Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 198: Sovilin star

"Let him find him?"

Speaker Gallo grimace, "How is that possible?"

Li Mo recalled the situation of visiting Talia. Whenever, the collection of all-encompassing universe was really shocking.

At the same time, Li Mo felt a bit of a metamorphosis, and many of the things inside it felt nauseous even the least worm-like monsters, such as a large mononuclear cell with a pus-like pus in the body, and a body full of blood. The stone-based silicon-based organisms not only have severe radioactivity, but also have a special protective ability. As soon as I see it, the most disgusting experience will come to my mind ...

What's the use of these things?

But the collector Di Fan still cares for these things like treasures. In his words, these things that are on the verge of extinction are the embodiment of the universe creation.

Cosmic wonders such as infinite gems are his favorite. Even if it is not useful to hold, even if he risks offending the tyrant, this guy must hold it in his hand.

Like the muttering in the Lord of the Rings, this is no longer an ordinary collection addiction, it is a pathological psychology.

"If there is a piece of treasure that only exists in the legend but never appeared, do you suddenly feel that the collector is itchy?" Li Mo smiled slightly.

"It's quite possible." Speaker Gallo nodded. "There is one of the universe's wonders, Severin, but it's not enough."

"Then make it up!" Li Mo was excited. "It is best to associate with ancient legends, as wonderful as legends, to make everything seamless. When everyone thinks this thing is true, don't believe it. Don't come to collectors. "

Speaker Gallo frowned. "In this case, you need to plan carefully."

At this moment, a Sovereign official knocked on the door and walked in. "Dear Lord Speaker, a group of mercenaries who claim to be Guardians of the Galaxy have taken over the task we issued."

"These guys are here too?" Li Mo smiled. "It looks like I'm going to meet an old friend. What tasks have you posted?"

Speaker Gallo reluctantly said: "Our planet power network attracts a monster of void dimension because of placing a large number of high-energy titanium batteries. It will steal electricity every so often, and it is very dangerous. Soverin won't waste people's lives on such things. If he can get the money, he will pay for it. "

Li Mo thought for a while and suddenly laughed, "I suddenly had a great idea, and left it to me. You can cooperate and it will definitely attract the collector's greedy guy."

Speaker Gallo nodded somewhat gratefully. Although this person is greedy for money, he is definitely a qualified partner.

"That's it, I'll prepare, and then I'll go to Soverin." Li Mo stood up.

As he was about to leave, he turned his head suddenly, "Yes, forgot to ask what are your universe's wonders?"

Speaker Gallo looked stunned and alert: "What do you ask?"

"Relax, just curious." Li Mo waved his hand. "Am I the kind of greedy person?"

Speaker Gallo: "..."


Not long after Li Mo returned to the lounge, the Rocket Raccoons came to the door.

Meeting with good friends is naturally a slap in the air, and the poisonous tongues are damaged.

Li Mo is very enthusiastic about Rocket Raccoons and Groot, but not very good at others.

It was learned during the conversation that they still set up the Guardians of the Galaxy without accident. Sometimes they did good things. Most of the time they worked as mercenaries to make money. The noisy days were quite easy.

Star Lord was a hippie with a smiley face and wanted to talk. After seeing Li Mo ignored him, he refused to walk away.

He wasn't such a person, but he didn't know why, and he was a little scared to see Li Mo.

Li Mo naturally knew what Xingjue wanted him to do, and he didn't want to bother, but he returned to Xingjue with the help of the Rockets.

Xing Jue left with joy, Li Mo and others left Rocket Raccoon alone after leaving.

"Actually ... you don't have to mingle with them." Li Mo shook his head and looked at Xingjue as they left.

The Rocket Raccoon was silent, shrugged and said, "Dude, I know you don't like them very much. Yes, some of these guys are cheap, some are stupid, and some are the same as neuropathy. But after many things, I found Only Milan will give me a feeling of home. With this bunch of heartless stupid idiots, I will not feel like a sad, sad, suture ... "

"It's your own heart, no one will think so." Li Mo said with anticipation: "Will you stay with me?"

