Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 192: Galactic Council

The huge flagship confronted each other in the orbit of the gaseous planet, and there was a great disagreement between the two sides.

What is the concept of a hundred-kilometre-long spaceship? It stands up to 100,000 meters high, and the car needs to drive for one hour at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. The most common laser gun is half as high as the Empire State Building.

If two such behemoths start to go crazy, the scene is absolutely terrible.

Tony opened his mouth. "It's the same on this occasion. Is their hatred so deep?"

"Stop it!" Li Mo chuckled, "But that is tens of thousands of years of interstellar war. The number of destroyed planets and populations is countless. If you can pay 1/3 of the empire's territory to completely destroy each other, I think both sides will have nothing Don't hesitate. "

Reed stared at the two flagships with full attention, constantly analyzing each other's various parameters, and then shook his head helplessly. "The earth is completely impossible to make such a spacecraft, not only for technical reasons, but the resources we consume are ours. Unimaginable numbers. And building such a spacecraft would definitely require a larger starport. "

Bruce Banner took the worries in his hands gently, frowned, and asked, "Do you think they will fight?"

"Just do it, neither side is a fool." Li Mo smiled easily. "This flagship is very powerful, but usually requires a larger fleet to defend it. I haven't seen the **** fleet on both sides." To stay in the cabin. "

At this moment, another spacecraft jumped in. This is a flagship of the silver cross type. The combined length of the two wings even reached 200 kilometers. At the center of the cross is a huge red energy ball, which looks extremely unstable like rolling magma.

This flagship was inserted obliquely between the Skulu and Cree spaceships, as a brave man suddenly deterred two young people.

"The Queen's car of the Empire of Shia, the Star of the Feathers ..." Romanday's eyes were full of obsession, and he murmured, "This spacecraft has exceeded the technology we understand. Have you seen the fireball in the middle? That was a strategic weapon of the Shia Empire, which could instantly cause a star to explode into a supernova. "

The three parties seemed to have some conversations, and soon the hostility was lifted.

"This Shia Empire looks prestigious," Tony said.

"It's also a poop." Li Mo shook his head. "It's a mediation dispute. In fact, it has been intervening in the middle. Their purpose is to keep the two sides in a situation that is not inferior to the other. Threat. Nothing is worse than aggressiveness than the other two civilizations. "

Tony sighed, "Isn't there a powerful civilization that loves peace in the universe?"

"If anything, it would have been destroyed a long time ago. This is the universe, the predator's paradise." Li Mo pouted his lips. "Okay, leave it alone, let's go."

The crowd nodded, boarded the spacecraft from Roman Daye in turn, and quickly flew towards El Star.

At the same time, among the other giant spacecrafts docked, a small spaceship also flew out, as the migrating huge migratory bird group converged towards Aier Star.

Breaking through the white clouds, Li Mo and they came to the administrative district where the Galactic Council is located.

At this time, the appearance has completely changed, and the huge building that cannot be seen at a glance is towering into the clouds. Countless spaceships and suspended vehicles shuttle like a regular swarm.

In the center of the city is the core parliament hall of the Galactic Council. This is a bizarre building with a pyramid-shaped base and a huge flat ball at the top.

The spacecraft landed a group of people down with a traction beam over the square in front of the Parliament Hall Square, and soon a staff member took them into the Parliament Hall.

There are countless functional areas inside the pyramid-shaped base, and it is difficult to count the 300-story building room at all. If it is not led by powerful intelligence, people will quickly get lost in it.

The various alien races on the corridor along the way can be described as strange, with red-skinned octopus heads, hair-like horns, heads as big as buckets, and crystal-like silicon-based life and insect signs. Races with front chews and compound eyes.

Of course, most of them are humanoid shapes. Look at the three empires. No one can tell why.

A group of people are assigned to a lounge with various functions, and the entertainment and food areas are highly intelligent and equipped with special cleaning robots.

Tony and Reed use the newly purchased nano glasses to record everything along the way. This is precious information for the earth. From time to time, he whispered a few sentences.

Stephanie was a bit frustrated. This was fundamentally different from her imagination. There was no society full of aristocratic etiquette and no reception like the high society, which made her ready to show her powers.

Li Mo smiled after seeing it, "No one has a mind to socialize now. The first galaxy meeting will be held later, and everyone's mind is on it. Only when the dust settles will they consider it. Others. Rest assured, there are many opportunities. Do you think such a big city is just for decoration? "

Stephanie then relaxed, and whispered with Ophelia to discuss the development plan of the Hydra film industry.

These two women are both ambitious. When they came to the universe, they found that there was no hope of relying on force. Instead, they started to develop the company first, and they had the funds and influence before considering other things.

Time passed quickly, and it was the first meeting of the Galactic Council.

The voice of the intelligent voice rang in the lounge. "Mr. Li Mo, please accept to lead into the meeting room, and other guests please watch through the hologram in the lounge."

Only those with voting rights can enter the round-shaped meeting room at the top. This is also one of the sources of Stephanie's confidence. Sandal, who has ten voting places, actually gave Li Mo a place.

This move made Li Mo baffled, but he accepted it with pleasure.

Sometimes rejection means hatred, and there is no harm in it. If there is any problem, it is left to Stephanie who is resident here to decide.

The bright silver and white passageway is full of holographic cursors of various colors. There is a distance to the elevator leading to the conference hall. Li Mo has been wandering while walking.

Nothing about the three empires, the peace of the universe, was of any interest to him.

At this time, he was thinking about a plan to establish his own alchemy laboratory.

This thing sounds simple, but if it is like those medieval alchemists, preparing several crucibles and making a shelf full of strange and strange monsters is just funny.

