Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 179: One thousand six hundred and sixty-six

"This is a pit! This is a routine!"

Li Mobai gave Agatha Huxson a glance, "Don't overestimate my sense of justice. If I am unhappy, I will just lift the table."

There is a special introduction in "Luo Hong Features", the extra dimension is close to the main universe, and the space barrier is also strong or weak.

This determines the extra dimension of the demon's influence on the main universe.

The dark dimension of horror of the same nature, it is a little bit farther for Weston to even split up, and for some special reasons, only poorly, through a "Book of Darkness", to exert his influence.

You know this guy is the origin of all black magic.

And Domam, who was once a human, fortunately entered a dark dimension closest to the main universe, so counting this guy is the most active, but there is no trouble for Master Gu Yi.

Thinking of this, Li Mo suddenly frowned and asked, "No, at this time, the three temples should have been established, and what about the ancient master of this timeline?"

"Rest assured, you will see." The old Agatha stroked the black cat who had been snoozing comfortably: "The barriers of the three temples are very strong, so what you have to deal with is Domam's men. By."

"Domham's dog legs?" Li Mo shrugged. "Then the problem is not big."

The unintentional is a creature magic puppet made by Domam, which is the kind of monster that Casillas and other believers finally become in the movie. It is dark and has shiny eyes.

They are called mindless because their souls have long been devoured by Dom.

Domam is powerful because it has no specific entity, it is a magical creature burning with flames, and has endless magic power.

The unintentional person is equivalent to a biological robot that can link energy in the dark dimension, and is the only subordinate of Domam in the dark dimension.

Having said that, Li Mo stood up and said, "Let's go and finish home early. You can do this kind of thing, why do you have to drag me on."

"Because you see only one of my many travels in the long river, and can only perform some simple magic." Old Lady Agatha also stood up and smiled: "So, I can't do anything. "

"Your courage is so big." Li Mo stared at the old woman with a stunned look.

This is almost a complete division of the soul and body into countless pieces, and placed in different time periods, a little difference, the soul will become incomplete.

"No way, there is a powerful dimensional demon who is my opponent. My complete soul will be discovered immediately by him. Only in this way can I keep my life." The old woman sighed.

"Who is so cruel?" Li Mo pouted his lips.

"Marduk, people on the earth often call him Satan," said Old Lady Agatha with a grin.

"You are so unlucky." Li Mo gave the old lady a pitying look.

"Oh, poor child." The old Agatha shook her head. "My trouble is worse than you."

"Let's end this bitter topic." Li Mo rolled his eyes.

The two were chatting while flying, and unknowingly had arrived outside London.

In the dark night when the moon is clear, the ground is rough, and a relatively flat dirt road, Newton's carriage is rushing to Cambridge.

Agatha and Li Mo floated in the sky and waited silently.

"I'm weird. Everyone knows that Domam's ambition is to annex all the extra dimensions. What's the trouble with Newton?" Li Mo asked.

"The son of destiny can make a special kind of unintended person, very powerful, and an important helper in conducting dimensional warfare. He can even let Domham descend on the earth without hindrance."

The two were chatting, Li Mo suddenly frowned, and he felt the magic wave of the door of dimension.

A green dimensional door suddenly appeared on a meadow not far from the carriage. A dozen people were dark, eyes flashed red, and human-like careless people rushed out, rushing towards the carriage like wolves. .

"Our guest is here. Please entertain yourself."

After Li Mo said a word, he reached out and turned all the careless people into the mirror space.

In the mirrored space, the earth began to rotate continuously like a vortex, forming a huge depression.

All the unintentional people were drawn in, and even the station stood erratic.

After they barely maintained their balance, they looked neatly at Li Mo flying in the sky, a flash of red light in his eyes, a dozen red magic energy rays shot at Li Mo, and the energy suddenly appeared in front of Li Mo The shield blocked, and the surrounding air seemed to be burning.

Unlike the continuous firing of other magical creatures, the magic rays of these guys are like laser light without stopping for a moment.

With a wave of his hand, Li Mo summoned a few tentacles and big eyes, while engulfing a few unconscious people like a python, he launched an energy ray and launched an attack.

The careless person caught by the tentacles quickly turned into a twist-like thing and was thrown out, and the rest was beaten up by the energy rays of the big eyes.

However, the situation that surprised Li Mo appeared.

Those unconscious who were hit by the energy ray hardly hurt, and the unconscious who was twisted into twists quickly turned his knuckles back to his normal shape.

