Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 137: 9 Realm Rebellion (1)

Li Mo, who wandered everywhere, through the realm of God, across the universe, had long forgotten about this New York city, no, he is now the underground godfather of American gangsters.

Isn't this guy Matt their sparring trainer, why are you here?

When he saw the armed men outside, Li Mo thought about the SHIELD and the Hydra. Even the adult man thought of it, but he never thought of these gangsters.

The abandoned factory building has been renovated long ago. Optical detectors and some unknown machines are piled up everywhere. A row of computers are displaying monitoring data.

Controlling the long-stealth beetle detector, he turned his attention to Jin Bin, and Li Mo immediately noticed something was wrong.

This guy didn't know what transformation he had done, and his body became extremely strong. It seemed that the three Yao Ming were crowded together, almost catching up with Hulk. The large white suit was about to crack when he was squeezed by his body full of porcelain.

His expression seemed a little unpleasant, saying in a thick, low voice: "The factory that made the fortified soldiers was taken up again by the clowns in costumes, and we are wasting our time here."

"Don't you think everything here is too much fun?" An excited voice came.

Immediately after, a guy in a white coat with green skin and a full head was walking out of a huge optical detection radar with a few cylindrical strange instruments.

"This strange phenomenon allows us to have a deeper study of cosmic space science," said the big-headed guy.

"I understand your thirst for knowledge, just like my thirst for strength." Jin shook his head and walked to a railing. He took a golden flame-spraying lighter out of the suit pocket and dropped it upstairs.

He took out a cigar and caught another lighter that had fallen from the top because of the chaos in space. He ignited the cigar and took a deep breath. "But what can we get from this kind of thing, David Copperfield's magic? "

"Take away your ignorance." The boss feels a little impatient. "How many times have you said that knowledge is the eternity of this universe, and the power is just a by-product in the pursuit of truth. You can't wait to make those experiments. What's the use of defective products. "

"You're right, but those who know the knowledge will ultimately serve those who have power." Jin Bing's mouth drew, "Although I have mastered the underground world of the United States, I am just a no It's just influx, my self-esteem doesn't allow me to do so. And you, in their eyes, is a freak that needs to be guarded. Only I will give you freedom and all of this. So you have only three days. Do this ridiculous project! "

The boss no longer speaks, analyzes the data intently, he feels that he and the expanding gold do not have a common language. That guy doesn't understand at all, the more powerful the power, the more knowledge you need to control.

After seeing it, Li Mo thought about touching his chin outside. This big boss is one of the few Marvel images he has ever known.

After seeing the movie, the head of a normal person was mutated by Hulk's blood. Li Mo thought that this guy was the second boss, so he was bored with Baidu.

This guy does have muscles in his brain. The comics set a thousand times the intelligence of ordinary people. Of course it is not so exaggerated, but it is absolutely powerful. Loves reading and has an insatiable curiosity.

In Li Mo's view, this big-headed doll is not an evil existence, and a series of bad things he did were just to steal scientific secrets for his own study and research.

This guy is a bit like himself, except that he focuses more on science, but he is interested in history and mysticism.

Li Mo had the idea of ​​conquering a subordinate.

As for what to do?

Look at the world he is now in contact with, aliens, gods, demons, ancient unknown beings, technology beyond imagination, vast universe, mysterious multidimensional space ...

The world has infinite possibilities, and no matter how powerful it is, it can be planted on a little thing that you don't understand.

He is very self-aware that treating those guys with explosive IQs as fools will only make him die badly. Tony cannot follow him at any time, so he needs a high IQ assistant.

The guy in front of me is the most suitable.

Thinking of this, Li Mo went straight to the building without hesitation, and the soldiers guarding outside did not take it seriously.

He is now more and more proficient in the use of Eye of the Warlock, and is no longer spraying the energy column as violently as he did at first.

Protected by the energy shield to protect the bullets pouring down like rain. The big eyeballs floated in the air, emitting high-frequency red rays of thumb thickness at the speed of Mark Qin's machine gun.

Because of the use of dimensional energy, energy rays are not like lasers but are biased towards magic, and they also have the effect of explosive sputtering, which increases the destructive power.

After a round of raids, the miscellaneous soldiers were cleaned up, and the abandoned factory building was a little shaky. Fragmented bricks and scorched corpse fragments spilled to the ground, a faint aroma of roasted meat came.

Li Mo felt some discomfort in his stomach, and he was always uncomfortable with this **** scene.

When he first started, the gold and the bosses in the factory had already found out.

"Seeing that, even if we didn't commit crimes and hid here for scientific research, there is always this kind of **** who thinks that justice comes to us, and only strength can deal with it." Jin also pointed to Li on the monitor screen. Mo said.

"Then what do you want to do?" The boss who was interrupted by the research was in a bad mood.

"He's only one person, and I'll deal with him personally." Jin slowly took off his suit and said scornfully.

And when Li Mo boomed, Jin and quickly put on a suit and buttoned.

The villains live long because they don't fight hard in this situation, they say ...

"Let's go, rest assured, we will definitely come back!" Jin Bian took the cane and said to the boss.

The two calmly walked towards the escape route prepared in advance. This is also one of the reasons why gold is alive.

But Li Mo, who saw all this through nano glasses, frowned, and immediately found a tunnel through a sonar scan. He reached out and waved the tentacles that suddenly appeared in the tunnel and knocked down the support frame ...

Jin Bing and the boss stood in front of the tunnel, watching the gushing dust and wondering what to say.

