Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 167: Star Wars Night

The Nova Army has a total of 15 interstellar fleets, which are widely distributed in the northwest and south of the Milky Way.

Three of them are stationed in the Milky Way frontier near the Po River in the south for the Kerry Empire, which has been hostile for thousands of years.

The rest are scattered everywhere, while cosmic peace is being carried out, while protecting the living planet within the scope of the forces.

As the sphere of influence of the Nova Empire continues to expand, and the seemingly peaceful universe is actually turbulent, the 15 fleets are already somewhat stretched.

The Third Fleet was stationed near Sandar this time. The highest commander of the fleet was Jossi Atuwater, an experienced combatant who had risen from the time of the militia.

In the command bay of the Battlestar composite bridge like a mountain peak, there is an information command center distributed in a circular ladder like the Colosseum. Numerous members of the third fleet wearing blue uniforms are gathering information. Large or small three-dimensional stereo images are distributed around like stars.

In the center is a suspended high platform. Jossi Atwater is standing on his back with his hands behind him. In front of him is a huge three-dimensional three-dimensional image. The collected data is constantly displayed ...

When the harsh red alarm sounded, there was a dignity on the determined face of Josie Atwater, and he immediately gave the order: "The frigate is out of line, the energy track is docked, and the identity of the other party is identified."

As his order was issued, thousands of 700-800-meter-long frigates slowly changed their formations, and surrounded by a dozen honeycomb-shaped aircraft carriers around a dozen kilometers long.

Countless tracks of golden-gold energy are linked to each other to form a three-dimensional structural array.

And a dozen giant aircraft carriers each formed a larger array to protect five space forts.

This is the energy array technology of the Nova Legion Star Fleet. It not only can coordinate operations, exert far greater effects than one plus one, but also activate energy protection at critical times, but it consumes a lot of energy and cannot persist for too long. .

And the tyrants have three conventional forces into a group.

On one side was the Zetaru clone army, which had invaded only a small part of the earth.

One side is Pioneer Guard, the result of Titan's biochemical technology. Its body is extremely strong, with huge fangs and four arms. It has no eyes and uses a special induction system for positioning.

On the other side is the Legion of the Dark Order, which has a pale face like a dead spirit. They were born on a planet called the Dark Blood Star. Fertility is extremely strong, but mortality is extremely high.

The planet is cold and dark all year round. The inhabitants of the planet have undergone rigorous training from birth. Bloody arena is everywhere. Every day a large number of babies are born and a large number of adults die. Only the warriors struggling from the blood of the corpses will be sent to another high-tech planet to survive and learn.

This is a **** planet. Bloody snow is often splattered in the sky. From the baby, they drink this melted blood, so that everyone's eyes are red.

The Tripartite Corps has a feature that is not afraid of death. The Zittaris were cloned soldiers, while the vanguard and the Dark Corps directly regarded the death as glory. Therefore, the Legion of Destroyer is horrifying in the galaxy.

Soon the spaceships of the first accused, Ronan and the Dark Order, jumped out.

This time, only the fleets of the Zetaris and the Dark Corps' direct corps participated in the operation, and the Vanguard guards followed the couple of the Deathblade General and the Dark Night Proximity Couple in other places to perform tasks.

Most of the Zitaris are the same Leviathan as Pippi shrimp, but their size is much larger than that on Earth, and their armor and weapons are more advanced.

Other spacecraft, except for the dark asterisk, which has a sense of distance, is a dark style of coarse ore. The only obvious device is the giant gears that burn with large and small flames.

Because of the obvious characteristics and signals, the people of the Nova Legion immediately recognized them.

"Target identification, Ronan, the accused, and the army of Mad Titan Thanos."

Fleet commander Josie Atwater did not hesitate and immediately ordered: "All locked, vector calculations, and serial attacks!"

Because Luo Nan's party just jumped into this star field, he can't see the other side with the naked eye at present, so he first performed a sequence attack to mark the position and interfere with the other side.

All escorts, destroyers, and aircraft carriers were quickly organized into three groups and attacked in turn.

For a time, countless laser weapon beams of different sizes, thicknesses and colors continuously shot into the distant dark and deep space.

"The opponent has activated Dark Energy Shield."

"The second batch of troops jumped into ..."

"Third batch ..."

"The fourth batch ..."

Josie Atwater's face is getting heavier and heavier. This is not a small group of harassers. This is a formed fleet. This is a planned invasion!

Thinking of this, he immediately stepped forward, opened all channels, and commanded aloud: "Attention all ships!"

"After the enemy has reached the optimal range in 30 seconds, the saturation strike is carried out!"

"Attention, re-establish vector coordinates!"

"All laser weapon hatches open ..."

"All missile hatch doors open ..."

With the rapid ordering of a voice command, the huge fleet of the Nova Corps relied on the energy matrix to continuously fine-tune the coordinates.