"Do you think I'm a puppet?" Rocket Raccoon rolled his eyes.

Li Mo opened his mouth and felt a little discouraged. "Forget it, let it be. There is something you need to help."

"It's like this. Tony was kidnapped by the collector. He probably wants to change something to me. But I can't give it to him and I don't have time to spend. So I made a plan ..."

The Rocket Raccoon waved his hand generously after listening. "No problem, I won't tell other people about this, and I will find something for the boring guys."

"That's right." The Rocket Raccoon suddenly gave a smirk. "I don't think it's that cheap, Sir, as I understand you."

Li Mo raised his eyebrows. "I restored him, but only slightly weaker."

The Rocket Raccoon laughed wildly, "I know, I really want to see that guy's expression."

That night, Xingjue hurried to an old friend Beka's home in Sandal Xing.

After two minutes,

"Go! You incompetent guy!"

Star Jue ran out of the house with a embarrassed expression in his clothes.

What he did not find was that the Rocket Raccoon secretly recorded in the dark.


After the Rocket Raccoons were gone, Li Mo returned to Hydra Pictures and summoned Ophelia, Stephanie, the big boss, and several small leaders of the Bald Party together.

Everyone seemed a little excited, and the images of Li Mo and Dou Jian spread throughout the galaxy, which made these people attached to him have a sense of glory and security.

Those dark leaders, star businessmen, and even some officials of the Nova Empire, who once dismissed them, now show enough respect and awe when facing them.

"We want to expand quickly!" Stephanie said confidently.

"Establish an empire!" A bald guy shouted loudly with red eyes.

Li Mo rolled his eyes, and suddenly found that there were no good people under his help!

Fortunately, the young Lucas and George were sent to the Nova Corps in advance, or they must be damaged by these guys.

"All of you give me a break!" Li Mo snapped and everyone was quiet.

"I understand your idea of ​​wanting to do a little business." Li Mo shook his head. "But I think the first thing we should consider is survival."


Except for Ophelia, everyone else was a little confused.

Li Mo stood up, walked slowly to the tall floor-to-ceiling glass window, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

He has a lot of troubles, mainly because the enemy is too terrible, and extermination is nothing in the middle. Although he now has a little ability to protect himself, many things can be felt the more he feels small.

Look at the current environment of the universe. The internal situation of the three empires is in chaos. At any time, there may be galaxy wars that affect the entire Milky Way and the Fairy Galaxy.

Thinking of the tyrants who are collecting infinite gems, and those horrible zergs seen in negative space, Li Mo sighed deeply,

"This universe is going to be messed up soon!"

He turned his head and pointed out the window and said to all his men, "Did you see the bustling sight in front of you, maybe a small storm will turn into scorched earth in the future, and now the seemingly powerful empire of the stars is actually inevitable."

"I don't know if all of this will happen, but I know that I am only a small sail that goes with the flow, and everything you have now, including life, will come to nothing."

A leader of the bald party swallowed, "boss, are you kidding me?"

Li Mo was impatient. "Does it look like I'm kidding? Tell you, I can run away by then, but you're all done one by one."

Ophelia shook her head and stood up, "You don't need to tell us this, you just need to tell us what to do. These are all under your control. Even if something happens in the future, that is us. s Choice."

"Okay." Li Mo hissed. "Stephanie, how much money do we have now?"

"Hydra Movie has 1 billion stars on its books, plus the 500 million stars we raised later, and 30 billion in this duel betting, and these are all tax-free because of your jazz title. "Stephanie said with a smile.

The bald leaders were all stupid, "This ... how much is this?"

The boss also laughed, "Did you see the hundreds of miles of flagship from the Kerry Empire this time, and the money is enough to buy one?"

