Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 200: Lucky hit

"You ... all the guys in your head!" Rocket Raccoon was furious.

"Xing Jue is right, we should leave this kind of thing in the hands of people who can hold it and not break peace." Camora agreed.

"Haha, get rid of these bad guys." Drax cried out, pulling out two super-solid steel daggers.

The Rocket stopped talking, glanced at the crowd silently, turned and walked to the wall.

They were now on a star space station numbered DX-Z76, located in a dark star field on the frontier of the Nova Empire.

Cosmic pirates, interstellar exile races, black market merchants ... Such suspended space stations are the main locations for their activities.

In the rented room, facing the already rusty iron walls, the Rocket Raccoon kicked up without thinking.

"Ah—my feet!" Poor furry sitting on the ground with his **** in his hips.

Star Jue was startled. "What happened to the rocket, have you been infected with neurotoxins?"

The Rocket Raccoon gasped for a few breaths, "I'm infected by your stupid stupid virus."

Looking at the expression of big eyes and small eyes of a group of people, the Rocket Raccoon took a few deep breaths and shook his head. "Sorry for the tentacles. I have to talk to this bunch of idiots, otherwise they can only do worse."

"Ok idiots, this is the case, this is actually a rescue plan ..." Rocket explained patiently.

After listening, Xingjue was startled: "Why didn't you say it earlier ?!"

The rage of the Rocket Raccoon is up again, "Why say, what makes you bad?"

"What we have to do is very simple, accidentally getting the treasure map, accidentally leaking the news, cheerfully making a lot of money, leaving the rest to the tentacles to do it, is it so difficult?"

"Okay, okay, my fault is okay." Xingjue was speechless at first, then raised his hands. "Stop arguing now and think about how we should make up, everyone hurry up."

After that, he looked at the Rocket Raccoon.

"The collector is hiding too deeply. You just wasted the only chance." The rocket raccoon hummed, turning his head away and ignoring him.

Star Lord looked at Camora again.

Camora shrugged and said nothing.

"Mother Groot." Groot showed a sunny smile.

"Don't look at me, my mind is blank." Drax raised his hand quickly.

"Your mind is empty." Xing Jue said with a sad face.

Just then, the mercenaries sent by the collector suddenly grunted out a round table tennis-sized robot.

In the eyes of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the small robot first stretched out eight mechanical limbs. Like a spider, it first climbed a circle and shot a beam of light from the red electronic eyes to scan the dead mercenary, and then cracked from the back. A three-dimensional image of collector Di Fan emerged from the mouth.

The collector Di Fan nodded gracefully. "I thought this was a trap, but you did not hesitate to kill the messenger I sent. This makes me believe that you have a real treasure map in your hands. Someone will bring it You come to me, as long as it is true after the identification, I will pay immediately. "

The collector hurriedly closed the communication after speaking.

The guardians of the galaxy stared wide and narrow, and the rocket raccoon opened his mouth.

"Does this work?"


In a dark cosmic space away from any star system in the Southern Cross, a planet is slowly moving.

Because there is no stellar light, you will find such a big guy hidden in the dark when you are close.

This is a wandering planet, the poor guy who was kicked out because two galaxies collided and gravitated.

It is amazing that even without the light of life, the weak radiation emitted by the planet itself has actually formed the greenhouse effect, and has formed special biological populations for millions of years.

An eyeless, weird little insect crawled in the dark rocky gap.

For a moment, a long tongue stuck out and retracted. This poor little insect has become a delicious meal chewed in the mouth of an eight-legged blind lizard.

The blind-eyed lizard swallowed the insect and continued to wait in place. The lights emitted by the huge spaceship on the plain attracted countless insects. It can quietly wait for the food to be delivered to the mouth, and this day has continued. long time.

Hidden on this stray planet is the collector Difan's spaceship.

This is one of the collector's hiding places, to say that he is avoiding Li Mo's pure nonsense.

At first, I wanted to avoid extermination, but now I feel the undercurrent of the universe and hide for a while.

A long time ago, when the universe was still very young, the collector Difan and his brother Gao Tianzun gained eternal life, but the potential of life evolution was consumed and the strength could not continue to grow.

There are a lot of powerful and cruel people in the universe. When something is wrong, the collector often chooses to hide for a period of time. Some of his life can be squandered.

When he reappeared, the chaos was over, and new life and power came along.

This is the classic tactic of collectors: I can't beat you, but I live longer than you ...

In the huge main control room of the spacecraft, Difan is admiring an artwork left by an extinct civilization, and casually said, "How is our guest?"

"Always trying to escape," the robot steward replied.

"Stupid indigenous people, let them have fun." Collector Di Fan said without looking up.

In the middle of the spacecraft, huge collections of various kinds of display cases are stacked on top of each other, with a wide variety of patterns. There are many living creatures or rare materials that require special preservation methods.

If you rely on manpower, you will not only need huge personnel, but inevitably there will be leaks, so all of them are managed by artificial intelligence robots.

In the lowest floor room for living creatures, Tony and Reed slanted face-to-face in the corners of a silver metal wall.

"Well, I admit that I am not the king of prison." Tony smiled helplessly.

