Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 125: Desperate virus (2)

Your TM steals things too fast!

Li Mo shook his head and looked around. The Rocket Raccoon disappeared.

At this time, a three-dimensional image was linked to the laboratory, and the rocket raccoon sat in the cockpit with a smirk and said, "I'm sorry, I have some itchy hands. I'm gone guys, goodbye across the galaxy."

"Aunt Groot!" Groot also came over and smiled and waved ...

"You thief in the backyard, you will regret it." Tony growled unhappyly.

His armor can be given away, he can also be happy to expose fireworks, but the behavior of the Rocket Raccoon made him feel humiliated.

"Jarvis, why don't you stop him." Tony asked his artificial intelligence steward with some complaints.

"Sir, the raccoon's intelligent identification is a friend, and you are there, without stopping, so ..."

"God, I think you need to upgrade." Tony said, clutching his forehead.

When he looked at Li Mo again, Li Mo waved his hand directly: "Don't keep complaining like a sissy, you are not ignorant of the raccoon's habits, just complain about your own security problems."

"Nonsense! No one in my lab can break into ..."

But just then,

A loud bang interrupted Tony's words, the laboratory door was smashed and a large, strong green body walked in with heavy steps.

Tony and Li Mo were alert at the same time.

Tony quickly put on the new battle armor.

Hulk ignored them, turned around and looked around in the laboratory, then picked up a huge box and tools such as wrenches and screwdrivers.

"Hey, big guy, what are you doing?" Li Mo asked curiously.

"Huo Ke wants to make a nest for Xiao Wangyou." Hu Ke actually said something, and then went out with the box.

Looking at the broken door, Tony couldn't help complaining to Li Mo: "Look at what you did!"

"What's the matter with me, isn't this good?" Li Mo pouted his lips. "Huck has a long IQ. It seems that taking care of children can really make people mature."

"The problem is not this." Tony shook his head. "We need Banner more than this one who only knows how to destroy ... oh shit!"

A bench roared towards him from outside the door. Fortunately, he was wearing armor. The bench lightly wiped, changed its direction and hit the wall, and was deeply embedded in the wall.

A dull voice came from far outside the door: "Hulk can hear!"

The two looked at each other.

At this moment, Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded again: "Sir, Agent Phil Coulson brings a few people to meet you."

"Tell him I'm busy, I don't have time ..." Tony said anxiously.

"But he's already here," Jarvis replied.

Tony: "..."

"I said that your security is not good." Li Mo shrugged.

"Forget it, and see what he's going to do." Tony shook his head helplessly, and then said to Li Mo: "By the way, Fury told me that this guy has come back from a dead, and it's best not to mention it. "

Li Mo nodded.

Within a minute, Phil Coulson took several people into the laboratory.

"Hi, Mr. Stark, and Lee. It's been a long time." Coleson greeted and looked around in a mess. "What happened here?"

"You don't need to know." Tony pouted his lips. "What are you doing here? I heard you're taking the Boy Scouts. SHIELD is no longer working. Consider coming over to help me?"

"It's just a moment of difficulty." Coulson shook his head. "Introduction, this is my team, Skye, Fitz and Simmons."

The three young men greeted him in a restrained manner, and immediately recovered their nature when they saw that Li Mo and Tony were very friendly.

"Mr. Stark, you are my idol, and that speech from Stanford University inspired me." Fizz danced with excitement.

"Mr. Li Mo, is space navigation interesting, what does an alien country look like ..." Skye and Simmons kept asking around Mo Mo.

Li Mo looked at the two beautiful women, and said with a smile: "It's very interesting. It's better for the three of us to have a meal and tell you my adventure story ..."

"Okay, that's enough." Coulson couldn't stand it. "Forget what I said to you?"

"Of course we remember, boss." Skye shrugged. "Both of them are playboys, it's better to stay away from them. Don't worry, Sol is our male god."

"Coulson, you bastard!" Li Mo was furious, "Did you stigmatize an old friend like this?"

After speaking, he smiled at the two beautiful women again: "Sor already has a girlfriend ..."

