Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 208: Tenjin Fall

There were lingering light blue auras lingering around, slowly heading towards the center of the iron ball, and the vortex of the soul cage was collecting Igo's soul.

If they are standing on the outer periphery, they can see that this huge ball-shaped soul is slowly shrinking.

"Well ... are we in danger here?" Rocket Raccoon couldn't help asking.

Li Mo was also a little overwhelmed. "I don't know, I have never heard of it, and I have never seen anything like this. The magic circle will prevent his soul from escaping, but I don't know if this guy has the ability to attack."

As soon as his words fell, the veins of energy covering the entire planet suddenly rioted, jumping out of the ground one by one. Geocentric space began to collapse.

"This guy is desperate, run!"

After Li Mo shouted, he flew out first. After the two voices broke through, he disappeared.

"Fk!" Rocket Raccoon also scolded, "What are you still doing, get on the Milan!"

Fortunately, Igo's thinking was also a bit chaotic at this time. Since millions of years, he has also seen and killed some magicians, but he has never heard of such vicious and horrible black magic, and his soul keeps shrinking inward. The collapse gave him unprecedented fear.

He almost mobilized his whole body to break free, but found it to no avail.

Igo understood that he was completely planted.

The boundless fear and anger made him desperate for a vent.

As soon as the USS Milan rushed out of the ground, tens of kilometers of cracks began to appear in the crust of this planet, huge air waves erupted, and numerous room-sized stones were blown up to thousands of meters high, and skyscrapers The ordinary energy tentacles suddenly spread out of the cracks in the earth's crust, chasing them with huge pieces of rock wrapped around them.

The Guardians of the Galaxy on the Milan immediately panicked.

"Shit! He's catching up!"

"Hurry up!"

"The engine is at its maximum!"

"Stop it, overload!"

"Stupid, stop!"

噗噗 ... 噗噗

The Milano's engine blew out two times like a fart.

"It's over ..." The Rocket Raccoon was completely dumbfounded, and everyone else collapsed to the ground.

Just when they were desperate, Li Mo's voice suddenly came to mind in the loudspeaker of the Milan: "What are you idiots doing, why not run?"

"You guys only care about ourselves, how do we run? You promised that no one will die today!" The Rocket Raccoon shouted hysterically.

"You're a fool." Li Mo's voice was also anxious. "The bracelet I gave you is a locator. Everyone hugs them, and they will teleport you back to ignorance after starting."

The rocket raccoon's eyes brightened, and he shouted loudly, "Hurry up, everyone is in a hug!"

At this moment, the lost power Milan began to fall quickly. The rotating and rolling fuselage combined with the temporary weightlessness made the Guardians of the Galaxy inside the ship rolled into a ball. Not to mention holding them together, it was difficult to stand firmly .

Suddenly, there was a violent vibration, and the explosion was mixed with light. The violent air suddenly poured in. The energy tentacle that had been caught up had shattered the Milan. Everyone was thrown out fiercely, and was blown away by the strong winds thousands of meters high.

Fortunately, the Guardians of the Galaxy have experienced hundreds of battles, and the alert rocket raccoon and star bark immediately launched the rocket boots, while flying around to avoid the dense and huge energy tentacles, they began to rescue their partners.

Although Kamola did not wear rocket boots, she was a superb player and stepped on a huge spaceship shard. She kicked at the flying Star Lord with a kick.

As Grumter rolled in the air, he quickly stretched out the vines to catch the panic called Drax and the mantis woman Mantis, and then the rocket raccoon flying around hugged them.

Just when they had come together, a huge tentacle threw at them.

Groot didn't hesitate, and a large number of vines popped up and down all over the body, wrapping everyone into a ball, and slamming it for a long time.

The people inside the ball just rolled over a bit, and no one was injured.

A little golden yellow light lit up, revealing Groot's bright smile, "Aunt Groot ..."

"Dude ... you ..." Rocket raccoon's tears were almost shed.

"What's wrong?" Everyone else wondered.

"Guardian of life ... the ability of the Shuren family, he sacrificed himself to save us, although it will be reborn, but the price is too high." Rocket Raccoon said dismayed.

Others were a little sad on their faces, and Mantis, the praying mantis, even cried.

In a sad atmosphere, the Rocket Raccoon pressed the locator fiercely, a white light flashed, just avoiding an energy tentacle hit again.

Li Mo was relieved when he saw it.

He was already in outer space at this time, and the light blue energy nanospace suit was protecting the whole body.

And the planet Igo in front of him had completely come alive, his body was full of fur, those tens of thousands of meters of energy tentacles, an angry face staring at Li Mo.

Igo was completely desperate, he could feel his soul shrinking inward, as if there was a black hole in the center of the planet.

He wanted to activate the energy avatars of other life planets, but the weakness of his soul kept his control declining and he couldn't do it.