Except for the mountain-shaped space fortress, other large and small spaceships of the Nova Army have a bullet-like streamlined appearance. The horror of these war machines can only be seen when all the laser and missile hatch doors are opened.

The time of 30 seconds soon arrived, and some small black spots were faintly seen, and in a blink of an eye, a huge fleet was in sight.



All fleet captains ordered at the same time. Under super-intelligent analysis, they locked their targets. Hundreds of thousands of lasers, large and small, were fired at the same time. A bee colony-like missile dragged the long tail flame dexterously from side to side Shoot at the opposing ship.

At the same time, Ronan and the Dark Order's fleet also launched attacks. Compared to their firepower, countless orange-red lasers and violent green ion ball cannons poured into the fleet of the Nova Legion. ...

The laser, the exploding fire light, instantly lit the entire starry sky.

The two sides are endlessly deadly enemies, resulting in a very fierce battle situation. Almost instantly, dozens of large spacecraft began to blow up, and turned into countless spacecraft fragments.

The information exchange in the respective spacecraft is very lively, but from the perspective of the universe, despite the constant explosion, it is a horrible silence ...

In the Nova Corps Battlestar Command Cockpit,

The information of each fleet is continuously concentrated,

"The armor energy of our aircraft carrier group has dropped more than expected, 60% ..."

"40% ..."

"30% ..."

Josie Atuwater looked motionless, and when it dropped to 25%, he suddenly gave the order: "All fleets, start the energy guard barrier!"

"Energy channels are established."

"Energy channel retrieval is complete."

"Open the protective barrier!"

Almost instantly, a flaky energy barrier appeared between all the ships of the Nova Corps, because the fleet was distributed in a honeycomb shape. From a distance, the entire fleet formed a huge golden-yellow energy hive.

The situation suddenly turned to one side. The attack on Ronan's side could not break the energy barrier, but the attack of the Nova Legion still worked. The countless Dark Orders and the Zeitari spacecraft began to explode.


"Dream these **** bastards!"

"Strengthen your attack!"

There was jubilation within the Nova Legion fleet.

And just when they were happy, almost all crew members in the fleet reported at the same time:

"Found a high concentration energy response!"

"Oh my god, what weapon is that!"

The spaceship in front of the Dark Order quickly spread out, revealing a huge black cigar-like spacecraft four to five kilometers long.

Its front end has a weird black hole. The two huge magnetic circles rotating in the forward and reverse directions are getting faster and faster. The ultra-high concentration of dark energy visible to the naked eye is converging to the center like a large vortex. .

Almost all spacecraft communications were disrupted, and Dora could not hear.

Josie Atwater's pupils shrank, and panic finally appeared on her calm face. "That's the doomsday star-weapon weapon. Quickly calculate the vector trajectory and launch Lovis black hole bomb along the way!"

Due to the interference of the communication system, only some of the fleet aircraft carriers heard his order, and a black hole bomb was quickly launched, detonating on the shooting path of the Dark Order star-weapon weapon.

The Dark Order's powerful weapon fired instantly, and the entire battlefield was quiet, and everyone was staring at it.

A beam of light with a diameter of four hundred to five hundred meters, a white beam of light directed at the energy hive of the Nova Legion.

In the course of the beam of light, Lovis black hole bombs exploded. Each black hole was thousands of meters in diameter. From a distance, it seemed to be connected into a beautiful black pearl necklace.

However, a black hole bomb is a man-made black hole after all. When the attack intensity reaches the upper limit, it will disappear silently.

Before the light from the Doomsday Star Weapon, they were continuously pierced and disappeared like black balloons.

However, after passing through the energy of the black hole bombs, the power had been reduced by more than half before the beam of light shot into the energy hive of the Nova Legion.

But even so, its destructive power is still indestructible. The small escorts and destroyers along the way were almost instantaneously gasified, the two aircraft carriers became wreckage, and its target was directed at the central command space fortress!

Looking into the white light, Fleet Commander Josie Atuwater laughed bitterly, "fk!"

The central fortress exploded instantly, and a silver energy circle continued to spread to the surroundings, getting farther and farer until it gradually faded ...

Josie Atwater is a purely upright soldier. This fleet has almost grown up by his hands, and is the spiritual teacher of many captains.

The entire Nova Corps fell into sorrow. At this moment, a cold female voice suddenly sounded: "This is not the time to cry. I am the deputy commander Eva Bakan. Now I have taken over the command of the fleet. It takes ten minutes for the weapon to recharge for the next time, and I ordered a quick contact war! "

"Fuck these bastards!"

"Get rid of the formation, re-establish vector navigation, and envelope from the flanks, we want to kill this big!"

"Pay attention to the other person's dark star, Ronan's **** is on it, who will blame him!"

The fleets of the two sides merged together almost instantly, the laser missiles turned into a mess, and some spacecrafts collided and exploded almost directly. This was the worst battle.