"Well, stop, let's end this topic that is too far away." Tony said impatiently. "What the **** are you doing here?"

"That's it," said Coulson. "One of our registered superhumans in Hong Kong was abducted, and we found him after a raid on an institute. But his platelets have been drawn from humans and tested in experiments. Some of the materials in the room mentioned the desperate plan, the blood serum and you. This is related to our recent series of tasks, so come and consult. "

Tony looked at Coulson for a moment and shook his head. "Well, I'll tell you what I know."

"The centerpiece of this series of events is the desperate plan." Tony took a serious look and asked a question: "Does anyone know the ultimate purpose of medicine?"

Fitz and Simmons also said, "Helping understand death and achieving eternal life."

"Bingo!" Tony snapped his fingers and continued: "In 1961, biologist Hefrick completed a paper reporting the results of culturing human embryonic fibroblasts in vitro. The process does not need to be counted, He eventually discovered that human cells age after about 50 generations of division, and this discovery is called the Heflick limit. "

"After World War II, under the influence of Captain America, various countries and scientific research organizations are actively exploring the realization of human evolution. There are a lot of weird experimental results, including our ... uh ..." Tony said here, carefully Looking out the door, "Lovely Hulk."

"Subsequent research found that cell death is related to telomeres inside the cell. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres become shorter, until the cells eventually die or become immortal cancer cells. So the research on telomeres became Find breakthroughs in immortality and anti-cancer. "

"In 1973, scientists discovered dendritic cells, which not only have the functions of immunoregulation and suppression of cancer cells, but also repair somatic cells. Inspired by it, in the 1990s, the botanist Dr. Maya Hansen developed a This virus can be combined with human dendritic cells. Not only can the limb self-healing repair memory bank in the human brain be edited by bioelectrical interpretation, it can also repair somatic cells and achieve cell safety by stimulating the production of telomerase. Unlimited proliferation. "

"If that's the case," Simmons suddenly interjected with surprise: "The human body can achieve rapid self-healing, and the huge energy generated by the action of biological enzymes can be extremely powerful, acting quickly and even becoming superhuman."

"Right!" Tony glanced at Simmons with admiration. "Which school did you graduate from?"

"MIT, you and I are alumni!" Simmons said excitedly.

"She won two PhDs at the age of 17, and then went to SHIELD to study. She is our best biochemical researcher," said Phil Colson.

"Anyway, your SHIELD is about to collapse. Can I dig people?" Tony asked.

"Don't even think about it." Coulson quickly shook his head.

"Wait and see." Tony shrugged and continued: "Dr. Maya Hansen named it the Extremis Project, and two problems must be solved to achieve it. The first is the telomerase algorithm and the second is Huge thermal and bioelectrical energy generated during rapid proliferative repair. "

"How did they solve it?" Coulson asked.

"Well ... I gave her a telomerase algorithm." Tony's expression was awkward.

"They have a leg!" Li Mo interrupted.

"Shut up!" Tony said angrily.

"No wonder," Simmons said suddenly, "they want to take Chen Haoran's platelets, it should be to solve the second problem."

"What ?! Chen Haonan, Causeway Bay handles?" Li Mo did not hear clearly, but was startled.

"I don't know who you are talking about, that person is just a street magician with fire control." Simmons shook his head.

"OK! Now it's clear that our enemy is a mass-produced superhuman organization that can explode. You don't need to worry about Kilian, we will deal with it." Tony nodded and said.

"Okay, we will continue to track the maggot serum, I suspect it is related to the Hydra." Coulson said positively.

Then Tony looked at the three young people. "If you are not happy at SHIELD, you can consider coming to Stark Group. We will provide the best treatment, the most advanced laboratory, not only freedom, but in the future we Organize a trip to the alien planet once a year! "

"Captain Li Mo is honored to serve you, so why don't we take the time to go out for a drink and talk carefully ..." Li Mo also intervened.

"Damn, get out of here!" Coulson dragged and dragged away three young people who were already slightly interested.

"Shit! Makes us look like the Devil." Li Mo rolled his eyes.

"Just." Tony shrugged. "It's boring!"