At this time, James Wesley, King ’s confidant lawyer, stepped forward and said cautiously: "Boss, in fact, we don't have to leave. Here we have bought and we are not engaged in illegal activities. The guy outside invaded and killed , We have every reason to sue him! "

The boss shook his head. "I don't think that guy cares about that."

Jin suddenly laughed, "No, you are wrong. Those superheroes are always bound by rules. Let's go and see what he has to say."

The three walked out of the abandoned factory building and just met Li Mo oncoming.

King Weaver's lawyer, Wesley, was about to come forward, and he heard Li Mo say, "You bastards, all me."

"Mr. Li, we are just doing scientific research, but you have violated several laws and caused heavy casualties ..." lawyer James Wesley straightened his collar and said calmly.

"Are you kidding me, everyone is not an ordinary person, and you play law with me?" Li Mo looked surprised. "And you are villains, no human rights!"

"Maybe I should be straightforward and robbery?"

As soon as Li Mo had finished speaking, he saw a car screaming head-on.

After flying the car with his tentacles, he found that Jin had taken off his suit jacket and was taking heavy steps, rushing towards him.

The warlock's eyes fired immediately, but the energy rays hitting this guy only hit a few black pits.

Li Mo quickly entangled Jin Bing with his tentacles, but to his surprise, the guy was struggling hardly, only a little worse than Hulk.

Li Mo looked at the boss with an incredible disbelief. This guy can transform ordinary people into this, but also keeps his mind awake ...

Sure enough, it is not ordinary.

Although surprised, Li Mo didn't panic at all. He already had his own routine to deal with such enemies.

Gently waved, the tentacles rolled with gold and disappeared, and then appeared a thousand meters above the sky, and then couldn't focus on the gold and fell freely.

"Do you guess he will fall to death?" Li Mo shrugged his shoulders and said to the boss: "I guess not, it will at most be disabled or visceral ruptured by his muscle density."

"Well ... are you talking to me?" The boss was a little surprised, but thought for a while and said, "One hundred percent will die, because his brain can't withstand such shocks and is shaken into a pile of paste."

"Otherwise, we gamble." Li Mo's smile was a little funny. "If you lose, you will be my ally for life."

Boss: "I can't lose, according to calculations ..."

Li Mo: "Are you afraid?"

Boss: "He made it myself ..."

Li Mo: "You counseled?"

Boss: "Jijiang is useless to me, but I'm still curious about how confident you will win, so I bet!"

"Very good!" Li Mo smiled, and then sat down comfortably watching Jin Ran, who landed freely in the air.

Seeing the earth getting closer, the fear in Jin Bian's eyes grew deeper.

He and Matt were enemies again and again, and he didn't have any worries at all, because even if he failed to be arrested and jailed, he could come out at any time.

But this time I met Li Mo, a guy who did not play cards according to common sense, and finally made him feel the fate of helplessness after many years, but instead of screaming shame, he closed his eyes in despair, Thinking of my wife and children I haven't seen in a long time ...

Seeing that Jin was about to land, Li Mo raised his eyebrows at the big boss, waved his hand, and the tentacles that suddenly extended rolled up Jin and teleported to a height of 1,000 kilometers again.

The boss frowned, "Cheating doesn't convince me."

"Our gambling contract did not bar me from using abilities." Li Mo smiled and said seriously: "Just a joke."

"Ask yourself, is this kind of life hiding in Tibet really what you want?" Li Mo's voice was full of temptation.

"Follow me, you will see an unprecedented world, what is the technology and knowledge of the earth, and the universe has an civilization beyond imagination."

"Sandal's energy matrix, Soverin's energy and genetic technology, the biological transformation of the Kerry Empire, and even more powerful Skulu and Shia Empires. What kind of knowledge reserves will they have?"

The boss didn't say anything, but his eyes couldn't help but be filled with longing.

"And ... I'm sorry, just a moment." Li Mo was about to fall down on the ground and throw it once again into the air for a thousand meters.

The continuous free fall allowed Kim to gradually change from fear to anger, and he felt insulted, even better than death.

If you survive, you must find a way to kill this **** ...

On the other side, Li Mo strengthened his confusion to the boss, "Have you heard of collectors who have survived since the last universe?"

"Have you heard of Tenjin?"

"Have you heard of the Devil of Dimensions?"

"Don't say it!" The big boss's face firmed. "I promise to be yours, as long as you don't hinder my study and research."

"No problem at all." Li Mo finally smiled. "I appreciate your thirst for knowledge, but remember, don't betray me!"

The boss saw Li Mo for a while, "As long as you can fulfill your promise."

"And ..." The boss pointed to Kim Ki, who was free-falling again. "This guy saved me once, so I hope you can let him go this time."

"No problem at all, his life is irrelevant to me." Li Mo agreed with a smile.

But when he was about to reach out his tentacles to catch Kim, the guy disappeared suddenly ...

"Space disorder ~ ~ The big boss explained to Li Mo, who was a little dreadful," We have been doing research here. "

"Well ... where will he fall from?" Li Mo asked, remembering the situation here.

"Maybe from above, maybe from below." The boss shrugged. "The space here is extremely chaotic and no one can predict, but it will always fall out."

Li Mo nodded, and the two waited patiently ...

10 minutes have passed,

20 minutes have passed,

Half an hour has passed ...

Li Mo's face was getting worse and worse,

The boss also felt something wrong, and frowned. "This has never happened."

Li Mo's smile was bitter,

"Have you heard of ether particles?"

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