"I don't know if it's enough, let's do it first." Li Mo shook his head. "Stephanie went to the Nova Corps and asked them to help buy three small engineering ships from the Skulu Empire. The bald party began to hoard supplies and recruit training. Reliable staff. The big boss is now working on designing an ignorant transformation plan. After rescue Tony and Reid, I will let them help you. Ophelia is responsible for overall planning. "

"We want to build a solid base."

After carefully subdividing the tasks, Li Mo's men left.

After Li Mo explained things to them, he didn't plan to take care of them. Not to mention those bald heads, only Stephanie and Ophelia could take care of everything.

And Li Mo is going to do another thing, ready to catch the collector's bait.

After consulting a large amount of information, he found a legendary treasure, the seed of the universe.

This treasure legend emerged with the birth of the universe. Not only has huge energy, but the radiation emitted by the energy can directly promote the evolution of living things. The birth of many civilizations has a direct relationship with this treasure.

Although it is only a legend and no one has ever seen it, many people believe that this treasure really exists.

Of course, Li Mo didn't have this thing, and he couldn't even copy it.

However, he can make a treasure map.

The treasure map is certainly not just a sheepskin roll, but it must be designed with a mysterious ancient feel.

Li Mo originally wanted to use alchemy, but was not proficient enough, and coupled with the lack of suitable tools, the manufactured things were fake at first glance.

Fortunately, he has cheaters, realistic gems.

It mixes several special metals, mimics the arrangement of vibrating metal molecules, and inlaid into a four-dimensional magic array. Finally, the appearance is made vicissitudes ancient using realistic gems.

A special treasure map is complete.

This is a square-shaped brass-colored metal box carved with ancient mottled patterns.

The box is sturdy and difficult to destroy, and cannot be opened, but after injecting energy, a three-dimensional cosmic star map will appear. Of course, the treasure point shown by the star icon is of course false, and it will be randomly selected at intervals.

the most important,

This is actually a space magic bomb.

With the so-called treasure map, Li Mo directly passed the locator and used the ignorant cortical layer to reach the speaker of Garo.

Speaker Gallo had set off a day ago, and when Li Mo arrived, they happened to be in the outer space of Sovereign.

At this moment, the speaker of Carlo is carefully taking care of his beards in the captain's room. No matter whether he is male or female in Sovereign, he will be ridiculed if he is not well dressed, let alone his speaker.

The sudden appearance of Li Mo surprised the Lord Speaker and cut his beard more than half with a shaking hand.

Speaker Gallo looked at the beard distressedly in the mirror and turned to Li Mo and asked, "How did you come here, is this power, magic, or some kind of technology?"

However, Li Mo ignored him, just obsessed looking out the window: "Although I have seen it in pictures and videos, I can't see it with my own eyes."

Looking out from the observation window, on the continental shelf of Soverin's star, there are golden bright areas everywhere, which are countless golden cities that never sleep.

In the dark universe, make the entire planet look magnificent.

What's even more incredible is that Sovilin has seven satellites.

At the front of their line of sight is a satellite about 1/5 the size of the planet. This satellite is also connected to two small satellites.

Located behind the planet ~ ~, there are four artificial stars the same size as Soverin.

There are a lot of golden cities on all the stars.

The most important thing is that they are too close. From the perspective of space, they seem to be a string of golden beads.

This completely violates the laws of physics, such a large and connected artificial star, its gravity is enough to destroy everything Sovilin. But at this moment they are all right.

Li Mo only saw this phenomenon when the soul traveled in a high-dimensional space.

"How did you do that?" Li Mo asked in admiration.

Speaker Gallo smiled and didn't speak.

"I'm afraid this technology doesn't even have the Shia Empire." Li Mo touched his chin. "Is it ... related to the universe's wonders that your civilization has?"

Speaker Gallo's face suddenly became ugly. "Can you, don't ask more?"

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