In the past two days, they have thought of various methods, but they are helpless here. There are no available materials. The food is nutrition capsules. Even the laser protection net cannot find a gap.

What's even more speechless is that they were implanted with a special biological nerve device during the coma.

Tony's nano-armor has lost its activity, and Reed will be charged with electricity every time he uses his super powers.

"What should we do, wait for Li Mo to come to rescue?" Reed shook his head. "I don't know what the conditions of the captors are. I would rather die here if I want to exchange infinite gems."

"Can't go on like this." Tony gritted his teeth, slammed his head against the metal wall, and his blood ran out a few times.

Reed was shocked, but suddenly realized that Tony gave him a wink, he immediately shouted, "Come on, someone is crazy to commit suicide!"

Tony was playing, and whispered a little: "The guard comes in a while, kill him and **** the weapon."

In the central control room,

The smart housekeeper immediately reported the situation to the collector Difan.

The collector put down the ancient artwork in his hand, took a deep breath, opened the communicator and said, "Patience, two, I won't hurt you. I will let you go when I get something."

Tony blinked, shouting in anger: "We demand humanitarian treatment, blankets, delicious food, televisions, and inflatable dolls ..."

The collector was impatient, and said to the smart housekeeper, "Send a robot to serve the two indigenous people, and they will be pets."

After speaking, I continued to research my collection.

After a while, a robot that resembled R2 came to Tony's room.

Looking at the laser barrier, only a one-meter-high hole was exposed, and it closed immediately after the robot came in. Tony and Reed could not help but look disappointed.

The only relief is that robots have everything they need.

Tony was eating a barbecue while wearing a blanket, and Tony's heart finally calmed down, and the broken mouth complained casually: "Why did you send a robot? Isn't there a guard?"

He originally talked to Reed. Who knew that this robot like a trash can answered brightly, "The collector spacecraft is all managed by the central intelligence. My number is ca9527. I'm happy to serve you."

Tony opened his mouth wide, the barbecue fell off, and Reed looked at each other, and flew at ca9527 in an instant.

After quickly disassembling the robot with the knife and fork in his hand, Reid kept making hands and feet on the circuit board, and said anxiously, "Hurry up, we only have five minutes to find abnormalities in the central brain."

Tony endured a sharp pain and opened a small mouth on the arm with a knife, and pulled out a small transparent crystal. "Jarvis's core data, I hope to succeed."

After the two people quickly transformed the intelligent robot processor, they looked forward to waiting for the result.

The robot's eyes flashed with blue and green lights, and then slowly stabilized: "Who am I ... ca9527? No ... who am I?"

"What's the matter?" Reed asked looking at Donny.

"Perhaps it was the incompatibility that caused the restart." Tony scratched his head, patted the robot and asked, "Can you recognize my voice?"

The light in the robot's eyes flickered for a moment, "Tony ... Master?"

"Goodboy!" Tony rejoiced. "Report to Central Intelligence that everything is OK."

"Instruction ... search ... Central Intelligence has received the message ... Everything works."

Tony and Reed clapped each other in excitement.

"Ca9527 ... this name is awkward." Tony shook his head. "I'll give you a new name. It's called ... Ultron."

A red light flashed in the eyes of the trash can robot. "My name ... Ultron."

"Okay, Ultron." Reed asked, "Can we release the biological neural controller in our body?"

"Searching the information base ... Special lifting equipment is needed." Autron said, projecting a lighter-like thing.

"Where can I find this thing?" Tony asked.

"Atron has not stored relevant information."

Reed touched his chin. "Maybe we should let Ultron search for it."

Tony nodded, squatted down, and touched the robot's head. "Ao Chong, now it's all up to you. Task establishment 1. Find the release device. 2. Send us some weapons. 3. Initiate confusion."

After Ultron repeated it, he turned and walked outside.

"Can it succeed?" Reed asked.

"It must be!" Tony was confident.


As soon as Ao Chuang left the door, he bumped into the wall, and after a few laps, he stunned again, hesitant to go to the left.

Tony swallowed, "Maybe we need to pray."

Ultron turned around in the spaceship. Although the behavior was a bit chaotic, because it was arranged to take care of Tony and the procedure returned to normal, it did not attract the attention of the central brain.

In a passage, a row of cleaning robots walked over, and Ochuang faintly followed behind.

With the alloy doors turning and opening, Ultron followed the cleaning robot to a special collection room.

The cleaning robot began to clean the floor and glass showcases quickly, while Ultron turned around idle around ~ ~ Suddenly, the red light in Ultron's eyes flashed and was placed on a workbench. Biological nerve device release.

After Ultron created the inner box of the lifter, he turned and executed the second command: Finding a weapon.

It first picked up a small laser cutter and shook his head to put it down.

After picking up a metal ball and pressing it twice, despite the rapid light emitted by the metal ball, he turned and walked elsewhere.

Just then, the ball exploded violently.

Ultron was blasted to the wall and there was no movement at all.

Red alarms kept ringing, and the collection room had become a mess, with twisted metal plates and glass fragments everywhere, and the exposed energy lines constantly sparking.

Not far from Ultron, the system was disconnected, a yellow gem floated quietly in the air ...

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