodded, and his extended right hand suddenly cracked, constantly changing laser guns, ion cannons, beam tractors ...

Ned's eyes widened, "It's ... awesome!"

The little fat man moved around in excitement and asked with some uncertainty: "Do you really protect me?"

After getting the affirmation from the naked man, he waved his fist fiercely, and said inexorably: "There is a Terminator who will protect me! I want to keep this secret ... No, I can't wait to find someone to tell. To Tell Peter ... he's a big mouth, but he's my dude, yes! "

"Yes, what's your name?" Ned turned to ask the naked man.

"I do not remember."

"Then can I call you Arnold, okay, just call you Arnold." Ned made two more laps in the same place. "We need to get out of here quickly, um ... we need to get dressed first."

Arnold nodded, picked up Ned's T-shirt, and put his legs in his sleeves.

Ned: "..."

"Okay, leave it here," Ned said, clutching his forehead.

Then the two left here. In the moonlight, a shirtless child with a broken mouth kept talking nonsense. A strong man in open crotch pants followed him expressionlessly ...


After three days,

Near the moon's orbit, two spaceships were hiding there secretly.

"Isn't there a lot of guys coming to see you?" Rocket complained. "Did they all get lost in the brain."

"Who knows." Li Mo shrugged. "We have five sets of curvature engines, and it's enough to trade, it's time to leave."

"How many are five sets, we need more." Rocket patted the bridge and said.

"Forget it, God knows when it will wait. In case Tony had a curvature engine, our goods would be worthless." Li Mo shook his head.

"Uh ... that's right, well, let's change to that lovely metal." The Rockets nodded and agreed.

The two spacecraft quickly flew towards Earth.

Several people were relieved in the city of Attilam.

Li Mo and Rocket Raccoon drove two spacecraft to Wakanda, and they left there after a happy deal.

On the way, Li Mo patted his forehead. "Forgot there were two other **** bounty hunters ran to Earth, McQueen, searched the information to see where they went."

"Federal Disaster Relief Agency information showed that a group of people had fallen to Hydra's base, and the Defenders' Union subsequently swept there. Another was missing. McQueen quickly replied.

Li Mo immediately dialed the Nocturne's phone: "Hey, Matt, what happened to the aliens you met the other day ... yes, I called them. Ah ... this way ... OK, I know."

After hanging up, he shrugged at the three-dimensional image of the Rocket Raccoon. "The guys were pulled to slice."

"Shit! Poor fellows, you earth people ..." Rocket shook his head and stopped talking.

"Leave them alone, what's going on with that biochemical e-human?" Li Mo asked again.

"I heard that it was a soldier who transformed the Kerry Empire. Later, I ran out. I did n’t know what kind of transformation it had, and it became more powerful. After the spacecraft was destroyed, it should have reached the earth using a special shuttle technology, but the guy must be upset. Now, hahaha ... "Rocket Raccoon thought for a while and smiled.

"No matter, there are so many superheroes on the earth, idle is also idle." Li Mo shrugged.

"Where are we going now?" Rocket asked again.

"Go and see Tony. That guy has been upset recently."

"Wow, dude."

"He has fur and mustache."

"That might be pleasing ..."


Li Mo When they arrived at the Stark Building, Tony was holding a press conference, Rockets and Groot were left in the guest room, and Li Mo went to the press room.

There were a lot of people sitting in the audience, and the first few rows were all reporters. Ru Lin's microphones were stacked in front of Tony, and the flashing lights kept ringing.

Behind them are the families of some of the victims, members of parliament, businessmen, and citizens who care about it.

Li Mo saw a distinctive Chinese man sitting there. He had an ancient, clumsy and handsome appearance, with a long black shawl, a moustache similar to Tony, and a well-crafted black woolen suit three-piece suit with a chest. Hanging a chain of antique pocket watches, and playing with a string of thick rosary beads.

Although his expression was calm and looked very graceful, the powerful aura still left the seats on both sides empty.

After living two lives, Li Mo first saw a Chinese with this kind of spirit, and he sat next to that person with interest.

"Hello, this is Li Mo, what is your surname?" After sitting down, Li Mo extended his hand friendly.

"Zhang Tong, I know you." The other side smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand.

"Well ... your family history is certainly not ordinary, it has a special taste." Li Mo said, staring at his opponent's hand full of colored gemstone rings.

The other smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly, Li Mo's eyes widened and he said incredulously: "This ... you ... is this the legendary five-color Qin ancient jade?"

I didn't find out just now that Zhang Tong's suit cufflinks were actually made of five-color Qin jade!

This prodigal thing! Li Mo cursed fiercely in his heart, and then hesitantly asked, "Can I pass it?"

Zhang Tong's expression was a bit weird, and then he took a five-centimeter round five-color Qinyu match from his pants pocket and threw it directly to Li Mo, "Send it to you."

Li Mo took Yu Pei in a hurry, stroking gently like a lover, and sighed in his heart: It's not easy, the wish of my last life was realized here.

"Why?" Li Mo asked curiously. Did this guy want something to help him?

