Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 136: Missing Girl

London, a cosmopolitan city.

Because it is shrouded in dense fog all year round, the air is cold and humid, and it is known as the fog capital. However, after a long period of environmental protection policies, it is now much better.

Here, the intersection of tradition and modernity, the ancient stereotype of the empire, stubbornly greet the impact of the new century.

One of the impressions of London on Li Mo is that there are many museums, but few people visit them.

There is also a large number of bars. Almost every walk is one. There are quite a lot of people in the bar, and they like to walk around holding glasses.

The atmosphere of the bar here is totally unsuitable for Li Mo. After drinking two glasses, he turned and left this bar called "Bill's Barrel".

Coming to the street, Xiaolili's light rain did not know when it got up, but helpless Li Mo called a black taxi back to the hotel.

After the incident in the small town of Baden-Baden, Germany, he came to England.

If he hadn't learned from the demon's mouth that the Nine Realms were about to reunite, he would have really forgotten the invasion of the Dark Elves.

To be honest, although this is a big event in the movie, it is the same thing in his opinion.

There will always be so much hatred in this world, must Odin be righteous, and the unlucky witch Case doesn't think so.

There are always so many villains who want to destroy the world, but the sun still rises as usual.

In addition to the reasons for agreeing to Odin's conditions, he also wanted to avoid the death of Frigga, after all, he taught himself carefully for a period of time.

There is also a real gem. Can your own vines absorb the energy in it, and if so, what benefits will it bring?

He remembered Jane Foster's discovery of the ether particles in the original plot, but when he investigated, he found that the woman had been staying in Norway without knowing what to do.

After arriving in London, he hadn't heard of any strange spatial coincidence, so he had to wait here helplessly.

The taxi stopped at the door of a historic hotel named Bisili. The Indian porter in a dark red suit and black bow tie saw Li Mo, and opened the door with a smile and asked for a good voice. Five pounds tip.

There are very few people in the hotel. One is because of the low tourist season, and the other is the impact of the subway bombing some time ago.

In front of the elevator, a woman's back attracted Li Mo. She had long black curly shawl hair, a black tight dress reflected the skin more white, and her two long legs were alluring.

Li Mo glanced admiringly, then walked to the side and waited for the elevator together.

After the elevator door opened, the woman walked in and turned around.

"Jessica?" Li Mo's eyes widened. I didn't expect to meet an old man here, and when did this woman know how to dress up?

"Wow, long time no see, what are you doing here?" Li Mo said with a smile.

However, Jessica Jones glanced at him indifferently, and ignored him, and directly pressed down the elevator switch.

As the elevator door gradually closed, Li Mo's smile gradually became stiff. No matter how he was a former bed companion, he turned his face away.

What am I doing wrong?

Li Mo shook his lips and tried to catch up but couldn't hide his face, so he called Matt.

"Jessica? She took a case to investigate in London ... nothing happened, she saw you appear on the TV and made several jokes ..." Li Mo listened, his face gradually sinking. .

Something is wrong!

After returning to the guest room, Li Mo immediately connected to the McQueen through the nano glasses.

After Li Mo opened the window, he jumped into the night and hovered out of the window of Jessica's room.

The bedroom window can be seen through the glass window with half-curtains. The scene in front of him is very beautiful. On a large bed, three beautiful women in **** lingerie are grinding each other's dishes, and their eyes are blurred.

Jessica in a dress stood and stared like a puppet.

A white man in a purple suit with smooth and smooth hair sits on a chair and drinks red wine with a twisted smile from time to time.

TMD Pervert!

This must be the **** named Kilgrave. Li Mo was a little annoyed. He remembered the helplessness that Jessica was awakened by nightmares every night.

Unexpectedly, this guy got caught in Jessica again.

Li Mo didn't think about it. He directly extended his right hand. A vine suddenly protruded from the void beside Kilgrave. Before he could react, he was cut into four. The huge pressure caused red blood. Sprayed a room.

The four women in the room woke up suddenly, and Jessica looked around in horror. The three women on the bed saw the **** scene in front of them, and screamed and ran out. The residents of the other rooms in the corridor curiously poked their heads, and soon someone called the police.

Alas, Li Mo suspended in the air and knocked on the window.

A little frightened, Jessica looked at it, and she quickly ran to open the window, "Lee, what are you doing here, what happened to this ... Kilgrave ..."

"After that, we leave here first." Li Mo hugged Jessica's waist and flew back to his room.

Wearing a blanket, Jessica, thinking about the cause and effect, was a bit confused, trembling, tears in her eyes, and muttering in horror.

Li Mo hugged her tightly, comforting him constantly: "Everything is over, that **** has been pinched by me, you are safe ..."

Until the middle of the night, Jessica fell asleep, but was still awakened by nightmares from time to time, and Li Mo could only stay with her.

In the dark night, the rain outside the window is getting louder and louder ...

Although the next two days, Jessica was a lot better, but her mood was still a little unstable. She kept drinking and wanted to anesthetize herself. Helpless Li Mo could only call her sister Trish.

In a hurry, Trish took Jessica back to New York for psychotherapy, and Li Mo was going to complete a missing case for Jessica at hand.

The client was a female professor at New York University called Laurie. One year ago, her husband died, sad because of her grief, and she was deeply involved in work. She had no contact with her daughter Angelina, who was then studying in the archeology department.

About a month ago, she received a text message from her daughter: Mom, I'm right!

Later, the female professor reminded her to shut down when she called again, and never contacted her daughter again.


A cafe in the city of Cambridge.

The layout here is very elegant, with bright and dark card seats, complicated patterned tablecloths, and flowers everywhere, there is a strong British petty bourgeoisie.