"What are we doing now?" Li Mo asked.

"Kilian must be found first. This guy's whereabouts are unpredictable. If we can get clues by invading AIM," Tony replied.

"Isn't that Gillian's company?" Li Mo was surprised.

"Don't make fun of it, AIM already exists. A group of mysterious and mysterious guys, Kirion is just a private think tank that has been staked in."

Tony shrugged. "They worked with the military to transform Rod's armor, **** it, first Justin Hammer, then AIM. The US military is really a big sieve."

Tony then called Rod and called, "Hey, what are they calling you now, the Steel Patriot? This name is so stupid. It doesn't sound good at all. I need your password for armor."

Rhodes was on a mission, and gunfire could be heard over there. He reluctantly said, "Aren't you allowed to invade at will, and asked me what?"

"Show respect for you, **** hurry up!" Tony said impatiently.

"Well, the password is: The Gear of War is the most hanging!"

Tony: "..."

Li Mo: "..."

"No wonder you can be your friend, stuffy and shameless." Li Mo couldn't help but tease.

Tony glanced at Li Mo and said nothing.

Soon after invading AIM, Tony got several videos of the Desperate Plan experiment and an address: Miami, Florida.

"Okay, let's go." Tony launched the Steel Warframe.

"What are you doing, are you ready to fly over?" Li Mo eyes widened.

"Aren't you flying, we Bibi speed ..." Tony said provocatively.

"Shit! From New York to Miami, am I crazy, don't fly outside to fly." Li Mo rolled his eyes.

In the end, the two boarded Tony's custom-built Quinn plane and flew towards Miami.


Miami is a typical coastal city with a hot climate and tall roads lined with palm trees. The beauties here wear hot pants all year round, showing two long legs, and even their team is called the Heat.

The tracking signal came to a manor house in Broward County, and the two men flew off the plane after an automatic hover voyage was initiated.

This is a typical South American-style manor, built by Cuban rich people who fled after the Cuban Revolution.

After entering the manor, they immediately felt that something was wrong. Even in the blazing sun, the place was as quiet as a ghost.

Tony and Li Mo glanced at each other and immediately flew towards the main building of the manor. A large number of black suits guarded the body along the way, and blood spilled across the floor. Judging from the wounds on the body and the neck that was cut off, they were all wounded by sharp blades.

Entering the third floor of the manor house, many dead bodies were also found.

In a room full of scene props and cameras, they found a shocking tragic image.

The actor that Gillian invited to play as an adult was tied to a pillar, and the flesh on his body was shaved off, leaving only the crooked face and the dripping skeleton of flesh, and the cut meat was neat Put it all in a large plate next to it.

On the wall behind him was written in blood: the end of the blasphemer.

Both Tony and Li Mo had a desire to vomit.

"Damn, what's happening here," Tony said, still retching.

Li Mo took a bottle of wine next to him and filled it with a big mouthful. "This TM is like a thousand swords."

"What's that?" Tony asked.

"An ancient criminal law in China." Li Mo shook his head. "I heard that masters can kill hundreds of knives and prisoners can't die."

"Don't say it, let me slowly ..." Tony also picked up a bottle of wine and drank a few sips ~ ~ Was it Jilian? Not quite. "

As soon as Li Mo was about to speak, he heard a few pops, and several people broke through the window and jumped in.

These people, male and female, are all those who succeeded in the experimental video. They stared fiercely at Li Mo and Tony, and the skin on their faces flashed red from time to time.

"These are Kilian people!" Tony rushed up with a whisper. And Li Mo waved his tentacle with a tentacled guy.

Tony didn't take it seriously, but to his surprise, the fists waved in the steel armor were pinched by the two men. One of them suddenly showed a red light on the arm of the steel armor.

"Shit!" Tony struggled a bit and found that his armour was automatically detached immediately. As he quickly retreated, the armour explosion exploded and blasted out two Kirian men.

Li Mo just pinched a man with his tentacles and found that Tony's warframe had no arm before he had responded. He shook his head and said intently:

"Tony, you need to upgrade!"

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