Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 193: Haze of the 1st meeting

"... I hereby declare on behalf of the civilization in which I live, join the Galactic Council, and actively support and cooperate with the resolutions of the Galactic Council ..."

Elder Romandler was seriously chanting there, and a holographic image of the declaration appeared in front of the representatives.

Li Mo looked roughly. This so-called declaration was actually an agreement. After signing, he joined the Galactic Assembly.

And those who are eligible to join, at least have the technology of interstellar travel, the earth is still one step behind.

After the reading by Elder Romandler, representatives of various civilizations quickly voted.

There is basically no hesitation. No one here is a fool. Even the most narcissistic Soverin will not miss this opportunity. Although it may not be good to add it, it is absolutely bad luck not to add it.

The next item is the laborious signing and review of the Galactic Council Charter.

Why bother? This charter was drafted by the three empires, but it did not meet the wishes of other civilizations.

Coupled with the differences and particularities of civilization, each chapter and every verse will cause fierce quarrels, arguments and votes.

Li Mo's eyes were almost straight, and suddenly I felt it was a mistake to come here.

"Is it necessary, that a word's interpretation can trigger a round of quarrels?" Li Mo said wryly.

"It's necessary for some civilizations," explained a member of the Nova Empire Parliament who came to it. "For example, the definition of the ownership of the resource star discovery must be occupied, or as long as the spacecraft detects it. These two civilizations are almost At the same time, a mineral star rich in arsenic forest stone crystals has been discovered. You have been playing with me for several years. With the amendment of this charter, the ownership can be determined. "

Li Mo shook his head. "In the final analysis, there is still a gap in strength. If the Cree has taken over, you dare to say more nonsense."

The commander of the First Fleet, Admosk, is a tall Moorish man with long horns and fierce fighting. He nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, only these weak guys can pin their hopes on a note. You see, the people of the three empires have not spoken yet. "

The new star Supreme took a serious look at him, and Ademesh drew his head away quickly and stopped talking.

After listening for a while, Li Mo really felt bored and immediately got up and urinated.

When returning to the lounge, Li Mo found that Tony, Reed and even Stephanie and Ophelia were watching the holographic images carefully, and kept recording with nano glasses.

"Well, I'm French blind." Li Mo shrugged.

Fortunately, Dr. Bruce Banner did not have any interest in these, but just kept on worrying.

Li Mo smiled. He talked with Bruce Banner. It seemed that because of the little forgetfulness, he and Hulk had a tendency to merge.

It is just that Bruce Banner has been unable to get over his own hurdles, and is unwilling to be a green monster forever.

Nothing to do, Li Mo poured himself a glass of wine and sat by the window, looking at the high-rise buildings that were already a little hazy outside, sipped, and let Tony remind them when the charter was about to end.

He recalled what happened recently.

His strength is steadily improving. Although it has slowed down, he has the ability to protect himself.

The dimensional energy that can be absorbed is enough for his daily and combat use. Most of the basic magic is decomposed and recombined and engraved on the trunk of the vampire. Later, we will slowly study the deep magic as needed.

There are two things that need to be done at present: one is to deal with the nightmare king, and the other is to set up your own alchemy laboratory.

Waiting for the opportunity to deal with the nightmare king.

The cost of setting up an alchemy laboratory is astronomical, not to mention the ignorance of future transformation.

For a long time, the embarrassment about money once again came to Li Mo's mind ...

"Hey, tentacles, wake up, it's over. What are you thinking about?" Tony's voice suddenly awakened him.

"Oh, thinking about money ..." Li Mo froze, "It's over, then I'll walk around."

After that, Li Mo went out absently. Several people looked at each other.

Back in the private room of the conference hall, the new star Supreme was discussing with other people, did not care about Li Mo's whereabouts, just nodded.

Listening to their words, it seems like another round of voting just now. Ten major parliamentary seats were elected, and the Nova Empire was among them.

Just as Li Mo had just sat down, a sudden sting in the room awakened everyone in discussion. Li Mo has learned that this is a beep for someone to make a proposal.

Who is so anxious?

Everyone looked at the central platform.

Elder Romandler has been elected Speaker, but it seems that someone does not care about his authority.

He apparently froze in the three-dimensional stereoscopic image, then nodded and said, "Here is the big proposal, the supreme wisdom of the Kerry Empire, to issue the first proposal."

