Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 180: "Genesis"

"Never do this!"

Strance said firmly, "We must not only save the ancient master, but also prevent this from happening."

"What the **** is going to happen?" Lee Morton asked for a moment. "Why did you say that the witch Agatha killed Master Gu Yi, what did she do?"

"Let me explain, Master Gu Yi said that there will be a terrible disaster, and we must stop it."

The old monk Crutu suddenly said, "That is an evil witch. From ancient times to the present, there are many terrible disasters behind her. Master Gu Yi was also possessed by the dimensional demon shortly after she knew her.

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Li Mo asked with a frown.

老 The old monk Crutu shook his head.

那么 "So, this is just your guess?" Li Mo asked immediately.

"Li, why do you justify that vicious witch, Master Gu Yi treats you better than the average disciple." Strinch was a little angry.

"I just don't think she looks like that person." Li Mo frowned. "Strandch, since you have taken over the burden of the Supreme Master, you can't let anything affect your judgment. Seeing that real."

"I seriously suspect you have been cast by a witch!" Strinch snorted.

"Stupid fork!" Li Mo squeaked directly.

Scrutinizing the atmosphere a bit stiff, Pharaoh rushed to the round field "Everyone don't quarrel, the most important thing now is to save Master Gu Yi."

Li Mo nodded and did not take Ristrange anymore, turned to ask Master Crout and asked, "I have no experience with this situation of possession. Is there any way for you?"

"If the average demon is not a problem, but the dimension demon Schumacolas you say is the most terrifying guy I have ever seen ..."

Crutu said with a sigh, and then suddenly thought of mentioning something thoughtfully. "Gu Yi mentioned before that there is a treasure called the Medal of Strength, which has a powerful dispel ability, and may be useful. But I never heard Said such things. "

"Medal of Strength?"

Li Mo frowned, "It seems that I have heard of ..."

Subsequently, he retrieved the data stored in the nano glasses.

"Here it is, here." Li Mo said as he watched. "Master Gu Yi wrote some essays in Plato's" Crete As ". Plato just described his ideal town in Atlantis. Actual This highly developed country, where magic and technology coexist, is ruined by their endless greed. The last treasure they refined was the Medal of Strength ... "

"Treasures of the Atlantis period." Li Mo frowned after retrieving the information. "Although the specific role of the Medal of Strength was not stated, it was always a hope."

可 "But this treasure only exists in the legend, we have no clue." Crutu shook his head and said.

"No, we still have a way!" Li Mo smiled, turned his head and squinted at Strange, "Hey, the guy with kidney deficiency, have you learned divination?"

Strange's tone was also not good, "I learned it early, so I am the Supreme Master and you are not."

Li Mo's face turned black, "fk!"

Strance raised his eyebrows proudly, "For the accuracy of divination, I need something, a crystal ball of sufficient age, the grave grass of the fallen, the ashes of the saint ..."

"I'll send someone to look for it, it will take about two days." The old monk Crutu nodded, and hurried out.

I saw Strangie and Pharaoh seem to have something to say, Li Mo also turned around and walked out with Ophelia watching the lively side.

Don't reunite for a long time, and it is in this timeline that was hundreds of years ago that the two will inevitably "celebrate", so a fierce battle started in the guest room.

After an hour, the two were lying naked on the bed, and you took a sip of smoke afterwards.

"Did you believe that old man?" Ophelia asked suddenly.

"Of course not." Li Mo shook his lips. "What I didn't say is that after getting the name of the demon of the dimension of Schuma, I deliberately consulted a lot of information, and finally found a clue in the notes of a dark magician. "

"This big-eyed man was born in the dark and dark void of chaos, whose strength is inestimable, probably at the same level as Setorak and Sisorn. In the Jurassic period, his avatar once ruled the earth for a period of time. Deportation has returned to a distant extra dimension. This guy has a weakness. A powerful magic book called "Evil Iron Book" can be summoned and deported. So Master Gu Yi is most likely man-made. "

There was a slight radian in the corner of Ophelia's mouth. "From the bad guy's point of view, I think there is something wrong with that Crutu."

"I don't believe him." Li Mo smiled, "But no matter what he wants to do, he must maintain the current state of Master Gu Yi to drive us. And what the **** is this medal of strength, I Also curious. "

"Forget it, don't talk about it." Li Mo shook his head and asked Ophelia "How did you get here?"

"I found the clue to the Book of Darkness." Ophelia smiled bitterly. "But the development of things was a little bit unpredictable ..."

Being eager to release the blessing and curse of Sisorn, Ophelia launched an investigation immediately after Li Mo left the earth.