At the same time as the convoys of the two sides converged, the aircraft carriers of both sides simultaneously ejected small spacecraft like dense swarms of bees.

On the side of the Nova Legion, there are all eight starships, and the other party has a Zetaru airship, and there are also ships that have double-winged bullets.

Jesse Alexander was sitting in the cockpit of his eight-pointed starship, eyes full of angry flames.

He was once arrested by the Star Slave Merchant, rescued by Commander Josie Atulwater, and then entered the Nova Corps to become an excellent pilot.

The news of the death of a man like his father saddened him, but now he just wanted revenge.

At this time, the order came from the cockpit, "The third batch, ready to dispatch."

Subsequently, a light aperture illuminated the passage of the spacecraft. After hearing another command, Jesse Alexander started the thruster fiercely.

Every aperture was thrown to the back of the head in an instant, the speed was getting faster and faster, straight to the small white dots in front of the exit.

A flash of light flashed, and Jessie Alexander flew out of the aircraft carrier in an occult starship.

In front of the eyes was a mess, huge spacecrafts were constantly exploding, lasers and missiles were shooting wildly.

Cleverly avoiding two missiles, and twisting left and right to avoid the debris of the large spaceship roaring through the irregular movement, Alexander piloted the spacecraft and quickly destroyed several small missions of the Dark Order.

The outstanding record quickly caught the attention of the enemy. Several small ships came straight to him, but Jesse Alexander took them around, and gathered the scattered members of the New Star Corps along the way. Soon they came. Anti-surrounding.

After killing a group of small ships following the Dark Order, Alexander led the gathered members to kill several large ships with damaged energy shields.

While following the excited shouts of the other members of his Nova Corps, Jesse Alexander shouted calmly: "Follow me, cover, I'm going to do big!"

The other members had trusted him for a long time, and followed them to cover them dexterously, and even two ships helped him to block the missile.

Twenty seconds later, they had penetrated into the spaceship of the Dark Order, and more and more members of the Nova Corps died, but Jesse Alexander's face was quiet.

Just then, the Dark Order's doomed star-strike weapon once again began to recharge.

The other captains of the Nova Legion widened their eyes in disbelief: "We have entered the contact war, aren't they afraid of hitting their own?"

Interim commander Eva Bakan snorted, "These guys are after death, they rushed up, and they hit him!"

Several large frigates of the Nova Corps rushed desperately to the Dark Squad's Star Destruction Weapons, but were entangled by the crazier Dark Squadron ships, plunged into the mud and being destroyed.

Just when they were a little desperate, Alexandr relied on the small stature of the eight-pointed starship to drill into the energy evacuation hole of the Dark Order annihilation weapon, and began to destroy from the inside.

The rumbling explosion sounded continuously, and this behemoth began to shatter from the top ...

"Good job!" Interim Commander Eva Bakan finally showed a hint of excitement, "If the little guy can come out alive, bring him to see me!"

As the two sides continued to flee, a small Ω-shaped spaceship suddenly burst out from the opponent's camp, penetrated the front of the Nova Legion at an unparalleled speed, and went straight to Sandar Star.

A dozen octagonal spacecrafts followed, but the armor of this spacecraft was unexpectedly powerful and difficult to break.

Even more unbelievable, when they approached, a hatch suddenly emerged from the top of the ship, and a blue-skinned woman in a white robe came out with a robotic arm wrapped around her waist.

After seeing her holding her forehead with the **** of both hands, several of the closest octant starships suddenly turned their muzzles and killed her partner.

"Come back! That's the superstar who has superb mind control in the Dark Order!" Interim Commander Eva Bakan quickly ordered.

"Commander, what should we do?" A deputy asked.

Eva Bakan shook his head ~ ~ and handed it to the ground forces. Our goal is to prevent the other large forces from entering the planet space. "

at the same time,

The capital of Sandar Star.

At this time, it was night, and countless residents walked out of the house, silently praying as they watched the continuous light in the night sky.

Just in the corner they couldn't see, a white light flashed, and Li Mo frowned and came out.

When he inquired about rocket information according to the plot, he found that Chin Space Prison had been completely closed.

So I had to rely on ignorance to transmit the cortical center here.

Looking at the lively battle scenes in the sky, Li Mo was aggressive and said, "Is this what?"

At this moment, an omega-shaped spacecraft cut through the sky, and landed on the square quickly under the guard of several Nova Legion Eight-Ball Starships, and stopped after holding a long mark on the lawn of the park.

Luo Nan and several members of the Dark Order came out with a calm face and just saw Li Mo not far away.

Luo Nan's eyes lit up, and he raised a universal weapon and pointed at Li Mo, "This monster!"

The ebony throat flew over quickly, with a look of coldness in his eyes, "Who the **** are you? How dare you **** what the Lord Thanos ordered."

The corner of Li Mo's mouth crooked,

"Octopus, you better stay away, I ordered the gem of strength."

"On the orders of the collector!"

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