Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 130: Dream dimension and astral projection

For a while, Francois' idiot's pretentious question made the scene a little awkward.

"François, you idiot, apologize to Mrs. Agatha!" His girlfriend Kristina shook her head helplessly, and then said sorry to the host's old lady: "Please forgive me, he will always Do something extraordinary. "

"It doesn't matter, young man. In fact, my broom can carry people, the basement has the dried corpses of frogs and lizards, and there is also a good magic crucible." The landlord Mrs. Agatha made a deliberately dark voice, "This Everything is full of magic, just waiting for you to explore ... "

"Wow, cool! May I take a photo with you?"

"Stupid lady, she's just joking."

The host's old lady's sense of humor suddenly cleared the tension. She also took a selfie with two young people and made a witch's terrible expression.

"You are so funny." Li Mo smiled. "Do you know any strange things that happened recently?"

"Of course, poor guys." The old woman shook her head. "It scared away many travelers ... forget it, let me prepare dinner for you."

When the old lady finished speaking, she hugged the black cat and turned away. Li Mo and they returned to their room. After washing up, I went to the hotel's family restaurant.

The dinner was quite sumptuous, with large apple pie, assorted platter with fried onion rings, delicious grilled sausages and venison mushroom soup, and of course the most famous Black Forest cake.

"You are definitely a witch, a witch of good food!" Li Mo couldn't help but admire, he felt that he could get another one.

"In fact, I have a little experience of not only European cuisines, but also Chinese cuisines." The old lady Agatha raised her head stubbornly, and with her old-fashioned face, she had an inexplicable sense of pride.

Everyone gave thumbs up, and the atmosphere for dinner was quite good.

Li Mo resisted the temptation of German beer and bid farewell to the French couple who were still drinking.

As soon as he reached the corridor, Li Mo's face became serious immediately, and he said to Chieri, "Be careful tonight!"

Chieri nodded, and both returned to their rooms.

The rooms of the inn are quite warm, with elegant wallpapers, white and soft mattresses, and a few pots of flowers on the windowsill.

Outside the window, across the quiet river, the luxurious palace-style buildings on the other side are still brightly lit.

On the way, after the introduction of the French couple, Li Mo realized that although Baden-Baden is a small city, it is the largest gambling city in Europe.

This is the most popular holiday place in Europe, hot springs, horse racing, casinos, music. From the 19th century, this beloved city of Napoleon III also attracted Bismarck, Queen Victoria, Russian Tsar ...

Even if something horrible happens, there are still many dissatisfied travelers staying here.

Marcus had an accident the day before he came here, so Li Mo didn't dare to carelessly, he was always lying on the bed in his clothes and looking through the nano-glasses to get the information from the Vatican.

However, until four or five in the morning, no abnormalities were found, and Li Mo had no choice but to make up for it.

In the morning, after a brief breakfast, Li Mo and Chieri went into the town to investigate.

Since the disappearance of the child, travelers with children left here for the first time, so all the children who disappeared were local residents.

The natural beauty of this town is blessed with artificial architecture and nature. Everywhere is a garden and green space. Villas, palaces, pavilions, chairs, etc. seem to grow there. A cold, quiet river flows slowly through the valley.

It can be said that it is a paradise-like place, and those families who lost their children are also very rich because they run hotels.

But because of losing their children, every family is immersed in a sad atmosphere.

Because of Baden-Baden's influence, many organizations have come to investigate, German police, Interpol, but none of them have any clues.

Chieri has been here once, and he knows it well. Because Li Mo has been wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, no one can recognize it.

The results of the survey were disappointing. These families have bound their children's materials into books, full of expectations, but there are no useful clues.

Fortunately, Li Mo has the treasure of a warlock's eye.

He and Chieri retrieved local camera records and came to an alley where the child was last missing.

Chieri turned the wind, Li Mo summoned big eyes and traced back the scene.

This was indeed the first scene of the child's disappearance, but Li Mo didn't get any clues, because the scene at that important period became like mixed watercolor paint.

Li Mo recalled his big eyes, looked at the look that Chieri was expecting, and shook his head helplessly.

Chieri already knew about Li Mo's ability and couldn't help asking: "Isn't it possible to see what happened before, why did this happen?"

"What has happened cannot be changed unless the other party goes back in time and reverses time and space. But some capable people can use magic to cover up the scenes that happened in the past." Li Mo sighed, his expression became somewhat dignified: "It seems we Opponents are very powerful. "

"What then?" Chieri was dumbfounded.

"Go and see where the other children are missing." Li Mo said, shaking his head.

It took them a day to find the place where all the children were missing, and it was the same situation after using the scene backtracking. No trace of energy flow was found at the scene.

The investigation suddenly fell into trouble.

"What should we do?" Chieri was a little confused for a moment. When he came here with Li Mo, he was full of confidence, but it was the result.

Li Mo sat on a bench, frowned and smoked a cigarette, and suddenly asked, "Have there been any recent deaths in your sleep?"

"It happened again the night before we came, and another child was missing the other day," Chieri said, shaking his head.

"I had doubts before and found some clues after checking the information." Li Mo thoughtfully said, "Have you heard of the dimension of dreams?"

Seeing Chieri's confused eyes, Li Mo frowned and explained ...

The dimension of dreams is a broad, real dimension attached to the main world. It can be regarded as a dimension of unconscious linking and constructing of the entire universe.

This dimension is quite complex and can be roughly divided into low and high astral layers.

