Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 191: Three empires

"Where did you hear that?"

Li Mo frowned and asked quickly.

Roman Day said a surprised glance at Li Mo. "You know? Because I was arranged to take care of many receptions, the Supreme Star has authorized me to view some top-secret materials."

"I didn't expect this legend to be true." Li Mo's face was incredible.

"Stop, what are you talking about?" Tony asked in a fog.

Li Mo thought for a while and said to the crowd: "Let's go find a place to talk, this is actually some secret of the universe."

The spacecraft soon landed on a large lawn in a sunny mountain.

At this time in the spring of the planet, countless fists, dandelion-like things are flying around, as beautiful as snowflakes.

Li Mo took out a cigarette and took a deep breath after lighting it. "On some of Asgard's materials, I saw information about the planet devourer. According to the description, this is a human appearance. , But it is unknown like a machine. Its size is too large, and few people can describe it in detail. It is a nightmare to know that this guy relies on devouring the planet to maintain his life. "

Looking at Tony's dazed faces, Li Mo went on to say, "I used to think it was a projection of some kind of void creature, but there are signs that it really exists in this universe."

Tony turned back and said in amazement, "The universe is really amazing."

Bruce Banner said with some concern: "In case, I mean, in case this Devourer is on Earth, what should we do?"

"Don't worry." Li Mo smiled. "Earth is almost a remote country in the Milky Way. Does he like to eat multigrain bread with so many delicious cakes?"

Tony and Reed nodded in agreement. Reed said with a smile: "The Milky Way has hundreds of billions of stars, and the number of planets is even more unpredictable. Even if this guy is picky, the chance of staring at Earth is very slim."

Tony looked at Roman Day, "Man, can you tell us about the three empires, I'm interested."

Roman Day thought for a moment and nodded, "Well, it's also an open secret anyway ..."

The Skurul Empire has the longest history, being a race that immigrated from other galaxies to the Fairy Galaxy. This is a civilization with a strong religious atmosphere, but the emperor has supreme power.

The Skullurs have green skin and wrinkled chins, and they have been at the forefront of evolution. You can rely on the mind to affect the unstable molecules of the body, and then change the shape through the contraction and expansion of muscles, and even imitate the superpower of the target.

They have a higher standard of biological genetic engineering and mechanical engineering than other civilizations. Since the destruction of the Capital Star and the death of all members of the royal family with orthodox succession, the whole civilization has formed a warlord melee.

The early development of the Cree civilization was strongly supported by the Skullur Empire, but for various reasons, the two major civilizations became deadly enemies. Large and small wars lasted for thousands of years.

The Kerry Empire is located in the Large Magellan Galaxy next to the Milky Way. This is a highly centralized militarized country. Their leader, Supreme Wisdom, is a super biological computer that was created and embodies all the scientific and cultural culture and military ideas of the Cree.

Because of the stagnation of the evolution of civilization, the Kerry Empire is also currently in chaos, with resistance forces of all sizes.

Because of the current chaos and turmoil in the two empires, the universe has temporarily formed a weird peace situation.

The last Shia Empire is currently the most powerful country. They have a high level of science and technology. The only star gate that can pass through the planetary system is built by the Shia Empire. Their supreme leader is Queen Lilandra.

The main race of the Empire, the Shia, is a cold-blooded human race that evolved from bird descendants. The feather crown on the head is exactly where the human hair is.

In addition, the Shia empire also has a characteristic, especially likes to integrate foreign cultures, and it is with a compulsive nature, so the other races of the empire are difficult to classify.

Because the three empires are currently in a state of stagnation in civilization evolution, in order to prevent the destruction and decline of civilization due to war. At the initiative of the three empires, the Galactic Parliament responsible for negotiating and mediating cosmic disputes was also established.

"Know why I don't care about Hydra." Li Mo said with a smile, "still, when you put the problem at the universe level, you can see it openly."