Portraits of science and writers everywhere on the wall and a bookcase full of books add a sense of volume to the cafe.

Most cafes in Cambridge have this virtue.

It's time for class in the afternoon, so there are few people in the cafe.

Li Mo sat in a quiet corner, drinking coffee and looking at the files Jessica left to him in his hands.

The missing Angelina in the photo definitely belongs to the top of the beauty. She has a 19-year-old youthful, perfect face.

But a few strands of purple hair in front of the short wave, strong smoky makeup, hot red lips, plus black studded leather clothes, ragged jeans with Martin boots, and a black print on the chest than the **** Sweatshirt. A lively cyberpunk girl.

Jessica's news from the police showed that the missing Angelina and several classmates came to London to travel. When she found out that the young men had come to Cambridge to visit a professor named Robert, she was hypnotized by Kilgrave.

Li Mo is going to follow this clue. Astronomer physicist Dr. Eric Schavig is also a visiting professor here.

Li Mo remembered that this guy was the first to see the signs of the nine worlds overlapping, so he called in advance to visit.

Seeing that it was almost the end of class, Li Mo settled his account and turned out of the cafe.

The cafe is not far from King's College, Cambridge, and Li Mo is walking while admiring the view.

Cambridge is full of greenery here, an English rural style.

Tall, old Gothic, Tudor-style buildings can be seen everywhere. The pavement made of rough stone and the exterior wall made of granite are simple and generous.

Above the Kang River, a small bridge spliced ​​by wooden collars connects the greenery all over the ground and the ancient fairy-tale schoolhouse. On the river, there are many tourists who ride on Artemisia boats. On a huge rock on the river bank, there is an inscription of a famous Chinese poet, "Gently, I'm here ..."

Li Mo passed the towering minarets and Gothic gates at the entrance of King's College, and passed the bronze cast statue of Henry VI on the green grounds of the atrium. He met Professor Eric Schavig, who was waiting in front of the teaching building.

"I'm sorry, you didn't come at the right time." Dr. Eric Schavig wore an outdoor suit with anxiety on his face. "I'm going out to investigate. What will I say when I come back? You definitely don't believe I found What's up, gosh ... hope I'm wrong. "

After Dr. Eric had spoken, he hurried away. Li Mo shrugged. It seems that the coincidence of the nine realms is about to happen, but I don't know where the ether particles are stored.

Jane Foster didn't mean to come to London at all, the timeline has changed, that is, I don't know who will find the ether particles first. Take advantage of this time, find the missing girl first.

Thinking of this, Li Mo turned and entered the college building.

He surveyed this Robert in advance, this fellow is a senior professor at King's College, Cambridge University, and has deep research on ancient Celtic culture.

In a quaint and elegant office with bookshelves full of obsolete books, Li Mo met Professor Robert.

This is a man in his 60s, with a typical British face, freckles on the bridge of his nose, gray hair that has thinned out, a brown plaid suit, and a black vest and white shirt. A delicate red bow tie.

"The children are missing? It's sad news." Professor Robert shook his head. "They did come here and asked me some questions."

"About what?" Li Mo asked with a frown.

"A weird sheepskin scroll with some inexplicable words written in ancient Celtic." Professor Robert frowned for a long time. "As I get older, my memory is really poor, oh ... right."

The old man suddenly remembered something, turned and pulled a thick book from the bookshelf, and took out a note from it. "Fortunately, I wrote a paragraph when I helped them translate."

The old man put on his glasses and read: "The beauty of Wu Na green land, the white moon in the stars, the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the human heart ..."

"That's all?" Li Mo was confused, "What do these words mean?"

"Who knows?" Professor Robert shook his head and said to himself, "But I heard one of the children kept thinking about the fairy in the lake. Are they looking for the legendary sword?" Maybe, those are just myths and legends ... but who can be sure, even the thunder gods in Nordic mythology have appeared, so what about Celtic mythology ... "

"Hey, professor, what else was on that sheepskin roll?" Li Mo interrupted the old professor's thinking.

"What are you talking about? It's time to take the medicine?" Professor Robert sat down, talking to himself, and poured a medicine out of the medicine in his arms and swallowed it. I'm younger ... "

The old man was a little demented, Li Mo shook his head, and just wanted to continue asking, he heard the old man purr.

"Shit!" Li Mo was a little helpless, and it seemed that all the news here was available.

But fortunately, it was finally confirmed that Angelina had been here. When Li Mo stepped out of King's College, he immediately asked McQueen to call a nearby camera to find out where Angelina was going.

McQueen quickly found images of the youngsters who drove back to London after driving out of a rented car from King's College.

Li Mo also called a taxi and returned to London along the route of these young people at the time. He has reached southeast London and the south bank of the Thames.

Li Mo frowned. This was the center of life where the Tudor dynasty was at that time, the place where the prime meridian passed, Greenwich.

The Dark Elves seem to invade here, don't they?

Li Mo looked excited and urged the driver to continue down to a nearby abandoned factory.

That's it!

Li Mo was pleased to see some familiar scenes nearby. UU reading did not expect that because he helped find the missing girl, he even found a place to collect the ether particles in advance.

The driver was glad to send away, Li Mo hurriedly walked deep into the factory, but as soon as he passed a corner, he frowned quickly and hid in the dark.

Someone here already!

A factory building has obviously been occupied, dozens of smart and powerful men are wearing casual clothes, patrolling vigilantly, and holding the guy at a glance.

Who is this TM?

Li Mo shook his head and took out a miniature beetle detector made by McQueen from his arms.

The little beetle flew into the factory quickly, and Li Mo received and watched the image in real time.

Soon, he opened his eyes in disbelief: "Isn't this Jin Jin, why is he here?"

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