"Nothing, I have many of these things, and I also appreciate the way you and Tony Stark opened the age of the earth universe, very good!" Zhang Tong looked at the front and said blankly.

"You also want to do business with aliens?" Li Mo asked speculatively.

"I have enough money and rights." Zhang Tong shook his head.

"Then you want ..."

"Xiu Xian asked for longevity!" Zhang Tong said solemnly.

Li Mo froze for a moment, turned out to be a second fool.

"Your ancestor must be an aristocracy," Li Mo said with a shrug. In the impression of his last life, only those who had money in their home and had a lot of cultural heritage would have the time to be qualified to put into practice such illusory things as cultivation.

Tong Tong nodded. "Genghis Khan, the Golden Family."

Li Mo: "..."

At this point, Tony on the stage began to speak, and both stopped talking.

Tony's expression was a bit heavy and angry. "Everyone knows a few days ago. In fact, I have always been not interested in things like politics. I don't know why I chose this place. The people who sat there that day were in all fields. Outstanding experts, they are the precious wealth of human beings. You have no idea of ​​humanity's place in the universe! This is not just a terrorist attack, it is also the future murder of humanity! "

"I recovered from the explosion of the day and found that the other party used a human body modification technology. Just one day ago, some people claimed to be responsible for this matter. They are the Ten Commandments and the leader is a guy named Manchu. I want indeed…"

Tony stared fiercely at the broadcast camera and said fiercely, "You're offending me, Master! I'll wait for you here, and come to me in person if you have one."

Later, he ignored the reporters' questions and left the stage. After seeing Li Mo, he walked over.

"Ready?" Tony asked.

"Well, you can rest assured that I do things." Li Mo said with a smile.

"I'm not at all relieved, forget it, I'm in a bad mood right now," Tony said with a frown.

"What happened to the big green guy?" Li Mo suddenly remembered and asked.

"Well ... he's been in Hulk." Tony's face was a little weird. "But he didn't break it. Hulk has been taking care of his pet."

Hulk takes care of small animals?

Li Mo was messy in the wind.

"Uh, follow him. I got the news. This time it was a ghost named Gillian. He developed a terrible desperate virus. The man is just an actor he found. Use Come to look away. "Li Mo recalled the plot.

"I seem to be a bit impressed with the name, and where are you so much news, inaccurate?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"You don't care where I come from." Li Mo pouted his lips. "I'm mixed in the universe."

"The truth is always hidden under a lie." Zhang Tong next interjected suddenly, and stood up and reached out to Tony, said blankly, "I'm coming for you!"

"You are ..." Tony froze.

"Let me introduce you, Zhang Tong, a rich man from China." Li Mo said with a smile. "He is very interested in curvature engines and space navigation, your potential big customer."

"No problem." Tony nodded. "But the complete spacecraft technology is not only about the engine, but also involves a series of issues such as materials, electronics, and medical care, so it will take a short time."

"I can give you money to sponsor this research. If the process can be accelerated, money is not a problem." Zhang Tong said, staring at Tony's eyes.

"You give me money?" Tony felt a little funny, "You know I am ..."

"You're not the richest one!" Zhang Tong interrupted Tony's words directly and said blankly, "I will put money into your company account."

After talking, they turned around and went out.

"Quirky guy." Tony shook his head dismissively, then said to Li Mo: "Let's go and investigate this guy called Gillian."

After the two returned to the top-level laboratory, Li Mo called the Rocket Raccoon over, and Groot stayed in the guest room to play games.

Rocket complained as he walked: "I'm not interested in your breaking things, don't let me ... shit!"

He saw several sets of armor placed in Tony's laboratory, his eyes went straight and stroked gently: "This design, this structure ..."

After watching it for a while, he suddenly turned and said to Tony: "I think I admire you a bit."

Tony had a moment of pride, "It's a bit of a surprise to me to be able to say such things from your vicious mouth."

"OK, it doesn't matter." Rocket shrugged and asked expectantly: "Can I remove your high-tech prosthetic leg and keep it as a memorial?"

"You're dreaming!" Tony roared a little in shame.

"Okay, stingy." Rocket shrugged.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief and turned around and said, "Jarvis, bring out Kirian's information."

Tony and Li Mo looked at the data intently. They didn't find out that the Rocket Raccoon had a smirk in the corner of his mouth.

There is very little information that can be collected on the Internet. It can only be known that Kirian has set up a company and has business dealings with the military and a company called AIM.

It wasn't until seeing a photo of a woman ~ ~ that Tony showed a stunned expression, and at the same time had a weird expression.

"What's wrong, this girl looks good." Li Mo asked.

"The one-night stand was a smart female scientist. You know, I was a little ... well, you know." Tony patted his forehead and said.

"Pugling is ruthless." Li Mo pouted his lips. "But the one-night stand object comes to the door, usually means ..."

"Trouble!" Both sighed.

"Find Kilian first to figure this out," Tony said, shaking his head.

But when he turned around, he immediately became furious and scolded a series of bad words.

Li Mo turned his head,

Tony's armors are all legless ...

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