Everything will reveal some clues, not to mention that Ophelia is also a senior member of Hydra, and some clues point to Sokovia, a small Eastern European country.

男 Baron Wolfgang von Struck, according to a black market businessman, when he sent something to Socovia's castle, he encountered strange phenomena and terrible screams.

欧 And when Ophelia hurried to Socoway, she found that it had become a ghost, and the residents of the whole town had become monsters like ghouls.

"The Book of Darkness" is out of control, Baron Strak is dead on the spot, a mysterious man in a hood is trying to use a spell to control a girl in red leather.

Beside them, there was a book of Dark God.

莫 Here Li Mo admires Ophelia's guts, but she sneaks around to try to steal the Book of Darkness.

The mysterious man in the hood of the hood immediately launched magic into the Book of Darkness upon discovery, so all three came to this age. Ophelia, who was unconscious, was rescued by Master Gu Yi and stayed in this monastery.

"Haha." Li Mo laughed when he heard this, "It really is an extraordinary age, first Dumam, and then came to Schumacolas. Now it seems that Sisorn also wants to have a fun."

"Westorn?" Ophelia unconsciously took a look of worry, "Why do you say that?"

莫 Li Mo's smile was a little funny, "As a caregiver, did you receive revelation when you approached the Book of Darkness?"

"Shit!" Ophelia finally thought about this problem that she had been subconsciously trying to avoid, and frowned, "What should I do?"

别 "Don't worry, now I may be able to remove the curse and sit over and let me try it." Li Mo said with a smile.

Ophelia nodded and sat up, Li Mo began to touch her smooth white back and attractive shoulders.

"Shit! Do you guys want to do it again?" Ophelia rolled her eyes.

"Shh, don't talk."

After Li Mo said a word, he summoned his big eyes and began to explore the power to perceive Sisorn's curse.

Soon he discovered that there was a powerful dark dimension of energy in Ophelia's brain, and he was familiar with the dimension energy of Sisorn.

He tried to use tentacle extraction when he was on the earth, but the effect was not very good, and now he has other methods.

Li Mo calmed down and began to extract dimensional energy and use reality gems to distort reality.

I was pleased that before the powerful power of the real gem, this cursed energy began to change a little bit into pure energy of life, constantly nourishing Ophelia's body.

Ophelia felt that the curse was gradually disappearing, and a constant power came from her body to nourish her body, and she couldn't help but excitedly said, "You succeeded!"

"No, it's almost there." Li Mo shook his head helplessly.

诅 This curse is like taking root, although most of the power can be removed using realistic gems, but it cannot be completely eliminated, and it is still slowly recovering.

没 "It doesn't matter, I'm very satisfied to be able to do this." Ophelia relaxed, lying in Li Mohuai and said, "This curse is tormenting me every day, and now I can finally sleep peacefully."

"It seems that our relationship will continue for some time." Li Mo smiled.

没 "No problem, master." Ophelia's eyes fluttered with charm and teaser, "What do you want me to do?"

咳 "Ahem ... I'm a serious person."

那 "What is your **** doing?"

"Of course thinking about the problem ..."

Uh ...

The next day, after the two refreshed, Ophelia asked, "What happened before made me feel uneasy. What should we do next?"

Li Mo touched his chin. "A witch mentioned Apocalypse to me before, but unfortunately he was expelled from Stranger before I said it. I didn't even ask if it meant a person or something, if you are fine Go find some relevant clues. "

Ophelia nodded, then changed into a pale green aristocratic female costume, gently shook a small fan at Li Mo, and said with a proud and husky **** voice, "I am Ophelie from Bavaria Ya, what do you do, gentleman? "

"The whole of England will be crazy for you, dear lady." Li Mo smiled and kissed.

Ophelia then left, and Li Mo didn't worry about this woman at all, because she was the most authentic demon girl.

When Li Mo went to Master Gu Yi's room, he encountered Strangie and Pharaoh.

Li Mo and Strance both looked at each other and twisted their faces aside.

Pharaoh sighed helplessly and dragged Strangi's sleeve.

Strance reluctantly said, "Well, what I said last night is really not very pleasant."

Then the guy raised his chin and said in a proud tone, "but it is undeniable that it directly points to the key of someone."

"Don't point it out, dead guy!" Li Mo snorted. "As a Supreme Master, you're not good enough. I just saw a reckless and stupid fool."


"Kidney Deficiency!"

Two people snorted at the same time and passed by.

Pharaoh shook his head helplessly and followed.

Li Mo then entered the room and came to the unconscious Gu Yi and sat down.