So at this moment there is only one thought in his heart, kill the ant in front of him!

In the deep cosmic space, Li Mo looked at the planet with his mouth open and biting at himself, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of absurdity and a little fear.

Subconsciously, Li Mo also wanted to transmit back to ignorance, but reasonably told him that this was not a proper approach.

What if the **** comes to take advantage after Igor's soul is collected?

Gritting his teeth, Li Mo pulled out the McQueen like a blue pen after shrinking from his arms.

Immediately after being thrown out, McQueen recovered a length of several kilometers. Without Li Mo's instructions, the mental brain McQueen, who had been separated, opened all firepower to the big mouth.

The evolved energy-focusing laser device has become a table-size magnetic levitation type external turret. The brushes quickly focused on the front of the spacecraft, and a huge energy beam of 50 meters in diameter suddenly hit the planet Igo.

Li Mo shook his head. Although McQueen was powerful, it was useless to deal with such a large planet without activating the star annihilation weapon.

The reason he got McQueen out was just to delay time.

Closing his eyes, Li Mo immediately activated the ability of two gems at the same time, and at the same time began to sense the vampire tentacle parasitic in the original dark universe.

I have to mention here a theory that the high dimension hits the low dimension.

We in low-dimensional can enter high-dimensional space, but what we think and see cannot be understood at all.

Demon gods in a high dimension want to enter our dimension, and they must perform dimensionality reduction. This is an irreversible process. No one will do this stupidly, so they usually project or descend.

You can hit the low dimension from the high dimension, but it must be the three-dimensional space that they are attached to, and it can only be partially destroyed, just like you can never tear a sheet of paper that extends infinitely up, down, left, and right.

The extra dimension and the three-dimensional space of the main universe are only cross-mixed, so although the demon of the extra dimension can observe, it cannot directly attack the main universe.

Although the tentacle that Li Mo parasitized in the original dark universe at high latitudes absorbed some rules, it did not become a higher-dimensional substance.

As an improper example, this tentacle is equivalent to a line on a paper, standing upright.

But don't underestimate this step, the summoned tentacles have shown various weird visions.

The first is volume. Although there is only one, it is hundreds of kilometers long, and the ghost image generated after waving also has the ability to attack.

The second is the auxiliary ability. The original dark universe is the remnant of the cosmic explosion. It is full of the power of decay and chaos. The place where the planet Igo was touched by the vampire began to produce radioactive materials. After a violent explosion, it turned black. Almost a piece.

That is real chaos. There is no time and space, and presence and absence are just illusions.

When Li Mo himself was a little scared, the chaotic spaces that he had created disappeared, as if there had never been such a thing, but the surface of the planet Igo has appeared in countless thousands of miles, huge potholes, and this process It continues.

Eight minutes passed quickly, and Igo's planet had been shrunk by more than half. Like an apple mischievously bitten by a naughty child, it could not be seen that this was once a planet.

Li Mo gasped and recovered the energy of the real and power gems, and all the visions disappeared instantly.

He felt that his upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and even a little effort to move his fingers, letting McQueen pull himself into the cabin.

And Igo's planet gradually disappeared and became silent.

Li Mo's first time in the cockpit since McQueen's evolution, the environment here has become unreadable.

On the spacious silver-white ground stood an extremely comfortable and large captain's seat, and there was nothing around. The ceiling and the surroundings could directly observe the scene outside the spacecraft, as if sitting in the cosmic starry sky.

Li Mo wanted to sigh, but the exhaustion from the spirit made him want to say nothing, although after taking a strong pill, it was relieved, but the faintness from the soul still existed.

"Fk ..." Li Mo muttered. It seems that this trick can only be used as a killer. The period of loss of the ability to fight back after use is too dangerous.

McQueen was connected to his mind, and soon comforted: "Captain, take a rest, I will complete the follow-up."

"Don't ... I want to look at ..." Li Mo said and started to snore.

As he fell asleep, McQueen was slowly driving through the broken crust, and UU read the book www.uukanshu. Com quickly reached the center of the planet.

Several lasers accurately cut the iron ball, revealing Igo's body.

The brain was still beating like a heart, but it became very slow. The demon eye that took away Igo's soul floated quietly beside the brain, and a glass bubble-like energy shield floated in the air.

Under the action of the traction beam, this energy hood slowly flew into the McQueen, with its brain and demonic eyes inside.

Without the last connection of Igo's body, the broken planet began to collapse in a large area.

McQueen activated the laser array, and the huge rocks flying in were crushed, flashing Guanghua quickly rushed out of the outer space of the planet, and a transition disappeared in this star field.

Just over ten minutes later, Igo's planet completely collapsed and became the most common meteorite belt in the universe.

No one can imagine that there was once a **** in this desolate place ...

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