Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 166: War Prelude

"You say your name is Caesar?"

Li Mo was stunned for a moment, then pouted, "Taking this name ... well, it doesn't help you."

"You just have to send me back." Caesar, the Cree kid, frowned. "My plan has begun and I have no time to spend it with you here."

"Just kidding, do you have advanced weapons?" Li Mo asked.

Caesar shook his head.

"Then do you have a strong army or superhumans?" Li Mo asked again.

Caesar still shook his head.

"Then I can't let you go back." Li Mo shrugged. "I'm working hard to save someone, and watching you die, it's too costly. Unless you tell me your plan."

Caesar stared at Li Mo for a moment, then shook his head and said: "The Difan Group has a warehouse where valuable extracts are stored. We will blow up there first, and it will surely cause the mercenaries and merchants in the city to rob."

"During their confrontation with the Difan Group, we will hijack several spacecraft and leave here, while detonating several anti-material bombs that have been hidden for a long time."

"You still have antimatter bombs?" Li Mo eyes widened. "Where did you get them?"

"I did it myself." Caesar glanced at Li Mo. "Any raw materials can be obtained here, and all kinds of equipment can be sold by Star Merchants."

"Are you also a scientist like your father?" Li Mo asked.

"There is only some research on weapons. I am a student at the Kerry Military Academy." Caesar replied impatiently.

"No, you can't blow it up." Li Mo shook his head. "To tell you the truth, although I haven't figured out what to do yet, I've already liked this place."

"Then you must drive away Difan Group first." Caesar said with a frown. "Why on earth?"

"In my opinion ... it's relatively strong." Li Mo shrugged. "Ronan, the highest accuser of your Cree, knows that I was almost killed and scared to escape."

"That hard-core lunatic?" Caesar snorted dismissively. "It's just a reckless man with an unclear head. I don't think you can drive away Difan Group by yourself."

"What if I really drive away?" Li Mo asked back.

Caesar looked at Li Mo for a moment, "If that happens, I will terminate the plan. I don't care about the process, I just care about the results. As long as my team can leave safely."

Li Mo nodded and asked curiously, "What do you want those people to do?"

"It's none of your business." Caesar's expression was cold.

Li Mo was so angry that this little fart was really difficult to get along with.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Li Mo casually asked, "You can only escape for two months. How can you conquer this group of people?"

"Everyone has a desire, give them what they desire most, let them see hope, and have a strong confidence in me." Despite the apathy of the little fart child, Li Mo can still feel a proud and proud. Arthur.

"Is this what your father taught you?" Li Mo asked.

"He was disgusted with this. I learned it by myself." Caesar's young face finally showed anger. "My father was always so naive, so he died."

"Hey kid, your father is a great man." Li Mo frowned unhappyly, "Do you think I ran here to save you because of you?"

Caesar was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Can you tell me about my father's situation?"

Li Mo nodded, telling the story of the Zerg planet in detail ...

"I see." Caesar nodded coldly after hearing it, and walked to a room next to the hall.

When Li Mo saw his back, his body was shaking, and he walked faster and faster. After closing the door, a depressive cry came.

"It looks like he hates his father," the puppy Cosmo asked, puzzled. "Why is it so sad?"

Li Mo sighed, "When I was young, I thought my father was a mountain. Although he relied on it, the steepness and shadow of the mountain made people feel depressed."

"When you grow up, you realize that the mountain has unconsciously become a small soil bag. But when you are tired and sad, leaning on the small soil bag always gives people peace of mind."

"His little bag is gone ..."

"It's too complicated." Cosmo the puppy was almost dizzy. "Still happy as a dog."

Li Mo smiled and didn't speak.


For the next two days,

Li Mo and Caesar discussed a rough plan, and Caesar went back to prepare. Li Mo plowed the gangsters who controlled the children in the city, and then sent the children to Caesar.

After doing these things, Li Mo went to the building of Tanlia Difan Group and saw the collector.

"You have been a little restless in the city these two days." Collector Di Fan said blankly.

"No way." Li Mo shrugged. "I don't see children suffering."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care." Difan said looking at a crystalline mineral in his hand. "When you live long enough, you will find that these short-lived lives are no different from plants."

"Let's talk when I live to you for so long." Li Mo smiled.

