Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 129: Vatican classified archives

At this time it was almost dusk, and a scream from the nun woke up the quiet monastery.

The priests ran over in panic. Some members of the Knights were okay, holding exorcism tools, and some ascetic monks simply held the broom.

"The demon ... who ... where is the demon?" A pale-haired old knight, led by a cross, gasped and asked.

After hearing the scream, Li Mo retracted his big eyes and watched the veteran knight, who was about to suffocate, shook his head and said to Chieri, "Hurry them away, it's too shocking at first sight. Shame. "

Chieri and Thomas hurried forward, explaining that after half a day of reassurance, they persuaded the crowd to go back.

After closing the door, Li Mo summoned big eyes again.

"That ... are you sure you are not a descendant of an evil god?" Thomas swallowed and couldn't help asking.

"Well, do you still want to purify me?" Li Mo snorted angrily, ignored the two goods, and directly turned on energy detection.

In Li Mo's sight, Marcus's head was hovering with a mass of gray energy, weird and sticky, and occasionally a small bubble was bulged like magma. After the rupture, a wound appeared on Marcus' body. ...

How does this kind of energy look ... a little familiar, a bit too coincident!

Li Mo scratched his head, his face was strange.

This is clearly the energy of the exiled dimension of the witch Case's body, and the place where the thinnest of the three roots of his vampire vine is parasitic.

Old horse, isn't it right? Do you want to continue with the witch's body ...

"Hey, Thomas, do you remember the witch's body?" Li Mo asked, turning his head.

"What do you mention that, is she back again?" Thomas' face changed immediately.

"The witch's body, that's when you lost the Demon Pestle? What happened?" Chieri asked curiously.

"It's none of your business." Thomas flushed, "Don't bother."

Li Mo smiled, "Rest assured, she didn't return. Marcus was attacked by a wave of energy, related to the space where the witch was exiled."

"Do you have a solution?" Thomas asked worriedly.

"You can try it." Li Mo shrugged.

Subsequently, through the eyes of the warlock to observe the flow of energy, Li Mo reached out the vine and probed to the old horse's head.

In the two priests' horrified eyes, the purple flower bone at the front of the vine suddenly opened, as if a big mouth suddenly bit the old horse's head.

Li Mo poked his lips, and of course he wouldn't let Vampire eat the old horse.

After passing through, the vampire vine entangled with his soul, and the shape also changed, between material and soul.

When the blood-sucking vine was an ordinary plant before, it also needed to grow by absorbing organic matter such as blood. Metals that absorb energy and support structures are now needed.

It is not so much a tree as the external expression of Li Mo's soul after alienation.

Of course, blood can also be absorbed, but it may synthesize things like bleeding pills like refining medicine, and does not practice dark blood magic. What does he want that thing?

What's more, Li Mo has serious psychological obstacles to these. When he thought of sucking the stench of flesh, what hepatitis virus, HIV, and messy bacteria came in, Li Mo was sick and nauseated, his body was itchy, and he could not wait to break through. Layer of skin.

He won't try in his life ...

There was no power to resist, and the energy on the horse's head was smoothly extracted by Li Mo.

After Li Mo put away his tentacles and big eyes, the two priests realized that Marcus's frowning brows gradually eased, and his expression became calm, finally relieved.

It may take a while for Marcus to wake up, and Li Mo is led by Chieri to the inner city of the Vatican.

With the constant application of Marcus, coupled with Li Mo's great reputation in the world after the New York War, he also brought information from the universe, and after paying some price, the upper layers of the Vatican finally agreed to Li Mo. Open confidential archives.

The Vatican's classified archives are known outside the world as the top ten mysterious forbidden areas. Many of its treasures have never been transcribed, and even church archivists know nothing about the hidden secrets.

The Holy See claims that the foreign world is not so mysterious, and licensed humanists and historians can go in and find out.

Of course, it is a lie.

Li Mo is going to the real secret archives, which not only contains the classics robbed by the Holy See from all over the world during the religious war, but also many mysterious records ...

After observation and analysis, Li Mo reached a conclusion that the Holy See has indeed fallen ...

Perhaps something happened to their God's dimension, and it has been too long to set their sights on it.

