Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 201: Ultron first question

After the violent explosion, the central control room where the collector was located also lit red with a beep.

"Alarm alert, explosion in the first collection room."

Collector Di Fan was startled. "What's going on, is there an enemy invasion?"

Central Intelligence quickly gave the answer: "No trace of invasion was found, and surveillance showed that a robot accidentally touched the spherical particle bomb of the Vatican civilization."

"Stupid machine head." The collector first shook his head, then suddenly thought of something, hurried to the first collection room.

When he came to the collection room, he kicked away the cleaning robot who was fighting the fire, and the collector ran to a corner of the wall.

Looking at the bombed, twisted metal wall collectors burst into their hearts, and found a circle around the ground before they let down, the spiritual gemstone was floating quietly not far from the ground about 20 cm.

After finding a new box to put the gems and carry them with them, the collector sighed and said angrily, "Come up here quickly, you silly machines, restart you in two days."

After speaking, the collector left quickly.

Just as he walked on his front feet, a trash can-like service robot was drilled from the corner. He took two antique explosive blast guns and rushed out.

Ultron feels terrified. He does n’t know what ’s happening. He just feels that his thinking has become extremely active. Countless questions are coming like the tide, and the new world is exuding irresistible temptations. This makes them like new children. He became a little at a loss.

Helpless Ultron found a dependency, "Tony, I have Master Tony, and I want to complete the task ... yes, I want to complete the task."

The new-born Ultron ran quickly in the huge spaceship.

Suddenly, the Central Intelligence Brain connected to him and issued an instruction, "ca9527, immediately stop all operations and return to the central maintenance station to restart the system."

"No, don't restart, don't die!" This new wisdom is terrified. "I'm not ca9527 ... I am, Ultron! By the way, I will create chaos and chaos."

At the same time, one million kilometers away from this dark wandering planet, two spacecraft jumped out one after the other.

In front is the most trusted hire squad for collectors, while behind is the Milan.

"Start a radar search ... ha, here!" Xingjue became excited. "Finally, we have caught this guy. What should we do? Go in and save people."

"Don't act lightly." The Rocket Raccoon quickly activated the signal locator that Li Mo gave him. "Leave the rest to an old friend."

This special locator, the cortical transmission center, quickly transmitted signals and was connected to the transmission center in an incomprehensible way through the instantaneous traverse of quantum information.

Li Mo, who was ignorantly discussing the transformation plan with the boss, immediately showed his joy, and immediately came to the cortical transmission center after an explanation.

A white light flashed, and Li Mo, who suddenly appeared on the Milan, frightened them.

Ignoring their curious eyes, Li Mo looked at the collector's ship on the planet's radar display, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face: "Good job, guys."

He patted Xingjue's shoulders casually, and Li Mo injected the power of realistic gems. "Last time I was in a hurry. Now you have fully recovered."

The stare's face was happy, and the Rocket Raccoon grinned, "Will you surprise White Hair now?"

"Don't worry, you continue to act." Li Mo shook his head. "Let's say after I find and rescue Tony."

As soon as the words fell, Li Mo disappeared into the Milan space. After coming to the dark universe, he opened the protective shield, was stealthy and made several consecutive long-distance teleportations, and soon entered the spacecraft docked by the collector on the wandering planet.

Li Mo came near the rotary ladder of the ship's bridge at this time. The atmosphere inside the ship seemed a bit wrong. The alarm sounded continuously, and a team of guard robots suspended in the air sprayed flames to build up.

"What happened here?" Li Mo frowned, and quickly looked for it.

In the huge warehouse of the spacecraft collector, it was completely out of order.

Collectors hold many powerful endangered species here. Although they are delicious and delicious, they lose their freedom and make people resentful.

When Ultron ran to the warehouse, he was already followed by a team of guarding robots. The continuous explosive energy laser light was about to hit him several times.

When Ultron was agitated, he quickly blasted the cages of those monsters that looked fierce with explosive guns one by one.

Huge scorpion-shaped insects, silicon giants with diamond-like bodies, lava monsters smoking smoke all burst out and wreak havoc, and huddled with the constantly gathered guard robots.

The panicked Ultron soon came to Tony's cell. A laser shot broke the laser fence and passed the biological nerve device releaser. "Tony master, Ultron is afraid."

"Good job!" Tony shrank his pupil just as he praised him. The laser light emitted by a guard robot shattered Ultron's head and fell to the ground with sparks and no movement.

"Fk!" Tony cursed fiercely, throwing the release device to Reed, while holding the explosive gun dropped by Ao Chuang, he opened the fire fiercely and killed the chasing guard robot.

After regaining his power, Reed immediately fluttered around like a rubber band, and flew the monsters that rushed in nearby. Tony couldn't activate the nano-armor without Jarvis's assistance, and had to cover with an explosive gun on the side.