Tony and they are all wiser than ordinary people, and instantly understood Li Mo's meaning.

Don't say these behemoths, even for some small civilizations, the earth is struggling to protect itself when facing.

For the establishment of the Galactic Assembly, if it were not for Li Mo, they would not have known the news, let alone come to watch the excitement.

Tony and Reed are silent.

Where does the future of the planet go?

How can many civilizations survive?

This makes them feel stressed.

It's not that these guys are arrogant about nosy, but a sense of mission and responsibility.

Li Mo looked at the huge engineering spacecraft that was busy working in the distance, and said, "So I don't want to pay attention to some things. In my opinion, the earth is good, the three empires are good, all civilizations are just Only temporary survivors. The evolution of civilization has been calculated for more than 10,000 years. At that time, we have already become a handful of dust, and it is enough to make life more exciting. "

Tony rolled his eyes and didn't want to speak, still frowning anxiously.

"Come on, I'll say it for free." Li Mo shrugged helplessly, "I wanted to take you out to play, but it turned into bitter gourd, boring."

The unconscious minds quickly returned to Sandar Star, and Tony and the three of them immediately gathered together after they returned, wondering what to discuss.

Li Mo didn't care about this. Every day, except to tease Ophelia, he spent all the time on magic research. To him, these unknown world mysteries are far more interesting than anything else.

As the magic and abilities he mastered became deeper and deeper, he had already been able to protect himself enough.

Because of the soul protection method and the making of magic books, he has now focused on the research of alchemy.

The first is a lot of reading, thinking and summarizing, seeing the essence of things through phenomena and complicated materials.

He had a wrong understanding of alchemy before, thinking that this thing was to make powerful items or magic potions and so on.

As his insights continued to grow, his views changed dramatically.

Alchemy in the narrow sense can be seen from the name, to obtain precious metals in order to obtain benefits. Of course, refining the sage's stone to obtain eternal life is also among them.

Alchemy in a broad sense is actually studying all material transformations and laws, and obtaining the truth of the universe through continuous experiments.

As Master Gu Yi said, both science and magic are just their own means in the pursuit of truth ...

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was a week.

The construction of Alstar was announced two days ago, and trained staff quickly settled in.

But today is ready, it is the important moment when the Galactic Assembly is announced.

Early in the morning, Li Mo was fiddled with by Stephanie and Ophelia for a long time and put on a white and white dress. Two inches of long black hair had been carefully shaped ...

When Stephanie wanted to spray him some perfume, Li Mo finally couldn't help but said impatiently, "I'm just going to watch a lively event."

Ophelia straightened his collar, "It doesn't matter that the eyes of others are correct, but those vulgar people may look down on it. Don't laugh! We need to get to know some people through you ..."

"Understand." Li Mo nodded. "I am still an important tool today."

"Are you angry with a woman?" Stephanie gave him a white look. "Master Noble."

"What **** aristocracy." Li Mo shook his lips. "It just sounds good, but it's no good."

"You're wrong." Ophelia shook her head. "With Sandal's current democratic republic, do you think they will easily send this title out? I asked, you have been the only one in 200 years. This shows that you are already one of the interstellar powerhouses they need to win. "

"Don't be fooled by these." Li Mo shook his head. "The guys are so arrogant that even Crazy Titan Thanos is on their wanted list."

"It's just the necessary political attitude." Ophelia smiled. "They know exactly who should be associated with. Do you think that Hydra Film can really grow at such a speed? Maybe we can be big. Maybe. Your pursuit is different from ours, but too many people are counting on you to live. "

Stephanie's breathing was a little rapid. "This is just the beginning. As you continue to grow stronger, the lives of countless planets will die between your grasp, if you reach eternity ..."

Talking, the woman's cheeks flushed and her eyes began to flow.

Li Mo was silent for a while and shook his head with a smile. "Human ... forget it, play with you. Since you like tossing so much, I will give you a big task in a while."