"Do you have anything?" Difan asked.

"I know what's in the Universe." Li Mo looked at Difan with a smile, "In fact, what you want is the power gem inside."

Collector Di Fan froze for a moment, slowly put down the crystalline mineral in his hand, stared at Li Mo and asked, "What do you want?"

Li Mo raised an eyebrow. "I want to make a deal with you."

"What deal?" The collector Difan asked with interest.

Li Mo showed a greedy expression: "I help you grab the cosmic spirit ball and exchange a few cosmic objects in your hand."

Although collectors are a little disbelieving, "Since you know that there is a power gem, you should know how valuable it is. Don't you mind?"

"That's all I can use!" Li Mo shrugged helplessly. "It might as well be replaced with useful universe wonders."

The collector smiled assuredly, "It is true that the living body cannot directly use the power gem. I agree to this transaction."

Li Mo rubbed his hands. "Let's make a deposit first, after all, I'm going to fight desperately with Ronan and the Dark Order."

The collector thought for a moment and nodded, and took Li Mo to a highly-guarded secret room with various automatic defense weapons.

Li Mo wanted to follow in but was stopped by the collector. After a while, the collector came out with a silver-white box made of unknown metal.

After opening the box, an infinitely bright diamond floated in the air, waving a little star-like light.

Subsequently, the collector introduced: "150 years ago, the Shia Empire discovered a special white dwarf, almost all of which is composed of high-intensity crystalline carbon. A weapon, and found this cosmic wonder in the core. "

"What does it do?" Li Mo felt curious about his eyes and asked curiously.

The collector smiled: "It's not very powerful. There is only one. It allows the soul body to have a special body, so I named it, the Star Spirit Stone."

Seeing Li Mo's disappointment, the collector shook his head. "Of course, it can't even match one ten thousandth of the power gem, but isn't it just a deposit?"

"That's what it said." Li Mo shrugged, and picked up the box. A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Wait for my good news."

After leaving the Difan Group Building, Li Mo quickly returned to McQueen.

"McQueen, see if this thing is useful to you?" Li Mo took out the star stone as soon as he entered the captain's room.

After receiving McQueen's approval, Li Mo threw the Starling Stone out of his hand, and soon integrated into the floor and was absorbed by McQueen.

Although this thing is also a cosmic miracle, it is far from the space-time stone. McQueen only absorbed it after an hour.

In the captain's room, a lot of starlight gathered continuously, and soon formed a figure.

At first it was a bald, naked, silvery male. Later, he slowly changed his shape and became a starlike young man wearing a straight starship uniform with meticulous hair.

"Captain Li Mo, McQueen will report to you." The young man saluted gracefully, then poured a cup of coffee and brought it up, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Li Mo was already stupid, and then shook his fist in excitement. "McQueen, you have become a human. Can you go where you want to go in the future?"

"No, it's just a body between energy and matter. I can't be within one kilometer of the spacecraft itself," McQueen nodded respectfully.

"That's not bad." Li Mo nodded with satisfaction, and then gave a smirk. "Need to find a woman for you?"

McQueen: "Thank you for your kindness. I don't have that feature."

Li Mo shook his head in disappointment. "It's a pity, but rest assured, I will think of a solution in the future."

McQueen's face was drawn. "I don't really care."

"How is that possible?" Li Mo's expression you lied to me.

"Let's avoid this topic." McQueen was helpless. "Captain, please give the next instructions."

"Oh, yes, you should do the business first." Li Mo patted his head and ran out suddenly and excitedly. "Emile, Emile, come and see who this is, you can't imagine ...

McQueen covered his head with a headache ...


And just a few days ago,

On a footbridge at Crescent Plaza in Sandar's capital, a three-way dogfight is taking place.

Kamola snatched the cosmic spirit ball from Star Jue and ran quickly in front, while Star Jue shouted after him.

As an interstellar ranger, there are a lot of gadgets on Star Jue. First, a laser flying lock trapped Kamora, and in the fight, he flew Kamora with a rocket thruster and stunned against the wall.

Just when he was proud to pick up the cosmic spirit ball, a stun gun hit him.

Lying on the ground, Star Jersey kept twitching. When the stunner stopped, he was numb, looking at the rocket and Groot close to himself, and angrily said, "Who are you?"