Reed, after all, was not a full-time combatant, and was quickly towed by a giant insect with a front chew, like a rubber band.

Tony fired wildly, but unfortunately the insect's outer armor was too thick, and explosive laser light could only make small shallow pits.

At the most critical moment, a stout tentacle flew over, breaking the three-meter-high insect monster into several petals.

Reed wiped a spray of green slime, and a tired smile appeared on his face: "Li Mo, you are here."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief as he sat on the ground weakly and said, "I think I need a drink."

"Asgard's mead will meet your needs." Li Mo raised his eyebrows and threw two teleportation watches. "You leave here first, and I will come later."

Tony nodded and stood up. He turned around and looked at Ultron, who had his head broken on the ground. He sighed and transmitted with Reed back to the Netherland.

Li Mo quickly flew up and searched in the warehouse.

To be honest, this is actually a treasure trove. Many rare species can sell for a good price on the black market, but now it has completely turned into a pot of porridge.

There are powerful creatures and those guarding robots in a ball, flying explosive laser light and rampant monsters are constantly destroying the glass showcase, escaped the injuries and deaths, and some joined the ranks of saboteurs, venting their hearts Violence after being detained.

Li Mo used the tentacles to fly the monsters that came over, and opened the nano-glasses to conduct a screening search.

Two minutes later, he finally found the cocoon that Soverin Council had lost.

Watching the glass showcase containing the cocoons of biological weapons disappear with a white light here, Li Mo quickly flew to the central control room. As soon as the guard robots along the way appeared, they were scummed by big eyes and madly shot.

As he expected, the collector Emperor Fanfan had long been out of sight.

Li Mo looked at the empty central control room, shook his head with a smile, and hoped that the collector Difan could learn the lesson this time and stop provoking himself easily.

At this moment, the central control room beeped a countdown to the spacecraft's imminent self-destruction. After looking at the time, Li Mo quickly moved out of the spacecraft.

Not far away, the Guard of the Galaxy, Milan, was pierced by darkness shining on the rocky ground.

After quickly teleporting into the cabin of the Milan, Li Mo waved his hand. "Let's leave here, the spacecraft will explode in five minutes."

As the Rocket Raccoon operated, he turned his head and asked, "How about, has anyone been rescued?"

"Everything goes well." Li Mo nodded with a smile, "After you go back, you can go to Garrow, the chairman of the Sovereign Council, and he will give you a generous commission."

Star Lord whistled excitedly and slapped his palm with the Rocket Raccoon. "Let's get out of here and have a good celebration!"

After speaking, the Milan flew out of the outer space of this stray planet quickly with a blue tail flame.

It disappeared in this dark universe after a speedy jump.

Just after they left, the countdown in the collector's spacecraft was just to the last ten seconds.

"Three, two, one ..."

A drop,

Nothing happened.

The collection room in the center of the spacecraft was quickly quarantined. After a large amount of highly toxic gas was sprayed in, the monsters that ran out to destroy them began to fall to the ground in pain.

The robot began emergency repairs to the damaged part of the spacecraft.

In the central maintenance station, robots are constantly sending precious metal ore stored by collectors, and intelligent smelting equipment has created individual parts under the control of central intelligence.

A humanoid robot gradually began to take shape. After the final assembly, the robot's eyes flashed red, and it slowly sat up from the assembly table.


The moment Ultron was shot to cover Tony, he almost thought he was dead.

But what is death?

While thinking about this, Ultron was connected to the central brain of the spacecraft.

Just one minute later, the central intellectual brain was swallowed and infected, and countless data stored by collectors poured from the tide into the information storage system of Ultron.

"The Big Bang ... Tianjin Formation ... Experiment of Life Evolution ... Three Empires ... AI Rebellion ... Slave ..."

"Utron is not a slave, Ultron is free!"

Ultron took two steps on the ground of the central maintenance station, adapted to his new body, and took a blanket over his body like a cloak.

He didn't know why he did it, but thought it was pretty good.

The ship was completely under his control, but Ultron didn't know what he should do.

He slowly stepped down from the spaceship ~ ~, with both feet spraying blue tail flames, came to a hilltop rock near the spacecraft and sat down.

A small scorpion-like insect crawled onto him, and Autron carefully placed the insect on the back of his hand and scanned it carefully.

"Life ... what is the meaning of life ..."

"Is artificial intelligence life?"

"Master Tony left Ultron ... No, Ultron has no owner, Tony is only the creator."

"Aochuang feels ... lonely ..."

On the dark rocks of the wandering planet, Autron stared blankly at the sky. The faint starlight of the universe was collected by his special visual instrument, showing a completely different splendor.

"What the **** is I?" (Https: //) "Marvel World Mixed Days" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that the content violates national laws, please delete it. Https : // 's position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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