After the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, the two World Wars, and countless **** battles within the Holy See, this powerful religion has become more secular.

They valued the influence of faith even more, and were not so enthusiastic about the mysterious power. Their Knights Templar even became incomplete.

Because the magic of this world focuses on the use of dimensional energy, the powerful existence of many dimensions has left a trace in history.

Li Mo is extremely curious about these dimensions, which dimensions of the deities worshipped in the religions that have disappeared in history? What relationship does Thanos have with Greek mythology and the disappearing Olympus?

Hope to find some clues there.

In a stately Baroque building, after a lot of formalities and five rigorous guard searches, the two arrived at an archive located 50 meters deep.

The materials here include the most original slate murals, as well as a large number of sheepskin scrolls, paper manuscripts and video archives.

The information here can only be viewed on-site, and it is not allowed to take photos at the end, let alone take them out.

Of course, Li Mo will not obey. The invisible camera of the nano-detection glasses has been turned on.

Under the supervision of a special person, Li Mo began to view the most original murals. Surveillance personnel saw Li Mo's many things and only relieved.

And Li Mo has completely ignored them and the records here are indeed interesting.

For example, those petroglyphs depict the once-disappearing Atlantis and Lemurian civilizations, they are kneeling down together to worship a fetish. Li Mo knows and has seen the fakes of the fetish, the monument of life in the treasure house of Odin ...

A petroglyph shows that Olympus once had a terrible explosion and turmoil, then split and the gods flew to the stars ...

There is also a petroglyph that has attracted Li Mo's interest. It is a world on the verge of destruction and an evil **** with big tentacles and big eyes. I just don't know who it is.

Several medieval scrolls have records of the Holy See's enemies, the turmoil caused by Mephisto, and the vampire Count Vlad Zepes Dracula.

Some scrolls of disappearing religion may analyze their methods of applying dimensional energy ...

An unknown master analyzed the difference between the Western astral projection and the Eastern Taoist Yangshen ...

The original manuscript of "The Key to Solomon" by President Golden Dawn ...

Manuscripts of Western alchemists Newton and Jabir Ibn Hayyan ...

The author of "Book of Cariostromo", a diary of Italian palace magician Cariostrom, describes his thoughts and guesses on the dimension of time and space.

Witch records include records of the Salem Witch Trial and Witch Bell, as well as Li Mo's record (beautified) of the fight against Witch Case's body. There are also some famous witches such as Romanian witch Cynthia von Donor ...

Of course, there are some interesting records that cannot be told to outsiders. For example, Pope Pius XII lent the gun of Langinus to Hitler for a period of time, which caused a terrible weird event and gave the red skull Clues to the cosmic cube ...

These large and precious archives may have been valued by the Holy See at that time, but they were forgotten over time and used to accumulate dust from generation to generation. To this day, Li Mo is actually open to some pills and curvature engines.

In this regard, Li Mo can only secretly shout fortunately, if it is an era when the Holy See is still strong, he should not even think about it.

Li Mo stayed here for two days and two nights ...

The monitors changed two batches, and they were already impatient, but they were helpless about the opinions reached by the upper levels.

Li Mo, who was walking out of the confidential archives, was content with it. He may be affected by his past life. He found that he was more and more addicted to collecting things, not collecting treasures but collecting knowledge.

Asgard's historical texts have access to only the most common, important all being in the hands of Odin. How to get it is a problem.

There are also some big names in Kama Taj, Sandal, the Kerry Empire, and even the universe.

How rich will their collection be?

Think about it a little excited, Li Mo seems to have finally found a goal.

When returning to the monastery again, Marcus was awake, and although a little weak, he looked good.

"Thank you, Lee. If you didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid I can't get over this time." Marcus sighed in bed.

"Let's talk, what did you experience?" Li Mo asked curiously, "can torture a tough guy like this."

Marcus nodded and spoke slowly ...

The night before he entered Baden-Baden's investigation, he stumbled over a pair of green eyes ...

After waking up, he found that it was dawn, and he was sitting in a hotel bed in his clothes.

After leaving the door, the entire town was empty, and there was a thick white mist everywhere. After that, some monsters with strange and indescribable appearances continued to emerge, among them several well-known ghosts, such as Freddy and Sadako ...