The image of Speaker Romandler disappeared, and another tall three-dimensional image appeared in front of everyone.

This is a huge cylindrical glass tank with slightly blue liquid in the tank constantly bubbling.

A huge and somewhat twisted skull was soaked inside, with a bare head, plump cheeks and chin, a face covered with weird beans, and blue-green skin, like a giant gourd in a plant vs a zombie.

Li Mo knew that this was a biological computer that gathered all the wisdom of the Cree, but he did not expect it to be so ugly.

Da Zonggua spoke with great wisdom, and his mouth was an accusation: "The purpose of the establishment of the Galactic Parliament was to maintain peace in the universe, and it was explicitly proposed that it could not conspire to destroy the development of other civilizations. The Kerry Empire's rebels Ronan organized rebels in the country, It caused major damage. After many failed encirclement and failures, we discovered that an unscrupulous civilization is secretly subsidizing him. Lord Shabak, what can you say? "

As soon as his words fell, a three-dimensional projection of a Skulu woman in a gorgeous white costume appeared across from him.

"Your accusations are pure speculation." The Skulu Count Shabak gave a contemptuous smile: "Everyone knows that our empire is in chaos. There are a dozen who stand alone as kings, but a few of them Have a secret deal with you. "

Here comes, Li Mo is finally excited, waited so long for this play, is it a pity to send a few packets of seeds?

"Knowing that you will repudiate, so I left the evidence." Da Zhigua's voice of supreme wisdom had no trace of emotion.

As soon as his words fell, a three-dimensional video appeared next to him.

This is in a certain snow-capped Kerry Empire ancient city. The sky-high thunder ray continues to provoke huge explosions, and the ancient city wall bricks continue to destroy and collapse.

The warring parties were clearly Kerry's government forces, dressed in neat uniforms, and flying advanced spacecraft. The other side wore a variety of clothes, and some were even dressed as peasants and hunters. The few spaceships were also tattered and quickly destroyed.

After a fierce battle, the rebels were quickly defeated, but an anti-material bomb was detonated before the retreat, causing huge losses to government forces.

It is noteworthy that when the corpses were converged, the Kerry Empire government forces found that the Crees in many of the rebels were slowly changing their appearance to become Skulu.

There was a sudden noise in the venue. The most abomination of the Skulu people was to use their ability to disguise changes and sneak into other civilizations, conspiring to destroy and steal business interests ...

Even after some civilizations were merged into the Skulu Empire after experiencing some chaos, they discovered that their leaders and high-levels were all changed by the Skulus.

This behavior is simply too bad. If it were not for the strength of the Skulu Empire, this civilization would have been destroyed ten or eight times.

Count Shabak was still calm in the huge noise, even with a smile, "Skulu's registered population alone is 20 trillion, and there are still many people living in every corner of the universe. Some of them It's not surprising to be hired as a mercenary. "

Li Mo shook his head. "This is just talking nonsense with your eyes open. What are you doing as a mercenary?"

The noise was even louder at the venue, and people were very dissatisfied with this arrogant attitude of the Skullurs, and said it while people yelled and said,

"I knew you would say that, so I've taken action."

Finally, the expression of Gao Zhiquan's supreme wisdom finally appeared, which was mocking and pleasure.

Another video was connected.

This is a scorched yellow planet, surrounded by numerous Kerry warships, and supreme wisdom explains: "This is what we found. The mercenary you say is located in a secret base on the northern frontier of the empire."

The count of Shabak had begun to turn bad.

According to the display results of the planetary probe, there is a large city cluster under the central land of this planet. Numerous people are moving in it. A battleship with a Skulu style suddenly pops out and wants to quickly. Escaped, but was instantly destroyed into space junk.

In a huge battleship command capsule with a diameter of at least 50 kilometers, an officer Kerry wearing a general uniform with a huge scar on his face said to the screen: "Respect the supreme wisdom, please give instructions."

The voice of supreme wisdom is extremely cold, "attack!"

"Stop!" Count Shabak shouted, but it was too late.

From the front ends of the three huge battleships, a huge blue energy ball quickly vortexed and condensed together in a triangular array. The light of the energy ball turned black and penetrated the entire planet in one hit.