The alchemy laboratory he wants to prepare must first have a complete defense function, biological viruses, terrible chemicals, heterogeneous energy, and spatial dimensional loopholes. These dangerous things may be by-products of experiments.

In addition, the magic array, high-end metallurgical equipment, energy material converters ... must be fully equipped.

He also plans to prepare a small scientific research base and give it to the chief executive to support his research project.

In addition, there are a large number of staff who need to be resettled, so the establishment of a base is an urgent matter.

Ignorance is certainly the best choice. Originally, Li Mo planned to let McQueen treat this place as all food, but now it seems not to be so impulsive. After attending the meeting, go back and discuss with McQueen a good way.

There are already many enemies that Li Mo intentionally or unintentionally provoked, crazy Titan Thanos, collector Difan, Mephisto ...

In order to ensure the safety of the base, the funds used for construction must be an astronomical figure.

The problem is,

Li Mo scratched his head,

How much do I have?

He currently has two main industries, one is high-end cosmetics made in Asgard and sold to Soverin, and the other is Hydra Film.

I don't know if I can make it up,

Would you like to borrow a large amount first?


Just grab it?

When Li Mo was thinking while walking, a voice suddenly awakened him, "Hello Mr. Li, what are you thinking?"

Li Mo turned his head and opened his mouth, "Ke ... Kola?"

Opposite him is a woman with a beautiful figure and a height of 1.8 meters. She is wearing a golden robe, her hair is tall and she has a golden hair hoop, her golden skin, and her face is noble and dignified.

Exactly what he once was, the Sovilin envoy Cora, who was embarrassed to spend money with him.

"Hello, it's a great honor to meet you here." Cora's expression was serious, as if talking to a stranger.

Li Mo looked at another old male Sovereign in a golden robe next to her, and immediately realized, "I'm also very honored to see my partner here."

Cora said blankly to the old man next to him, "Speaker Garo, this is what you often ask, our partner Li Mo."

The speaker called Garrow smiled and nodded at Li Mo.

This made Li Mo be a little surprised, knowing that the Sovereigns he had met had a nostril, except for Kola, who was already familiar.

This speaker is not simple.

Speaker Gallo said with a smile: "Your respect for your performance in the Battle of Sandar is respectable, and I think we may be able to cooperate further."

Li Mo shouted, "No problem, everything is easy to say."

At this moment, Cora on the side said, "President Garo, the high priest also has some special needs for customized supplies. We need to discuss it. You can leave first."

Speaker Gallo nodded and smiled at Li Mo. "Mr. Li Mo, let's talk later."

After that, he quickly walked into the elevator.

Seeing the elevator door closed, Kola breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally the hypocritical guy was taken away."

Before Li Mo asked, Kola guided to the intelligent robot next to him and said, "We need a room to discuss things."

"Okay, please follow me." The hoverball-like intelligent robot responded quickly and took them into a room not far away.

"What ... hey ... why are you so anxious?" Li Mogang asked and shook his head helplessly, leaving Kola to take off his clothes frantically.

"The meeting is about to begin ..."

"It will take some time to be fully seated, enough, yes ..."

"Well, you asked for it."


After the passion, Li Mo lit a post-mortem cigarette, "It's been a long time since I met. How are you going after you go back?"

Cora has begun to tidy up his clothes, "orderly, intriguing, competitive and victorious ... this is the life and fate of our Soverin."

After she took care of her hair meticulously, she dragged Li Mo up to help him organize his clothes, and said with a smile: "Not long after I returned, I was forced to tell you what was with you Ayesha High Priest. "

"Aren't you Sovlin people looking down on other races, isn't that guy embarrassing you?" Li Mo asked with a frown.

"No." Kola smiled, "I didn't punish me because I needed your potion. In addition, after your incident at Sandal spread throughout the galaxy, my status also rose, and this time I was appointed Come and vote for the High Priest Special Envoy. "

"That's pretty much the same." Li Mo nodded.

After finishing their clothes, the two walked out of the door and entered the transfer elevator while chatting.

It was learned from Kola's words that the Soverinians also came here to vote to cope with it. They dared not provoke them too much, and they could not help it.

After all, this Galactic Council is still the game of the three Star Empires.

The circular conference hall is a hollow building surrounded by tens of thousands of separated rooms. After special lighting treatment, it is like a starry sky in a deep universe.

In the center is a round platform with a height of hundreds of meters. Those who need to speak need only press the button. A tall holographic image will be displayed in the center of the round platform, and the sound will spread throughout the venue.

Li Mo and the representative of Sandar Nova Empire are in the same room. No one except the Nova Supreme and Commander Ademose of the First Fleet knows the rest.

"Sir Li Mo finally arrived ~ ~ Silver-haired iron lady star smiled supremely," Sit down. "

Li Mo nodded to the crowd with a smile and sat in his place.

The light quickly dimmed. In the darkness, a three-dimensional three-dimensional projection over a hundred meters high appeared on the round platform in the center.

This is a kind-hearted elderly man in a purple-gold dress with a big head. He nodded with a smile, "Welcome the representatives of all civilizations to come to the meeting. This is the first time in the history. I hope all the delegates can let go Hatred and prejudice, try to agree as much as possible. And hope that the tragedy of our family will never appear in the universe. "

The new star Supreme saw Li Mo bewildered and explained: "This is the Elder Romanderer of the Riglian ethnic group. Their family once dominated the galaxy. For some reason, it completely fell. After changing their attitude, this Elders have always been widely respected and often help to mediate disputes. "

Li Mo nodded and did not speak, this is probably the role of peacemaker.

Elder Romandler looked around with a serious voice, "Now we are going to the first item of the meeting to consider and adopt the Declaration of Civilization of the Galactic Council."

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