"Hey boy, you offended a revenge guy." Rocket smirked and raised his stun gun again. "He told me to teach you well."

"Ah, no…"

Of course, all three unlucky parties were subsequently arrested by the Nova Corps.

Because of the notorious Kamora, coupled with Ronan and the Dark Order roaming around, they were all treated as spies.

They would have been sent to Chin Space Prison. In that prison, Li Mo and they were stirred upside down. Not only did a large number of prisoners die, but the prison director who survived was also sent to another prison for serious corruption and malfeasance.

Therefore, several of them were detained in a newly built prison at the depth of 5,000 meters under Sandar.

There is no jailer here, all intelligent mechanized operations, and various strict protection measures, even the rocket can not help.

Similarly, they encountered Drax the Destroyer, who had been transferred from elsewhere.

After experiencing no acquaintance, the gray-faced star queen felt terrible and asked Kamora with a bitter smile: "Why do you want to grab the cosmic spirit ball?"

Kamola: "In order to prevent Ronan from getting the cosmic spirit ball, it threatens the peace of the entire galaxy."

"Then why did you grab it?" Star Jue turned to look at the rocket.

"Trusted by a friend." Rocket spit. "He told me to teach you by the way."

"Who offended me again?" Star Jue looked stunned.

"Mother Groot!" Groot got together and grew a few vines to perform a tentacle.

"Oh, **** it." Xingjue covered his head. "Can't you be acquainted, he and I are fellow fellows."

"I think ..." Rocket smirked: "You're dead!"

"Ok, ok." Star Jue raised his hands. "I'll give it back to him."

"No, I know who you are talking about, even Ronan said he was a monster." Kamora objected: "We cannot give things to such a dangerous person."

"The woman shut up!" Drax the Destroyer said excitedly, "I don't know who you are talking about, but I think it should be given to him. Ronan's fear must be right."

"Don't make a noise!" Xing Jue yelled, and when everyone noticed that everyone was staring at him, his voice dropped. "We are all stuck here, it's no use saying anything."

"Relax, he will come to my rescue," Rocket said.

"But does he know that you have been held here?" Xingjue asked.

"Uh ..." Rocket Raccoon froze, then hugged his head in distress, "Damn, he's a wanted criminal, he can't enter this planet at all ..."

"A group of predators may come to save us." Xingjue suddenly remembered something, and said with a smirk: "You don't even think how old the old guy is.

"You are too naive." Carmela frowned. "I am worried that Ronan will find us first."

"But there is an entire Nova Legion fleet outside the planet Sandar." Star Lord shrugged.

"Well, it seems like I should tell you the truth." Kamora sighed. "You all know that the Dark Order is here, but it is not clear to everyone ..."

"They also brought an entire fleet!"


On the dark star,

The accused Luo Nanduan sat on the throne and looked at several people below. "According to the news we got, Kamora missed, but the good news is that the cosmic spirit ball is indeed on the predator gangster, and they are all detained in In a submarine prison in Sandar ~ ~ Nebula Nebula mocked: "I told you that Kamora will definitely fail. "

"As long as the location of the cosmic spirit ball is determined." Wumu throat waved his hands gracefully. "Sandal is a self-determined path, Ronan, I will give you the command of the fleet, and it is you who destroy the Star Fleet of the Star Legion. Mission, and some of us will sneak into Sandar while in chaos. "

"I'm actually a very good person to talk to." Emu throat smiled politely, "but I really don't want to let Master Sanos disappoint, so I will kill everyone who hinders the mission, including you ..."

The accused Luo Nan tightened his hammer, "Octopus head, please say one more thing!"

"If my words hurt you, I'm sorry." Wumu gave a polite smile, "but you have to know if this mission failed ..."

"Master Thanos will come in person!"

The accused Ronan drew his mouth, and then stood up: "All fleets start, target: Sandal!"

The huge black fleet slowly flew out from the shadow of the desolate planet.

They first put out the wing-shaped shuttle array flat, and swarmed the dark asterisk into the core.

Subsequently, the entire fleet stage began to jump in rows.

The harsh red alert sounded continuously at the Sandal Nova Rising Star Fleet Detection Center.

"There's space fluctuations, a lot of fleets are jumping!"

"Ready to fight!"

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