The center of the planet was empty a large piece, and the red light spread like a crack in the glass to the entire planet. With a violent explosion, the ripple-like radioactive energy spread out, leaving only a small amount of dust on the entire planet. rock…

The venue was silent for a while. Although the Skulus were wrong, it was also tens of millions of lives. It was ruined when it was said to be ruined, which made them difficult to accept for a while, and finally remembered the power of the three empires.

The excitement of the establishment of the Galactic Parliament cooled down. Will this parliament play a role in the face of a powerful civilization like the three empires?

"Cruel **** cruel dog of the Kerry Empire!" General Admosk next to Li Mo could not help but yelled. He was stationed in the frontier all year round and did not fight the Kerry Empire.

The Countess Shabak of Skulu gradually calmed down, but her voice was a little bit cold: "That's right, this is something in your country, and we are not in a position to speak."

After speaking, before waiting for the supreme wisdom to answer, Count Shabak closed the communicator.

No one would think she would admit it easily, and even more intense revenge might already be brewing.

Just then, another three-dimensional figure appeared.

This is a woman wearing a silver metal armor like a bodysuit, with a silver arrow-shaped helmet, a pair of pure white eyes, and a sculpted three-dimensional sculpture sense on her face, giving people a sense of anger Feeling self-assertive.

This is Empress Lilandra of the Shia Empire, her voice is very quiet, it seems that nothing happened just now.

"That's it for today's meeting. According to the agreement, the two armies will not be allowed to invade each other's territory. If they violate it, the Ghazi Empire will send troops to mediate the dispute."

After speaking, the whole person disappeared.

Supreme Wisdom's face didn't seem to have a look on his face, and he turned off the communicator after glancing around.

The three-dimensional image of Elder Romandler appeared, his face was a little ugly, but it disappeared quickly, calmly said, "Today's meeting ends here. Tomorrow will review and pass the specific treaty of the Galactic Parliament. Please follow the rules, observe the rules, submit the proposal, and classify the discussion according to the severity of the incident. Then a large celebration party will be held in the square. Please feel free. "

The old man turned off the communicator immediately after speaking.

As soon as the Galactic Parliament was set up, such a scene happened, and many representatives of small and medium civilizations could not help but panic.

Li Mo's mouth slipped away and he didn't speak. The Galactic Council made him think of the United Nations on Earth, and it was even more unbearable.

Farewell to the new star Supreme, Li Mo returned to the lounge to join Tony and his party.

Tony and Reed also expressed doubts about the role of the Galactic Council, but this did not prevent everyone from participating in the celebration party.

The huge square has been divided into many venues by tall ceilings.

There were no literary performances. The Skulus were only interested in religious music. The Kerry Empire imprisoned the public. The Shia Empire had art, but everything that praised love and freedom was rebellious to them. Genocide has been committed in the country.

Although the number of delegates at the conference was large, they were consciously divided according to their own circles.

Representatives of top civilization forces, cosmopolitan business consortia, small and medium civilizations ... The naked concept of hierarchy always exists. If Lentou Qing would like to enter the circle of the next higher level, no one will lead him, and he will only be as cold as snow. treat.

Tony, Reed, and Dr. Banner felt boring. They didn't have everything they were familiar with, and no one knew the earth when they mentioned it to others. They simply returned to the lounge.

They plan to return to Earth after two days of purchasing from Conaxat, and a large number of scientific research projects are waiting for them to complete.

Li Mo was helplessly held by two women, one left and one right, continually beating with some people he didn't know, saying some non-nutritive words.

Even Li Mo did not expect that so many people knew him. Of course, most of them are representatives of some small and medium civilizations around the Nova Empire.

After the Battle of Sandal ~ ~ he has gained a lot of fame.

The pergola where they are now mostly represents some small business groups and small and medium civilizations. When Stephanie and Ophelia had negotiated a proposal for cooperation, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Asgard people coming!"

Asgard is also one of the top forces in the universe. Although the population is sparse, all of them are top fighters. The only thing that scares everyone except Odin is the Rainbow Bridge.

Not only can instant beheading strikes within the Nine Realms, but also the energy of the Rainbow Bridge can easily destroy a planet.

Many people looked at Li Mo. They knew themselves. Asgardians could only come to find this person.

Li Mo twitched at the corner of his mouth. When he knew that Asgard sent someone to the meeting, he did not say hello.

Odin would never come. Sol hates this kind of occasion. Most likely, Rocky, the bear child hates it most.

Who will come here?

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