The low astral layer is the outer layer of the dream dimension, which is between 2D and 3D space, and has a broad and loose structure. Ordinary people link to it unconsciously when they dream, relatively safe and easy to break free.

The high astral layer is in the center of the dimension of dreams. The space here is relatively chaotic. It is available in three, four and even five dimensions. And in some places, the surface world appears. This place is very dangerous, and some advanced magicians can pull people into this space to torture.

There are also some more dangerous places. Many star areas will have a nightmare space, which is inhabited by the demons that rely on the fear of devouring life, and the ruler of the nightmare space of the earth is a nightmare demon.

"I remembered that during exorcism, we often met some people who were tortured by nightmares, and thought it was a psychological reason. I didn't expect it to be a devil." Chieri suddenly realized, and then he doubted. Haven't there been such deaths? "

"This is also something weird." Li Mo nodded. "Even the Nightmare King only likes to get fear through intimidation. It's like killing a pig and slaughtering a sheep."

"And the most important point is that they don't slap people casually." Li Mo thoughtfully, "There must have been some changes in the dimension of dreams."

"Is there any way?" Chieri scratched his head, which was completely beyond his imagination.

"I don't have time to wait, I will look for clues in the dimension of dreams." Li Mo looked firm.

"Where is that going, dreaming?" Chieri was worried, "Are I going to buy some sleeping pills ..."

"That way you can't even keep your sober consciousness." Li Mo shook his head. "I'll go alone, you just follow the burden."

"Well, I'm really a burden." Chieri grinned, "But what are you going to do?"

"Astral projection!"


It was late when they returned to the hotel.

After dinner, Li Mo ordered Chieri to stay outside the door, and he sat cross-legged on the bed.

Astral projection is simply the soul's trick, and in the east it's called Yin Shen's travel. Is one of the necessary skills of the mage.

In Dr. Strange's movie, Strange relied on this method for rapid spell learning, and he also used this method to instruct his girlfriend to perform surgery after being injured.

Li Mo learned it in Asgard, but Tian Hou's method did not apply to him at all. Fortunately, in the secret archives of the Vatican, he found a method suitable for humans in a scroll of ancient yoga.

The first is to enter, Li Mo, who has been used to meditation, soon entered the state. Then enter abdominal breathing. When inhaling, watch the breath from the roaring wheel to the submarine wheel. When exhaling, relax every part of the body until the body is all relaxed, and finally return to paying attention to breathing.

Slowly, there will be a numbness in the whole body, getting stronger and stronger, and less and less breathing, but also a sense of expansion of the body, feeling that the body is getting larger and longer, at this time it is entering the spiritual frequency.

Hold on for a while, until the numbness disappears, and the vibration will appear when the spirit loosens.

Slowly, Li Mo with her eyes closed began to see things and light in the guest room ...

Boom, Li Mo's soul floated out from behind, and saw his own body below.

Li Mo took a curious look at the hand of the soul, as he guessed, because of the special soul and the blood-sucking vine, his soul seemed extraordinarily solid. And the soul-bound Vampire came here more powerfully.

I don't know when it was light rain outside the window, hundreds of millions of raindrops were hanging in the air and slowly falling at the speed of a snail, time seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Time has not actually slowed down, but he has speeded up, and the thinking in the state of soul has escaped from the shackles of the flesh to an unprecedented speed.

Looking at the world from a state of soul, the space seems to have a layer of ground glass. This is the phenomenon of several spatial superpositions.

Because Li Mo absorbed the energy of the space gem, plus his own space has a high degree of sensitivity, his feeling is even more profound.

Space seems to be reflective, which is a phenomenon superimposed on mirrored space.

The use of mirror space is also a very practical spell, which can be used both for defense and protection and to trap the enemy. If the spell energy is strong, it can even fold and twist the mirror space, causing killing consequences for the enemy.

It is a reflection of reality, but it does not affect reality and has a strong self-healing nature.

Unfortunately, Li Mo did not find the relevant magic skills in the Vatican's classified archives.

After only watching for a while, Li Mo stopped observing, and then there was time.

The characteristics of the low astral dimension of the dream dimension are very obvious, just like the star-like smoke and dust emitted from space. After Li Moning carefully felt for a while, the soul melted into it.


It's still in the same room, but there is no sense of overlapping the space just now, there is no rain outside the window, you can see anything clearly, but it is strange that it is impossible to distinguish between day and night.

Li Mo knew that he had come to the low astral dimension of the dimension of dreams.

Taking a slight step, Li Mo floated out of the window. He didn't use energy to fly, but there was almost no gravity here.

It's simple, because many objects don't have actual gravity, it's just a constituent of the mind. This is why many people often dream that they are really flying.

If you want to walk as usual, it is also very simple, you just need to walk ~ ~ The dimension of dream is so weird.

The small astral town is not deserted, some souls have already come here, and no one is doing their thing.

There are children playing crazy, and adults talking and walking in the air. They just came to the place where this group consciousness was built, they couldn't see others, and just immersed themselves in their dreams. Only when the energy of consciousness reaches a critical point will things in their dreams appear in this low astral layer.

Li Mo didn't care about them, the space structure here was very loose, and he would break away as soon as he woke up.

What he is going to is the higher astral layer with deeper dimension of dream.

Continue to contemplate the perception and look away from the illusion in front of you. The one with overlap in that space is the real world, and the other full of dignity and darkness is the high star layer.

Reach out the tentacles to infuse the energy in a stroke in the air, and the loose low star body space can be easily broken like cut glass.

Settled, Li Mo stepped forward ...

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