Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 197: After the duel

The night before the duel ...

Li Mo was sitting in front of the window quietly tasting red wine. He was fully prepared, and now he just needs to relax.

Turn off the lights and watch the stars and lights coming out of the towering cloud-filled building, letting the pale blue moonlight fall across the floor.

Strangely, on the eve of such a war, he actually felt a long absence.

As early as the day before, he took the power gem from ignorance through two teleportations.

Stephanie, they always have all kinds of worries and speculations, and they continue to have some ghost ideas, and the villain style in the proper movie.

That's because they have no idea about the existence and power of infinite gems.

Of course, Li Mo will not talk casually. In addition, he also likes this feeling of being cared by many people.

For tomorrow's battle, he has done several deductions in his heart.

The result: there is no hope of winning without gems.

Others, aside, the existing offensive magic may not be able to cause damage to the sword at all, but with infinite gems, his power plus magic can exert unimaginable power.

The power of realistic gems has been constantly being drawn. Even if the gems are thrown away, although the ability to change virtual reality cannot be used, it is still possible to differentiate and deform the tentacles.

If you add a power gem that can infinitely strengthen yourself and other gem abilities, it is even more amazing.

First, he could easily use the powerful tentacles that needed to extract the entire planet's energy when he was dealing with the Zerg in negative space.

At that time, the scene like the last day was still vivid, and I asked Do you be afraid?

And this is just the first attack.

After using the power gem, he can summon the dimension parasitic on Shuma Goras, absorbing the rules of high dimensions, and has become weird and weird indescribable vines.

Under the high-dimensional spatial rules, the vines are summoned, and inexplicable horror and strange phenomena may occur.

After all, it was the original dark universe, which came from chaos. Although after the Big Bang, because of the confusion of various rules, it has collapsed into an extra dimension of the main universe, after all, it contains some high-dimensional space and Broken rules of matter.

If the average person just sees it, they may have insanity.

Going one level further, he can also summon Shuma Golas to the vine through "The Iron Devil's Book".

With this section of vines with high dimensional rules, one of the most powerful dimensional deities, Shuma Golas, can show how much power he has.

What would it look like?

Think of even Li Mo himself having a chill.

He currently only uses power gems for about 15 minutes at a time, and then rests for a few days. If it lasts longer, his soul and body may collapse.

However, in these short ten minutes, you can definitely defeat the sword.

It's just that these tricks were intended to be left to the nightmare king. It's a pity to deal with the two **** of Doujian.

As he thought about it, the dark shadow on the side of the room suddenly twisted strangely.

Li Mo was quite sensitive to space fluctuations. He immediately noticed it. With a wave of his hand, a guy in a black robe covered his face was rolled over by tentacles, struggling in the air with a terrible twist.

Li Morao was interested in drinking red wine. "What are you doing, are you going to assassinate me?"

"No, no, don't kill me, I know the weakness of Dou Jian!" The man in black shouted quickly.

Li Mo did not speak, sneered, and tore off the mask of the man in black with his tentacles.

This guy,

From the Shia Empire ...

After strengthening and constant magical meditation, Li Mo's memory was very strong at this time.

He remembered this face, the room where the abduction abduction had occurred, and was a member of the Royal Guard of the Shia Empire.

The Royal Guards of the Shia Empire are basically all superhumans. This guy's ability is probably dark and space.

Li Mo's smile was a little funny, "What do you want to exchange for information?"

"The sword is too arrogant and always treats us as waste." The man in black said with a grimace, "I hope you can kill him."

"Fools just believe." Li Mo pouted his lips and came directly to a ecstasy spell.

"I am the Minister of Parliament Araka, and just received a secret order to tell you this." The man in black said with straight eyes.

Another political conspiracy, Li Mo touched his chin, "What do you want to do?"

"The overthrow of Queen Lilandra's rule, the fighting sword is a hindrance for the time being." The man in black said one by one.

Li Mo sighed. It was a virtue everywhere, but it happened to be cheap.

"Weakness, did you send me that, is it some kind of stone that restrains him?" Li Mo asked.

The man in black shook his head with straight eyes, telling everything he knew.

Li Mo was a little surprised after hearing this, but also this weakness?

What an amazing power, is it as emotional as the Green Lantern?

It turned out that the Star Warriors were born with extremely powerful bodies and strength. No training is needed to reach the level of the cosmic strong.

This is a natural cosmic battle race, and the Nexus who is known as the Marvel World cannot be overstated.

Even if people are thin and have low fertility, it should be famous for the whole universe.


This race has a fatal problem, and their strength is directly related to self-confidence.

When confident, you can survive the supernova explosion. Self-confidence was hit, and when he was depressed, he was at least as good as ordinary soldiers in the fairy palace.

With this weakness, it's okay to fight beasts on your own planet. Mixing in the cruel interstellar battlefield is simply death.

To know that there are countless people in the universe who have the ability to control the mind, the head of the Gaelic Council Romandaler's head, the entire Riglian tribe, has psychic powers.