After the little monk who took care of him left, Li Mo sighed and said to himself, "Teacher, you know that I have appeared in the original history of this universe. Why did you lie to me that I just came to this world by accident A light rain? "

"Are you really dead or are you beyond this dimension?"

"I know you are a good person, and I can also feel that you care about me, but in the end ..."

"What are you hiding?"

Uh ...

Ophelia's action was fast, and there was news that day.

Li Mo changed into a baroque aristocratic men's clothing, and Ophelia took a carriage to a high-end salon being held in a private villa outside London.

Beautiful and complicated crystal lamps are hung high, and a huge ancestor portrait is hung on the walls in turn.

In the bright living room, many people, also dressed in gaudy, are talking aloud about poetry, art, and politics. The waiter watched carefully, adding drinks and refreshments from time to time.

The arrival of Ophelia and Li Mo attracted everyone's attention. Of course, most people were looking at Ophelia. The gentleman greeted him with eyes full of longing.

Ophelia kissed and smiled and nodded, and at the same time, in the lost and incredible eyes of everyone, Li Mo put his arms in arms.

Although he didn't care about these fool aristocrats, Li Mo was still proud of looking at the jealous eyes.

Ophelia is a woman who understands men's hearts too well.

The two then came to a hidden guest room, and a fat old man with a beard was waiting there.

Ophelia chuckled and introduced, "This is the host here, Lord Mayor of London, Sir Thomas Bradworth."

He then introduced to the Mayor of London, "This is a big nobleman from the Far East, Li Mo. His family controls most of the tea and ceramics business."

Li Mo nodded, and said kindly and kindly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Thomas. We plan to find a European agent, and heard that your family has a large fleet, so come for a while."

爵士 Sir Thomas kindly invited Li Mo to sit down. For him, the person who can bring profits is the most noble person.

怎么 Otherwise, how could he take the throne of the Mayor of London.

After all, talking about benefits is out of style, so the two started a variety of small talk first.

After a while, Li Mo asked a question, "I heard that your fleet is having some trouble?"

"Fuck the Dane!" Sir Thomas said angrily. "They deceived us and turned to attack our fleet again. Last year they formed alliances with the Dutch and the French to deal with us again, Dear Duke York I actually missed it. "

"Isn't your country's current situation a little bad?" Li Mo drank lipstick tea and said playfully, "I saw a lot of deaths in London, but I saw the singing and dancing leveling up here, which is really a bit confusing."

"The royal family has evacuated from London a long time ago, and I must find a place to settle the messy outsiders who can only make trouble."

Sir Thomas sighed and complained: "As you can see, the war between Britain and the Netherlands, the large-scale reduction of grain production, and the threat of the Black Death, England is indeed in a bad situation. But rest assured, I will guarantee your interests."

"Of course I believe in you." Li Mo frowned. "But war, famine, and plague, if there is another major disaster, it will inevitably make people think of some bad things."

"You mean the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse in the Apocalypse?" Sir Thomas opened his eyes wide and then said angrily, "You must have met the gang of gods. When these things happened, how did these guys come out and make waves, Puritan, Anglicans, and **** Catholics, nothing good ... "

After listening to the mayor of London, Sir Thomas complained, Li Mo nodded with a smile, gave a false oral contract, and took Ophelia out of the carriage.

"Do you think this will be related to the Apocalypse?" On the carriage, Ophelia asked ~ ~ The same thing is happening in the world all the time, and there is no so-called Judgment Day. Li Mo snorted dismissively. "Beware of it for the time being. "

The horse-drawn carriage gradually entered London. On the dirty streets, weary pedestrians stunned away from the sick dead corpses being carried out. A group of people in black robes chanted "Genesis"

The crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah were so serious that they heard the word of the Lord, who would send two angels to destroy the city ...

When I returned to the monastery, Li Mo was so angry that Stranger had a divination ceremony without waiting for him.

"Looking at you as a ghost, you must have failed." Li Mo said angrily.

"I certainly won't fail!" Stranger said, twisting his face to the side.

Pharaoh shook his head helplessly and came forward and said, "The divination ceremony has indeed succeeded, but we have found a lunatic who sleeps on the street."

Li Mo nodded and saw a unkempt, dull-eyed guy sitting in the room. The sour smell of wine and the ragged clothes like a rag revealed an unbearable taste.

Li Mo frowned, covered her nose and asked, "Hey, what's your name?"

After asking a few times in a row, the tramp slowly turned his head, and said confusedly, "I don't know who I am and why I am here, but I seem to have a name ..."

"Johnny Blazer."


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