Li Mo didn't talk anymore, and let the two women sort out themselves, looking at herself in the tall frame. Dressed luxuriously, tall and straight, she has gradually gained a little momentum.

He suddenly remembered that when he first came to this world, he brushed his teeth in the mirror and happily every morning ...

The world will always change.


The Starship's concierge spacecraft slowly hovered above the square in front of Hydra Film. The bright yellow star in front of the bright yellow cabin was shining.

Li Mo finally came out, Stephanie and Ophelia wore his arms in a gorgeous **** dress, holding his arms from one side to the other, a blond hair with high noble elegance, and a dark green wave slanting one side Mysterious and sexy.

Tony hesitated after seeing it and couldn't help whistling.

Li Mo rolled his eyes and suddenly felt something wrong, and asked Stephanie next to him, "Did I not let you arrange a female companion for them all?"

Stephanie shrugged. "Reed is not interested, Bruce Banner is more concerned about his pet. As for Tony Stark, are you sure he is himself?"

Li Mo looked at Tony who was still discussing the matter with Reed and was silent.

He knew that Tony wanted to remain loyal to Pepper, but he preferred the **** who had been embarrassing him.

After a few people boarded the spaceship, the gorgeous concierge spacecraft slowly rose to the sky, flew out of the outer space of Sandar planet, and instantly jumped straight to Ayr Star.

After coming to the star system where El Star is located, it is already very lively, and countless different kinds of spacecrafts slowly dock in the surrounding planetary orbit.

The first fleet of the Nova Empire has been guarded here to take charge of security work. The huge mountain-like space fortresses, the array of spacecraft carriers, and the dense array of octagonal spaceships have all shown outstanding military might.

Many important figures of higher civilizations came, and Li Mo saw the Soverin's spaceship at a glance, which was the only place glittering.

The arrogant guy of the high priest of Ayesha should not come, after all, there are many more noble leaders than her. Should be a candidate sent by the aristocracy.

The other side of the spiral-shaped spacecraft, Li Mo, also knows that it is an ancient but deceased Padang people. It is said that their history is even older than the Cree and Skullur Empire, but now they are rich in interstellar bandits.

There is also the Corbin spaceship over there. It is said that the decline of this high-tech race and the planet devourer cannot be separated.

There is also the Riglian tribe, a mental race with a head that has advanced technology and technology. It was once stronger than the current Shia Empire, but now it is just some lingering guys.

Behind them is the Jalavi tribe, which originates from the Tianjin Galaxy of the Milky Way. This is a utopian civilization, and it was almost destroyed by the planet devourers. Fortunately, they produced a silver glider.

To prevent confusion, no spacecraft is allowed to approach Elstar.

Guests attending the ceremony will be picked up by Elstar from the small spacecraft of the Nova Empire First Fleet.

Both the Nova Corps and the three empires have issued statements that if someone comes to destroy today, he will become an enemy of the entire galaxy.

The man who came to pick up Li Mo was Roman Day, this guy looked very happy, and his uniform was very refreshing.

As soon as I got on the spacecraft, I kept talking with Li Mo about all the interesting things today.

Just when Li Mo couldn't stand the urgency ~ ~ Romanday was suddenly refreshed, "Three empires and Asgard are coming!"

A group of Li Mo looked at the floating screen of the spacecraft.

In orbit not far from a red planet, two huge flagships suddenly jumped out.

A rigorous shape, towering cannon gives a beauty of heavy industry. The other was serious and old-fashioned, with a black metal casing similar to the dark star.

Both flagships stretched for hundreds of kilometers, and oppressive momentum loomed.

From the transition, the two flagships began to confront each other and refused to give up each other. They locked each other with weapons.

"It's Skullur and Cree," Roman Day said worriedly, "but don't fight."

"Look, this is the Galactic Parliament that claims to promote peace." Li Mo raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"This is the excitement to watch today ..."

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