The reason why the sword is strong is because this guy is constantly training his resistance to psionic powers.

Even if it is sometimes controlled by psionic powers, it can quickly come out. Coupled with the long-term battle victory, cultivated an invincible faith.

The man in black was awakened by him and let go. Li Mo did not want to cause hostility to these people.

You should know that a gentleman can bully him, but if the villain can't kill him at all, don't rush it.


Back to the day of the fight.

After Li Mo said this sentence, Dou Jian felt bad in his heart.

Being a captain of the royal guard in such a huge interstellar empire is naturally not a fool.

The turbulent undercurrent of the empire he had long noticed.

But he didn't want to mix these things all the time. It was enough to be a simple machine. Whoever became emperor would listen to anyone.

After all, all his people are under the tight control of the empire.

But I didn't expect to escape.

Dou Jian frowned and laughed. "Maybe someone told you about our family's weaknesses, but they didn't say that psionic powers haven't worked much for me?"

"They said." Li Mo shook his head. "However, I am going to use soul magic."

After speaking, Li Mo directly reached out and aimed at the sword.

Fear of Chaos,

Jugs' confession.

The two soul magics are used almost simultaneously.

These two are the medieval black magic that Li Mo learned in the Book of Sawyer.

This is not a profound magic, but because it is easy to learn, Li Mo accidentally re-compiled it while studying the soul defense magic, and burned it on the vampire vine trunk.

This is the right time to fight against the sword.

Dou Jian felt only a blindfold in his head and a black eye, and an unprecedented fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

When he had vision again, he found that he had arrived at his mother star ...

On the black ground, the low mule has turned yellow, and it is heavily covered, rippling like golden waves in the breeze.

It was a bumper season, but where the tribe was, there was a billowing smoke.

Dou Jian was startled, and flew past at an unprecedented speed, but he couldn't even grasp the balance when landing, and even rolled on the ground and hit a long mark.

Destroyed buildings were everywhere, and the broken bodies of the clan were crushed in the remains of the broken wall, a scene of destruction.

Dou Jian's face quickly became distorted, and he cried with tears in his mouth, digging like crazy, hoping to find a living person.

However, digging constantly, just brought more disappointment, the bucket sword finally collapsed, kneeling down on the ground with his face in his face, ashamed.

Doujian feels like the corpses of all the clan are staring at him, continually accusing: you are a waste, even your clan cannot protect!

Yes i am a waste ...

As the sword's mind was struck, the electromagnetic arcs in all the cells of his body began to extinguish gradually, and the turbulent power in his body gradually decreased.

In Li Mo's perception, the original fiery energy in the sword's body quickly decayed, and soon there was only a trace of flame.

In the eyes of the audience, after Li Mo's right hand shed two white rays, Dou Jian's entire body began to tremble, and finally fell on his knees and began to cry? !!

The noise broke out,

People can't believe that such a powerful warrior was actually beaten by Li Mo?

Li Mo shook his head. He didn't want to do this, but this cockfighting was too difficult.

With a light wave, a sudden tentacle suddenly stunned the already weakened sword.

Subsequently, Li Mo raised his hands calmly.

No matter the Galaxy Parliament Square or the crowds of Sandal Star, the cheers resounded through the sky.

Except for the people of the Shia Empire, most people didn't care about victory or defeat, they just cheered for this unprecedented and exciting battle.

The two women, Stephanie and Ophelia, forgot to hold back, screamed and jumped, and even forgotten their kisses together, and Shiv next to him was stunned.

Roman Day's first wolf howled in excitement, and then patted his head, and quickly called a team of comrades in the Nova Army to find the dealer.

As a result, a well-known gaming group went out of business, and even a Star Trade Group behind it tightened its belts for years.

The people of the Shia Empire left with a comatose sword, and Queen Lilandra's face was not very good. The performance of the sword was too shameful.

It can be estimated that this powerful fighter will definitely not be better for some time to come.

On the same day, a grand and somewhat crazy celebration party was held at Sandal Star. On weekdays, the stable and gentle Sandar residents are crazy, there are drunk people everywhere on the street, and there is an atmosphere of a small country winning the World Cup.

The next day ~ ~ Li Mo crawled out from the entanglement of two white, one gold, three pairs of arms and jade legs. After putting on his clothes, he found Garo, the Speaker of the Soverin.

Garo has mobilized all his forces to find collectors in the past three days. Unfortunately, the effect is not good.

"The collector Difan seems to be hiding. No one can get his news. The Difan Group is empty, and all its business is sold in packages." Speaker Gallo's face was a little bad.

It seems that the collector is no doubt, this is a plan prepared in advance.

No one knows how deep this guy is. Turning off the Difan Group has no effect on him, and it is impossible to guess how many cards the collector has, but Li Moke has no time and energy to deal with him slowly.

After thinking about the table with his fingers for a while, Li Mo touched his chin.

"It's better ... how about letting him find his own door?"

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