Because all this is in the mirrored space, the coachman can see nothing.

At night, Newton's carriage slowly left here.

Li Mo saw each of the unconscious people recovered, raised his eyebrows and said to Agatha, "Wow, these small gadgets are really good. Not only are they powerful, they look extremely difficult. destroy."

"Yes." Agatha Huxson used a phase magic to let the body pass through the magic energy rays emitted by the unconscious person like a picture of an unreal flash. "They link the energy of the dark dimension. Unless the dark dimension is destroyed, these guys are immortal beings."

"Maybe I can try another method." After Li Mo said, he immediately extracted the power of the real gem used by the dimensional energy.

With a faint purple smoke passing by, the dark skin of an unintentional person spraying magical energy rays from his eyes gradually turned gray, and soon became a stone statue. Then he was smashed by a big helper who was thrown over.

After killing five careless people like this, Li Mo frowned and stopped.

The first is that the dimensional energy required to change reality is too powerful, which is a bit uneconomical.

What's more, these careless pieces that were broken into pieces slowly recovered from the rocks into a biological form, and wriggled and wanted to gather together.

"Don't these guys die?" Li Mo had a big head.

"Unless you can cut off the connection with the dark dimension." Agatha Huxson shrugged. "If these guys get out of control, even Domham will have a headache."

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Li Mo complained, and then waved, trapping these careless people in the mirror dimension, and he and Old Lady Agatha came out.

Li Mo came directly to the door of the dimension that was still open, and reached into a root beard: "Domam, I'm here to discuss the conditions!"

Li Moben wanted to say that as long as he didn't make trouble, he wouldn't parasitize the dark dimension for the time being.

But after waiting for a long time, there was nothing in it.

"Domam's dark dimension has been expanding, and the other dimensional lords are in a state of war. I don't think he paid too much attention to it, just sent his men over." Said the old lady Agatha.

Li Mo is a little strange. "So, this guy, Domam, is a rich man, doesn't care about the energy I extract?"

"Maybe ..." Witch Agatha wasn't sure.

Li Mo laughed, using the power of the real gem directly to extend the root beard that became deeper and thicker, and continued to fork, deeply rooted into the dark dimension of the void.

This root whisker is almost several times thicker than the other root whiskers combined. The unprecedented dimensional energy is constantly being extracted and quickly poured into the trunk of the vampire vine.

Li Mole was broken. It was a night of riches. He began to look forward to the best. Domam would never notice it.

However, as the roots continued to grow, Dorma finally felt it.

He has a bad relationship with other dimensions, so he has not heard of Li Mo.

After half a day of futile effort, Li Mo's parasites in the dark dimension of the void still cannot be driven away.

At the same time, Li Mo also felt the existence of Domham through the roots, a skeleton-like black core, and a star-sized, burning magic flame outside.

A message came, only one word, "Go!"

Li Mo drew his eyes, but said calmly, "Domam, I'm here to discuss the conditions."

But Domamu ignored him, and continued to use the magic of destroying the world, turning the dark dimensions near the door of the dimension into a void state, in an attempt to clear Li Mo's parasitic roots of the dark void.

Although he is indeed an ant to these dimensional demon gods, Li Mo is still a bit depressed by this disregard of Domham.

Seeing no communication, he simply increased the roots to the current limit. At the same time, the dimensional energy that has been increased several times has been used to turn all unintentional people into yellow mud like stools and directly thrown into the dimensional door.

After finally using the tentacles to mess up the magic structure, the door of dimension was closed.

The witch Agatha was stunned when she saw Li Mo tearing her face. She shook her head and said, "Domam is a very revengeful guy."

"It's not a level opponent, it can't communicate at all." Li Mo shrugged. "Let's do it, don't worry about debt. We have prevented him from dealing with Newton, and Domma won't be able to pass for a while. This one It should be over. "

Agatha Hickson shook his head, his face looked a little dignified: "This is just the beginning. When we look back on this era, there are always many unspeakable mysteries. Several timelines are entangled and related to the whole diversity. The fate of the universe. "

"To be specific." Li Mo frowned.

"It's 1666 AD. What do you think of when you see this number?" Asked Old Lady Agatha.

"It is called the Sixth and Sixth Great Shun in the East, and it is a very evil number in the Western Bible Revelation."

Mrs. Agatha's face became more dignified than ever: "This is a special point of time, even if we come back from the future, we can not grasp the trajectory of destiny. You must remember what I said below, this matter and the apocalypse ..."