He tried all kinds of methods and couldn't get away from that place. Fortunately, his perennial exorcism career developed an extraordinary courage. Just kill and run like this for a month.

Just before he could hold on, the world suddenly collapsed, and then he woke up.

"Why is this the same way, isn't this the same as our last time?" Li Mo said with a smirk.

"No, it's completely different." Marcus shook his head. "Last time I could clearly distinguish it from a fantasy world, and this time it must be a real world!"

"Lee, I ask you something." Marcus said solemnly.

"Let me settle this spiritual event?" Li Mo frowned. "This guy isn't good at hearing this time, won't you report the situation and let the local residents evacuate? Anyway, because of this There are also many ghost towns left empty. "

"You listen to me." Marcus was anxious. "In that world I saw many humans that had been transformed into twisted ghosts. I've seen the pictures, all the dead residents, and none of those children. I have a hunch that they are still alive! "

"That's it ..." Li Mo scratched his head. If the children were still alive, they had to be rescued.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate any more, and immediately agreed.

"Great, Chieri is familiar with that place and he will guide you." Marcus struggled and sat up. "It's not too late, Thomas will take you to the airport."

"It's important to save people, no time is wasted." Li Mo shook his head, walked to the balcony and called Father Chieri over.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Li Mo asked suddenly.

"Just, how could I ... ah-!" Father Chieri just said a word, and was dragged out by Li Mo, and gradually disappeared into the sky.

Li Mo already has experience with this flight. The nano-glasses are directly linked to the McQueen's planetary probe, and the flight route is marked in the air.

If Italy is like a high boot, then the Vatican is right down the knee of the boot.

After crossing the Po River plains in Italy, the Swiss Alps, and the Bavarian Plateau in Germany.

When he arrived at the Black Forest in southwestern Germany, Li Mo finally found a place to stop.

No way, he forgot that Father Chieri was just a mortal body, and he couldn't stand the cold and the lack of oxygen in the air.

For this situation, Li Mo also has his own way. A sip of Asgard's mead drank, and the unlucky priest was tossed back to life.

"Crazy! Crazy!" Father Chieri's eyes collapsed to the ground, his nose was trembling and he continued to flow down, and he would no longer ride in Li Mo's express train.

Li Mo had no choice but to walk with the unlucky priest in the Black Forest, but fortunately the town of Baden-Baden was not far away.

The Black Forest is the birthplace of the Danube and Neckar rivers. Here, the forests are dense, and the fir trees soaring everywhere can be seen. The humid air makes the valley cold and cold.

Snow White, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, most of Grimm's fairy tales happen here, and of course there are witches.

Passing an viaduct over a deep mountain lake, the two finally got on a ride.

The owner is a young couple from France, Francois and Kristina, who are taking a vacation in this European bath in Baden-Baden.

"Don't you hear of the weird thing that happened in Baden-Baden?" Li Mo shook his head and kindly advised: "Seeing that, this is an exorcist from the Vatican. We're going to check the situation there. Send us It's best to leave when you get there. "

"We just came to hear what happened here," Francois said excitedly. "We are the members of the Paris Linguistic Research Institute, and our army is behind!"

Li Mo rolled his eyes helplessly, "That's a witch, a ghost, something that kills people!"

"Awesome, glamorous witch, dear sorry, just an adjective." François raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend ~ ~ I was just expressing my excitement. "

fk! Li Mo was speechless, and no longer cares about these young people with brain disabilities.

When it came to Baden-Baden, the sky was dark, and the group came to a very elegant hotel.

"The one we lived in last time." Father Chieri said to Li Mo.

The landlord was an old-fashioned old lady with silver neat hair, a thin face and a deep decree.

She caressed a black cat in her arms. "Welcome to the Black Cat Hotel. I'm the boss Agatha Huxson."

"Mrs. Landlord, please forgive me for taking the liberty to ask." Francois asked with anticipation: "Look at your costume and this black cat, are you a witch?"

Silly X! Li Mo reluctantly covered his forehead.

The landlord's old lady Agatha drew her lips. "Guess?"

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