Agatha stopped suddenly, her face full of sorrow, because a green light suddenly shot from behind and enveloped her.

"Exile!" After a voice came from below, the witch Agatha suddenly disappeared into this spacetime.

The sudden situation left Li Mo confused and even forgot to stop, because he saw the magician below him, Stephen Stranger, next to the Pharaoh who passed with him.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?" Li Mo asked in wonder: "Stephen, why did you do that?"

"Don't be fooled by this vicious witch." Stephen Stranger looked angrily: "She killed the master Gu Yi of this timeline!"

Li Mo's eyes narrowed. "What the **** is going on?"

"Come with me, time is running out." Strange said immediately and opened a sparkling space-time door with a suspension ring.

Li Mo frowned and walked into the space-time door with them.

Opposite it is a monastery-like building, and the torches hanging on the wall in the darkness render the atmosphere a little weird. From time to time, monks in sackcloth monastic clothes passed by anxiously.

Strangy and Pharaoh looked anxiously to lead the way, Li Mo followed without asking where it was.

Things became a little confusing, and somehow got caught up in this era, and encountered a bunch of inexplicable things.

He had felt something wrong, and it seemed that everything had come a bit too coincidentally.

Fate arrangements?

He never believed in these things.

It is nothing but this storm caused by some people or the devil wants to achieve a certain purpose.

What he didn't understand was why he was involved?

But no matter who he is, Li Mo will make him clear that he is not an obedient chessman.

Several people walked around, passed through several dim corridors under the torch, and came to a large and spacious room.

There is no decoration in the room, there is only a stone platform in the center. Compared with the future, the master Gu Yi who has not changed the appearance is lying on the top with his eyes closed.

Standing beside him was a kind old man in a monastic suit, thin and sloppy, with a long white beard.

Strange stopped and turned to introduce to Li Mo: "This is Brother Cruto of this hermitage, Master Gu Yi's best friend."

Li Mo nodded and asked, "What happened to Master Gu Yi?"

The old monk Cruto expressed concern: "He was possessed by a powerful dimensional demon, and I have never seen anything so evil."

Li Mo looked stunned, "Master Gu Yi, possessed by the Devil of Dimensions? Just kidding!"

At this time, the master Gu Yi in a coma was suddenly full of energy, a desolate and ancient feeling of evil filled the hearts of everyone, the stone bed and the surrounding ground were creaking.

An illusive figure appeared in front of the crowd, countless tentacles twisted like snakes, with a big eye in the center, staring at the crowd without any emotion.

The brains of the people at the same time burst into cyanosis, and then various negative emotions came to mind, violently trying to destroy everything.

"Don't look at that eye!" The old monk Crutu yelled, then folded his hands, used a kind of magic similar to the spiritual barrier, and a faint white light separated the crowd from the master Gu Yi who was possessed by the demon. .

All three of Li Mo were back to normal, and Strange and Pharaoh started staring at Li Mo with a strange look.

"Shit! That tm isn't me!" Li Mo was a little irritated, and then he stretched out his hand, and a dozen tentacles and seven or eight big eyes appeared.

In everyone's horrified eyes, he stared at each other with the eyeball that was attached to Master Gu Yi ...

Seven big eyeballs stared at one ~ ~ The big eyeball finally showed a faint feeling, and then slowly disappeared with the tentacles.

"The demon of this dimension is called Shuma Godzilla. There is a nickname called Old Dominator." Li Mo shook his head. "I only know so much."

"He's not wrong at all," said Elder Crutu. "Many latitude deities have tentacles and weird eyes, and they don't say anything."

"I listen to you so awkwardly." Li Mo scratched his head.

Just then, a familiar woman's voice came from behind him: "Li, you're here."

Li Mo turned her head to look at a woman with a domineering, **** face, wearing a tight green leather coat, and Ophelia of Hydra.

"Why are you here?" Li Mo was strange.

Ophelia smiled bitterly: "It's hard to say."

"Then we'll find a place to talk about it later." Li Mo nodded.

Then turned to look at the old monk Crutu, "Master Gu Yi is indeed possessed by the Demon of Dimensions, is there any way?"

"We have tried all the methods and are useless," said the old monk Crutu bitterly. "Gu Yi has been fighting with strong willpower, but the situation is getting worse. Some time ago When he awoke, he specifically instructed that if there was no solution in the end, he would join him ... "

"Take it together!"

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